"Daily" Race Discussion

  • Thread starter GTPNewsWire
They're not as cool as 70's Mazdas. :sly:

My first car was one of these. 😍
I hope the daily workout wheel is gone or can be turned off. I have nearly 1,000 cars in my garage now, use about a dozen... Can't find anything with all the duplicates
I made a habit of going to the garage after every wheel spin, ordering by manufacturer, and checking to see if I just got a dupe. If so, I sold it. I did this religiously so as not to get to the point where I "Can't find anything with all the duplicates".
I made a habit of going to the garage after every wheel spin, ordering by manufacturer, and checking to see if I just got a dupe. If so, I sold it. I did this religiously so as not to get to the point where I "Can't find anything with all the duplicates".
I gave up after a couple years trying to keep the garage organized.
1,058 days driving = 1,058 unwanted cars.
The biggest pita is when you miss the sign up for a race because of that fake wheel spin sequence :mad: Sometimes twice in a row cause why not. At least I made it a habit now to back out of sport mode, sit through the wheel spin, before turning the ps4 off. Clear it out of the way.
6th is respectable! IIRC you gotta place above the number on your car to get more DR. I only tried that race once and got 4th in the Viper. Almost got 3rd but made a mistake on the last damn corner, otherwise I woulda had the slipstream to sling past.
I gave up after a couple years trying to keep the garage organized.
1,058 days driving = 1,058 unwanted cars.
The biggest pita is when you miss the sign up for a race because of that fake wheel spin sequence :mad: Sometimes twice in a row cause why not. At least I made it a habit now to back out of sport mode, sit through the wheel spin, before turning the ps4 off. Clear it out of the way.
On the plus side, it's meant I don't have to grind SP to get cars. I'm concerned that may be the case in GT7. And I'm not a fan of chase the rabbit.
So what did the rest of you think? Gkistber must be a super pro on the track cause he kept getting farther ahead. It's strange how we have the same BoP restrictions but they can drive quicker it seems like, I don't understand.
@Worst_Driver Sorry that A race was so messed up.
I had a bone to pick with the pole-sitter, as you may have noticed by my pre-race threats.
Here's what he did in the previous race.
On the last lap I beat him good at turns 1 & 2. His response was to brake-check me.

Well, after that, I just saw red. :mad:
For the next 3 races, I inflicted violence upon him, with extreme prejudice. 👍
So what did the rest of you think? Gkistber must be a super pro on the track cause he kept getting farther ahead. It's strange how we have the same BoP restrictions but they can drive quicker it seems like, I don't understand.
Below is a link to the GT leaderboards for that combo for the US region. You'd have to scroll a long time to find that name.

Top time is 1:18.485. And that time is 17th in the world at the moment. :eek: :)

@Worst_Driver Sorry that A race was so messed up.
I had a bone to pick with the pole-sitter, as you may have noticed by my pre-race threats.
Here's what he did in the previous race.
On the last lap I beat him good at turns 1 & 2. His response was to brake-check me.

Well, after that, I just saw red. :mad:
For the next 3 races, I inflicted violence upon him, with extreme prejudice. 👍

Yeh, I didn't think it was a good challenge either, the car is too slow with not good braking. Were you in the race I was? My username is rising_glass1. I'm not going to mess with it anymore.
So what did the rest of you think? Gkistber must be a super pro on the track cause he kept getting farther ahead. It's strange how we have the same BoP restrictions but they can drive quicker it seems like, I don't understand.
Gkistebr has over 1000 races under their belt, you have 9. Their driver rating is B, and your driver rating is D. It's pretty much what I would expect tbh. See if you can get your times into the 1:22s (or even 1:21s) and you should be then getting better results. Consistency is key too. Your qualifying laps need to be consistent. Try downloading a replay of a top 10 time from the rankings board, watch it, then set it as a ghost car too, and use it to help you figure out better lines and braking points (pick the same car as is used in the replay).
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@Worst_Driver Sorry that A race was so messed up.
I had a bone to pick with the pole-sitter, as you may have noticed by my pre-race threats.
Here's what he did in the previous race.
On the last lap I beat him good at turns 1 & 2. His response was to brake-check me.

