COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
An owner of our company had a quick sit down with me yesterday. Asked about my trip, how it was, then how I’d been doing, if I was having any signs and to let him know immediately if I start to feel ill.

Asked about the other girl who just came back. Told me they made a decision to have her stay home for 2 weeks given the unfortunate hot zone she came from.
Not sure why a moderator moved my post... the F1 thread was talking about it... and it’s directly linked with this thread... ?????

I guess a person testing positive for Coronavirus, a team pulling out of a multimillion dollar sporting event due to this person testing positive for Coronavirus, isn’t really related to a thread about Coronavirus.
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Not sure why a moderator moved my post... the F1 thread was talking about it... and it’s directly linked with this thread... ?????

I guess a person testing positive for Coronavirus, a team pulling out of a multimillion dollar sporting event due to this person testing positive for Coronavirus, isn’t really related to a thread about Coronavirus.
Was the context about a team pulling out of F1 or about the driver having the virus? The post to me appeared to revolve more around McLaren and F1. Probably did to the mod as well.
Not sure why a moderator moved my post... the F1 thread was talking about it... and it’s directly linked with this thread... ?????

I guess a person testing positive for Coronavirus, a team pulling out of a multimillion dollar sporting event due to this person testing positive for Coronavirus, isn’t really related to a thread about Coronavirus.
Yeh, sorry about that - but I would like to keep the discussion about the F1 season in that thread.

It is important (for F1) but I would like to keep this thread's main discussion for non-sport related stuff, as we already have relevant sports threads that can take those separate discussions further.


Meanwhile, Donald Trump announces a unilateral ban on all flights from the EU Schengen zone for 30 days - but there is no word on how this can be done or what is stopping people flying from the Schengen zone and into the UK or Ireland and then flying on to the USA.

Once again, Trump proves that he can't even do the right thing properly.
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Complete NL kind of lock down. All events, meetings, restaurants etc above 100 people prohibited at least until March 31.
Schools officially not closed because of a lot of parents work in public sector (health, police etc) and we need them. Advise for higher ed is video lectures.
Was the context about a team pulling out of F1 or about the driver having the virus? The post to me appeared to revolve more around McLaren and F1. Probably did to the mod as well.

It was about the team pulling out because one of the crew had tested positive. The F1 thread was already talking about it and it's important news based around this ever evolving pandemic.
Was the context about a team pulling out of F1 or about the driver having the virus? The post to me appeared to revolve more around McLaren and F1. Probably did to the mod as well.
By the same token, does a post doing nothing but questioning the wisdom and character of the US President belong exactly in the pinned and official coronavirus information thread?

If it does belong here, does that imply we should at least consider doing exactly the opposite of what the US administration/government is recommending or ordering?
By the same token, does a post doing nothing but questioning the wisdom and character of the US President belong exactly in the pinned and official coronavirus information thread?
Short answer is that each and any post stays where it is at the discretion of the moderation team.
Complete NL kind of lock down. All events, meetings, restaurants etc above 100 people prohibited at least until March 31.
Schools officially not closed because of a lot of parents work in public sector (health, police etc) and we need them. Advise for higher ed is video lectures.

Where are you seeing this information about NL? My wife & daughter are supposed to travel to the Netherlands on Saturday to visit universities - wondering whether it's time to give up on that plan?
Where are you seeing this information about NL? My wife & daughter are supposed to travel to the Netherlands on Saturday to visit universities - wondering whether it's time to give up on that plan?
Live press conference right now by our prime minister Rutte (in Dutch...)

I'm sure within an hour written press material will be published. Travelling to and from NL is not forbidden (yet). They only advise to be cautious and avoid larger groups (like Schiphol).

Edit: Now our MP explicits mentions that travelling is not forbidden but use your common sense. several questions from the press who are difficult to answer. Like I wrote: what about Schiphol and other airports where you easily get 100 people in one large hall. Is that allowed or forbidden? Uuuh allowed but avoid contact.

My personal guess is that Dutch universities will close anyway. I know several medical faculties already closed their building and all colleges/lectures online.

