Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
Though it is intriguing to me that she seemed to have defended Israel. I know it's the mainstream Republican position (as well as Democrat, for the most part) to be supportive of Israel, but this is someone that has dog-whistled at anti-semitic conspiracies on multiple occasions.

It's almost as though they only seem white enough when fighting a brown person.
Lovely treasure trove I just came across courtesy of imgur. :lol:

Oh nice, this is one of my personal soap boxes:

Lovely treasure trove I just came across courtesy of imgur. :lol:
Like the Trump bus on the previous page (which was at least an error in judgement, to be fair), it's probably better suited to the political cartoon/image/meme thread than this one. I won't ask that either be moved as they've already been commented on; just something to consider for the future.

The Kellyanne Conway, Iggy Pop 'shop is going to haunt me.


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MTG seems to becoming more openly racist by the day. We all know if Ilhan and Rashida were not Muslim Americans she would not have used the term "Jihad Squad". And the failed "America First Caucus" that she co-authored stated "preserving Anglo-Saxon traditions" as a goal. I feel like it's only a matter of time before she goes full race-realist.

Though it is intriguing to me that she seemed to have defended Israel. I know it's the mainstream Republican position (as well as Democrat, for the most part) to be supportive of Israel, but this is someone that has dog-whistled at anti-semitic conspiracies on multiple occasions.
So, I was originally writing this post, saying they're all getting more open as Tucker decided to claim that Fauci is responsible for the Pandemic. As I started to look for the article, the witch herself retweeted it & added her own diarrhea on to it.

This dimwit apparently didn't grasp the fact that if Fauci could be fired, Trump would've already done it.
So, I was originally writing this post, saying they're all getting more open as Tucker decided to claim that Fauci is responsible for the Pandemic. As I started to look for the article, the witch herself retweeted it & added her own diarrhea on to it.

This dimwit apparently didn't grasp the fact that if Fauci could be fired, Trump would've already done it.

The last half decade has just been me saying over and over again "ok this time they jumped the shark, this time people are going to realize it's all baloney", and then being proven wrong.
Know why Fauci is the highest paid federal employee? He has legitimate expertise.

The last half decade has just been me saying over and over again "ok this time they jumped the shark, this time people are going to realize it's all baloney", and then being proven wrong.
It's not jumping the shark if you never come down.

Carlson face strikes again.
The face a small child makes when filling their diaper.
So, I was originally writing this post, saying they're all getting more open as Tucker decided to claim that Fauci is responsible for the Pandemic. As I started to look for the article, the witch herself retweeted it & added her own diarrhea on to it.

This dimwit apparently didn't grasp the fact that if Fauci could be fired, Trump would've already done it.

So I started watching the video posted by her showing this Tucker Carlson going on some diatribe and got 4 minutes in when I heard that masks "reduced oxygen flow to your brain" and decided to do a quick Google.

Doesn't look like this is supported by evidence. Sure the study looked at peripheral oxygen saturation (the kind usually measured by that probe they put on your finger) and Tucker may be some savant and know that oxygen levels in the blood vessels heading to the brain are decreased yet unaffected in the rest of the circulation but I'm gonna have to doubt that.
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Look, I'm not up and up on the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but I do know its parent organization is the Chinese Academy of Sciences which reports to the Chinese People's Government...or you know the state itself. The only connection I've seen to the US is through the Galveston National Lab which is run by the University of Texas. EcoHealth Alliance secured a grant through the NIH for bat research and was working with the Wuhan lab, but it wasn't exactly funding the lab. EcoHealth is also a multi-national organization that studies virus outbreaks as a result of deforestation.

I don't think these people understand how grants work. And in any case, the grant was given under Trump. Also, I'd bet 100 Tricky Trump Fun Bucks that these people don't know what "gain of function research" even is. Even if they do, it's not like Fauci said he's never favored it, just that he currently doesn't favor it, which makes sense if we have questions regarding the safety practices of Chinese labs.

Spicer is a failed Florida Republican congressional candidate and this is part of the right's perpetual strawmanning over specifically identification as it relates to voter suppression bills and criticism thereof.
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It's so weird that both sides seemingly get hung up on ID laws instead of things like access to actually voting. I'm only going off of Michigan and Utah here, but obtaining an ID was super easy and there was more than one group willing to help you obtain one if you didn't have a permanent address or even the funds to pay for the ID.

