"Daily" Race Discussion

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I've had very different experiences on Race A over the last 2 weeks. 2 of the races were excellent. The other 2 unplayable.

In the 2 good races the lobby was full of regulars. Everyone drove patiently and aware. It was racing.

In the 2 bad races. It was like playing another game entirely. More like Fall Guys, a dash to the line.

It's not the penalty system. It's people. We have to stop blaming technology for terrible human behavior. I don't know the solution. I just know the penalty system is an easy scapegoat that doesn't have anything to do withe the root of the problem. For example, better vetting of players before allowing online play, would be more effective.
I am not buying GT7 until I see a proper penalty system in place, I will move to ACC or Iracing, this is ruining the entire game.
If you're not looking for competitive gameplay, I recommend Wreckfest. At least if you crash, you get both visual & performance damage. The physical damage in the game is so unrealistic that you'll laugh your butt off. :lol:
As a contrast to all the complaining here, high or top split lobbies in Europe are mostly great. I found myself several times smiling or even laughing at how fast, clean and professional some drivers are. It often looks much better than F1 IRL.

I'm still of the opinion that the vast majority of crashes or punts are accidental. Or at least make yourself a favour and assume they are - it's better for your mental health and your driving.
Actually true quite often. Admittedly, it does help when the same people are being matched together frequently. I can’t really speak for what things look like at C and B though.
I'm exaggerating of course about the number of people playing and I'm aware there will always be aholes out there. I've been playing multiplayer games for a long time now. I also caught up on the history of penalty system in GTS and I wish I got the game when it was implemented so I could have some reference. Too bad that PD bent for the riff raff and removed it. It's just very frustrating to do the right thing and being punished for it so damn often.
Take a look at this thread, maybe it's better PD gave up as it only got worse over time. PD was stuck in dogmatic thinking that higher DR is more responsible and outcome is all that matters for assigning penalties.

Minor setback, back to SR.A. People were figthing for Mulsanne, I lifted and braked early but couldn't do too much with cars coming in hot behind me. Tiny contact with the fish tailing car in front of me, actually straightened him out and we went through Mulsanne fine. But that's not how PD sees it, from 89 to 79??? I don't remember a second front to back contact. There was a laggy car that suddenly shot through the field before disconnecting. I've had other races where I was left scratching my head why my SR was red.

Anyway maybe it's better to leave the penalty system off, PD can't get it right (it was 50/50 at best in assigning penalties, often 70% wrong) and with the attitude on the track nowadays it will turn into all out revenge war from faulty penalties :banghead:

It did make people drive more carefully, but it will only work if PD changes it to shared fault. Yet FIA seems to block that. FIA wants advantages penalized, yet the game sees simply surviving as an advantage. Maybe the best thing for GT7 is FIA to piss off.
this is the second time in a row in race C that i suddenly lose the rear end at Tertre rouge , corner you take flat out without having my tyres dirty , i really dont get it
this is the second time in a row in race C that i suddenly lose the rear end at Tertre rouge , corner you take flat out without having my tyres dirty , i really dont get it
Theory is, tires get too hot and lose grip. However, I've had these random traction loss incidents happen on Spa as well last week. Tires shouldn't be overheating in the rain? That part up to Tetre Rouge is the most dangerous on the track, so easy to start sliding.

Further setback, well just -1 SR, to 78. Giving the field a 5 sec head start isn't enough. I already passed too many wrecks in Dunlop, one of which side barged me into a struggling car in Tetre Rouge. Thanks for pushing me into his path, can't brake fast enough and bump him. So I get the -10 SR...

That race was filthy as heck. Majority red SR, couple Bs and a C. I guess -1 SR is a victory in that room. Only the pole to flag racer had blue SR. Bunch of red, rest quit.
yeah this is total BS. Same driver in 3 races ****s me over.. last one I was in the lead most of the race while he was behind me and he clipped me at the last turn of the last lap on purpose, he just didn't break to punt me.. I get to 6th spot and he wins and that also caused me to lose clean race. Maybe some sort of report system like they do in MOBA's and ban clearly offensive drivers for a week or something. What sucks is that dude is capable of good laps, he's 44.1xx, my lap is 44.088. It's a shame that people resort to this BS.
Last race went better. I kept on the brakes longer, unfortunately the one car still starting behind me didn't get my message (blinkers) and drove straight into me. Maybe triggering a false start is safer? Dunno.

