There goes my hope for an overhauled system. Carry the absolutely broken SR and DR system over
It's so simple to fix matchmaking:
Base SR on demerit points over time driven:
- minor demerit points for going off track / hitting walls / spinning out
- couple demerit points for contact with other cars
- major demerit points for hard contact with another car
Record all those with timestamps for the last x hours of racing time.
Sort everyone on demerit points per hour racing => safety rating
Ignore DR for matchmaking, useless for it, just leave it as an e-peen measure.
Determine race pace for each driver per track combo (track + car)
- Once you're doing a combo, it's easy. Take the average of your best X lap times to determine your race pace.
- If you practiced / qualified before, the same thing, but use a qualifier to convert your qualifying pace to starting race pace estimate. This can be refined over time and fine tuned per person once the system gathers more data.
- If you don't qualify, estimate your race pace based on previous performance on that track. Adjust for different class / tires to get a starting estimate.
- If you don't qualify and it's your first time on the track, start at race pace 0. You're a beginner at that track, should really not be allowed to enter an online race on a track without any prior experience!
Now create rooms based on safety rating first, then race pace. Since both are continuous scales (or rather just a sorted list of drivers) you can standardize the divisions.
Say you want to stick to E/D/C/B/A/S denominations, 6 safety classes. Thus take all entries sorted on safety rating and divide them in 6 groups. The actual values at the cut off points don't really matter, and you can shift some up and down to get an even division for full rooms.
Then sort each of these groups on race pace. Create rooms, sort the rooms on qualifying times, non qualifiers at the back sorted on race pace.
So now the top split has the highest safety rating and the highest pace all grouped together.
Bottom split has the lowest safety rating and slowest pace grouped together.
Yet the highest safety rating group will also have a slowest pace room grouped together.
And the lowest safety rating group will have a highest pace room grouped together.
You can't be a dirty driver anymore, hiding in among the slower paced drivers for easy / dirty victories. You'll be competing against other fast dirty drivers. The clean slower paced drivers don't have to deal with much faster DR resets / new accounts going pole to flag or bulldozing through the field from behind. And if your DR is high, going on a new track or a track you're not that god at will place you appropriately instead of racing against much more experienced drivers on that track. And vice versa, experienced drivers don't have to deal with people showing up that don't know the track yet.
DR can still do its thing after the race, just don't use it for matching.
The current system can't work. SR is a useless yoyo system while DR resets deliver the finishing blow to matchmaking. The news of it carrying over to GT7 is really really bad news.