Selfish: what about our trip to Lake District with DFDS end of March?!
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Where are you seeing this information about NL? My wife & daughter are supposed to travel to the Netherlands on Saturday to visit universities - wondering whether it's time to give up on that plan?
IMHO, they should definitely not go.

My Dad comes home from Spain tomorrow and we are just glad that he is not due back next week.

Tourists are stuck in Italy. The situation there is bad. The situation at home might be just as bad in a few weeks, but at least it is preferable to being stuck in a foreign country.
Where are you seeing this information about NL? My wife & daughter are supposed to travel to the Netherlands on Saturday to visit universities - wondering whether it's time to give up on that plan?
Perhaps you should do exactly the opposite of what the US President is saying to do? If he says no travel to and from Europe, perhaps you should move heaven and earth to get your family to Europe as soon as possible?

Undermining and defying the authority of putatively illegitimate government might be a very good thing to do in times of crisis and change?
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I officially know people who are quarantined!


Colorado's known cases doubled since yesterday, so my estimate on when I'll get sick moved up a week. The grocery store had toilet paper this morning, but also had a buy limit.
I officially know people who are quarantined!


Colorado's known cases doubled since yesterday, so my estimate on when I'll get sick moved up a week. The grocery store had toilet paper this morning, but also had a buy limit.
I visited my old department this morning, and they just locked down two labs - I reckon it is only a matter of time until the university is closed (for students at least).
IMHO, they should definitely not go.

My Dad comes home from Spain tomorrow and we are just glad that he is not due back next week.

Tourists are stuck in Italy. The situation there is bad. The situation at home might be just as bad in a few weeks, but at least it is preferable to being stuck in a foreign country.

They were supposed to spend two weeks in Spain after the Netherlands - we already cancelled that part of the trip a while ago. Unfortunately, the Dutch seem to have had an oddly casual attitude to the virus, pretty much guaranteeing its rapid spread through what is one of the densest population centres in Europe. I wonder if this has something to do with a certain Dutch mentality of "sensible moderation", which does not serve them well in the current situation?
They were supposed to spend two weeks in Spain after the Netherlands - we already cancelled that part of the trip a while ago. Unfortunately, the Dutch seem to have had an oddly casual attitude to the virus, pretty much guaranteeing its rapid spread through what is one of the densest population centres in Europe. I wonder if this has something to do with a certain Dutch mentality of "sensible moderation", which does not serve them well in the current situation?
The only thing that matters is how many cases there are and how quickly they are increasing in NL.

So far, most of Europe has followed a similar pattern, with some countries ahead of others - but most (if not all) are basically on the same track. Italy's 'lead' is giving the rest of us a forewarning of what we can expect.

As such, Two of my best pals, both scientists, have cancelled their trip to Belgium next week.
They were supposed to spend two weeks in Spain after the Netherlands - we already cancelled that part of the trip a while ago. Unfortunately, the Dutch seem to have had an oddly casual attitude to the virus, pretty much guaranteeing its rapid spread through what is one of the densest population centres in Europe. I wonder if this has something to do with a certain Dutch mentality of "sensible moderation", which does not serve them well in the current situation?
The authoristies just admitted they lost track of the virus 'source' of several patients. Initially it were returning holiday people who went to Italy and China. Now in my province new cases but not traceable anymore. More and more (covid 19 infected) people are at home and will not be tested. Also to do with indeed very dense and small country and lack of health staff to test and treat.

Yep tell me about Dutch mentality ;)

The only thing that matters is how many cases there are and how quickly they are increasing in NL.

So far, most of Europe has followed a similar pattern, with some countries ahead of others - but most (if not all) are basically on the same track.

Two of my best pals, both scientists, have cancelled their trip to Belgium next week.
It sounds 'panicing' but we don't really count them anymore. RIVM (the authority expert organisation) knows the real number of infected is much higher then the number they communicate.

In 'my' Province Noord-Brabant (south of NL across Belgian border) additional measures expected within a couple of hours.
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The only thing that matters is how many cases there are and how quickly they are increasing in NL.

So far, most of Europe has followed a similar pattern, with some countries ahead of others - but most (if not all) are basically on the same track. Italy's 'lead' is giving the rest of us a forewarning of what we can expect.

