COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Comparing our loss of freedoms to the freedom fought for in WW2? Not much of a historian, considering the lockdowns and many other restrictions in place during - and after - the war. He'd be the one refusing to blackout his home: 'For the sake of freedom - yours and mine - I will cheerfully risk you getting bombed.' After all, only about 70,000 civilians were killed in Britain by bombs and so on, so it's 'low risk', right?

This hits the nail on the head. The Black Out, rationing, evacuating kids, requisitioned materials - I can only imagine how people like Neil Oliver (and at least a couple of GTP users) would have spun those things in order to undermine them.
Believe it or not, wifey got the first shot, never told me, explains why we both felt sick for the last 3 days...
Believe it or not, wifey got the first shot, never told me, explains why we both felt sick for the last 3 days...
Um... no...

COVID-19 vaccine side effects can feel like mild symptoms of an illness, but they do not mean that you are sick. The signs and symptoms that you might experience—like a fever and body aches—are not contagious.
Edit: And good for her. :cheers:
Neil Oliver is a 'celebrity historian' who endeared himself to the nation by presenting the popular BBC TV series, Coast, and then specialised in the popularisation of history with docu-series on the History of Scotland and Vikings, amongst others.

Since then, his career has taken a slight downturn - akin to a Boeing 747 suddenly losing power at 38,000 ft - culminating in the calamitous career move that is becoming a presenter on the newly minted 'news' channel, GB News.

GB News started off badly and it has been all downhill since. Founder Andrew Neil realised that the UK didn't have (but apparently really needed) a dedicated channel for UK nationalists, Brexiteers/EU-haters, right-wingers, neo-fascists, flag-shaggers, Karens, bigots, anti-immigrant arseholes, the hard-of-thinking, lockdown skeptics, anti-vaxxers and other Covidiots, and so GB News was born.

Given the enormous potential audience, initial viewing figures were disappointing, and then they dropped even further when it became apparent that GB News wasn't being right-wing enough and so a boycott was arranged in protest which resulted in the channel hitting zero viewers at one point, possibly for the first time in UK television history since Keith Chegwin got his cock and balls out on Naked Jungle in 2000 - even that had more gravitas than GB News, and it's debatable which had the most sorry-looking dicks, fannies and arseholes on display at any particular moment.
Thank you for your explanation. However, it's still leaving me in a bit of dark as I still don't know who Andrew Neil is or this Keith Chegwin could even be... 😅

As for GB news, that sure sounds like a swell place to be.
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In what conceivable way does your wife getting any kind of vaccination explain how you are unwell?
Considering she didn't tell me and god knows what she could've picked up at the hospital, I find it interesting.
That said I will begrudgingly get the shot soon.
She can't go see her mom until we're fully vaccinated, something else I didn't know. Gotta love women...
I still don't know who Andrew Neil is or this Keith Chegwin could even be... 😅
Trust me, it is better this way.

On a more serious note, GB News is exactly the kind of platform that people like Neil Oliver (and Nigel Farage) are exploiting to push their brand of "freedom" on the rest of us, and frankly it stinks.

I stopped short of deleting it from my Freeview box if only for the sheer comedy value of it, but even that is doing them a favour they don't deserve. Some key advertisers have already pulled out from the channel because it is that bad.
Considering she didn't tell me and god knows what she could've picked up at the hospital, I find it interesting.
Considering my wife works at a hospital every day and doesn't bring anything home, I don't.

You're more likely to get something from Walmart.
Apparently soon there will be a push for a booster 3rd shot requirement for all those who got the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) to occur 8 months after 2nd inoculation. For myself, that would mean I would get the 3rd shot in mid-October. I do know that Israel has been inoculating many with a 3rd shot, but aside from there I haven't heard anything about the AZ recipients (or J&J) requiring a 3rd dose. Has the UK come forward with anything yet?
In Australia most of our vulnerable population has had AZ (including me) and because of it's low efficacy with the Beta variant our government has been looking at Moderna for a 3rd shot booster against variants. We've ordered 15 million doses and the program could possibly start in early 2022. My cousin, who is a doctor that works closely with vaccination here, told me about this a couple of weeks ago, and with a tiny bit of research it all seems about right... not that I didn't believe him, I just like to check for myself.

''The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is the second mRNA vaccine that the Australian Government has committed to through an advance purchase agreement. This agreement will provide access to the current Moderna vaccine (available in the second half of 2021) and variant-specific versions of the vaccine to address longer term immunity and emerging viral variants. Supply of the variant-specific form of Moderna vaccine is expected in the first half of 2022.''

''Moderna will supply 25 million doses from late 2021. The agreement is for 10 million doses of their current vaccine, and 15 million doses of booster or variant-specific versions of the vaccine.''

From the Moderna section found here:

Considering my wife works at a hospital every day and doesn't bring anything home, I don't.

