Creation vs. Evolution

  • Thread starter ledhed
Perhaps I did read something you didn't quite say. It sounded like you said you dropped your acceptance of evolution as a valid theory because it can't be proven, or that new evidence might arise to challenge the theory, and that's what I responded to.

There is no shortage of evidence to support the theory of evolution as we understand it today. Indeed, the theory was valid before the discovery of DNA. Hereditary characteristics were observable without an understanding of the molecule that carries that heredity. Being able to compare the DNA of related species confirms many previous observations, perhaps re-arranges others. The correction of errors does not invalidate the entire process; it validates it, makes it more correct, just like your example of electromagnetic radiation. Of course we changed our theories as we learned the physics involved. That's what science is about.

Thanks for saying that. And by that I mean realizing what I had said.

Micro evolution is certainly observable, its just micro and macro are different things. And yes, there is a great deal of evidence that does support macro - I use to argue the exact same arguement you are, almost word for word. Its just there are some still tricky to explain points. If I recall correctly, the orginal idea that things slowly evolved from one form to another. But at some point this looked unlikely with trends they had found in fossils, and thus had to go to the jump effect, where a significant changes happen rapidly. But this would require most of the species to change at the same time, otherwise the few that did change would be excluded and have some troubles as well.

Of course, thats all from a vague corner of my memory, so I am hoping someone can clarify it for me.

As for not being able to prove evolution or Creationism, that's weak. Science is not about proving. (Geometry, on the other hand. . . . :sly: ) Science is about matching hypotheses to evidence and repeatable observation, presenting findings to the community for review, and coming up with theories that are supported by the observation.
Damn Geometry and its proofs ;)

This is what I have been trying to get at though. Too many people argue science like it is fact, there is no other option. Could not be any different, and you explained what it is very well.

Creationism, being the notion that the world and universe we know was done up in 6 days, everything just like we see it now, is most definitely absolutely NOT supported by any physical evidence anyone can find. As far as I'm concerned, it IS disproven. The evidence DOES exclude the Creation story as a valid literal history. The only support for it is the faith of believers in the literal word-for-word interpretation of a set of writings that are considered sacred, thus unquestionable. These tales were written by people who had no concept of the things being considered, people who, as I have said before, had an understanding of science equivalent to a cave man's. Their ideas were that we were the supreme earthly life form, the Earth was the center of the Universe, and all of it was made for our plunder. Pretty easy to get believers if that's what you teach. Especially if you teach that such plunder extends to the non-believers around you (for example, the prior occupants of Canaan.)

How familar are you with doctrine and scriptures? Just curious. On a different point, several denominations view the creation differently. While it says it took 6 days, time does not pass the same for God as for us, and so on. Plus we really don't understand how the universe started. Big bang one point, superstring now, and we keep coming up with ideas.

If you teach, instead, that we are an accident of chemistry on an insignificant rock flying around some second-rate star in a remote corner of some galaxy with nothing of interest anywhere else around, well, that gets kind of hard to swallow for people who are used to being master of all they survey. There is not a single group, tribe, nation or family of any size who doesn't believe deep down that they are the Chosen Ones, all others are condemned, and this self-centered arrogance is the root of all the world's troubles. EVERY conflict in history is because somebody thought they were better, more entitled, than somebody else, and it stinks.

This idea is a hard pill to swallow. And yes, conflict is based on someone thinking they are more entitled. Thats a problem with many religions these days, or rather how they are taken as. Jihad is the classic example. Everyone takes it to mean "holy war" but its actual translation is a "religious struggle." Taken by extremist, you get war. But the more scholarly take as an internal struggle of faith, which is commonly taught in many religions.

However, its not fair to try to blame this on religion, which is kinda what it sounds like you are saying. "Science" has been used to justify injustice before. Just look at Social Darwinism.

