COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
That's... how you achieve herd immunity and protect the entire population.
To preempt the response, that's better phrased as "how you achieve as much herd immunity as possible and protect the entire population".

My thought on that is that some (scientists/media) are being perhaps too pessimistic. We may well get many vaccinated people being infected, and a small proportion of those facing a bad outcome, but overall it will add to the immunity level in the end. Mainly the variant wildcard to worry about.
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Effective at midnight, Dallas will re-implement a mask mandate. Low-key, I'm annoyed because I have gotten reused to not wearing one (unless the business asks) & now the same people who have basically been pro-Covid, have put us back into this mandate b/c they have single handily caused another bed shortage in the county. I believe it's reported as of 28 open ICU beds this afternoon.

But, I will do it with the optimism of purchasing a new mask I had held off of previously (when we were pretty much "out of the woods" then).
The problem here is everyone has rights. I also have the right to not be infected by a Covid denier who won't wear a mask (not saying you're one here).
That is only your right if some idiot doesn’t wear his/her face mask in a place where it is required by law. It’s also only your right if you encounter a non-vaccinated person in a place where vaccine passports are required by law.
Australia may have to introduce vaccine passports just to travel from state to state just because a small portion of people won't do the right thing.
Should it come to that, then it would be because the local authorities didn’t stand behind the choice they gave people in the first place.
People don't have the right to knowingly spread Covid to other people and yet they do. This causes many millions of people to be locked down here and also eventually spreads to those who are vulnerable. Hence the need for proof that we've taken every reasonable effort to not spread Covid around.
Though, taking the vaccine only proves that your breath and its droplets are less likely to be contagious. Poor hand hygiene makes no distinction between vaccinated or non-vaccinated, and that’s something an awful lot of people out there fail to comprehend.
Yes, and it was 4,315,463 dead people. A hardly insignificant number (it's also risen by nearly 20k people since that post).

Ok, but the number says as much as percentages do.
I know you think that, which is precisely why all of that last stuff was an aside.

This is the key question: "is there any point?" (in relation to younger people, but mainly young adults).

Not vaccine passports, not children for whom vaccination isn't approved, not whether or not a booster dose is needed, not vague unfounded concerns that the vaccine may be unsafe, not particularly whether herd immunity can be achieved, and certainly not the irrelevant huge exaggeration of a "return to the drawing board".

All of that hinges on (or is irrelevant to) the answer to "is there any point?", which is what I've tried to focus on.

All the data indicates the answer is firmly "yes". 25x reduction in death risk. 10x or better reduction in hospitalisation risk. Reduced risk of long covid. And, even if the reduction isn't as good as we would like, 2x to 4x reduction in infection (with a larger reduction than that in transmission due to shorter illness). Indications are that those stats apply across adults of all ages. All with extremely low risk from the vaccination, as shown by eight months of data from a billion doses (Pfizer).
We’ve been here before.
I gave you civil responses, barring some misunderstandings, up until you tried a 'gotcha'.
I was not trying anything. I presented a documented counterargument to you saying my argumentation was “weak” and unrelated to a vaccine like Pfizer. It’s pretty odd you don’t acknowledge this.
But I'll admit the lack of any attempt to engage with the facts as we know them to answer that key question - even to disagree with any of my interpretations of data would be progress - was starting to grind.
I don’t know what there was to be said. You find the facts worrisome, while I find some of the initiatives to combat those facts more worrisome than the facts alone.
There is a logical mathematical answer to the question. We could even rework it with a hypothetical 10x greater risk from the vaccine and the answer "yes, the benefits greatly outweigh the risks" would still be the same. I'm willing to recalc it for any reasonable hypothetical (even though it's rather pointless, since, as we saw with AstraZeneca, the various authorities are doing a cautious calculation already).

If you feel you're happy with doubling* your overall risk of death while COVID is around, good luck. You'll most likely be fine, I don't deny that (heck, even someone with a 1 in 6 chance of dying will most likely be fine, it's a crap argument).

* same caveats as before, meh, it's close enough.
I don’t feel happy about it. Taking the vaccine would just make me feel unhappier as the authorities keep making new findings. At some point I might have to give in to the pressure though.
That's... how you achieve herd immunity and protect the entire population.
Do we know for sure? Last year there was a Swedish doctor who used the population to demonstrate how herd immunity works and it didn’t work out well.
Aside from the massively increased risk of long-term issues from COVID-19 (because it kills them less often), large, mobile unvaccinated populations are an absolute dream for a virus looking to mutate. When it does so, it renders the existing vaccination less effective and creates a larger unvaccinated population as a result - allowing for more and more rapid mutations, making the vaccine less and less effective, and so on.

