I'm 101% sure you're going to disagree with what I'm about to say, but I'm fine with that, since you've decided what you want to believe, and whatever I say isn't going to change that.
You're always
so sure of everything, you don't really stop to actually look at what's happening, do you?
The Evolutionary Theory of our origin (as a side note, I'm talking about Evolution as a form of origin.. I am not in any way denying that Evolution happens. I believe it does. I believe God has created creatures and Humans that can evolve to their surroundings, however, he did create them) is based, at the very end of the line, on a theory in that has not been proven.
That depends entirely on your definition of "prove". To me, to "prove" something, means that it happened beyond a reasonable doubt. That means that it's so likely it happened, that all other forms of something happening are just not possible. That's what evolution is: proven.
The very founding "idea" that all scientific fact "points at" has never been proven. No. It has not. And, to me, all of the fifty thousand different theories scientists have come up with all sound more ignorant than the last.
I believe there are about 4-10 major theories and ideas floating around, and the scientific ones are always adapting to
new evidence, unlike religion.
Do you get what I'm trying to say?
Yes, but I don't know why you waste your breath.
All of this evidence doesn't necessarily point at us evolving from corn over billions of years, that's just what Scientist would like to think. There is no proof of where we came from via the Evolutionary Theory.
Actually, there is. Fossils, genetics, research, DNA analyses, gene-sequencing, and many other methods have proven,
beyond a reasonable doubt that humans, monkeys, apes, etc. all have a common ancestor.
Stop right there. I'm not saying there is no evolution. I don't think we're exactly the same as when God created us. I think our teeth have changed, I think our hair has changed, I think our height has changed.. Same for many other species.
Our bone structures. . .our brains. . . our flesh. . . our organs. . . our eyes. . . our skulls. . . our entire bodies. . .
Now here's the deal. Show me some "evidence" that we evolved from monkeys.
Um, we didn't evolve from monkeys.
Make me. I've had enough of these damn fundies telling everyone what to do. You've been doing it since religion began, and frankly, it's quite fascist.
And, I don't want to see "similarities" between us and some rare monkey.
Well then WTF do you want to see? A security camera in the middle of the jungle capturing it all as it happened?!
I want to see how we've come from there to here.
Well go tf back in time and watch it, genius.
And then show me where Monkeys came from.
Africa, asia, the zoo. Why do you have such a fixation on monkeys?
Now I know that there is no "cold hard evidence" that God exists. For you.
For anyone. Testimony and conjecture means nothing, saying you've talked to someone doesn't make them real. 1/5 Americans suffer from a mental problem.
But that's because you do not have a relationship with Him. You haven't allowed him to make himself real to you.
I haven't allowed him to because he has given me no reason to. I've never seen
any proof that he created Man, I've
never seen
any proof that exists, and I've
never seen
any proof of heaven. So give me proof. Do it. Do it now.
Some of it.
God gives you and I the choice. I chose to believe, and man is it awesome.
Ignorance is bliss.
You may chose not to believe, and for the rest of your life believe that you're some "mistake" that has happened over thousands of years because of various different chemicals coming together near a pile of steaming metal, or whatever,
Given what you just said, I don't think you're even qualified to say anything relating to lack of evidence, considering how mundanely retarded that sounded. Did you have grade 7-10 science? Yes? No? Well if you did, go back.
And for the last time,
WE ARE NOT A MISTAKE. THE CHANCES OF INTELLIGENT LIFE APPEARING IN SOME FORM IS 1/1. NOT 1/10, NOT 1/5, NOT 1/10,000,000. It was innevitable, like flipping a quarter and having it eventually land on heads or tails, and in an infinite time frame, its' side.
but you're never going to have any evidence that takes all doubt out of your mind. Because there isn't any.
Have you read
any of this thread? ANY at all? The evidence in here is overwhelming enough, let alone the entire internet, library, and movie resource of the world. And yet you Creationists/ID'ests haven't provided a single shred, you hypocrite.