Getting back to the science side, everything we see in genes, observed heredity, the fossil record, stange animals in small closed environments (Galapagos, Australia, etc,) and similarities in existing species, is accounted for in our present theory of evolution. Missing links are not enough to say the whole thing is bunk, but that seems to be the major objection. "Well, yeah, everything you say fits, as far as it goes, but it's incomplete. I'll stay with my 'wishing-makes-it-so' system, thanks."
And I never said it did make it bunk. And the fact that my DNA probably has more in common with a native to some African country than to my neighbors is always an interesting thing.
However, its not fair to try to blame this on religion, which is kinda what it sounds like you are saying. "Science" has been used to justify injustice before. Just look at Social Darwinism.
Key point here is the word 'used'... Science and the true nature of the physical world is the way that it is regardless of our understanding of it (or lack of it), or whether we agree about it.... people who use 'science' to justify their extreme views on how the world should be run are equally as bad as people who use religion to justify evil - but the science itself is perfectly arbitrary and neutral. The process of natural selection that Darwin first 'discovered' is a natural, automatic and blind (i.e. unconscious) process, independent from the influence of Man. Of course, Man is capable of non-natural selection (i.e. conscious selection), but to describe this as 'Social Darwinism' is, IMO, an unfortunate misuse/blatant affront to Darwin himself and every other scientist involved in the study of biology. An analogy is to call North Korea or Iran's nuclear ambitions 'Neo-Einsteinism', and to consider all physicists as partially responsible for why Kim Jong-Il is playing silly-buggers... i.e. an unnecessary besmirching of Einstein's name in order to lend some sort of credibility to someone else's views of how society should be run. For this reason, Creationist groups (like the more extreme Turkish creationists, Harun Yahya) frequently equate Darwinism to Naziism, Charles Darwin to Adolf Hitler, and evolutionary biologists to the Waffen SS.
True, and I did put science in "" for a reason as well. I don't think science is science once it is used to support an extremist view, because it often becomes warped at that point, and isn't science anymore.

I agree that extremists on both ends cause extreme problems and generate negative images. Look at Islam and what its extremists have done to its image.

So I think we are both on the same page with this matter ;)
How familar are you with doctrine and scriptures? Just curious. On a different point, several denominations view the creation differently. While it says it took 6 days, time does not pass the same for God as for us, and so on. Plus we really don't understand how the universe started. Big bang one point, superstring now, and we keep coming up with ideas.

That's why I used the word "literal" in my post. I have a big problem with Creation having taken 6 days, and with the first several generations of people living over 900 years. I could accept the idea of creation's "days" being "stages" except they seem a bit out of order. Earth was not the first thing created. Substitute the word "Matter" and you get closer, although matter didn't actually condense out for a while. Past that, you could make the first six days fit pretty well with what we understand, in a VERY symbolic fashion.

My problem with it is that Creationists in general insist on a literal interpretation. 6 days. Period. That's why I left my mother's church when I was in my early teens, and why I lost that college girlfriend I refered to in my first post in this thread some months ago.
That's why I used the word "literal" in my post. I have a big problem with Creation having taken 6 days, and with the first several generations of people living over 900 years. I could accept the idea of creation's "days" being "stages" except they seem a bit out of order. Earth was not the first thing created. Substitute the word "Matter" and you get closer, although matter didn't actually condense out for a while. Past that, you could make the first six days fit pretty well with what we understand, in a VERY symbolic fashion.

I'd agree with you here. A day could have been inserted as the modern man translated it. It wouldn't make sense that people lived 900 years but the day was still only 24 hours. Heres how that breaks down

BACK IN THE DAY 900 years = 328,500 days = 7,884,000 hours (life expectancy)
MODERN ROMAN CANLENDER 80 years = 29,200 days = 700,8000 (life expectancy)

That equals about 11.25 times longer, sooo....6 days must have acutually been 67.5. Could God have done it in that amout of time?
I'd agree with you here. A day could have been inserted as the modern man translated it. It wouldn't make sense that people lived 900 years but the day was still only 24 hours. Heres how that breaks down

BACK IN THE DAY 900 years = 328,500 days = 7,884,000 hours (life expectancy)
MODERN ROMAN CANLENDER 80 years = 29,200 days = 700,8000 (life expectancy)

That equals about 11.25 times longer, sooo....6 days must have acutually been 67.5. Could God have done it in that amout of time?

Let's say for a second I believed in the 6 literal days(and I don't). It's totally feasible if you go by the bible and God's power. Why couldn't he have created it in 6 days? Because we can't conceive it? Because it's beyond our understanding? So is life in general.

God's ways are above our ways and thoughts above our thoughts. It's extremely possible that God did it in LESS then 6 literal days. But what we have in the scripture describes 6 days.

I really don't see what the big deal is since to me the real question, as far as the age of the earth according to scripture, is how long Adam and Eve were in the garden.
I really don't see what the big deal is since to me the real question, as far as the age of the earth according to scripture, is how long Adam and Eve were in the garden.

930 was an estimate of his life, but before he ate the apple...wouldn't he conceivably have lived forever or until god said different? Did the 930 start after the deed had been done?
930 was an estimate of his life, but before he ate the apple...wouldn't he conceivably have lived forever or until god said different? Did the 930 start after the deed had been done?