A vaccine has to be population-wide in order to achieve a high enough immunity to reduce the virus's reproductive rate to zero or near zero in order for it to be effective in protecting those at highest risk of the disease. Vaccinating only those likeliest to die is, with a virus with an R0 above 5, is almost pointless.
This is perhaps the most thought-provoking take I’ve read so far.
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Do we know for sure?
Yes. That's literally how vaccination programs work.
Last year there was a Swedish doctor who used the population to demonstrate how herd immunity works and it didn’t work out well.
I have no idea what this means.
This is perhaps the most thought-provoking take I’ve read so far.
It's... literally how vaccination programs work.
According to the Mayo Clinic, “there are two paths to herd immunity for COVID-19 — vaccines and infection.” With promising vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca awaiting approval (here), the herd immunity Prager refers to the kind reliant on community infection.

It didn't work out well the infection route, so... we dismiss that it won't work out the vaccine route?

Also PragerU.
tonight GIF
Ignoring the fact that the video came from PraegerU, from the article you linked:
With 257,934 total reported infections, only about 2.5% of Sweden’s 10.2 million residents so far have “officially” had COVID-19
Two and a half percent isn't nearly enough to achieve herd immunity, so the video is wrong. You need to be at a minimum of 70%.

In conjunction, the lack of lockdowns and mask mandates lead to
a death toll far exceeding that of its neighbors. At the time, more than 5,300 Swedes had died compared to around 250 in Norway, 600 in Denmark and 325 in Finland
So please explain how letting this run its course naturally without the vaccine is a good idea.
Yeah, no, this isn't relevant in the slightest.

As I patiently explained just three pages ago, "herd immunity" means "a sufficiently large immunised population which protects a small unimmunised population by preventing the virus from spreading to them, which in turn protects the immunised population from mutated forms of the virus".

Herd immunity comes from both a "natural" route - infected by the virus itself and surviving - and by artificial routes... which means vaccination.

In December 2020, there were no vaccinations, so Sweden's "herd immunity" had nothing to do with vaccination - which makes it weird you'd advance it as a point against vaccinations creating herd immunity. Someone apparently had the idea that enough people in Sweden had been infected to create natural herd immunity - and they were wrong.

Vaccination programs create herd immunity by immunising without infection, and thus without the deaths and severe illnesses of the disease - and in this case, more quickly.

Again, we're talking literal basics of vaccinations here, and vaccination programs across the last century. There's nothing special about COVID-19 vaccinations.
That is only your right if some idiot doesn’t wear his/her face mask in a place where it is required by law. It’s also only your right if you encounter a non-vaccinated person in a place where vaccine passports are required by law.

Should it come to that, then it would be because the local authorities didn’t stand behind the choice they gave people in the first place.

Though, taking the vaccine only proves that your breath and its droplets are less likely to be contagious. Poor hand hygiene makes no distinction between vaccinated or non-vaccinated, and that’s something an awful lot of people out there fail to comprehend.

Ok, but the number says as much as percentages do.
I probably didn't explain everything as clear as I should've but these types of things (travelling from hotspots when prohibited, no mask even though legally required etc.) are happening here all the time. There are legal requirements but people keep breaking them so the more people vaccinated to save themselves and their loved ones from the idiots the better.

Another forty six people have just had to lose their freedom and go into two weeks quarantine because of two of these types of people... and they were Covid-19 positive. You can wash your hands all you want but you just can't stop these types of selfish people! This is partly why we'll end up having vaccination passports, although no doubt they'll forge those anyway.

Edited to add:
Police are considering laying further charges against a Western Sydney woman believed to be the source of a COVID-19 outbreak that has plunged 600,000 people in the NSW Hunter region into lockdown.

And this whole NSW outbreak, which has spread to nearly every state, was said to be started from one maskless unvaccinated limo driver transporting international flight crew. Now they have over 1000 cases this week alone :(
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The situation in Florida (and some other southern states) right now is nothing short of scandalous...

In spite of every adult being offered the vaccine, COVID hospitalisations in Florida are verging on double those of the previous COVID peak, with the overwhelming majority of those needing critical care being unvaccinated. And with schools going back this week, the situation is unlikely to improve soon.

What is truly outrageous, however, is Gov. Ron DeSantis has banned schools from imposing mask mandates, saying that decisions on mask wearing should be left to parents. DeSantis wants to come across to his fanbase as being against government controls, but how is banning schools from making their own decisions not government control?!

It's hard to fathom how people like DeSantis still can't wrap their heads around the fact that mask-wearing is about protecting others and not themselves... how can he not understand that 'leaving it up to the parents' basically puts children's safety at the mercy of every other kid's parents, many of whom are as ignorant as DeSantis?
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It's hard to fathom how people like DeSantis still can't wrap their heads around the fact that mask-wearing is about protecting others and not themselves... how can he not understand that 'leaving it up to the parents' basically puts children's safety at the mercy of every other kid's parents, many of whom are as ignorant as DeSantis?
What's even harder to process is that people actually listen to him. This pandemic has shown that large portions of the population, and it's everywhere, are too stupid to wipe their own asses.

I'll say it again, if you're one of those ignoring the actual facts and science, after 4.5 million deaths and who knows how many permanent sick people, you deserve it to suffer from this disease.
🤔 It's almost as if De Santis is trying to become a household name by 2024.

Anyway, I got my second shot yesterday. About 20 minutes afterwards I started getting a dull ache under my right shoulder blade, and about 3 hours later my arm became sore just like last time. I woke up this morning with a dull headache and a chesty cough, but no fever. Paracetamol only weakened the headache to the point where it's like background noise, but still annoying.
We’ve been here before.
And you keep deflecting from tackling the core question.
I was not trying anything. I presented a documented counterargument to you saying my argumentation was “weak” and unrelated to a vaccine like Pfizer. It’s pretty odd you don’t acknowledge this.
Well, no. You made a claim without explaining or linking to what you were talking about. I assumed the only situation that would logically fit what you said (Sinovac's low efficacy in all aspects) since you said "some countries". Which was wrong of me. Only then did you link to the article, which didn't support calling the vaccines unsatisfactory, and certainly didn't support your conclusion that it meant there's less of a point to using vaccines in younger people. So sure, I'm sorry that I made the wrong assumption, but what it turned out to be was actually an even weaker argument.
I don’t know what there was to be said. You find the facts worrisome, while I find some of the initiatives to combat those facts more worrisome than the facts alone.
Initiatives as in pressure, vaccine passports etc? Per the bit you dismissed with "we've been here before", I'm only trying to address the underlying question of whether vaccination is worthwhile for younger people (young adults). Knowledge is the way to assuage irrational fear. The facts that worry me are low vaccination rates in particular sub-groups, and that is to say I worry about them, not me.
I don’t feel happy about it. Taking the vaccine would just make me feel unhappier as the authorities keep making new findings. At some point I might have to give in to the pressure though.
The not so new finding you brought up doesn't change the basics: excellent protection from serious illness, at a very low risk. That you saw it as a reason to be less happy about taking the vaccine just makes it look like you are trying to find reasons not to, rather than assessing it rationally.

New variants (or already known ones like Delta Plus becoming more prevalent) most likely will come along and change things, whether brewed up in the unvaccinated or indeed in the vaccinated, or imported from elsewhere. Maybe one of them will evade the current vaccines to a degree large enough to need a tweaked vaccine. Even then, that doesn't make the current vaccines pointless, as the broader immunity we'll get from them plus a tweaked one blocks more paths for the virus than either alone. Current vaccines will most likely still be effective at reducing serious illness, maybe just not as effective. As I mentioned before, coronaviruses don't mutate anything like as much as Flu. It's notable that vaccines designed mainly for the wild-type and early European variant (that hit Italy etc) are still as effective as they are; it's a distinct positive.
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Had to come in to work to do some testing and people coughing and sneezing next to me and no ****ing masks. Now they are planning to fully reopen in September and so far masks are only being “considered”. Good luck to us all.
For the first time in ages, I decided to get my breakfast from the work canteen (instead of just a coffee from a local cafe) and the lady behind the counter was coughing and had no mask on. Indeed, no-one working in the canteen was wearing a mask, though masks are compulsory for customers (I know, I don't get it either). Ironically, the canteen is the most enclosed part of this brand new building, while the customer area is a vast, cavernous void with a roof that is approx. three storeys high, so it's about as well ventilated as your average football stadium - except for the bit where the canteen staff work all day. I believe the actual kitchens are well ventilated, but the counter where customers get served doesn't appear to be.