I'm not even sure people without ID are even the type of people who'd even vote in the first place.

Am I just missing something?
I guess it depends upon what you need to obtain the card, how much it costs, how far you have to travel, how long the delay before you get one etc.

This is a list of the ACLU's objections:

They make it sound like it'd reduce voting rather than fraud.

I guess that seems weird to me because you can't even get a job without a government ID and a Social Security number. Sure you can do odd jobs and get paid under the table, but a majority of companies don't want that liability, especially small businesses. It also seems weird that 25% of blacks don't have an ID either. If that's the case there's a bigger issue than just voting since that means they aren't working and aren't receiving any form of government benefits.

I do agree with the ACLU that it's a solution looking for a problem since in-person fraud is really, really low and I also agree that it's a waste of taxpayer dollars. It still seems like a weird thing to get hung up on by both sides though. Instead of arguing over it, I would imagine the energy would be better spent trying to figure out a secure, nationwide, mail-in voting process. I know Republicans don't want that since it spells doom for their party, but their energy would be better spent trying to transform their policies to align with what people want instead of just trying to figure out how to get fewer people to vote. I know that's a pipe dream though.
I guess that seems weird to me because you can't even get a job without a government ID and a Social Security number. Sure you can do odd jobs and get paid under the table, but a majority of companies don't want that liability, especially small businesses. It also seems weird that 25% of blacks don't have an ID either. If that's the case there's a bigger issue than just voting since that means they aren't working and aren't receiving any form of government benefits.
Our government has just announced plans to deny voting to people without photo ID. Since I don't drive and no longer have a job, that means my only valid photo ID is my passport.

If I lose it or it runs out and isn't renewed, that'll mean my vote's off the table (along with that of my mum since she's housebound and I proxy vote for her).

The government know who I am since I have tax records, but photo ID is something else. I never needed one to get paid, so I imagine a lot of people will end up falling through the cracks.

I thought this sounded familiar...

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Our government has just announced plans to deny voting to people without photo ID. Since I don't drive and no longer have a job, that means my only valid photo ID is my passport.

If I lose it or it runs out and isn't renewed, that'll mean my vote's off the table (along with that of my mum since she's housebound and I proxy vote for her).

The government know who I am since I have tax records, but photo ID is something else. I never needed one to get paid, so I imagine a lot of people will end up falling through the cracks.

Ah, I suppose it's a bit different between the US and the UK then. In the US, pretty much every state that I know of offers a government issues ID that looks like a driver's license but it significantly cheaper (it's $23 in Utah) and lasts several years (5 years in Utah). You don't need much to get it either and you can use the address of a homeless shelter or hotel too. So you need proof of address (the shelter can provide this), a birth certificate, and a social security number. Our free clinic even provides this service to people too and you can get it done while at the clinic itself too.

Also in the US, for any job that isn't paid under the table (in cash without a record) you need an ID and a Social Security number at the very least. The same goes for virtually all government-provided services too (which is why the Republican argument of illegal taking social services is a load of crap). So really you can't do much without an ID in the US which is why I find it so weird that the ACLU found the 25% of blacks don't have an ID to begin with. Really the only people I can see not having an ID are those who are homeless or jobless while not accepting any social services. I'd like to think that 1 in 4 blacks in the US don't fall into that category. I assume they're probably more in this category than whites, but if that truly is the number we have way bigger issues.
Ah, I suppose it's a bit different between the US and the UK then. In the US, pretty much every state that I know of offers a government issues ID that looks like a driver's license but it significantly cheaper (it's $23 in Utah) and lasts several years (5 years in Utah). You don't need much to get it either and you can use the address of a homeless shelter or hotel too. So you need proof of address (the shelter can provide this), a birth certificate, and a social security number. Our free clinic even provides this service to people too and you can get it done while at the clinic itself too.
This sounds like effectively charging people to vote every five years. I've lost my birth certificate so would be up the creek in this scenario. I wonder how housewives get along.
Given that the founders were shapeshifters, I wouldn't expect a photo ID to do much good. In order to vote you had to join the great link.

I admittedly get a little lost once you get into DS9. I'm out of my depth (no pun intended).