There is no chronicle of time in the bible, except for days, until after the fruit. Adam was immortal. The proof is simple, God said he would die IF he ate the fruit. If he didn't, Adam would simply live on.

There is no chronicle of time in the bible, except for days, until after the fruit. Adam was immortal. The proof is simple, God said he would die IF he ate the fruit. If he didn't, Adam would simply live on.

Check! This is our version of the missing link. ;)
That's why I used the word "literal" in my post. I have a big problem with Creation having taken 6 days, and with the first several generations of people living over 900 years. I could accept the idea of creation's "days" being "stages" except they seem a bit out of order. Earth was not the first thing created. Substitute the word "Matter" and you get closer, although matter didn't actually condense out for a while. Past that, you could make the first six days fit pretty well with what we understand, in a VERY symbolic fashion.

My problem with it is that Creationists in general insist on a literal interpretation. 6 days. Period. That's why I left my mother's church when I was in my early teens, and why I lost that college girlfriend I refered to in my first post in this thread some months ago.

Man, your a real stickler for details ain't ya.
God made Adam from dirt, and a day to the Lord is like a thousand years and a thousand years like unto a day. So what diffrence does it make whether he made it in 6 days or 6 thousand years?

I've heard that scientific studies show we are capable of living forever, from a design standpoint.
Man, your a real stickler for details ain't ya.
God made Adam from dirt, and a day to the Lord is like a thousand years and a thousand years like unto a day. So what diffrence does it make whether he made it in 6 days or 6 thousand years?

I've heard that scientific studies show we are capable of living forever, from a design standpoint.

The "sticklerizing" isn't my own, my point is that I hear from so many that "The Bible says 6 days, so it's 6 days, and you're a heathen for thinking anything else!" I'm 100% certain that it didn't happen in 6 days.

I like the "proof" that our weeks are 7 days long because of it. . .

I think instead that perhaps the Creation story was crammed into a week because 7 days was already a popular division of time. See, the phases of the moon are a convenient way to track time. The very basic calendar of 13 moons in a year is astonishingly close to the actual length of the year. It would take someone with no skill in astronomy several years to notice any creep in the seasons.
The "sticklerizing" isn't my own, my point is that I hear from so many that "The Bible says 6 days, so it's 6 days, and you're a heathen for thinking anything else!" I'm 100% certain that it didn't happen in 6 days.

I like the "proof" that our weeks are 7 days long because of it. . .

I think instead that perhaps the Creation story was crammed into a week because 7 days was already a popular division of time. See, the phases of the moon are a convenient way to track time. The very basic calendar of 13 moons in a year is astonishingly close to the actual length of the year. It would take someone with no skill in astronomy several years to notice any creep in the seasons.
My point is from your side or their's it is not something significant enough to break fellowship over.
I can't unequivacally say one way or the other what the exact details or interpretation of the time frame was.
But I'm not worried about it either.
Sometimes with something like this there is a fear of perverting the word if it is not adhered to in a stringent interpretation. This may be the reason for their insistance, which I can understand.
No bad thing...

Quote 'em.

I'd add that it's interesting you'd put stock in those "scientific studies" but not scientific studies that support evolution...

Hey FAMINE long time no read. Hope you are doing well. It appears you are your old engaging self.
Scientific studies as you know aren't always 100% conclusive or absolute. Sometimes they even conflict one another. As my post declares I heard about these studies but I did not comment as to whether I believed them or not. Ha Ha
Sorry for the double post.
The "sticklerizing" isn't my own, my point is that I hear from so many that "The Bible says 6 days, so it's 6 days, and you're a heathen for thinking anything else!" I'm 100% certain that it didn't happen in 6 days.

The only thing that is 100% is that "in 6 days" is 100% your opinion. Interesting for someone to take something they don't believe in to be fact.
The only thing that is 100% is that "in 6 days" is 100% your opinion. Interesting for someone to take something they don't believe in to be fact.

Huh? I DON'T believe it was actually 6 days, and I stated so. Where did I take as fact something I don't believe?
Huh? I DON'T believe it was actually 6 days, and I stated so. Where did I take as fact something I don't believe?

You stated that it is a fact that it didn't happen in 6 days. You even put a 100% claim on it. All of that is just opinion. Am I missing something here?
Hey FAMINE long time no read. Hope you are doing well. It appears you are your old engaging self.

Ahh, you know. Same old hockey injuries, can't really complain.

Scientific studies as you know aren't always 100% conclusive or absolute. Sometimes they even conflict one another. As my post declares I heard about these studies but I did not comment as to whether I believed them or not.

