CREDIT GRIND - WTC 600 Tokyo Express - Glitches are Dead.

  • Thread starter Grimm6Jack

Didn't see there was a topic for that, so I repost it here.
New 600pp build for the Tomahawk X going over 620km/h easily.
Managed to beat the race in 15:24.763 but I'm not the best driver and there's a big margin to improve.

Enjoy ;)

Thought it wasn’t working till I realised it needed the fully adjustable diff. Now to try it, I can see a few slowdown penalties coming already.
🍻for that.

would like to know how your getting 55 mil to win?

Just when you think the Tomahawk can’t get any crazier, it’s going 330 miles an hour while still in the tunnel. Have to keep fuel map at 6, then last lap at 1 and I need a change of underwear. Also had to break my vow of no traction control.
Hate those little ***** glitching inside a rock or under the map in COD but this is amazing and hilarious at the same time. Taking it easy done the race in 16 and a half minutes. Taking it easy as it’s terrifying, scared to glance at the speedo.
Really well done mate or whoever found this one.
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Thought it wasn’t working till I realised it needed the fully adjustable diff. Now to try it, I can see a few slowdown penalties coming already.
🍻for that.

would like to know how your getting 55 mil to win?

Just when you think the Tomahawk can’t get any crazier, it’s going 330 miles an hour while still in the tunnel. Have to keep fuel map at 6, then last lap at 1 and I need a change of underwear. Also had to break my vow of no traction control.
Hate those little ***** glitching inside a rock or under the map in COD but this is amazing and hilarious at the same time. Taking it easy done the race in 16 and a half minutes. Taking it easy as it’s terrifying, scared to glance at the speedo.
Really well done mate or whoever found this one.
For the money, I live in Japan so it's a japanese version of the game, there's 2 more zeroes 😄

For the race in itself I mainly use the fuel map 6. In the overtake laps I use 4 or 3 so I can get better times. Just be careful at your tank so that you can finish the race without pit stop.

And yeah, this glitch is a really nice one! Fun as hell for sure, except if you turn off the traction control xD
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For the money, I live in Japan so it's a japanese version of the game, there's 2 more zeroes 😄

For the race in itself I mainly use the fuel map 6. In the overtake laps I use 4 or 3 so I can get better times. Just be careful at your tank so that you can finish the race without pit stop.

And yeah, this glitch is a really nice one! Fun as hell for sure, except if you turn off the traction control xD
It’s a great one mate. I used to work for JVC many years ago so I understand about yen prices, thought you had found another glitch 😂

Yes, I kept map on 6 the whole race until last lap. I’ve been grinding it for days and just got to the stage I could do the whole race without touching the brakes Apart from the hairpins, those air brakes are like hitting a wall. Can’t see me being able to now. Would love to see one of the top guys doing a hot lap. I glanced at the speedo on the twisty part and was cornering at almost 300 mph. I play with controller and I’ve a friend with a full on Rig and twenty odd years of controller use has ruined me for the wheels. Thinking of getting the Fanatec DD though at Black Friday sale. If I can find a PS5 In time. Bloody covid has ruined the PS5 launch.

🍻 again, really appreciated as it was getting boring.
I've joined the bandwagon and started that grind yesterday cause I figured I might as well try to get all the invitation only cars while they are all available. I gotta say the sense of speed from that Tomahawk is a bit disturbing....lowest total time for me as been 17:02...fuel map 1, intermediate tire (x2), 1 pit stop to switch tires and refuel, 7 gear all the way. Fastest lap time for me with that strategy has been a 1.16.002. I'm sure some of you have been doing this for a while now but I'm already getting really fatigued from doing this grind. Although I do have to admit it's nice to just go car and parts shopping without thinking about where the money will be coming from!! 😋
It’s a great one mate. I used to work for JVC many years ago so I understand about yen prices, thought you had found another glitch 😂

Yes, I kept map on 6 the whole race until last lap. I’ve been grinding it for days and just got to the stage I could do the whole race without touching the brakes Apart from the hairpins, those air brakes are like hitting a wall. Can’t see me being able to now. Would love to see one of the top guys doing a hot lap. I glanced at the speedo on the twisty part and was cornering at almost 300 mph. I play with controller and I’ve a friend with a full on Rig and twenty odd years of controller use has ruined me for the wheels. Thinking of getting the Fanatec DD though at Black Friday sale. If I can find a PS5 In time. Bloody covid has ruined the PS5 launch.