You're more likely to get something from Walmart.
I thought about that too. I also didn't take care of myself last week, been clearing some land on our property. Also I partied hard on my birthday last week. Who knows.
That said her(your wife) and your body is probably use to being exposed to things I hope I'll never experience.

Besides work and the local gas station and Walmart(only store up here ironically enough) I don't go out. I was doing this well before Rona.
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That didn't take long. :guilty:
And yet your initial thought is to blame someone else getting a vaccine. :odd:
I wasn't blaming her. I said it was interesting how things panned out. I find it very coincidental.

Y'all just love trying to make me feel stupid. I was hoping more for a "congrats on finally coming around and planning on getting the shot mate!" but here we are...
Y'all have fun...
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I wasn't blaming her. I said it was interesting how things panned out. I find it very coincidental.

Y'all just love trying to make me feel stupid. I was hoping more for a "congrats on finally coming around and planning on getting the shot mate!" but here we are...
Y'all have fun...
If only you had said she got the shot and then didn't blame the shot for getting you sick while also admitting you were less than careful yourself...
If only you had said she got the shot and then didn't blame the shot for getting you sick while also admitting you were less than careful yourself...
What the ****. I try to tell y'all something and it always has to turn into this ********.
What the . I try to tell y'all something and it always has to turn into this ****.
Gosh, why can't people just congratulate you for abandoning your principles and succumbing to the threat of having privileges revoked? Rude!

Edit: Some funky formatting going on in that quote. I try manually copying and pasting posted text into the box and it still shows up different.
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My school teacher friend in Texas gave me an update after 3 days of classes - keep in mind this is a fairly small district in a city with a total population of around 120k.

Students isolated in quarantine: 521
Employees isolated in quarantine: 93
Total active cases: 452
Student Active cases: 365
Employee Active cases: 87

3 days.

Some cautiously optimistic news for California and particularly the San Francisco region:

California seeing signs delta-fueled COVID surge is slowing

The high vaccination rate here in the Bay Area probably prevented the worst outcome, but the surge was hard to ignore nonetheless.
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Sorry for the negativity @ryzno, and it is a good thing that you and your wife are getting vaccinated, so good on you both for that.

Though, like others, I don't quite get why you broke that news like this...
Believe it or not, wifey got the first shot, never told me, explains why we both felt sick for the last 3 days...
... which practically invited the negative comments, but anyway...

Let's just say, however, that it is great to hear that you and your family have decided to get vaccinated (no matter how you decide to tell us about it... :P) and I hope that neither you or your wife have any serious side-effects.

For the record, my sister also felt pretty sick for several days (after her 2nd shot) but she is now feeling fine and no-one I know has had any lasting ill-effects from the vaccine.

I also know a few people who have had Covid and they are also fine, but then again I also know someone who knows many more people than I do who have had Covid, including several people who have lost family members to Covid (before vaccines were available to them, I might add).
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Holy disingenuous victimhood, Batgirl.
Say what you want, I'm still sceptical about it and having 2nd, 3rd 4th...5000th ADHD thoughts about backing out. This isn't helping. I really don't want it but I don't want to keep her from seeing her mom.
If you recall her mom started having heart issues after the shot. I'd be an ass not to make sure she can see her.
Say what you want, I'm still sceptical about it and having 2nd, 3rd 4th...5000th ADHD thoughts about backing out. This isn't helping. I really don't want it but I don't want to keep her from seeing her mom.
If you recall her mom started having heart issues after the shot. I'd be an ass not to make sure she can see her.
You'll be fine mate, I'm glad you changed your mind. Congrats to you and your wife! 🤗
Say what you want, I'm still sceptical about it and having 2nd, 3rd 4th...5000th ADHD thoughts about backing out. This isn't helping. I really don't want it but I don't want to keep her from seeing her mom.
If you recall her mom started having heart issues after the shot. I'd be an ass not to make sure she can see her.
This isn't entirely unreasonable but it does the credibility of your decision making no good when you admit to a less than perfect lifestyle but question this one, very specific, thing. Perhaps it is ADHD related, I don't know, but why have so many thoughts about this one injection, when you voluntarily fill yourself with other stuff - that I doubt you've personally verified - multiple times a day. To me - and I could be wrong - the only reason that makes sense is nothing to do with the virus, the vaccine, the chemistry or the biology, it's the perceived element of authority commanding what you do that triggers your resistance on this point - and you appear to be clutching at any straw you can to support your defiance (i.e. wifey had it and now I'm sick).

I live with a life-long ****ing vegan, I know what it's like to see someone who genuinely questions everything that goes into what they eat, wear, use or buy - I'm sure it's the same for anyone that has a severe allergy problem within their family - people who are skeptical of the Covid vaccine are not skeptical because of legitimate reasons, they're skeptical because it offends their political positioning or social ideals... if you're not googling the effects of a Whiskey diet as often as you are Covid/health topics, then it's not Covid or the vaccine you're worried about - it's following orders.