Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
Does he mean Khomeini or Khameini? The former ayatollah has been strangely silent on Twitter recently since dying in 1989.
I assume he means Khameini. Then again, Herman Cain managed it for awhile.
I'm unsure as to what is "race-baity" here, especially as your own article points out, the perpetrators were Black themselves.

The tweet says she paid for standing up for racial justice with (potentially) her life... the fact that the perpetrators were black suggests this is not particularly likely.
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I'm unsure as to what is "race-baity" here, especially as your own article points out, the perpetrators were Black themselves.
She's insinuating that Johnson was shot because of her activism on racial injustice. The police have said there's no evidence of this.

There's a reason she disabled comments
Maybe we should start a cursed bumper stickers thread.
But that's a window sticker.


And yes, it's awful.

Aaaaand I'll be changing the thread title and updating the OP accordingly.

Edit: Hopefully that clears things up. If I've left a medium out, it's probably fine so long as it adheres to the "bad takes" spirit of the thread.
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But that's a window sticker.


And yes, it's awful.

Aaaaand I'll be changing the thread title and updating the OP accordingly.
Oh thank god.

[EDIT] And the window was so dirty I thought it was the tailgate at first.
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It's a bit self-defeating. I mean someone cared enough to put a sticker on their car about it.
There was a debate over semantics elsewhere that fits in with this.

Is it (or should it be) "I could care less" or "I couldn't care less"?

"I couldn't care less" seems like it hits harder, and I admit I'm more likely to use it or a derivative of it over the latter, but it must be pointed out that one who has opted to use this phrase surely cares enough to remark, so one could care less and simply not remark.
There was a debate over semantics elsewhere that fits in with this.

Is it (or should it be) "I could care less" or "I couldn't care less"?

"I couldn't care less" seems like it hits harder, and I admit I'm more likely to use it or a derivative of it over the latter, but it must be pointed out that one who has opted to use this phrase surely cares enough to remark, so one could care less and simply not remark.

That's funny.

Obviously it's "I couldn't care less". Because you're exaggerating (clearly) about how little you care. If you say "I could care less", you're actually saying that you care. Which is not usually the sentiment one wishes to express with this phrase. Yes I agree that it's not technically accurate, but it is an exaggeration.

"Nobody cares about your protest" is obviously also an exaggeration. I mean, clearly the other people protesting, and rioting, care a great deal about it. There's no question that BLM was a widely cared-about protest, and so there's about zero chance that the bumper sticker is meant to be taken literally. I think what it's really saying is "I don't care (much) about your protest". But the sticker itself undercuts this message since it takes a decent amount of work to put on a bumper sticker. It would take even more caring to actually run over protesters and risk life in prison or execution for mass-murder.

I think the mistake in this case was to conflate "I don't care" with "I don't like". Not the same thing.


I'd give the driver of this car about an 85% chance of saying that they're in favor of law and order while advocating, on the back of their car, in favor of real violent crimes committed against people exercising their first amendment rights.

Edit 2:

There's a deeper level to take this. Which would be that "nobody cares" actually means "nobody in my circle of friends and family, and if you're not in my circle of friends and family, you don't exist to me".
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Obviously it's "I couldn't care less". Because you're exaggerating (clearly) about how little you care. If you say "I could care less", you're actually saying that you care. Which is not usually the sentiment one wishes to express with this phrase. Yes I agree that it's not technically accurate, but it is an exaggeration.
Totally. The conversation started over people saying "could" and I said I often mentally correct the phrase, but I occasionally also rationalize it.

Anyway, speaking of caring so little that you act in response...

And the bad take from the Fox floosie that started it:

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People still pulling fatality rate comparisons is bold & gives away their full stupidity. Even if half of Covid deaths were actually something else, you're still talking about a massive number of deaths compared to the flu's (which I think was est. 40,000-60,000 before the newest CDC numbers for the past year that I believe are significantly lower).
People still pulling fatality rate comparisons is bold & gives away their full stupidity. Even if half of Covid deaths were actually something else, you're still talking about a massive number of deaths compared to the flu's (which I think was est. 40,000-60,000 before the newest CDC numbers for the past year that I believe are significantly lower).
And if you don't die from 'flu you recover in almost 100% of cases. If you don't die from COVID-19 you stand a one in four chance of having long-term issues, half of which are life-changing.
The conservative victim complex is absolute insanity.
She's put up billboards decrying "cancel culture"...


... yet when people object to her mocking the Shoah she deletes their comments.

Not to mention accepting thousands of dollars worth of loans from the "tyrannical" government over a "hoax" virus.

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Mr Potato Head, Dr Seuss and now an openly gay side character in a Disney movie. They’re gonna throw an absolute fit when they find out Hollywood is looking to cast a black Superman.