Custom VisionRacer VR3. D-box motion, Dual TH8s, Triple projection.

  • Thread starter Mayaman
update 4/2/12

Check this out. Not 100% in place, still need to bolt down the aluminum ring but its coming together.


Added a stiffer rubber to the spring inside the handbrake, its really about perfect now. Wish I could add the "clak clak" of a real handbrake but the preassure is great. Can't have everything.

The shifter is AWESOME. I am using the short shift 6+1 I got fabricated from a friend over at GTPlanet. I then lined each gate with a rubber shim. The shifts feel almost real now. I've set the bolt on the shift stiff and loctite the thread, and with the rubber lining on the inside of the gate it feels almost right.

Now onto a couple other goodies. :)
Nice work! :)

Can you tell me more about the 6-DOF rig you have planned or is it all under wraps for now? :)

I want to upgrade to 4 Dbox actuators, I currently have a 2 actuator SRP. So I'm selling that and buying a four actuator rig.

I want to upgrade to 4 Dbox actuators, I currently have a 2 actuator SRP. So I'm selling that and buying a four actuator rig.

Maya, you rrig is looking good. I've been working on 3D on my triple screen, have to post a new vid soon. PM me if your dbox is still for sale with the details; I may be interested in picking up the two actuator version if I sort a few things out, thanks.
Hi Mayaman,
Just want to thank you deeply for starting this thread and posting so many nice infor,, really u can choose not to share any infor...and i feel you shouldnt be involving in hot debates... really not worth it..You had really benefited the sim racing community alot and I am sure many sim fans had pm u to ask questions and sort advice. I am so excited when i saw your thread and for a moment make me want to "throw" away 5K USD to buy 2nd hand set in my country here...All thanks to you...

Very comically i just get to know ALan..and before i can read on the posts by him here.. i immediate send him this thread link to tell him the best rig in GTplanet, so that he can get ideas,,,, wow great minds think alike..haha..Ok I am not too good with words. Just wish to express my thanks and hope you can continue post more of your Rig development.

Have fun!
Hi Mayaman,
Just want to thank you deeply for starting this thread and posting so many nice infor,, really u can choose not to share any infor...and i feel you shouldnt be involving in hot debates... really not worth it..You had really benefited the sim racing community alot and I am sure many sim fans had pm u to ask questions and sort advice. I am so excited when i saw your thread and for a moment make me want to "throw" away 5K USD to buy 2nd hand set in my country here...All thanks to you...

Very comically i just get to know ALan..and before i can read on the posts by him here.. i immediate send him this thread link to tell him the best rig in GTplanet, so that he can get ideas,,,, wow great minds think alike..haha..Ok I am not too good with words. Just wish to express my thanks and hope you can continue post more of your Rig development.

Have fun!


Very helpful and inspirational indeed....
It doesn't make it "notchier" it makes it quieter at the end of the travel. So instead of that annoying thud, you get silence. You still get the clack sound as you enter the gate though. There is a few pics earlier in the thread like a page back. Its a simple rubber grommet cut to size.
Awesome setup mayaman, it motivates me everytime i look at it, to improve up on my own race rig.

Although i have come pretty far in the last couple of months with building my own rig, there is always that one rig that makes you wish you had it.

:bowdown: :bowdown: Your custom vision racer VR3 is that one. :bowdown: :bowdown:

Looks like the CSW will be added soon to your rig.:)

I only wish i had the space, the time and the resources.

Looking forward to see some D-Box 4 way motion video's when it's finished.
Awesome setup mayaman, it motivates me everytime i look at it, to improve up on my own race rig.

Although i have come pretty far in the last couple of months with building my own rig, there is always that one rig that makes you wish you had it.

:bowdown: :bowdown: Your custom vision racer VR3 is that one. :bowdown: :bowdown:

Looks like the CSW will be added soon to your rig.:)

I only wish i had the space, the time and the resources.

Looking forward to see some D-Box 4 way motion video's when it's finished.

Get in line then :lol: :lol: :lol:
Brilliant video mate 👍
Do you have a thread showing your rig/build?
I'm interested to know how you got 3 projectors syncing with one set of glasses etc :)
Brilliant video mate 👍
Do you have a thread showing your rig/build?
I'm interested to know how you got 3 projectors syncing with one set of glasses etc :)

Was great to see indeed...
Nvidia support it no problems via the GFX card output, you need 3x projector though that are "Nvidia 3DVision" capable or use a modded inf file (commonly an acer one) to enable your projector to be detected as such.