I let the field get ahead, managed to stay out of trouble and finished 3rd in the end with my best lap yet a 3:22.5 SR up to 87. I missed the CRB due to having to go wide to avoid a car and snagging 0.5 sec for doing the right thing. It is what it is. (First and second were 3:19 and 3:21 laps, no chance of catching them anyway)

Next the misfit room again, I'll leave that for later. Enough of these dirty rooms. It's not really racing, just surviving, avoiding. Lunch hours used to be very clean, not anymore, not on Sarthe.

Couple clean drivers do still stick around, trying to defeat the odds like me lol.
It's not the penalty system. It's people. We have to stop blaming technology for terrible human behavior. I don't know the solution. I just know the penalty system is an easy scapegoat that doesn't have anything to do withe the root of the problem. For example, better vetting of players before allowing online play, would be more effective.
The only way to address to root of the problem, is to .....penalise it.

I do agree that there have been versions of the system that was too harsh, i was reset 7 times in 100 races TRYING to be clean, just from incidental contact. Or the stupid ghost contact etc.

I think it is a mistake to say there's no perfect system so it cannot be done and should be left to law of the jungle because law of the jungle is not working right now. There is some really low hanging fruit that GTS could employ to cut down on the barge passing, it is chronic right now and needs to be addressed, it is not racing.
^^^ I came here to say that a penalty system needs to be implemented for GT7 or they will lose Sport community pretty fast. I've only been playing for a month and I'm already sick and tired of these bomb divers.. I get clipped, dived on, on turns I'm used as a freaking wall so others can get a smoother turn. I get matched with the same bombers all the time, I mean I know their freaking PSNs by now. Is only 100 people playing this game anymore in Sport mode?
I agree that the penalty system needs an overhaul. However not having it on hasn't lead people to leaving the game and it remains as popular as ever.
It's not the penalty system. It's people. We have to stop blaming technology for terrible human behavior. I don't know the solution. I just know the penalty system is an easy scapegoat that doesn't have anything to do withe the root of the problem. For example, better vetting of players before allowing online play, would be more effective.
I agree 100%. I've often thought of some kind of rating system that we give each other....although that would open up a can of worms too.

On a side note, does warming up prior to the race actually warm up the tires?
Take a look at this thread, maybe it's better PD gave up as it only got worse over time. PD was stuck in dogmatic thinking that higher DR is more responsible and outcome is all that matters for assigning penalties.
Thanks for linking me to this.. I see a lot of people are going through these frustrations and you went through yours too I see, hehe..
I agree that the penalty system needs an overhaul. However not having it on hasn't lead people to leaving the game and it remains as popular as ever.
Dunno about that. In weekly numbers maybe, but I'm no longer seeing most of the clean people I used to race with. Most of the names I recognize are trouble. Player numbers seem to go in step with Covid numbers... More people at home, more racing.

I agree 100%. I've often thought of some kind of rating system that we give each other....although that would open up a can of worms too.

On a side note, does warming up prior to the race actually warm up the tires?
No, everything resets for the race.

Shared fault would be the easiest first step, yet PD refuses.
Penalizing bad driving an easy second step (lose SR for ignoring track limits, spinning out, hitting walls on your own etc)
And plenty other low hanging fruit to base SR on.
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Only had time for a few qualy laps last night but absolutely stoked to nail a good lap time first time out in the SLS GT3.


Lovin' me some Race A tonight! /sarc :yuck:

Managed to drop about enough DR points in two races to bring my alt account down to D again. I might not go back there again, unless my masochism kicks in!

I took the Red Bull car for a spin (ha!, not really, I actually stayed on the track) in time trials against the machine on my main account. I really think I like it. It's amazing to go around Porsche Corner in 7th gear, and not to brake for Mulsanne until actually off the straight itself! Amazing downforce. :cool:
Go for the red bull. I have set TCS to 2 and turned on full automatic (AT). Yep, set my manhood to the side for this combo.

I normally use MT. For this combo AT frees some brain capacity to focus on braking, turning and acceleration. The AT is pretty good, never drops to first, and stays in 7th for the first few sections of the Porsche curves.

During practice I turn off TCS to properly understand the acceleration points until I can reliably run a quick lap... then turn on TCS for a better lap time. Turn it back off - rinse and repeat. For those new to TCS, it can only save you by cutting your power, thus punishing you. The best way to learn the correct technique is with TCS off. And yes, it is frustrating to spin while you learn.
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Im sure it’s just me but interlagos feels very disjointed and clumsy to race on. Not really finding it that enjoyable
I have had some of my best races there. There are two passing areas, into T1 and T3. Passing anywhere else is plain wrong unless someone makes a mistake. A lot of folk run wide at T3 so make your apex and you may gain a spot. I suppose T4 is doable but it really slows you both down badly.
I would love to see a penalty system that works by limiting race access for blatant and repeat offenders. One hour without being able to enter any online races? Surely a nightmare for impatient punty types, and food for thought about what they are doing?
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this is the second time in a row in race C that i suddenly lose the rear end at Tertre rouge , corner you take flat out without having my tyres dirty , i really dont get it
This is exactly the reason I think it’s a tyre temperature issue. Because it’s not what you’re doing at Tertre Rouge, it’s what’s happened just before.

