Alrighty. race C. P11. Fastest Lap because I no stopped. Everyone else did. I didn't conserve at all from the start. When I saw the leader pit, I had .8laps in the tank. I kept going.
When the leader exited the pits, I had a 12 second lead. .5 laps left when I got a quarter into the Nord. 9 second lead.
I had to do fuel 4 once I dropped to .4 laps. When we got to the big Karussel, that's wh n the leader caught up. He was patient and I moved over way before so he could get a clean pass.
P3 was coming up a couple seconds behind. I made room as well. .2 laps left in the tank. Set fuel to 6.
The lead Veyron dropped to 4th. It was 7 seconds behind as I'm h adding through the esses towards the last corners that start the run down the main straight.
Thing is the Veyron must have gone off! Ballooned to 9seconds and dropped to 3secinds by the final corner.
I finished 3rd with .1 lap of fuel!
The leaders thanked me for clean race.
I said no stop works if you qualify high up.
I haven't set a time. Don't need to. I'll have some replays to watch for my enjoyment.
Lots of people punting due to cars slowing for corners and some trying to conserve. The FFs seem to try and conserve more. I'll conserve at the start this time. Starting P15.