We were contacted by Mike Rowe's people at
Returning The Favor a few days before they were to film the segment awarding an utterly awesome bookmobile to
Get Focused. They explained they wanted to deliver the bookmobile fully stocked, and asked us to supply the books. I explained that we had just sent 500 books to GF the week before, so we didn't have many on hand, but we would commit to providing the books, no matter what it took.
We immediately appealed to our family of friends, partners and customers and over the Thanksgiving weekend the books poured in from as far away as Maine. We gathered over 600 books to stock the bookmobile. On Wednesday evening, November 29,
Returning The Favor picked up the books at our Shop in Flemington, NJ. (The picture is of the books about to be loaded into the Show's van. )
I spoke to Mike Rowe at the filming at the Boys & Girls Club in Newark and asked if the books were adequate, or if they needed more. He told me they were fine... and thanks.
He then stepped away, faced the now filming camera ,
and attributed the books to his publisher , Harper Collins.
Recognition has NEVER been a factor for us with this cause. It has ALWAYS been purely a labor of love, so personally, I didn't really care if he wanted to plug his publisher... except ... we had just asked an extraordinary effort of our friends and now they were left wondering what became of their donations.
I contacted , and spoke with the producers at
Returning The Favor , and informed them of the dilemma, and that their dissemination of information that they knew to be untrue would cause genuine harm to our family owned business. We didn't want any acknowledgement, we simply didn't want an intentionally false attribution of our donation to Harper. Every book on that bookmobile that day was supplied through our donations.
They replied that their financial and legal resources could swamp our business , and Mike Rowe felt strongly about promoting his publisher.