These crusades still happened
because religion was there, and used as a tool (regardless of the 'correct' teachings of Christ), just like in modern terrorism (which goes against the correct teachings of the Quoran). I think you missed that idea I was trying to get across. I am saying many humans are inherently greedy and selfish. Religion does help those nasty power hungry people gain credibility and commit atrocities that they otherwise wouldn't be able to get away with, due to religious justification used to convince brainwashed followers.
People have misinterpreted the teachings of every religion for ever and ever to meet their own specific needs at the time, throughout the entire history of mankind. Hence, if religion didn't exist, neither would the platform to let Osama et all gain influence and power. Its quite naive to just assume
everyone will practise religion responsibly and be happy, they never have, nor never will.
BTW I never meant that ALL violence/war would stop if religion didn't exist (duh), only that it would substantially cut the amount of bloodshed. Of course there are cases of atrocities occuring where there is no religious factor helping out...
Regardless of whether the majority practises their faith in the
proper way or not, religion simply leaves too many oppurtunities for otherwise incomprehensible things to happen without condemnation of those doing the killing. Instead, they're applauded by a large base of (scarily) guilt-free followers... Its very dangerous for any group of humans to think the only true "god" is on their side, encouraging the murder of innocent people, celebrating those doing the killing. Its not important whether the religion in question is being followed correctly, but that the killing is still happening due to religion (no matter how warped).
Hence the world would still be better off without religion. Religion is just too dangerous in its potential to be used politically/culturally as a tool to get large groups of people to ignore (or commit) inhumane acts against innocent people. Cue Hitler, Al Queada, the entire middle east (will they ever stop shooting?), the crusades, settlement of Australia and the USA, enslavement of africans - cotton fields (of course black people have no soul
), apartheit, etc etc etc.
I'm not even gonna get into the many stupid things carried out in war (Romans/Greeks/Middle Ages etc) where thousands and thousands of innocent people died supposedly at the wish of certain gods... real smart way to go.
Its only recently that God has been followed in a way that doesn't encourage some form of violence... In terms of the history of mankind, religion has been at the heart of the fighting and millions upon millions of people slaughtered in various god's honour...
Do not underestimate the human races's ability to misappropriate and use religion for the worst possible means. This will continue as long as religions remain a powerful cultural element of world societies. Hence, the world would be better off without any religion.