I think I'd have to do this with the GT750 to get it to work in such a way with Nvidia.
It is not 3D Vision ready out of the box unlike the GT720, however 750 is HDMI 1.4 3D ready which indeed causes the sync problem same as say my GT5 tests.
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Nice video. I havent been on AVS Forums in a while, now I have the projector bug again I might have to go back there! Also, dont worry about capturing the effect on camera perfectly, its almost impossible. the reason the camera detects the colors differently on the side screens is because of the different surface reflectivity of different surfaces also angle of side projectors bounces light differently. It looks great on camera which means in person i am sure this is all the more amazing!
In contact with someone who I think finally will allow me to add the extra 2 actuators to my rig for a total of four! finally. Thanks ilikebeans! Hopefully he comes through.

Another update. My 50" screens are done! They are being shipped as I type this so an update will be in order once I have them here and attached.

Once the Dbox is installed and my couple of other little goodies installed I'm revamping the entire first post and getting rid of all the old pics to update it with a detailed how to with finished pics. So if you want any of those old pics, save them because they're going bye bye soon.

If you use my pics please give credit where due. :D
Good to hear Mayaman, think your gonna enjoy the slightly bigger screens.

You guys are so lucky getting to enjoy all your toys, I'm sitting here with lots of bits n pieces still waiting to get work done in the room before I can go forward. Have to say it's rather frustrating but great to see several guys now going the projector and even motion route.
Update 7/1/2012

My modded G27 pedals with Perfect Pedal, and pedal extensions made by me. They feel fantastic.



My rig in its current state. Please forgive all the dust and debri, I was just finished modded it and there was dust from drilling and sawing of aluminum and MDF.

D-Box 4 actuator system is all set up :D You can see the front actuator just in front of the custom roll cage bars I hand bent to get rid of the center support. In this position the D-box actuators give better feedback and movement than at the front of the rig. the movement is more violent and convincing as well as the transducer effects enhanced.




You get a good look at the wafer keyboard mount here.



My homage to Porsche

You can see the surround speakers mounted to the projector mount and also under each screen. The surround with the omnipolar speakers is fantastic.



An early shot of my custom VisonRacer/Fast Track Sims triple mount.

Right now I just have to clean up a few things from all the modding and construction. I have pretty much completed the rig with full Fanatec ClubSport wheel, rims, and accessories. As technology advances I'll keep changing the displays. Eventually I want to go for a 220 degree circular display using 4 or 5 projectors. LED projectors continue to advance and I'll use those since the color gamut is identical across the image. I'll update the thread as I add new equipment. :)

Mayaman, looks great mate.

Why did you run the D-Box front actuators at the middle point and not at the front of the rig like their off the shelf product?
You cut the pitch effect drastically. I tested both locations, and the movement was much better where it is now. It also put the center further back reducing stress on the rig.

All effects are heightened the way I have it.
Hey Wil, great review, I'm reading through it now. So far my favorite point you made is this:
The weight of the rims is both surprising and reassuring. These things are going to last.
They give you a feeling of realism and substantial mass. Some may say “But the added
weight will slow me down”. What I say to that is I’m looking for realism. And this feels
real. If a real race car has a wheel this heavy, then that’s what I want. I also feel that
people are so used to the plastic toy rims, that they have a skewed sense of what these
should weigh. IMO they weigh what they should if they were to be in a real race car.

Someone on my YouTube channel asked me the wheel weight question vs. the Elite just now, and I think in my reply to him I'm going to quote you, as I feel exactly the same way. Besides, this wheel can go to 400% FFB I believe (I have not even tried above 100, but I believe Logi did? Still trying to catch up to all the other reviews...)
PS, if you had a chance to check out my video review (LMK if you need a link), I mentioned mine quick release was very tight too. I did notice however on the BMW rim I had twisted the red part and therefore the spring under, and fixing that combined w/ lithium grease has made it better. I also messed w/ the hex bolts inside the QR a little to. It's gotten looser and now is fine. Hope you're is the same. Glad to see they've made changes to the production models to fix this before final wheels go out too.
Thanks Mike, I'll check out your video. I also made a quick 3.5 minute gameplay video. I actually have over an hour of HD footage, but my editing workstation is just to slow so I picked a great piece of music and made a video. I hope you like it. :)

Just watched it, very nice. I recently decided to turn off the on-screen wheel (when I can, but some sims don't allow it.) I find it's a bit more immersive especially w/ the CSW. Still longing for a "cut-off top" Le Mans Prototype style wheel so I can have better view to bottom of screen gauges through the wheel.

Anyway, awesome editing and footage, really cool. Enjoy your setup.