"Daily" Race Discussion

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Man your pace has improved leaps and bounds in a few weeks, you're right in the mix now.
Thanks! Yeah I’m feel like I’m getting better and really getting into it but then the clean races are so rare and I have to admit it winds me up more than it should when it goes dirty that I rage quit two in a row today as I’d had enough. The second race a lunatic came flying in without braking and took out about 5 cars on t1. He obviously had it in for someone or everyone, not sure but I just turned it off and think I’ll give it a break for a couple of days. I’ve got the uncharted remaster coming tomorrow so will be a nice change of pace. When next weeks races are announced I’ll get some practice in and go again!
Actually true quite often. Admittedly, it does help when the same people are being matched together frequently. I can’t really speak for what things look like at C and B though.
I can. It's the same game but since it can be weeks between the times you get matched with the same people there's no sense of community and no sense of responsibility.
The ones that are clean are clean because they want to.
The rest doesn't care
I can. It's the same game but since it can be weeks between the times you get matched with the same people there's no sense of community and no sense of responsibility.
The ones that are clean are clean because they want to.
The rest doesn't care
Yeah, that makes sense. It’s a shame though. We can only try to race cleanly and often and make sure nice, fair racing is frequently seen and perhaps hope it spreads that way. I remember a few weeks ago when we had Big Willow as daily B, I don’t even know how many times I raced with one particular guy that week, it was definitely above 50, if not even 60-65 somewhere of the 86 races I did during that week.
Yep, good racing this morning. I still need to find some pace around the track. The car have so much grip, I just need to trust the aero a bit more. @Sven Jurgens. Are you flat out at Virage Tertre Rouge? You left me in the dust there, partly due to the fact that it's a tricky corner and i play it safe.

Also, nice overtake at Indianapolis, I did not see it coming. You are very confident with your capacity.
Thanks :) Always a joy meeting you on the track.

I'm at the point now I can take Tetre Rouge flat out about half the time. I still like to lift for comfort though. The trick is the inside kerb is more forgiving than the outside. Two wheels touching it is still in.
As a contrast to all the complaining here, high or top split lobbies in Europe are mostly great. I found myself several times smiling or even laughing at how fast, clean and professional some drivers are. It often looks much better than F1 IRL.

I'm still of the opinion that the vast majority of crashes or punts are accidental. Or at least make yourself a favour and assume they are - it's better for your mental health and your driving.
The way Verstappen overtake Hamilton does not make F1 look good. Just watch how Perez dealt with Hamilton in comparison.
But I won't be able to resist the Nordschleife with dynamic time and weather
I don't expect PD to put dynamic in the daily races. Only on single player
I agree 100%. I've often thought of some kind of rating system that we give each other....although that would open up a can of worms too.

On a side note, does warming up prior to the race actually warm up the tires?
I think a social rating system could work but it has to be hidden. Like you can give a thumbs up / down only to driver you got within a second during the race. Add that to a brand new SR system.
I normally use MT. For this combo AT frees some brain capacity to focus on braking, turning and acceleration.
Downshifthing from 7th to 1rst in something like 50m at Mulsanne is something. You have to spam that down**** button, the faste you do it, the faster it brakes.
Yeah, that makes sense. It’s a shame though. We can only try to race cleanly and often and make sure nice, fair racing is frequently seen and perhaps hope it spreads that way. I remember a few weeks ago when we had Big Willow as daily B, I don’t even know how many times I raced with one particular guy that week, it was definitely above 50, if not even 60-65 somewhere of the 86 races I did during that week.
I get that it's totally different up there and it's for good reasons.
I think the majority of racers down here doesn't understand when they do something wrong, the game doesn't teach them anything and they often get a Clean Race Bonus after the race
Many of them can't run any other lines than the TT lines and don't know how to compensate for slipstream or how to make a cut back.

Ground fish, a player that used to hang here gave me a valuable lesson and taught me that if I drive as if it's a real car, not going for that TT line when someone is right behind. But instead take the defensive line and focus on race craft I will soon be just as fast or faster than before, while having more fun too.
We disagree on a lot of things but this was spot on
The way Verstappen overtake Hamilton does not make F1 look good. Just watch how Perez dealt with Hamilton in comparison.