As such, Two of my best pals, both scientists, have cancelled their trip to Belgium next week.

What I mean is that rather than taking the forewarning from Italy, which might have allowed them to contain the infection at an earlier stage, the Dutch seemed to adopt a "what me worry" attitude, as if what was happening to those people couldn't happen to the Dutch, as the Dutch are so much more "sensible". :rolleyes:
What I mean is that rather than taking the forewarning from Italy, which might have allowed them to contain the infection at an earlier stage, the Dutch seemed to adopt a "what me worry" attitude, as if what was happening to those people couldn't happen to the Dutch, as the Dutch are so much more "sensible". :rolleyes:
We have a word for that --> "polderen". It's not forbidden but also not allowed, it's a bit between black and white but not grey...
Sometimes as a civilian you just want a clear answer. Yes or No. And then the answer from the Government is: use your own common sense.
With this Corona pandemic we often used the word de-escalation, nothing to worry about, business as usual
The LDS Church is switching its general conference to be remote instead of in person.

This is both a huge blow to SLC's economy and a big win for helping stop the spread of the virus. During general conference, people from all over the world come to Salt Lake and it's a huge deal. It was also supposed to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the LDS Church too.

It's going to be really weird not having conference going on because downtown SLC won't look any different. Typically, we all just work from home and avoid the city when conference is going on since it's on par with a major sporting event in terms of crowds.

I do wonder about LDS missionaries though. All of them come through SLC regardless of where they're going. It seems like that wouldn't be conducive to limiting the virus's spread. It'll be interesting to see how the church plays this because sending people to go door to door seems like a really bad idea right now.
Ok, time for optimism.

What we're watching right now is a complete global cultural shift happening to all societies simultaneously. Telework was coming, but the amount that companies are scrambling to adopt this is happening at break neck pace, and it's not going back after this has passed, not all the way to where it was. Another virus is just around the corner, and the benefits (for workplace shootings, commutes, office space, energy consumption) are enormous. Companies are going to get on this permanently.

The same is happening for education (which works for everyone except little kids, which is still problematic). Universities that never adopted distance learning are suddenly wondering why they have to pack freshmen into giant lecture halls to listen to someone talk at them when they could do it online. This solves so many problems... again... shootings, campus space, lecture size, etc.

If you're rooting for emissions reductions to stave off global warming, what you really needed was a giant kick in the pants to get people to stop commuting. Voila!
We have a word for that --> "polderen". It's not forbidden but also not allowed, it's a bit between black and white but not grey...
Sometimes as a civilian you just want a clear answer. Yes or No. And then the answer from the Government is: use your own common sense.
With this Corona pandemic we often used the word de-escalation, nothing to worry about, business as usual

To be fair, this outbreak has been pretty hard to understand for the average person. One narrative has been that it's just like the flu ... but with way less people infected (& dying) & the economic consequences of tackling it aggressively are worse than the health consequences. The other narrative is that it's the modern equivalent of the bubonic plague & we're ALL going to die if we don't go to Defcon 1 immediately.
If you're rooting for emissions reductions to stave off global warming, what you really needed was a giant kick in the pants to get people to stop commuting. Voila!

Agreed. I'm not sure why telecommuting isn't more of a thing. In my field, it's pretty standard to let people work from home and it's almost expected (same with wearing whatever to work too). I don't know why more employees in other fields don't expect it too.

I also know I tend to work longer when I'm at home because I'm sitting in my recliner instead of at my desk. I don't mind continuing to work on things while I'm catching up on a TV show or something like that. Furthermore, when the weather is nice, being able to sit outside and do my work do wonders for my morale because I can actually see and enjoy the sun.

The impact on emissions is just an added bonus to all this. And to further that point, with fewer emissions it means less pollution, with less pollution comes fewer respiratory issues, with fewer respiratory issues it means fewer people needing critical care in the event of catching COVID-19. Seems like a win win win.
The LDS Church is switching its general conference to be remote instead of in person.

This is both a huge blow to SLC's economy and a big win for helping stop the spread of the virus. During general conference, people from all over the world come to Salt Lake and it's a huge deal. It was also supposed to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the LDS Church too.


I thought for a minute you were referring to Mormonism. :mischievous: