Plans are in place to use mandates (with medical exemptions) from Feb if required. Right now that's not the case and the Austrian government hasn't even got he legal framework in place for it yet.
"The government said it was preparing the legal groundwork for a general vaccine mandate to come into effect from 1 February, with exemptions for those unable to receive a jab on medical grounds."
Country goes into fourth lockdown amid soaring cases and announces jab mandate from February 2022
"How a broad vaccine mandate could be enforced remains unclear – though non-compliance could mean a fine of as much as £3,000, cabinet minister Karoline Edtstadler has said – and it may be liable to challenge on constitutional grounds either at the domestic or European level."
The rest of Europe will be watching closely as the country gets tough on unvaccinated people, says Vienna-based writer Liam Hoare
Democratic governments in the west haven't resorted to authoritarian measures, that's inaccurate hyperbole, and the mandates they are looking at still fall into the category of Public Health.