Indeed, and you mistook what I was saying as well. What I am saying is just because evidence currently works for evolution does not exclude other possiblities, like creation.
And our understanding of how things work in the universe is still very piece meal. We still don't have a GUT, we still are confused as heck on gravity last I checked, and now we find things going faster than light and so on.
Basically, the idea of creationism cannot be proven wrong and evolution cannot be "proved" correct. But the same goes the other way as well.. you cannot disprove evolution and you cannot prove creationism. Only difference is scientists need proof to believe evolution, while people of faith need to no evidence of creationism, as thats kind of the idea of faith.
Perhaps I did read something you didn't quite say. It sounded like you said you dropped your acceptance of evolution as a valid theory because it can't be proven, or that new evidence might arise to challenge the theory, and that's what I responded to.
There is no shortage of evidence to support the theory of evolution as we understand it today. Indeed, the theory was valid before the discovery of DNA. Hereditary characteristics were observable without an understanding of the molecule that carries that heredity. Being able to compare the DNA of related species confirms many previous observations, perhaps re-arranges others. The correction of errors does not invalidate the entire process; it validates it, makes it more correct, just like your example of electromagnetic radiation. Of course we changed our theories as we learned the physics involved. That's what science is about.
As for not being able to prove evolution or Creationism, that's weak. Science is not about proving. (Geometry, on the other hand. . . .
) Science is about matching hypotheses to evidence and repeatable observation, presenting findings to the community for review, and coming up with theories that are supported by the observation.
Creationism, being the notion that the world and universe we know was done up in 6 days, everything just like we see it now, is most definitely absolutely NOT supported by any physical evidence anyone can find. As far as I'm concerned, it IS disproven. The evidence DOES exclude the Creation story as a valid literal history. The only support for it is the faith of believers in the literal word-for-word interpretation of a set of writings that are considered sacred, thus unquestionable. These tales were written by people who had no concept of the things being considered, people who, as I have said before, had an understanding of science equivalent to a cave man's. Their ideas were that we were the supreme earthly life form, the Earth was the center of the Universe, and all of it was made for our plunder. Pretty easy to get believers if that's what you teach. Especially if you teach that such plunder extends to the non-believers around you (for example, the prior occupants of Canaan.)
If you teach, instead, that we are an accident of chemistry on an insignificant rock flying around some second-rate star in a remote corner of some galaxy with nothing of interest anywhere else around, well, that gets kind of hard to swallow for people who are used to being master of all they survey. There is not a single group, tribe, nation or family of any size who doesn't believe deep down that they are the Chosen Ones, all others are condemned, and this self-centered arrogance is the root of all the world's troubles. EVERY conflict in history is because somebody thought they were better, more entitled, than somebody else, and it stinks.
Getting back to the science side, everything we see in genes, observed heredity, the fossil record, stange animals in small closed environments (Galapagos, Australia, etc,) and similarities in existing species, is accounted for in our present theory of evolution. Missing links are not enough to say the whole thing is bunk, but that seems to be the major objection. "Well, yeah, everything you say fits, as far as it goes, but it's incomplete. I'll stay with my 'wishing-makes-it-so' system, thanks."