COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
On the last few pages @Outspacer pointed out the delta variant makes it difficult to achieve herd immunity despite the vaccines being distributed. So what’s actually expected in that regard following your own explanation of how herd immunity works?

... and that's why having more people vaccinated is better - it may be less effective, but it's still more effective at reducing infection and negative outcomes than not being vaccinated at all, reducing the effects of the more transmissible mutated variants and reducing the chances of further mutations by denying the virus a significant population in which to reproduce and mutate.
Back in November 2020, this was said about the Pfizer vaccine when it seemed to show very good results against infection in preliminary trial results:
Although the vaccine might not turn out to be quite so effective once the trial is complete and all the data have been analysed, its effectiveness is likely to stay well above 50%, says Eric Topol, a cardiologist and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California. This is the threshold that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says is required for a coronavirus vaccine to be approved for emergency use. “I think this is an extraordinary achievement, even without many details, because there was no assurance of vaccine efficacy before we got the first read-out from a trial,” Topol says.
And now we're sad at what appears to be 75% efficacy against infection? We're spoilt, I tell you. Spoilt.
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You'd might be surprised by that. You know how much a normal fake ID is with similar consequence?
A normal fake ID is one that a person couldn't presumably get legitimately for free by protecting themselves during a pandemic.
So is there a legal proof of vaccination card available to those of us living in backwater podunk states where it's "illegal" thanks to our idiot governors?
Those shots ain't free. ;)
This is a strawman. It's an informal logical fallacy because the logic therein is sound (there is an actual monetary cost incurred in the mass vaccination effort even if individuals receiving vaccination aren't paying out of pocket on the spot) but it hasn't been applied logically in discussion (the user indicated that the physical vaccination record comes with vaccination). You reframed one's arguments because doing so makes them easier to argue against--this is deceitful.
We're out of ICU beds for children.
There were 75 staffed intensive-care beds for adults Thursday in the 19-county region, according to the Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council. Twenty-three were in Dallas County, 21 in Tarrant County and 16 in Collin County.

There are 343 COVID-19 patients on ventilators, the council said, and the majority of patients have not been vaccinated.

The hospital council also said there were no ICU beds for children. A record-high number of pediatric COVID-19 patients — 73 — and an unusually large number of respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, patients has resulted in the overall occupancy of children’s beds reaching about 95%.
Good thing there's nothing other than COVID-19 for which ICU beds might be needed, right?


Covid test that gives results in 15 seconds. I think this could be a game changer.
Would be great if they can produce a commercial version suitable for use in schools etc. Dunno how they could solve contamination issues for a portable reusable device though.

The other hope is fast result disposable saliva tests, e.g. this.
Just get this lady to test the kids.

The guy at our job doesn't even do that. He's literally paid to sit there and he just waves everyone through.
Must be nice to sit around all day, do nothing and get paid for it...

As @TexRex said, it's free to the person who wants to obtain the vaccination card - which is what's on point. Beyond that, it actually saves money to the public. So it's free where it's offered, and it's a net gain to the public.
I can't with y'all...
What are people whose doctors tell them they can't get the shot supposed to do?
Become a hermit?
I honestly hate people and going anywhere so no skin off my nose if they implement a vaccine passport.
Oh wait I live in the sticks. No one(business) cares. Still groceries delivery has spoiled me. :D
I can't with y'all...
What are people whose doctors tell them they can't get the shot supposed to do?
Become a hermit?
Of course anyone pushing for others to get vaccinated knows there are exceptions that are completely valid.

If one is that concerned for those outliers though, why would you not then support mass vaccination as it benefits them?
Of course anyone pushing for others to get vaccinated knows there are exceptions that are completely valid.

If one is that concerned for those outliers though, why would you not then support mass vaccination as it benefits them?
Why act surprised the black market jumped on fake vaccine cards? It's the ****ing black market. I wouldn't be surprised if someone is selling self vaccine kits laced with fentanyl.
People are THAT dumb...

I already know y'all think the same of me but y'all have what seems like zero street sence.
Why act surprised the black market jumped on fake vaccine cards? It's the ****ing black market. I wouldn't be surprised if someone is selling self vaccine kits laced with fentanyl.
People are THAT dumb...

I already know y'all think the same of me but y'all have what seems like zero street sence.
I find it stupid to pay money for something that can literally, carry a potential felony charge when the original product is free. I'm more than happy having zero street sense if that's considered a big brain idea....

BTW, why did you go from asking about people who can't get vaccinated for legitimate reasons back to fake vaccine cards? The folks who can't get the vaccine for legitimate reasons have ways of being in places that will normally require vaccine proof.
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Anything like "is it worthwhile for younger people to get the vaccine?", as I've stated more than once in different ways.
When one of your main arguments against the pressure etc is that you consider the answer to be no (or effectively no, given scepticism you call justified), and we disagree, we can't sensibly discuss pressures / mandates.
I have no idea what else there needs to be said about these things. We’ve already discussed it and there’s no reason to keep doing it.