The sad thing is, the canteen staff are mostly older women and they are always so cheerful and friendly, so I don't want to see any of them get sick, but it's quite bizarre that managerial attitudes within the same workplace can be so hugely different. As a research scientist working in the building just over the road, I am not even allowed to arrange in-person group meetings even with masks on and socially distanced (and ignoring the rules and doing it anyway would be a serious disciplinary or even sackable offense), while the folks in the canteen across the road haven't even got masks... it's crazy really.
The situation in Florida (and some other southern states) right now is nothing short of scandalous...

In spite of every adult being offered the vaccine, COVID hospitalisations in Florida are verging on double those of the previous COVID peak, with the overwhelming majority of those needing critical care being unvaccinated. And with schools going back this week, the situation is unlikely to improve soon.

What is truly outrageous, however, is Gov. Ron DeSantis has banned schools from imposing mask mandates, saying that decisions on mask wearing should be left to parents. DeSantis wants to come across to his fanbase as being against government controls, but how is banning schools from making their own decisions not government control?!
It is government control, but since it's controlling people that his voter base don't like and/or don't care about, nobody questions him. It's especially frustrating for me, since my mother (who is fully vaccinated) is a school teacher who goes back into the classrooms this week, and despite being vaccinated and overall a much healthier person than I, is still in the high-risk group for COVID. Considering that her students are still at an age where a good portion of them are likely to be walking germ bags (harsh, I know) and in the public school system, the next 9 months are going to be a very un-fun time.
It's hard to fathom how people like DeSantis still can't wrap their heads around the fact that mask-wearing is about protecting others and not themselves... how can he not understand that 'leaving it up to the parents' basically puts children's safety at the mercy of every other kid's parents, many of whom are as ignorant as DeSantis?
I'm pretty sure he realizes it, partly because his office confirmed he got the J&J vaccine, but he doesn't care. At the moment, it's looking like DeSantis is gunning to be the front-runner for the GOP Presidential nomination, so he's going out of his way to be as Trump-ish as possible to attract the conservative voter base. It goes hand-in-hand with his "anti-riot" law (which I can't believe hasn't found its way into the Supreme Court yet), his threats to reduce the salaries of school board leaders who implement mask mandates, and his threats to remove state funding to any county that, in his view, attempts to defund the police.

At this point he's shown that he's totally ok with gambling with the lives of his fellow Americans, including scores of children, if it means that he can keep his power.
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Well y'all it's mask season in Ohio again, thanks to societal sabotage by myriad undesirables and their cult leaders. But at least the sun is shining I suppose.
The situation in Florida (and some other southern states) right now is nothing short of scandalous...

In spite of every adult being offered the vaccine, COVID hospitalisations in Florida are verging on double those of the previous COVID peak, with the overwhelming majority of those needing critical care being unvaccinated. And with schools going back this week, the situation is unlikely to improve soon.

What is truly outrageous, however, is Gov. Ron DeSantis has banned schools from imposing mask mandates, saying that decisions on mask wearing should be left to parents. DeSantis wants to come across to his fanbase as being against government controls, but how is banning schools from making their own decisions not government control?!

It's hard to fathom how people like DeSantis still can't wrap their heads around the fact that mask-wearing is about protecting others and not themselves... how can he not understand that 'leaving it up to the parents' basically puts children's safety at the mercy of every other kid's parents, many of whom are as ignorant as DeSantis?
Well at least Broward county is willing to take a stand for what's right. By a vote of 8-1 they have reinstituted the mask policy for their schools.
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So I guess people were willing to pay as much as $200 for fake vaccination cards... but now you can get one for $100 if you shop around for a deal.

"Our interpretation is that the lower price is a result of increased competition between vendors," said Ekram Ahmed, a Check Point spokesperson, in an email to The Register.