I don't expect PD to put dynamic in the daily races. Only on single player

I think a social rating system could work but it has to be hidden. Like you can give a thumbs up / down only to driver you got within a second during the race. Add that to a brand new SR system.

Downshifthing from 7th to 1rst in something like 50m at Mulsanne is something. You have to spam that down**** button, the faste you do it, the faster it brakes.
Careful spamming down shift, you'll overheat the tires by locking them up.

Dynamic time/weather would be awesome in daily races but probably just static like it is in GT Sport. It would be cool to have live time/weather for daily race C (if it's a real track). One can dream :) Plus no seasons yet I assume.

@RacingGrandpa That's why I love racing from the back. It teaches you to take any line through any set of corners, as well as improving your situational awareness and finding the 'weak' spots of the driver ahead. I'm more off the racing line than on it.

I still can't enter the Porsche curves flat out but have fine tuned how much to lift for the distance to the car ahead. Dirty air is a killer in the Porsche curves. 290kph is my best there along the wall. The trick at Maison Blanche is to have the kerb (left side) under the car so the wheels don't touch it. If you can nail that you gain lots of time.

And then don't brake until the road splits for the pit lane, straighten out that kink as much as the game allows. As long as you still touch the kerb with two wheels it counts as in. That last section is a great place to gain on people, then either pass them on the outside to Dunlop or wait for the straight.
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Just because you meet someone at the track, doesn't mean they're there to actually race.
This was my first race today. No clue who this idiot is.

He pulled the same kind of crap in my second race. So, that's pretty much it.
If he shows up at the next one, I'm putting him out of commission, asap. For everyone's sake.
Not what I wanted to do today, but PD leaves the responsibility of handing out discipline to us. :indiff:
Just because you meet someone at the track, doesn't mean they're there to actually race.
This was my first race today. No clue who this idiot is.

He pulled the same kind of crap in my second race. So, that's pretty much it.
If he shows up at the next one, I'm putting him out of commission, asap. For everyone's sake.
Not what I wanted to do today, but PD leaves the responsibility of handing out discipline to us. :indiff:

I've run into him in a few dailies in the US. Always like that. Good thing is if you can pass them and make it through the next turn they crash themselves trying to hit you. I still don't understand people like that, but whatever.
Two things I'm curious about:
1. What do the numbers on red backgrounds next to the gear number on the heads up display signify?
2. Is there somewhere one can find a history of the races and finishing positions, along with other stats such as time, etc. for oneself?
sorry already posted
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I read here mentions about a social rating system.. How would it work then? What are the consequences of likes and dislikes? That would always give the players a chance to abuse it for no good reason. I am sure some of you have seen drivers of same nationality team up against someone, sometimes due to causing a racing incident, sometimes for no reason.

I think the reporting system is fine, PD just needs more people to review them. Especially the driving related stuff. Also, get a proper penalty system, instead of just penalizing track limits. I am ok enough with what it was when I joined the game in late May 2020. Not perfect, but better than the current one. Even iracing or acc don't have a faultless penalty system, from what I've heard.
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I read here mentions about a social rating system.. How would it work then? What are the consequences of likes and dislikes? That would always give the players a chance to abuse it for no good reason. I am sure some of you have seen drivers of same nationality team up against someone, sometimes due to causing a racing incident, sometimes for no reason.

I think the reporting system is fine, PD just needs more people to review them. Especially the driving related stuff. Also, get a proper penalty system, instead of just penalizing track limits. I am ok enough with what it was when I joined the game in late May 2020. Not perfect, but better than the current one. Even iracing or acc don't have a faultless penalty system, from what I've heard.
Have you ever heard of anything being done with the reporting system? There have been drivers that have been reported by everyone in the room, over and over, and nothing.

The report button is just there to make you feel better. Press it, instead of saying nasty things in the chat. It's a fidget button :lol:

Anything is better than the current one, although I wouldn't put it past PD to still make it worse. Actually 1.55 was worse :( Maybe that was the plan after all, make it really bad, then turn it off and people are happy :cheers: (they were for a while, now 1.55 has been forgotten, not so much anymore)
I read here mentions about a social rating system.. How would it work then? What are the consequences of likes and dislikes? That would always give the players a chance to abuse it for no good reason. I am sure some of you have seen drivers of same nationality team up against someone, sometimes due to causing a racing incident, sometimes for no reason.