This is what you said:

And here's the article you later linked to support that: Moderna may be superior to Pfizer against Delta; breakthrough odds rise with time.

There's no reason to take from it that "countries aren't satisfyingly protected", which is what you claimed. You exaggerated the point made in the article well beyond any reasonable take, which would be that it merely isn't as ideal as we would like.

As I already pointed out, health authorities in my country have publicly said these particular findings necessitate investigation whether injecting a third dose is relevant. So let me rephrase, the vaccine isn’t as effective as authorities had hoped. It doesn’t change my point that the findings aren’t reassuring.

Safety? A billion Pfizer doses so far, mainly in countries with excellent safety monitoring systems.
Efficacy? Still better at reducing serious illness than was hoped for when under development.

By any qualitative measure, mRNA are still excellent vaccines.

Fair enough if relying on that makes you feel better.
Well I haven't yet had any real response from you whether my assessment of the immediate personal health standpoint is correct or not.

I don’t know whether it’s correct.

I do consider longer-term aspects, but there's no point discussing them if the basics aren't agreed.

There’s nothing to discuss really. The long-term effectiveness is an unknown factor.

I've said we can look at the effect of adding hypotheticals in the calculation - which means anticpating some future news of reduced efficacy or whatever - but honestly it would take some [/SIZE]very bad news to change the balance of risks, something which has an extremely low probability given our ever-growing knowledge.

It’s not like there’s an abundance of good news as it is.
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I have no idea what else there needs to be said about these things. We’ve already discussed it and there’s no reason to keep doing it.

As I already pointed out, health authorities in my country have publicly said these particular findings necessitate investigation whether injecting a third dose is relevant. So let me rephrase, the vaccine isn’t as effective as authorities had hoped.

Fair enough if relying on that makes you feel better.

I don’t know whether it’s correct.

There’s nothing to discuss really. The long-term effectiveness is an unknown factor.
You're right, we don't need to discuss it. My main point was simply to show a way to judge the risks. If you want to ignore that and go with your fearful feelings instead, then good luck. I'll leave you alone...

It doesn’t change my point that the findings aren’t reassuring.

It’s not like there’s an abundance of good news as it is.
... unless you make claims like these which are objectively false. I can't let them stand unchallenged.

Reassurance? Good news? There's an absolute ****-ton of it. In lives saved and hospitalisations avoided already, thanks to people of all ages who got in line when it was their turn. Even in reduced transmission, given that with 75% of adults fully vaxxed and very few restrictions the UK isn't seeing a surge of cases - instead of the 200k per day that was forecast by some, we've got what could be a flat ~30k, well down from the Delta peak. All with a notable lack of serious side-effects from the vaccine (except for the AstraZeneca clots, which were identified very quickly, months ago).

Damnit, that makes me sound just like Boris. But what politician wouldn't want to make the most of good news?! Those are all facts you don't deny, right?

As far as I can tell, the reasons you give for 'justified caution' can basically be summed up as saying that things might not go as well as we'd hoped; that we may not win the war with the first salvo of the first battle. Pfft. This not so new finding that Delta infection isn't prevented as much as Alpha just means you might actually have to make a decision soon, simply because you can no longer hope to rely on others to blanket you with herd immunity.
BTW, why did you go from asking about people who can't get vaccinated for legitimate reasons back to fake vaccine cards?
Couple reasons that I can see.

1. It wasn't a legitimate concern. See, he's really ****ing selfish (hence the victimhood--just look at how he was crying about the guy at work who gets paid to sit around doing nothing) and it was nothing more than disingenuous appeal to emotion.

2. You answered rationally and accurately and he couldn't argue against what you said without resorting to super obvious deceitful tactics.

COVID is still just an attack on his bronzer daddy by "leftists," but it's also China's fault. It's weird, but then cognitive dissonance among the Trumpers likely isn't uncommon.

I would just prefer they stopped using children as political pawns, risking their lives and futures in the process. Let's get everyone vaccinated who can be, likely including them, so that they can go to school maskless and without risking transmission.
I would just prefer they stopped using children as political pawns, risking their lives and futures in the process. Let's get everyone vaccinated who can be, likely including them, so that they can go to school maskless and without risking transmission.
Morbid as this sounds, it's going to be really telling and a massive test for this country when kids start getting sick and/or dying (primarily in Florida & Texas, but elsewhere too) as the school year progresses, and how politicians respond. A couple Florida counties have already told De Santis to shove it, which gives me some hope.
Morbid as this sounds, it's going to be really telling and a massive test for this country when kids start getting sick and/or dying (primarily in Florida & Texas, but elsewhere too) as the school year progresses, and how politicians respond. A couple Florida counties have already told De Santis to shove it, which gives me some hope.
It makes me sick that it's come to this, that this needs to happen, and that it likely won't change anything at all. I hate what these mother****ers have done to my country.
You're right, we don't need to discuss it. My main point was simply to show a way to judge the risks. If you want to ignore that and go with your fearful feelings instead, then good luck. I'll leave you alone...