"We noticed a few vendors drop the price in half, then the entire seller side of the market trended down to meet the price point, likely because they were being outcompeted. Demand is higher compared to where it was in march, so it’s not a complete drop off in price."
Some encouraging (..I think?) news out of Chicago. Out of 385,000 attendees to Lollapalooza, only 200 people got Covid and no hospitalizations. They had pretty tight protocols, but even still, the rate is quite low considering the type of event and the fact that it seemed to be a largely maskless affair. I'm contrasting this in my head to what happened in Provincetown and left wondering what the difference was? Granted, it's been 2 weeks since Lollapalooza so we probably don't know the full picture yet.
So I guess people were willing to pay as much as $200 for fake vaccination cards... but now you can get one for $100 if you shop around for a deal.
The risk people are putting themselves in to avoid a free card for the risk of a felony charge if they're caught creating fake cards blows my mind.
Vaccination record cards are intended to provide recipients of the COVID-19 vaccine with information about the type of vaccine they received, and when they may be able to receive a second dose of the vaccine. If you did not receive the vaccine, do not buy fake vaccine cards, do not make your own vaccine cards, and do not fill-in blank vaccination record cards with false information. By misrepresenting yourself as vaccinated when entering schools, mass transit, workplaces, gyms, or places of worship, you put yourself and others around you at risk of contracting COVID-19. Additionally, the unauthorized use of an official government agency's seal (such as HHS or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)) is a crime, and may be punishable under Title 18 United States Code, Section 1017, and other applicable laws.
Title 18 United States Code, Section 1017,
Whoever fraudulently or wrongfully affixes or impresses the seal of any department or agency of the United States, to or upon any certificate, instrument, commission, document, or paper or with knowledge of its fraudulent character, with wrongful or fraudulent intent, uses, buys, procures, sells, or transfers to another any such certificate, instrument, commission, document, or paper, to which or upon which said seal has been so fraudulently affixed or impressed, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
"It can be a federal crime to possess or use any fake vaccination card that contains a symbol of a United States governmental agency," Pate says. "If somebody makes a card like that and uses one of those symbols - it can be the Department of Health and Human Services, the CDC - if they put those symbols on a card without proper authorization, then they have committed a federal crime and it carries up to five years in prison."

And it can potentially go even deeper than that - under the state law in many states, you can also be tagged with a felony forgery offense. That can include altering a legitimate card to change its dates or indicate you've had a second shot when you've only had one, according to Pate.
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Ignoring the fact that the video came from PraegerU, from the article you linked:

Two and a half percent isn't nearly enough to achieve herd immunity, so the video is wrong. You need to be at a minimum of 70%.

In conjunction, the lack of lockdowns and mask mandates lead to

So please explain how letting this run its course naturally without the vaccine is a good idea.
I didn’t post the article to back up a point. Besides, I’d rather not explain anything in relation to how it works as I’m not a doctor.

In December 2020, there were no vaccinations, so Sweden's "herd immunity" had nothing to do with vaccination - which makes it weird you'd advance it as a point against vaccinations creating herd immunity.

I wasn’t advancing it as a point. I mentioned it as context for my general question whether anyone really knows for sure how herd immunity works.
Someone apparently had the idea that enough people in Sweden had been infected to create natural herd immunity - and they were wrong.
That was my point when I brought it up.

Vaccination programs create herd immunity by immunising without infection, and thus without the deaths and severe illnesses of the disease - and in this case, more quickly.

Again, we're talking literal basics of vaccinations here, and vaccination programs across the last century. There's nothing special about COVID-19 vaccinations.

On the last few pages @Outspacer pointed out the delta variant makes it difficult to achieve herd immunity despite the vaccines being distributed. So what’s actually expected in that regard following your own explanation of how herd immunity works?

And you keep deflecting from tackling the core question.
What’s the core question, if you don’t mind me asking?
Well, no. You made a claim without explaining or linking to what you were talking about. I assumed the only situation that would logically fit what you said (Sinovac's low efficacy in all aspects) since you said "some countries". Which was wrong of me. Only then did you link to the article, which didn't support calling the vaccines unsatisfactory, and certainly didn't support your conclusion that it meant there's less of a point to using vaccines in younger people. So sure, I'm sorry that I made the wrong assumption, but what it turned out to be was actually an even weaker argument.
You came up with your own definition of what “unsatisfactory” would mean - hospitalization and death, which the vaccines to a high degree still help to prevent. Maybe the authorities have a stricter definition like reducing positive cases as much as humanly possible? After all, the long-term complications is something they don’t seem to take lightly. Regardless, unanticipated findings with the vaccines still happen because they are still relatively new, and in my opinion this fact alone justifies scepticism. Even when you take into account the reduced likelihood of serious illness or worse.