🍻 again, really appreciated as it was getting boring.
I wish there was such a glitch!
One that would let me buy the cars at western price with my japanese wallet... 😁
When you think a 20.000.000 credits car is too much expensive, keep in mind that for me it's 2 ****in billions! xD

Glad you like the build ^^
I managed to do a 1:05 lap today, but I'm sure some players can go under the minute with this build.
Looking forward to see that!
Hmm I thought I would have a look at this race and give it a try as I am up to book 39. I have not completed the last book yet, which is the world GT championship. I thought I would have a look at the Tokyo Expressway race and I do not have it at all in my events. I am guessing I need to complete the last race?

I seem to have only 4 events on Tokyo Expressway. FR Japanese challenge 450pp, Japanese Clubman Cup 550, Nissan GT-R Cup, and Clubman Cup. Weird tho, I have seen videos with a lot more events showing. I have the latest version 1.12 as well.
Hmm I thought I would have a look at this race and give it a try as I am up to book 39. I have not completed the last book yet, which is the world GT championship. I thought I would have a look at the Tokyo Expressway race and I do not have it at all in my events. I am guessing I need to complete the last race?

I seem to have only 4 events on Tokyo Expressway. FR Japanese challenge 450pp, Japanese Clubman Cup 550, Nissan GT-R Cup, and Clubman Cup. Weird tho, I have seen videos with a lot more events showing. I have the latest version 1.12 as well.
Yes, there's 7 events in total so you probably need to finish the cafe missions.
The glitch will probably be fixed in the next update so better give it a try now since it's the best grinding spot since launch and really fun to play! :)
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i hope they dont patch this and heres my argument why... yes its easy to make money because its an easy win with a high payout... BUT you have to factor in all the cars in GT7 and how much they cost especially the cars that are 20 million... even the cars that are a million plus theres a good handful of get 825k per race so ya thats a pretty big grind to buy each and every your definitely putting the work in despite the i dont agree at all with this getting patched especially with all the backlash with the microtransactions and the legend cars being super overpriced...
It has to be patched. I also liked to exploit this, since it's money that's "worth" grinding for, but this can be an exploit for other things, even online.

All PD needs to do is to nerf the patch and release new content, content that has a race event or several, or better yet, a championship that gives you north of 3 million per hour but with the use of "normal" cars obviously.

It's never a good thing for a game to have glitches.

Errmm. How are you getting 55 million for the win?
He's from Japan, the economy there is likely based on the Yen which is several times less worth than the dollar.

Regardless, the economy ends up being the same. His 55 million credits are the same as our 875k credits. Just see it as a different "comestic" per se.
question for the < 18 minutes people here: are you using wheel or controller?
Controller. In the case of the Tomahawk, which you need fast reactions to do the high speed turns, I use sensivity at maximum (7).
It has to be patched. I also liked to exploit this, since it's money that's "worth" grinding for, but this can be an exploit for other things, even online.

All PD needs to do is to nerf the patch and release new content, content that has a race event or several, or better yet, a championship that gives you north of 3 million per hour but with the use of "normal" cars obviously.

It's never a good thing for a game to have glitches.
Nobody uses that car online anyways. People are gonna backlash at PD for taking it away like they did before with the economy during the 1.07 update. In my opinion, they should do a "Gran Turismo All Stars" style event like they in in the previous games that allows all cars and an unrestricted PP.
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I use it too, more simple.
question for the < 18 minutes people here: are you using wheel or controller?
Controller, I do 15min average.
No penalty, I could 14.30 but never had a race without penalty.
Wheel I tried wheel it's just harder, uncontrollable for me.
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Hmm I thought I would have a look at this race and give it a try as I am up to book 39. I have not completed the last book yet, which is the world GT championship. I thought I would have a look at the Tokyo Expressway race and I do not have it at all in my events. I am guessing I need to complete the last race?

I seem to have only 4 events on Tokyo Expressway. FR Japanese challenge 450pp, Japanese Clubman Cup 550, Nissan GT-R Cup, and Clubman Cup. Weird tho, I have seen videos with a lot more events showing. I have the latest version 1.12 as well.
You need to finish menu 39 then more races appear. They are the best and the highest payouts. Variable weather, standing starts some of them and pit stops. They are my favourite. I still run the last championship occasionally as they are good races but they need to get this AI running better. To think we are still playing catch the rabbit is stupid in this day and age.
I'm getting bored as well; making different setups for the car is keeping me entertained though.