Well quite - so how do you choose which science to accept and which science not to accept?
You stated that it is a fact that it didn't happen in 6 days. You even put a 100% claim on it. All of that is just opinion. Am I missing something here?

I stated my certainty as 100%, which is an opinion, I accept that. My confusion was the wording "take something they don't believe in to be fact." I thought you meant I suddenly accepted the 6 days as fact, or something. :)
I stated my certainty as 100%, which is an opinion, I accept that. My confusion was the wording "take something they don't believe in to be fact." I thought you meant I suddenly accepted the 6 days as fact, or something. :)

sheesh...nothing like wasting half a dozen post just to get on the same page.:crazy: Sorry if I made that harder then it should have been. It looks like most all of us agree that 6 days is not definable on our current 24 hour day.
The only thing that is 100% is that "in 6 days" is 100% your opinion. Interesting for someone to take something they don't believe in to be fact.
We have to get back to specifics here... Was the Earth, and all current life forms as we see them today, created in just 6 days...? The answer is an emphatic 'No'... that's not a matter of opinion, that is a cast iron fact. The human definition of a 'day' is the period of time that the Earth takes to rotate once on its axis - this, by definition, couldn't possibly exist without the Earth being fully formed and for Man to be present to observe it. Therefore, any human account (of which the Bible is an example) of the creation of the Earth and all life upon it, is at the very least post hoc reasoning...
If you're convinced enough in an all-powerful God - who was mentally active until about 200AD, but since then has only made us go to Turkey to kill black people and told a teenage French girl to imolate herself - then it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to believe that he made everything inside 144 hours...
If you're convinced enough in an all-powerful God - who was mentally active until about 200AD, but since then has only made us go to Turkey to kill black people and told a teenage French girl to imolate herself - then it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to believe that he made everything inside 144 hours...

Are you saying the Council of Nicea had no divine guidance???!?!?!?!
We have to get back to specifics here... Was the Earth, and all current life forms as we see them today, created in just 6 days...? The answer is an emphatic 'No'... that's not a matter of opinion, that is a cast iron fact. The human definition of what a 'day' is the period of time that the Earth takes to rotate once on its axis - this, by definition, couldn't possibly exist without the Earth being fully formed and for Man to be present to observe it. Therefore, any human account (of which the Bible is an example) of the creation of the Earth and all life upon it, is at the very least post hoc reasoning...

Your making the leap that the solar system existed when god created the earth and that it function just as you observe it now. How many years did it take for planets to start spinning around themselves and our sun from the moment of the big bang? The earth HAS NOT always been rotating even by your standards. Could it have happened all in the same motion? And that part of the bible that states creation does not have man at that moment. I will agree with you at that point. I don't observe bears in the woods, but I know what they leave.:yuck:
If you're convinced enough in an all-powerful God - who was mentally active until about 200AD, but since then has only made us go to Turkey to kill black people and told a teenage French girl to imolate herself - then it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to believe that he made everything inside 144 hours...

ohh contraire...he is as active as ever! you would have to open your heart and your mind to see that.
Not seen any pillars of fire or Angels of Death round my way.

No wait... don't tell me... is it Global Warming?
Not seen any pillars of fire or Angels of Death round my way.

No wait... don't tell me... is it Global Warming?

:lol: the end everything leads to global warming!

Why does his existance only show its self to you in the form of death or destruction? Its the gift of life that proves he is active. Trust me...the next time he shows himself directly to you, It might just be the last thing you see for the END WILL BE NEAR!:nervous:
Ahh, you know. Same old hockey injuries, can't really complain.

Well quite - so how do you choose which science to accept and which science not to accept?

The same way everybody else does I guess, by personal examination, comparison and evaluation. How do you do it?
The same way everybody else does I guess, by personal examination, comparison and evaluation.

Out of further interest, what qualifications allow you to critically evaluate science and arrive at a meaningful answer?
sheesh...nothing like wasting half a dozen post just to get on the same page.:crazy: Sorry if I made that harder then it should have been. It looks like most all of us agree that 6 days is not definable on our current 24 hour day.
I love how you guys are debating whether a day is 24 hours or 11.25 modern days or what.

If God could make the heavens, the Earth, and everything on it at all, he could have made it in 6 nanoseconds if He felt like it. If He is omnipotent, it's no more resonable to think He could have gotten the job done in 67.5 terrestrial days, but 6 days is a little tight.

He could have just snapped His fingers and voila! Instant Earth.