If you’re too aggressive through the esses you lose grip at Tertre Rouge every time. If it’s not a tyre temp model then it would need to be something else about the car through the previous section.
How to survive the start at Sarthe :P

While the starts are fine now, still back to SR.B (63 SR) Matchmaking makes such a weird mix you should still be expecting random early brakers in lap 4 in 5th position... How did you get here with best lap of 3:28. Nothing bad happened, but I tapped him twice, one for the one before last chicane, and again at Dunlop while I was braking long before the signs on the right, still not early enough doh.

Another reason just punting someone off is better for SR, can't run into them again for another -10 SR :ouch: I passed him cleanly on the straight, then he was already 5 sec behind at the end of that lap.

Oh well, matchmaking is completely scrambled. DR is a mess, SR is a mess. SR doesn't reflect clean or dirty, DR doesn't reflect pace. Might as well pick names out of a hat to make the rooms.
@Sven Jurgens I hope I didn't bounce off you at the start! I was getting pummeled every which way. Finally got forced off the track just before Tetre Rouge. Then spun and hit walls all by myself just to prove I could do it! :confused:

Hanging on to DR B but my SR is headed for the basement. :irked:

Congratulations on your finish!
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@Sven Jurgens I hope I didn't bounce off you at the start! I was getting pummeled every which way. Finally got forced off the track just before Tetre Rouge. Then spun and hit walls all by myself just to prove I could do it! :confused:

Hanging on to DR B but my SR is headed for the basement. :irked:

Congratulations on your finish!
Couldn't have been me, I wait 5 sec before actually starting :) See vid above lol

Sorry to hurt your SR, I had to wait for RON to get through Mulsanne, hence being slow on the apex. Such a stupid system, didn't hurt me one bit but that tiny touch probably cost you 10 SR.

I had a near win just now and back to SR.S. I was gaining on first and second, would have caught first if second didn't mess up slowing me down. He got the wobble and crashed on the way to Tetre Rouge, bad place to have to brake and get on the straight slow. At least he also slowed down the Brazillian gaining on me, he could have won that race as well. It's often more luck than skill. The guy winning deserved it, steady under pressure with that gap shrinking fast, yet most likely wouldn't have won without the chaos in the race. It's still 3 to 5 wrecks for every pass I make :/ I made up 16 places, overtook 3 or 4 cars, rest all crashed :crazy:

Time for a break again, sitting on 81 SR. The room that used to have a good shot at a victory, however nowadays it's the room with the worst skill spread. And with these cars, not good. It's filled with early brakers since those keep there SR.S status. But it also has the fast dirty drivers that fall out of the 90+ SR split and the fastest of those are used to put with the slowest 80-89 SR group. Since my DR is still low, I'll be starting 15th or so there, fast non qualifiers behind, slow early braking traffic in front. Pull over at the start or trigger false start and pass the wrecks I guess.
Couldn't have been me, I wait 5 sec before actually starting :) See vid above lol

Sorry to hurt your SR, I had to wait for RON to get through Mulsanne, hence being slow on the apex. Such a stupid system, didn't hurt me one bit but that tiny touch probably cost you 10 SR.

I had a near win just now and back to SR.S. I was gaining on first and second, would have caught first if second didn't mess up slowing me down. He got the wobble and crashed on the way to Tetre Rouge, bad place to have to brake and get on the straight slow. At least he also slowed down the Brazillian gaining on me, he could have won that race as well. It's often more luck than skill. The guy winning deserved it, steady under pressure with that gap shrinking fast, yet most likely wouldn't have won without the chaos in the race. It's still 3 to 5 wrecks for every pass I make :/ I made up 16 places, overtook 3 or 4 cars, rest all crashed :crazy:

Time for a break again, sitting on 81 SR. The room that used to have a good shot at a victory, however nowadays it's the room with the worst skill spread. And with these cars, not good. It's filled with early brakers since those keep there SR.S status. But it also has the fast dirty drivers that fall out of the 90+ SR split and the fastest of those are used to put with the slowest 80-89 SR group. Since my DR is still low, I'll be starting 15th or so there, fast non qualifiers behind, slow early braking traffic in front. Pull over at the start or trigger false start and pass the wrecks I guess.
I don't think you hurt my SR. I think it's all the ping pong in the first few corners. I'm not trying to hit people, I'm trying not to hit people! Actually went off the track on one lap at Mulsanne Corner to avoid a guy who braked earlier than I expected. But SR still goes down. It actually went back up a bit on the race I just finished.