I haven’t ignored it… You covered the risk assessment with or without the vaccine. Noted. I’ve repeatedly stressed how the risks for young people and young adults aren’t alarming either way, although the vaccine purely from a corona perspective obviously is better than none regardless of effectiveness. I maintain that the lack of long-term data on the vaccines is discomforting in conjunction with the way in which mass vaccinations have facilitated the emergence of extremely intrusive vaccine passport policies.

On those fronts it seems we’re at a stalemate where it’s time to accept disagreement. However, I don’t deny that herd immunity, or lack thereof, is an important factor in combatting critical mutations, but on that point you’ve already stated yourself how the delta variant is making this difficult to achieve even with the vaccines in play.

... unless you make claims like these which are objectively false. I can't let them stand unchallenged.

Reassurance? Good news? There's an absolute ****-ton of it. In lives saved and hospitalisations avoided already, thanks to people of all ages who got in line when it was their turn. Even in reduced transmission, given that with 75% of adults fully vaxxed and very few restrictions the UK isn't seeing a surge of cases - instead of the 200k per day that was forecast by some, we've got what could be a flat ~30k, well down from the Delta peak. All with a notable lack of serious side-effects from the vaccine (except for the AstraZeneca clots, which were identified very quickly, months ago).

Good news? I wasn’t denying there is, but it’s naive to assume we are anywhere close to being done with the bad news.

As far as I can tell, the reasons you give for 'justified caution' can basically be summed up as saying that things might not go as well as we'd hoped; that we may not win the war with the first salvo of the first battle. Pfft. This not so new finding that Delta infection isn't prevented as much as Alpha just means you might actually have to make a decision soon, simply because you can no longer hope to rely on others to blanket you with herd immunity.

Blanket me with herd immunity? Not really something I would count on. Especially not when the disease is still circulating among vaccinated people. I’d simply appreciate if people hold onto good habits like being attentive to hand hygiene. Too many people touch their own face at random without realizing they just grabbed a door handle thousands of other people also did that day.
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What are people whose doctors tell them they can't get the shot supposed to do?
Become a hermit?
Buy a fake vaccination card so that they can go to a crowded concert? No. Think one step further through your own argument... lift a finger.
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I find it stupid to pay money for something that can literally, carry a potential felony charge when the original product is free. I'm more than happy having zero street sense if that's considered a big brain idea....

BTW, why did you go from asking about people who can't get vaccinated for legitimate reasons back to fake vaccine cards? The folks who can't get the vaccine for legitimate reasons have ways of being in places that will normally require vaccine proof.
I was talking along the lines of someone selling something illegal and someone buying something illegal.
Stop twisting things.
Weed comes to mind and I'd bet a trillion someone besides me on this site smoke in a state where it's still illegal. We do have a weed thread....
People are gonna do what they need/want to do.

Street sence man. Make a dollar wherever you can. ;) Somebody somewhere is willing to sell something to someone regardless of the consequences. :)

Prostitution. :P ;)
Assassins. 🧐
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I was talking along the lines of someone selling something illegal and someone buying something illegal.
Stop twisting things.
Weed comes to mind and I'd bet a trillion someone besides me on this site smoke in a state where it's still illegal. We do have a weed thread....
People are gonna do what they need/want to do.

Street sence man. Make a dollar wherever you can. ;) Somebody somewhere is willing to sell something to someone regardless of the consequences. :)

Prostitution. :P ;)
Assassins. 🧐
You said, "What are people whose doctors tell them they can't get the shot supposed to do?". I answered it and then proposed my own question.

You went back to fake vaccine cards instead. Weed & hookers isn't exactly a viable comparison b/c there's not really a free, legal alternative to them. If you want a vaccine card, get a vaccine that's free. Paying $100-200 for a fake one with the risk of jail time instead is absolutely silly.
I haven’t ignored it… You covered the risk assessment with or without the vaccine. Noted. I’ve repeatedly stressed how the risks for young people and young adults aren’t alarming either way, although the vaccine purely from a corona perspective obviously is better than none regardless of effectiveness. I maintain that the lack of long-term data on the vaccines is discomforting in conjunction with the way in which mass vaccinations have facilitated the emergence of extremely intrusive vaccine passport policies.

