@Jawehawk I didn't suggest people should go into quarantine right now. Or that they should stock pile and prepare for the apocalypse. Following the advice of health authorities is pretty much all we can do.
Listen a couple of minutes starting from 30:41.
Very optimist predictions, given what we know atm, point to 60million people infected in the USA and 300.000 dead from this virus. That's considering a low 20% of population get infected and a very optimistic 0.5% death rate.
Numbers could go up to 60% infected and close to 2.000.000 dead with 1% death rate. In the USA alone.
ATM the death rate is between 1 and 2%, so things could be even worse.
I don't get the comparison with car crashes. Next thing we're talking about people who die of hunger and thirst. Seriously? This virus is something on top of all the other causes of death we have already. The chances of dying are higher if you have more things that can kill you. They're not mutually exclusive.
The number of infected people will get higher btw.