I think the reporting system is fine, PD just needs more people to review them. Especially the driving related stuff. Also, get a proper penalty system, instead of just penalizing track limits. I am ok enough with what it was when I joined the game in late May 2020. Not perfect, but better than the current one. Even iracing or acc don't have a faultless penalty system, from what I've heard.
Let's say a downvote does not equal a minus SR. But if a dirty driver is messing the race of many people and all those people downvote the dirty driver he then gets - 10 SR. Remember that your vote is only enable if you have been closer than one second with another car.

Upvote are there as a counter measure to troll. because we know troll will automaticly downvote everyone they can everytime.

Then PD can do the math for every player in the room of how many vote were possible (interaction with other = 1 vote) vs how many downvote you had.
If 75% people downvoted you - 10 SR
If 50% people downvoted you - 5 SR
If 25% well + 5 SR I guess.

For me who likes to start from the back. Let's say I gain 10 position. Then it's 10 vote that can go up or down for me. If I punt a guy off track by accident but all the other overtake went well. I will be fine SR wise.

With the current system, it's too easy to keep SR.S. Clean sector at the back of the field on Race C and your back to 99 in no time.
I'm SR.99 75% of the time or SR. S 99% of the time and yet in every race there is a dirty driver that don't belong at 99 He should never be able to reach SR.S. After the troll dirty one there is the poor sportsmaship who will block you, move under braking and make unnecessary contact in a no contact sport, he also don't belong in SR.S
Wow, from B/D to D/E in one race! It was nothing; I could have done it blindfolded. Hmm, maybe that was the problem. Anyway, back to D/D after just following the pack at a respectful distance.
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I don't think people need to be banned, the SR system has to do its job without DR resets. If you want to be A+/E, let them. They are there, A+ pace ramming everyone off, but they hide amongst the DR.D to DR.B drivers before getting reset again. Put them together and let them have at each other.

The easiest way to determine real SR is statistics. Nr of contacts over time driven. That will be harder to maintain for me and @Mc_Yavel and others that don't qualify, but that's fair. Take the last 50 hours of time spend in sport mode, and compare how many times you got into contact with another car with everyone else.

Of course you put different weights on contacts:
For example a little rub in a corner without incident is the base 1 demerit point.
Side contact where the other goes off counts as 3.
Side contact with force counts as 5, and other goes off 10.
Same for front back contact.
Same for going off track, spinning out, hitting walls without assistance or anyone to avoid (screw up yourself, unsafe driving)
Add it all up and sort everyone on their current demerit points.

This should be apart from penalties in races which are still needed. A system like that will react very slowly and could give an often pole to flag racer a pass to behave bad when he loses pole. So the worst offenses still need a time penalty.

It can work, anything is better than the current yoyo system.

And it's needed, late evening racing is a mess. This dude's reaction to me calling him out was LMAO

First incident, leaning towards racing incident, I could have stayed more left maybe. Not a good place to go into side by side, hence I brake late hoping the car behind on the inside does the sensible thing.

Indianapolis, too much pushing with a nose imo.
First bump, incident, keeping that nose on my inside back bumper pushing through, not so much.

He redeemed himself next race, patiently waiting to make a clean pass (also non qualifier), then he crashed at Maison Blanche taking the driver following him with him :/ Dirty air wins but not a dirty driver, however what would a penalty system make of this.
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Im sure it’s just me but interlagos feels very disjointed and clumsy to race on. Not really finding it that enjoyable
You have at least SOME company. 😁 I can never get into a good, consistent flow on that course. It's a great layout with some awesome features, but it's never been a favorite of mine, either. I tend to have more fun with the Gr.4 cars there, too. :cheers:
FWIW I don't find the current "no penalties" system to be as bad as the previous "every high DR driver gets penalized all the time" system.

The real problem is the perverse incentives the whole DR/SR system and matching provide. If you are a driver who likes to win and you find yourself in fast rooms you are actually rewarded for bad driving. One bad race and you can put yourself in a lobby with much slower drivers. Do it often enough and your win stats start to look very impressive.

This is my stats and SR graph. Note a relatively low win percentage but a (mostly) consistently high SR (those big drops are why I don't like the previous penalty systems).


Another nameless players stats and graph. Note the appalling SR history matching a very high win ratio.