On those fronts it seems we’re at a stalemate where it’s time to accept disagreement. However, I don’t deny that herd immunity, or lack thereof, is an important factor in combatting critical mutations, but on that point you’ve already stated yourself how the delta variant is making this difficult to achieve even with the vaccines in play.
OK. You're welcome to have your opinion, however wrong most of us think it is, but any support of that opinion has to be factually correct.

Stating "the risks for young people and young adults aren’t alarming either way" as a fact supporting your position isn't valid, it's at best a circular argument. You might not find them alarming. That's subjective, not objective. I'd say a wide number of people are objectively very concerned about the effect COVID has on young adults (and teenagers) - from death (low risk), from hospitalisation (low to medium risk), from illness bad enough to take a long time to recover from (medium risk), from long COVID even after what may have been a mild illness (medium to high risk). None of those are to be taken lightly and dismissed easily; none can be called 'low severity'.
Good news? I wasn’t denying there is, but it’s naive to assume we are anywhere close to being done with the bad news.
Almost all of the 'bad news' articles recently are documenting more and more long-term side effects from COVID. Diabetes is one of the latest to add to the huge list. These greatly outweigh the admittedly not good news that herd immunity may not be possible with this round of vaccination (it is still an exaggeration to call that news 'bad', as it was expected that variants would have an even worse effect on efficacy, still is). But frankly the blame for that lies with COVID; the vaccine is still very safe and effective. In summary, the bulk of bad news is on the COVID risks side of the equation, it is incorrect to represent it otherwise, and wholly unsubstantiated to expect that pattern to change.
Blanket me with herd immunity? Not really something I would count on. Especially not when the disease is still circulating among vaccinated people. I’d be most grateful if people hold onto good habits like being attentive to hand hygiene. Too many people touch their own face at random without realizing they just grabbed a door handle thousands of other people also did that day.
When it looked feasible that we might reach herd immunity with less than full vaccination of adults, obviously there was an option to just hunker down for a while longer and wait for it to go away. But our scientists' outlook, by February if not before, was firmly settled that herd immunity would not eliminate COVID, and vaccines would only be our route from pandemic to endemic seasonal illness (like Flu). Anyone talking about a hope for actual herd immunity since then, including me, has been more optimist than realist. Still, the more immunity the better, in any circumstance - either by greater efficacy of vaccines, or by greater numbers vaccinated (or even by previous infection, although not as effective as vaccine and having to face whatever consequences the dice rolls).

HM Gov Report Feb 2021:
Transition from pandemic to endemic

194. Over time, scientists expect COVID-19 to become endemic, meaning the virus will reach a stable, and hopefully manageable level. It may have seasonal surges. Scientists do not yet know how or when that transition will occur.

195. Vaccines will be key to managing the transition from pandemic to endemic state. Therapeutics and antivirals will also be increasingly important and replace most non-pharmaceutical interventions over the long term.
As an airborne diease, hand and surface hygiene is far less important than was first thought. Masks, much more (it's quite shocking to look back and see how long it took for them to be recommended, let alone compulsory). I certainly can't see most vaccinated people thinking it worthwhile to be as conscientious as they have been (in either respect). Anecdotally, in the supermarkets I go to, these days it's the youngest (adults) that aren't wearing masks, young enough that they may well not have had their second dose yet. Overall far fewer people are bothering to wipe down their basket/trolley handle before shopping. And if there's a lull in cases, that will only make hygiene/masking even less common, and who knows if it would pick back up if case numbers increased again - I'd say not quickly enough.
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You said, "What are people whose doctors tell them they can't get the shot supposed to do?". I answered it and then proposed my own question.

You went back to fake vaccine cards instead. Weed & hookers isn't exactly a viable comparison b/c there's not really a free, legal alternative to them. If you want a vaccine card, get a vaccine that's free. Paying $100-200 for a fake one with the risk of jail time instead is absolutely silly.
Paying the rediculous doctor bill is too.
Think outside the box a little bit man, not everyone cares.
I did go back to it cause it was my original point man.
People will do what they have to do to get by in life, be it selling drugs or a fake Rona card to people who can't/won't get it.
Paying the rediculous doctor bill is too.
Think outside the box a little bit man, not everyone cares.
I did go back to it cause it was my original point man.
People will do what they have to do to get by in life, be it selling drugs or a fake Rona card to people who can't/won't get it.
I never made that argument about doctor bills. I think doctor bills are ridiculously over-bearing, but that's completely irrelevant and makes no sense because vaccine shots are free. It has even been used as an argument by others that free Covid vaccine shots are evidence the US could move to much more affordable health care if it wanted to.

And this outside-the-box view holds no water and is beyond silly a comparison to other things people do to get by. The vaccine card is free & not having a vaccine card is not keeping anyone from actually "getting by".