Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
He's just bitchy because his face keeps getting smaller.



That has to be satire, right.

Someone, please, tell me that's satire.


I don't think that's satire.
She's apparently new to this internet thing...

Sounds like something sex ed. can handle.
This. Just...every ****ing bit of this.

Stop telling kids not have sex. Stop telling kids having sex is wrong. Stop trying to scare kids, telling girls that God with give them a unibrow and boys that He will make their penis fall off.

Stop pretending kids aren't going to have sex. Instead, empower them to be safe and responsible.

School curriculum seems really ****ing obvious, but failing that, just talk to kids honestly about sex. Inform them of what it actually is and, without aiming to frighten, tell them what can result from it. Tell them that sex is healthy provided certain precautions are taken. Stress those precautions. Inform them of the potential pitfalls when failing to take precautions. Stress consent. Make it clear that relenting to pressure to have sex isn't the same as giving consent, and that coercion to have sex without actually forcing an act isn't the same as getting consent.

Talk to kids about porn as well. Stop trying to ban it. Porn isn't harmful. Porn also isn't sex. Porn is entertainment. Porn distorts reality. Definitely don't do this because it's just a spectacularly bad idea, but taking kids (who are at an age that they can reasonably be expected to be sexually active) to a porn set would likely be more productive than offering up "nice" porn.

Enough with the moral ****ing panic!

She's apparently new to this internet thing...

Yeah--full disclosure--I saw that tweet quoted in the very same tweet that contained the screenshot.
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In case anyone is still wondering what a replies-to-likes ratio is that tweet is a graphically accurate illustration.
I don't know why the tag for Matt Gaetz is bolded, but any remark in which Matt Gaetz is tagged affirmatively is likely to be a **** take, as that one is.


The one person is presenting an emotional argument against pornography, which has [reasonably] been suggested isn't problematic if parties involved are of legal age and consenting. This is the **** take. The response is both funny and logical.

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Strange that people who love scream "fake news!", also love to push fake news of their own. 🤔

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Brexiteer muppet extraordinaire, Andrew Bridgen MP, explains that the "real reason" behind the shortage of lorry drivers in the UK right now (which is contributing to shortages of goods for supermarkets across the UK) is not Brexit, the pandemic or poor pay and conditions, but the former Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair (out of office since 2007) for encouraging young people to stay in higher education.

That crowd response looks fairly subdued. Kinda "flat" actually.
(It's a photograph.)

Grammatical, factual, spelling and legal errors in the same sentence? From a congressional candidate? Sounds like a game of "Florida bingo". She since deleted her tweet but that didn't stop The Medicare Lady™ doubling down on this idiocy:

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The shallowest of dives into Obama's career prior to his presidency tells me that in 1996, when Congress passed the Communications Decency Act (of which Section 230 is a part), he was a con. law lecturer at University of Chicago Law School and was campaigning for a seat in the Illinois State Senate.


The shallowest of dives into Obama's career prior to his presidency tells me that in 1996, when Congress passed the Communications Decency Act (of which Section 230 is a part), he was a con. law lecturer at University of Chicago Law School and was campaigning for a seat in the Illinois State Senate.


On the bright side, they absolutely nailed the "thanks obama" meme.
Nice account full of bad takes.

That's your conservative leadership there forbidding you from enticing boys with your "have sex with me" shoulders, Ashley.

"What's so bad about a penis?
An ordinary organ just hangin' there
Will the sight of a male member
give us rabies or distemper?
Tell me, what's so bad about a penis that's bare?"
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