"Daily" Race Discussion

  • Thread starter GTPNewsWire
Here is my last sport mode race for now, from Wednesday. Good solid race with some better A+ drivers (1st-3rd and 5th all A+). Had a bit of a touch with the Italian, heading to Porsche curves (part 2 second video). I think overall maybe a racing incident, looking back, although I didn't fully hit the inside kerb, but I tried, and maybe the other driver turned in just a bit too early? Eitherway, I apologized and time to move on, to new challenges. Nice to see that I can occasionally keep up with better drivers, all about consistency, which is hard to do in this week's Daily race C.


Can you be too clean?
@Famine Err I see this site fills in the name, is that allowed? fixed it sort of. (unfurl="false")
Good question - and even better that you asked it.

Technically no, functionally maybe, but fundamentally it's not really your fault. The fact that the URL automatically unfurls and includes a page description which posts the player's name isn't anything in your direct control, and it's not necessarily something that - once it occurs - will be all that obvious. I mean, if it unfurled to a 4K picture of hardcore porn, we'd expect that you'd notice it and edit to correct it, but this is far more subtle.

If you can, and if you remember, yeah please do change the code to unfurl=false; if you can't or don't, we're not going to fire you into the heart of the Sun for it.

I would suggest avoiding making direct "hey look at this dirty tosser's stats: unfurled link" statements, but really you're at the mercy of coding.
Yes I hear ya, but just saying that those Porsche curves can be tricky, I was side by side with an Italian, he was maybe like 1/3 car length ahead. I really tried to stay on the inside, but just understeered to the middle of the track and touched him. And Italian went to the sand just barely, but made him spin. He would have been fine, if he used just a bit more of an outside line, and I should have tried even harder to stay on the inside. It happens, that's racing. Been on the wrong end myself many times too on the outside line.

What you are writing about is not racing really and I've had run-ins with two famous dirty drivers. Possibly you know, which I mean, one likes to race in emea and americas both, 12th letter in alphabet starts his username. The other has the first part of his username taken of a famous F1 world champion, the champion is from the same country I am from.
The situation came up again last night. It was a Brazillian hanging in that position behind me, I lifted a bit to take the entry wide and stay left, the Brazillian did not though, used up all the room and send me to the sand pit.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Anyway, I'll only take the inside there from now on if I have the run and think I can clear the car before turn in, or hang back and watch them screw up at Maison Blanche... The effect of watching the rear mirror to block the car behind does wonders and I can sneak through without contact while they try to avoid the rumble strips and a penalty.

It happens all the time as well at the chicanes on the straight, yet there you can simply cut the 'hump' short when you get bumped off without fear of a shortcut penalty. Tetre Rouge lap 1 is still a problem with people braking for the corner in front, the ones behind just gunning through.

Did a race this morning, from SR.S to SR.B sigh. I didn't hit anyone off but got hit from behind into cars going slow in front of me, at Tetre Rouge and Indianapolis. A car screwed up at the Porsche curves and crashed back on the road, unavoidable, hit him then got hit by the car behind me. Problem is, I am back to high DR.A, getting matched with DR.D to A+, any touch with a lower DR is my fault.

GT7 has a lot to fix or rather rewrite the whole system. Those rage quit jerk glitches have cost me DR as well. Cars suddenly jumping forwards and back again in the hiccup. While driving behind each other on the straight it has a jackhammer effect :banghead:
Not sure if you are aware but quitting absolutely kills your DR.
I wasn’t aware. I just assumed it knocked off whatever coming last place would. I know it hits the SR.
Did it a couple of times this week as getting span out 1st lap then ten seconds off last just seems like a waste of time to carry on.
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Was only pointing out that not rage quitting a video game can be done. :)
I've only quit about a dozen races since I started GTS. Most have been justified, since I was getting abused by other drivers/penalty system. Yet oddly enough, I've posted vids about not giving up on races where I went from the back to a respectable finish by the time the checkered flag dropped. I even won a race after the first lap & a half were in the garbage.
I've only quit about a dozen races since I started GTS. Most have been justified, since I was getting abused by other drivers/penalty system. Yet oddly enough, I've posted vids about not giving up on races where I went from the back to a respectable finish by the time the checkered flag dropped. I even won a race after the first lap & a half were in the garbage.
I've quit races to protect my SR from tanking too much. Some races are just not worth your time. That was before back markers got ghosted and sticking around on Monza was often suicide.

In a daily C you enter the pits, not choose tires and leave the car sitting there. Then at least you still get DR from the quitters and no SR loss.