Initiatives as in pressure, vaccine passports etc?
Per the bit you dismissed with "we've been here before", I'm only trying to address the underlying question of whether vaccination is worthwhile for younger people (young adults). Knowledge is the way to assuage irrational fear. The facts that worry me are low vaccination rates in particular sub-groups, and that is to say I worry about them, not me.
I get that but you only seem approach the concern purely from an immediate health standpoint. My concerns go beyond that to include limited data on long-term vaccine effectiveness and the increasingly strict vaccine policies inspired by the scope of the vaccine programme.
The not so new finding you brought up doesn't change the basics: excellent protection from serious illness, at a very low risk. That you saw it as a reason to be less happy about taking the vaccine just makes it look like you are trying to find reasons not to, rather than assessing it rationally.
I wouldn’t feel comfortable taking it just yet. Go ahead and say I’m irrational, but I’m more inclined to call it due diligence. I do whatever I can to avoid contagious situations and to not spread the disease myself with proper hand hygiene and distancing. This weekend I was invited to a party with 50 participants or so, but I said no thanks because I find it more or less irresponsible to participate.
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The risk people are putting themselves in to avoid a free card for the risk of a felony charge if they're caught creating fake cards blows my mind.
And legal risks aside, having falsified medical information like that is also just a bad idea for a number of other reasons too.
The risk people are putting themselves in to avoid a free card for the risk of a felony charge if they're caught creating fake cards blows my mind.
You'd might be surprised by that. You know how much a normal fake ID is with similar consequence?
It's late and I'm tired, but I've read this through twice and, apart from an unfortunate misspelling of "vial" in an image credit, it seems a solid, well-reasoned take.
Mind you I'm not thrilled about the prospect of broad, government-mandated immunizations for the general population, though I am fully vaccinated myself and I reserve the right to think those who have wilfully declined specifically COVID-19 vaccination to be worthless sacks of ****, but this is a compelling case for mandate that is at least likely to not be constitutionally objectionable.
What’s the core question, if you don’t mind me asking?
Anything like "is it worthwhile for younger people to get the vaccine?", as I've stated more than once in different ways.

When one of your main arguments against the pressure etc is that you consider the answer to be no (or effectively no, given scepticism you call justified), and we disagree, we can't sensibly discuss pressures / mandates.

You came up with your own definition of what “unsatisfactory” would mean - hospitalization and death, which the vaccines to a high degree still help to prevent. Maybe the authorities have a stricter definition like reducing positive cases as much as humanly possible? After all, the long-term complications is something they don’t seem to take lightly.
This is what you said:
For example, very recently it was announced that some countries aren’t satisfyingly protected against the delta variant because they unknowingly didn’t rely on the most effective vaccine currently on the market. So re-vaccination (third injection) programmes of unknown scope are now being considered. It’s arguably a massive inconvenience at most, but it’s not exactly reassuring.
And here's the article you later linked to support that: Moderna may be superior to Pfizer against Delta; breakthrough odds rise with time.

There's no reason to take from it that "countries aren't satisfyingly protected", which is what you claimed. You exaggerated the point made in the article well beyond any reasonable take, which would be that it merely isn't as ideal as we would like.

Regardless, unanticipated findings with the vaccines still happen because they are still relatively new, and in my opinion this fact alone justifies scepticism. Even when you take into account the reduced likelihood of serious illness or worse.
Safety? A billion Pfizer doses so far, mainly in countries with excellent safety monitoring systems.
Efficacy? Still better at reducing serious illness than was hoped for when under development.

By any qualitative measure, mRNA are still excellent vaccines.

I get that but you only seem approach the concern purely from an immediate health standpoint. My concerns go beyond that to include limited data on long-term vaccine effectiveness and the increasingly strict vaccine policies inspired by the scope of the vaccine programme.
Well I haven't yet had any real response from you whether my assessment of the immediate personal health standpoint is correct or not. I do consider longer-term aspects, but there's no point discussing them if the basics aren't agreed. I've said we can look at the effect of adding hypotheticals in the calculation - which means anticpating some future news of reduced efficacy or whatever - but honestly it would take some very bad news to change the balance of risks, something which has an extremely low probability given our ever-growing knowledge.

I wouldn’t feel comfortable taking it just yet. Go ahead and say I’m irrational, but I’m more inclined to call it due diligence. I do whatever I can to avoid contagious situations and to not spread the disease myself with proper hand hygiene and distancing. This weekend I was invited to a party with 50 participants or so, but I said no thanks because I find it more or less irresponsible to participate.
I get that you behave well, and cautiously. You may for a while be able to reduce your chances of catching it, but that will get harder as more and more people return to living normally. How long does your 'due diligence' last? Wait long enough and you can make exactly the same arguments against taking any tweaked vaccine.

You've focussed in on the not so new finding that vaccines have reduced efficacy against Delta as a reason. Well, not taking the vaccine gives 0% protection against a virus that will still be circulating thanks to that reduced efficacy. So yes, that line of argument is irrational.
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