I'm enjoying learning how to handle this car and to expect the curves to come much earlier than ever before!
Interlagos confuses me - love the flow of it and enjoy racing, but always way off the pace of the guys up front. I did one of my best laps around there in the Viper (1:31.6) and I qualify last 😂. Might try the Supra again and watch some hotlaps.

Had 5 wins on Race A though thanks to a decent qualifying time. Just 2 tenths off @GOTMAXPOWER ! But those 2 tenths is a lot to find around there.
Matchmaking is so weird on Sarthe. I got back to 99 SR to find the easiest rooms all week.


I somehow got through the entire pack lap 1, second place there faltered at the chicane putting me in the lead.

It was a nail biter all race, he's fast, I drove my fastest laps all week. I kept him at 1.2 to 1.5 sec behind me. He kept shaving off a couple tenths every now and then. I forced myself to focus ahead and only look at the time gap on the straights, confirming he was still out of draft range, or rather hoping he still was.

One time he got down to 0.8 sec but did so with a little cut at Tetre Rouge so was hauled back a bit at the penalty zone. He still nearly hit me in the final chicane (not intentional, different lines) but too late, secured the victory.

Next race was completely different, a huge mess in lap 1 and then everyone fell back. I had my worst lap all week in that race, a 2:34 in lap 3, still ahead of the pack :confused:

But as you can see, I didn't survive lap 1, getting jostled around, back to DR.A

It's a weird week. Gonna try to get back to S again. Just got disconnected, so attempt nr 2.
Success, back to S, finished third, far behind the A+/A drivers in the room.
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Fun day at Race C running unqual. I wish I could hold back like @Sven Jurgens does. It would keep me out of the crowd. But I'm just not a good enough driver to catch up if I fall behind. Maybe someday. Anyway, I increased my DR somewhat but my SR is down to D after the last race I ran this evening. I'm trying hard not to bump people, braking a little early, etc., but some people just want to bump I guess. I also see that I can get so absorbed in watching the car in front of me that I totally forget to notice the braking point and drive right through the curve. I've done that a couple of times. Maybe it's just that things happen so fast with this car that it's hard (for me) to keep up with events.

Had a good couple of laps with SundayMoney, good clean racing. He got past me at Indianapolis when I went a little wide and got on the gravel a little, but then, unfortunately for him he went out of control on the last S out of Porsche.
Interlagos confuses me - love the flow of it and enjoy racing, but always way off the pace of the guys up front. I did one of my best laps around there in the Viper (1:31.6) and I qualify last 😂. Might try the Supra again and watch some hotlaps.

That must be top split, I ran a 31.2 and in an all S/A room i qualified 5th much to my surprise. Things seemed to be cleaner tonight, needed that after yesterday. Tried a few more cars, of all of them the wrx feels quite capable, ran very, very consistent 31.5s to .7s in qualifying which is excellent pace. Will try racing with it tomorrow.
Im sure it’s just me but interlagos feels very disjointed and clumsy to race on. Not really finding it that enjoyable
It definitely takes some getting used to. I once hated it because of the stop-go-stop-go nature of it, and the constant dive-fest at every hairpin bend. But once you get used to the rhythm it can be a fun place to have loads of close-quarters battles with other competitive but considerate drivers - if you can find them!

@Barney Da Dog I just spotted your post about the Viper. Nice lap! I'll have to jump into the Viper and see what I can do in it. I thought a 31.8 would put me in a good position on the grid, but by the sounds of your grid placement, maybe not! But then I think you've gone a fair bit ahead of me on DR numbers now...
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I really like Interlagos and with 1.31.043 I have a decent time, but it is not possible to finish a race without being pushed of in the Senna S or the corner after the first straight... and I totally agree that we need a working penalty system back. It was so frustrating and I am honest, I am not finishing a race after dropping 6 or more positions cause of being rammed again and again, which is poisen to my DR.

Maybe it is because some drivers are not capable but I am pretty sure a lot of these hits are intentional.
Now I have to go an meditate to improve my anger management..