I just had the dirtiest race at Sarthe, but got through with CRB in 2nd. I did get rammed a bunch of times but they failed to crash me completely out nor tank my SR. Sometimes the game gets it right. It didn't all morning hence I was stuck in SR.B getting matched with D/E drivers... At least getting ramming by SR.E doesn't tank your SR.
In a daily C you enter the pits, not choose tires and leave the car sitting there. Then at least you still get DR from the quitters and no SR loss.
Typically in race C, I have the opposite mentality. I tend to try to recover from a bad start. It's a bit of self-affirmation that I'm not a seriously awful driver. I just rewatched one of my videos (race B) where I started on pole & got dive-bombed a few turns into the first lap. Spun me back to 9th & was able to get back to 2nd.
Typically in race C, I have the opposite mentality. I tend to try to recover from a bad start. It's a bit of self-affirmation that I'm not a seriously awful driver. I just rewatched one of my videos (race B) where I started on pole & got dive-bombed a few turns into the first lap. Spun me back to 9th & was able to get back to 2nd.
Yep, recovery is always more fun than sitting out. But there are some lobbies that are beyond hope and you'll end up in SR.E by sticking around. I've had races where I went last to 2nd to last to 1st lol. Never give up hope, but also read the room, and live to fight another day :)

SR is so weird. I just had the most incredible clean fast race with 2 Brazillians. Smart, strategic, not forcing openings that only lead to going side by side through corners and slowing each other down. Then when ending up side by side through Mulsanne, no problem, can easily fit another car in between so contact free. Leaving room when making a little mistake, real fun racing.

Yet, all 3 of us, red SR after the race :confused: It must be the bump drafting on the straights. No other explanation.
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I often quit when I know the rest of the race is going to be at the back with some person who knocked me out. And they feel that it's my fault so they spend the rest of the race trying to get revenge. I've quit about 100 out of 1400.
I've quit races to protect my SR from tanking too much. Some races are just not worth your time. That was before back markers got ghosted and sticking around on Monza was often suicide.

In a daily C you enter the pits, not choose tires and leave the car sitting there. Then at least you still get DR from the quitters and no SR loss.

I just had the dirtiest race at Sarthe, but got through with CRB in 2nd. I did get rammed a bunch of times but they failed to crash me completely out nor tank my SR. Sometimes the game gets it right. It didn't all morning hence I was stuck in SR.B getting matched with D/E drivers... At least getting ramming by SR.E doesn't tank your SR.
Just driving into the pits doesn’t hit SR. Just a last place DR?
The situation came up again last night. It was a Brazillian hanging in that position behind me, I lifted a bit to take the entry wide and stay left, the Brazillian did not though, used up all the room and send me to the sand pit.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Anyway, I'll only take the inside there from now on if I have the run and think I can clear the car before turn in, or hang back and watch them screw up at Maison Blanche... The effect of watching the rear mirror to block the car behind does wonders and I can sneak through without contact while they try to avoid the rumble strips and a penalty.

It happens all the time as well at the chicanes on the straight, yet there you can simply cut the 'hump' short when you get bumped off without fear of a shortcut penalty. Tetre Rouge lap 1 is still a problem with people braking for the corner in front, the ones behind just gunning through.

Did a race this morning, from SR.S to SR.B sigh. I didn't hit anyone off but got hit from behind into cars going slow in front of me, at Tetre Rouge and Indianapolis. A car screwed up at the Porsche curves and crashed back on the road, unavoidable, hit him then got hit by the car behind me. Problem is, I am back to high DR.A, getting matched with DR.D to A+, any touch with a lower DR is my fault.

GT7 has a lot to fix or rather rewrite the whole system. Those rage quit jerk glitches have cost me DR as well. Cars suddenly jumping forwards and back again in the hiccup. While driving behind each other on the straight it has a jackhammer effect :banghead:
Now that is very unfortunate and disturbing, that such drivers exist. You see them from time to time in high DR A and max SR lobbies too, but it is very very rare though. Usually just people getting mad about incidents and they revenge, even if it was not deliberate to start with. Or then the disrespectful drivers not leaving any space or weaving everywhere, or bump to passers (these are not so common but still). Not sure about Americas, but EMEA is for the most part quite clean, but this is no 100% sim, and no heavy damage, so what do you expect.. Rational people taking advantage of loopholes and being sneakily a tad too aggressive, when they know they get away with it.

Just driving into the pits doesn’t hit SR. Just a last place DR?
Yep, you still technically 'finish' the race when the timer runs out.

However since SR is based on how many clean sectors you complete, you will miss out on SR earned. It's a trade off. But with -10 SR when you get rammed by lower DR it's sometimes better to bow out.
I wasn’t aware. I just assumed it knocked off whatever coming last place would. I know it hits the SR.
Did it a couple of times this week as getting span out 1st lap then ten seconds off last just seems like a waste of time to carry on.
If it's first lap especially in C or FIA then you should carry on. They are longer races and you will always pick up a place or few as other go off, quit or your pace brings you back into it. At the very least you can use it as practice with the car in race conditions.
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Granted, it’s my alt but yeah.
I see a blemish!