Here's a new one for anyone still interested in grinding:

Start with the OG tune from page one of the thread.
Set final ratio to 4.909
make adjustments to the gears starting with 4th and moving up from there.
Set Power Restrictor to 93. ECU to 94. Ballast at 2.

This should give a PP of 594.23 with 2285hp and 801ft lb torque. 4th through 7 are set up to be more normal so that you can utilize them like normal. Coming out of the hairpin I usually launch in 6th until on the straight then drop to 5th and then run through the gears. Should top around 326mph. No Stop at fuel map 6 but it's getting low at that point. 5 would probably require a stop.

It's pretty fast while keeping the stock suspension. Hopefully someone will enjoy it as I'm pretty much done with GT7 for a while. The burn-out is sinking in faster and faster for me.
Best setup yet imho. Gave me error at first, but after lowering final gear one additional tick it worked.
I have to coast on the final lap but I can easily finish in 16:30... best I've managed is 15:50 with still a couple of penalties. And I'm not even the best driver.
question for the < 18 minutes people here: are you using wheel or controller?
Using G29 wheel with bumper view. With the previous build I could do fairly good times on controller, but with the new one it's far much difficult. I find the wheel more precise than controller, especially at high speed, and when I got stress with the controller on the hot laps I end up shaking and doing **** most of the time. Same in online race, I feel far more confident with stress with a wheel.

There are people faster than me on this thread with controller so it may be a good choice too.
Imo the controller is good with rear view, and wheel is better with cockpit and bumper view.
I made 15:24 two times and 15:25 one time with a best lap of 1:05.

Anyway, if you want to try this race with a wheel you have to put the max torque and the sensibility both on 10 or the steering will be too loose and you'll have a poor control over the car. It is a little intense in the straights, especially at over 600 km/h, but you'll have better sensations than with the controller 👍

Edit: did a 15:16.236 right now with two 5 seconds penalties.

Edit Edit: 15:08.279! 😁
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14.21 just right now, no penalties :embarrassed:

Didn't see there was a topic for that, so I repost it here.
New 600pp build for the Tomahawk X going over 620km/h easily.
Managed to beat the race in 15:24.763 but I'm not the best driver and there's a big margin to improve.

Enjoy ;)

Why i can't get your settings to match 600 pp ?? What is Full Controll Computer? in ECU. I have fully customisable.
Woooow!! 😮
Amazing man! gg 👏👏
I was happy with my 15:08... 🤣
What build do you use?
Inter first 5 laps, then medium for rest of the race. Fuel 3 most of the race. You could do fuel 1 for the first 5 laps but then you have to wait more time to refuel so I use 3 whole race.
I use build of author, 2400hp one.
There are still 10-15s to be cut if you nail everything perfectly/luck with traffic but I'm happy with my time. :)
I'm still using the original settings from page 1 and they work perfectly fine. My fastest time as of now was around 19 min. I tried the settings with Inter tires and I had to pit once or twice. With the RH tires, no pitting at all and was using 1 the whole time
Best setup yet imho. Gave me error at first, but after lowering final gear one additional tick it worked.
I have to coast on the final lap but I can easily finish in 16:30... best I've managed is 15:50 with still a couple of penalties. And I'm not even the best driver.
Hey, you're running quicker than I am with it. My best was 16:40, but I have a knack for finding the rear-end of that last place Viper every few laps, lol. Anyway, I must have forgotten to change the oil before I setup that sheet and posted it so I'm glad you got it to work.
Tried and didn’t work for me. Back to the OG I go.

Wish it did work, getting used to this one now the Race is second nature. Wish we could get a faster one. I find doing a Tomahawk then the Sardegna road course with a gr 3 or the McLaren F1GTR breaks it up. Got the three group c machines yesterday. Nissan being the best stock imo but the 787b is still good and it’s a toss up what sounds best. The rotary or the Jag V12.
I stupidly forgot to change the oil when I set that sheet up... @magawolaz said it worked after lowering the final gear one click so you might try that and see if it works. If you're getting the "!" for PP then it's really close and is probably only a click away on either the final gear, ballast, or ECU. I'll do a fresh sheet and update it when I can get into the game in a couple hours if you haven't gotten it to work.

Not sure if I mentioned it in the post but duplicate the sheet for the original tune so that it's not lost if something goes wrong.
The order in which I changed the values was 1) final gear ratio 2) power restrictor 3) ECU 4) 4 ballast 5) change individual gear values. I don't know if the order makes a difference but in case it does that is the order I always use.
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