No penalty tweaks will ever work until PD remove the incentive to tank SR in order to win more.
FWIW I don't find the current "no penalties" system to be as bad as the previous "every high DR driver gets penalized all the time" system.

The real problem is the perverse incentives the whole DR/SR system and matching provide. If you are a driver who likes to win and you find yourself in fast rooms you are actually rewarded for bad driving. One bad race and you can put yourself in a lobby with much slower drivers. Do it often enough and your win stats start to look very impressive.

This is my stats and SR graph. Note a relatively low win percentage but a (mostly) consistently high SR (those big drops are why I don't like the previous penalty systems).

View attachment 1108506 View attachment 1108507

Another nameless players stats and graph. Note the appalling SR history matching a very high win ratio.

View attachment 1108508
View attachment 1108509

No penalty tweaks will ever work until PD remove the incentive to tank SR in order to win more.
Your final statement, which is 100 % true, says it all really.

I absolutely love statistics of all kinds (the more, the merrier really) so I would hate any suggestion or possible idea to remove/hide wins and would consider that a very bad move. It’s just a shame some people seem to think just because they’ve picked up several thousand wins against players not even remotely close to their level is somehow a feat or achievement. If these super win hungry dudes around 20 - 40k would go up against a full A+ field they’d stand no chance at all.
Your final statement, which is 100 % true, says it all really.

I absolutely love statistics of all kinds (the more, the merrier really) so I would hate any suggestion or possible idea to remove/hide wins and would consider that a very bad move. It’s just a shame some people seem to think just because they’ve picked up several thousand wins against players not even remotely close to their level is somehow a feat or achievement. If these super win hungry dudes around 20 - 40k would go up against a full A+ field they’d stand no chance at all.
That's why I would like to see wins seperated out. More statistics. Nr of wins against what DR class. Highest DR in the room determines the class. Also split it out between clean and not clean victories. Victory with CRB > Victory with red SR.

Without DR resets it would already be better. Then fast dirty drivers get to race other fast dirty drivers. No point tanking your SR anymore for easy victories.
That's why I would like to see wins seperated out. More statistics. Nr of wins against what DR class. Highest DR in the room determines the class. Also split it out between clean and not clean victories. Victory with CRB > Victory with red SR.

Without DR resets it would already be better. Then fast dirty drivers get to race other fast dirty drivers. No point tanking your SR anymore for easy victories.
Amen. More statistics. And away with the resets.
Had a good night, mostly really good racing it has to be said, the very top split is clean but I can barely keep up lol.

The WRX is seriously underrated. Yes you get MURDERED from the last to the 1st turn, and I mean murdered, but I have never, ever driven a car with such confidence as the wrx at interlagos tonight. I could put it ANYWHERE I wanted. It means you need to be opportunistic and when in from take defensive lines but also trust the brakes, you can go defensive and still out brake the other guy.

A couple of examples below, two jolly good races including one in a tough room. I did mess up into T1 one time but the silver rcz I hit was super aggressive so didn't feel too bad.

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I only got to play yesterday for a few hours, and I’m currently at work for the next 4 days so I might get to play a couple hours then. BUT YESSS!! @NevilleNobody, the WRX is my warm blanket in GR.3. You can put that car wherever you want it and it’s stable as hell! However…. Like you mentioned, you might as well be dragging a boat anchor behind you on any straight of length. It’s like the Slophy of Group 3!

Interesting enough, my fastest qually lap amongst all of my accounts (got a Oceanic region account now….G-mateday), is in the 458. If you can manage to luck into a clean lap, it’s mid corner speed is amazing for the infield section of the track
About that yoyo system

Almost back to where I was. I do race a lot atm, DR doesn't go up that fast, yet SR can normally be restored in 5 daily C races.

SR shouldn't crash in a couple bad races, should also not be going from 0 to 100 in a couple races. The problem with SR.E is, you can't stay there. 3.2x SR boost and ghosting takes care of most of the incidents. Straight to SR.B in a C race is easily achieved.

Sarthe is addictive, I love nailing this section
@Sven Jurgens I really hope you don't take this wrong but I had a quick look at your stats on KP and I was rather surprised by the look of those graphs.

How do you explain these extreme yo-yo lines ? You talk a lot here about driving standards so I'd have expected to see something different, that's all. Is it the game's fault ? Other driver's ? I'm curious ! :P

Edit: I won't display the graphs here but feel free to do it.
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