Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex

How do you shove a story down someone's throat anyway?
How do you shove a story down someone's throat anyway?
If it contains some aspect with which one disagrees fervently enough, I think you just tell it to them. It's an odd turn of phrase, but that it's frequently used in response to homosexuality is comical. It also seems kind of...snowflaky.
If it contains some aspect with which one disagrees fervently enough, I think you just tell it to them. It's an odd turn of phrase, but that it's frequently used in response to homosexuality is comical. It also seems kind of...snowflaky.
Not even tell it to them. It just has to exist. For context, Lethality Jane above was responding to this retweet from Ted Cruz complaining about a "woke" ad from a gay Army Corporal with two moms and how the Russian army ad made it look "emasculated".

Given Ted's well documented refusal to defend his wife against Trump's insults and flight to Cancun while the state he governed was shivering from lack of heating, it's little surprise that #EmasculaTed started trending soon after.

Meanwhile, throat-shove lady has deleted her tweet and run away.
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Not even tell it to them. It just has to exist.
Yeah, that's fair. Some people go looking for reasons to be offended.

Given Ted's well documented refusal to defend his wife against Trump's insults and flight to Cancun while the state he governed was shivering from lack of heating, it's little surprise that #EmasculaTed started trending soon after.


Meanwhile, throat-shove lady has deleted her tweet and run away.
Of course!


I mean...I have precious little respect for the belligerent conservative snowflakes, but I have none for the ones that just melt.

I appreciate you providing context, by the way. Though I was are of it, others may not have been and I didn't provide it myself. I was made aware of Lethality Jane by an article from The Hill and found her screenshot of the exchange.
“Shoved down our throat”.

Barb, you dummy, you’d have never known a thing about this if Fled Cruz hadn’t brought it up.

$20 also says Barb is the same person who tells you to stand for the National Anthem and respect the troops. These people are insufferable.
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Aaaaand he just keeps digging.

Also, "Kremlin Cruz" is trending as a result of Felito fellating the Russian Federation.
Garry Kasparov responding to Ted's my new favorite thing. It won't change a ****ing thing, of course, but I've kind of come to terms with that. It's malicious ignorance, but worse because he likely knows the difference and is seizing on people not knowing the difference for political capital.
Garry Kasparov responding to Ted's my new favorite thing. It won't change a ****ing thing, of course, but I've kind of come to terms with that. It's malicious ignorance, but worse because he likely knows the difference and is seizing on people not knowing the difference for political capital.
What did he say?
Leaning in a bit here, going with the "bad takes" angle even if it doesn't reside beneath the social media umbrella. Don't hesitate to do the same if you think it's appropriate.

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Leaning in a bit here, going with the "bad takes" angle even if it doesn't reside beneath the social media umbrella. Don't hesitate to do the same if you think it's appropriate.

While I normally abhor making fun of someone for their disabilities, I'm not sure this "congressman" has either the mental NOR physical capacity to be useful in politics.
The Founding Fathers were not infallible, they are not the end-all visionaries of the future. They also used even stronger quarantine methods back then during times health crisis.

This guy, QBert, & Qreene can't be locked out of Congress fast enough. Maddy even openly said he has not attended or voted on the last 14-15 bills because they're "all dumb Democrat" stuff & he'd rather be home with his wife than voting alongside Pelosi. Republicans busy crying about getting people off the government's dime (unemployment) and this power wheels moron is collecting a tax-payer funded salary to do nothing himself.
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While I normally abhor making fun of someone for their disabilities, I'm not sure this "congressman" has either the mental NOR physical capacity to be useful in politics.
We should probably come to terms with the notion that he may never be unseated.

The Founding Fathers were not infallible, they are not the end-all visionaries of the future. They also used even stronger quarantine methods back then during times health crisis.
Sure, but they were also "coastal elites." Many were lawyers, medical doctors and businessmen. Several were publishers. Most were university graduates. They tended to be quite wealthy in their time.

These are the sort of facts that The Party would like to see struck from historical record because they don't help to maintain their hold over the proles.
Any word on the supply of straws? Because they's a-graspin'.
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IIRC, he got asked about that and said he hasn’t read what was written and punted the question to the campaign team.
Logic is lost on candy-ass culture war grievances. It's completely irrational (with no implied correlation between irrational behavior and skin color); it's a nothingchickensandwich.

This is where America is apparently. A senator can claim that limiting sauce packets briefly at one fast food chain is "destroying America" with a straight face.
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This is where America is apparently. A senator can claim that limiting sauce packets briefly at one fast food chain is "destroying America" with a straight face. straight as Ted's crooked face can muster, anyhow.
Seems like they're running low on material.
Biden isn't living up to the threat that they campaigned against and they're desperate, grasping for something...anything...that'll whip their base into the sort of frenzy that'll lead to another attack like the one that interrupted the electoral vote count in Congress.

Of course, this isn't to say there's nothing of which to be critical--legitimately, that is--about the current administration, but it's hard to get too stirred when you consider what might have been, as well as what may still be as a result of Republicans' relentless chipping away at democracy all because their fat, fragile, Fake Bake ****ing führer lost.
Hmmm... CSM or election thread... CSM or election thread... or maybe this belongs in Aliens. lol

"They don't want you talking about Maricopa"? They are talking about Maricopa.

Christ on a ****ing bike, these people are stupid. How stupid?