Well, after that, I just saw red. :mad:
For the next 3 races, I inflicted violence upon him, with extreme prejudice. 👍
That's a problem with slow as cars. A small bump and it takes an age to catch back up. Tbh it's not a very fun race. I'd have just quit after that race and gone into race B or C.
My plan for early 2022 was to hold off Daily Races and extra non-Championship events until a fresh start in GT7 came around. Now that it has been confirmed that DR/SR ratings will be transferred over between the two games, the personal pressure to hold onto my 60-65K DR tally to the very end of GT Sport's lifespan has evaporated. Now, I can enter Dailies for fun again as the transition looms nearer.

Sardegna B II is one of those circuits that can bite in a few places, but with practice can reward you with fast, flowing laps as well as plenty of opportunities for close and exciting battles. I don't remember racing well there at all in the past, but for a while I've been wanting to bring out my updated Red Dwarf-liveried Beetle since that has always appeared to have been a strong all-rounder in Sport Mode. The problem is that whenever I've tried to set a lap in the Beetle in qualifying, it always felt heavy and prone to snapping out at high revs, limiting my capacity to extract its full potential on a DualShock 4. Rearward brake bias and an aggressive driving style were needed to get my times well within 2 seconds of the fastest Renault R.S. 01s, but I was adamant to bring something other than a Renault for variety's sake. With this, the Beetle would be deployed for my first Sport Mode starts since the FIA Manufacturers finale last September.

19:30 Daily B (Sardegna B II)

Normally, I would start off by saying my initial qualifying time for the first lobby, my position relative to my fellow racers on the matchmaking screen, then occasionally list the number and variety of different models on the grid at the time. However, there were a few strange occurrences throughout the session which meant that regular write-ups of each individual race would not be possible this time.

The first thing that seemed a little off was that my DR rating had already dipped as soon as we began this triple-header. Even with my absence from Sport Mode races, it had already dropped by 1,312 points from 65,280 to 63,968. How come? I hadn't even touched the Dailies or extra championships up to this point...

We entered the lobby screen as usual. Normally, this is the part where we get to say hi to each other and do a little warm-up before the grid formation begins. But here, that didn't happen. Chat members already seemed frustrated with a pink Renault that apparently misbehaved on track for reasons I could not elaborate upon. Moments passed before a screen popped up. Credits, mileage points and Daily Workout distances were slashed from my totals before my very eyes.

Gran Turismo™SPORT_20220210194142.png

I was, according to the above screen, in 8th. A camera flash, applause... what's going on? Is the race already over? It seemed like it as it then abruptly cuts to another black screen. 8th. The results screen showed up. 8th? How was this even possible? Starbug 1 had somehow finished 15 seconds off the top Belgian Renault R.S.01, yet it hadn't done anything besides cruise through what I thought was that horrible first S-bend. In the background, I could see another Renault also cruising around, at least a few feet away from my front bumper. Then, as music cut through the wind noise and the results screen disappeared, it hit me.

This wasn't an ordinary lobby. Somehow, by entering this singular Beetle into this race, we had entered a time hole which brought us to a server on a parallel Earth where time always ran backwards. The race hadn't so much finished as it was waiting to be "unfinished." Revs rose, "FINISH" flashed across the screen. Loud music cut abruptly as I pulled away from the Renault, all while we "unpassed" cars stranded on the main straight. As the fifth lap went on, the gap between myself and the Renault "unclosed", allowing the Supra ahead of us a chance to drop behind the Renault for 7th. The first lap time - a 1:20 - vanished from the HUD as soon as I crossed the line. What is this race?

Next thing I knew, the Renault closed up our gap as the Aston Martin behind us "unserved" a 1.5-second penalty. More cars littered on the main straight - the pink Renault among them. He eventually picked up momentum and "unlost" a place along with his Italian counterpart, who was about to recover himself from the pit wall tyre stacks. My best lap of 1:19.857 had also disappeared by this time. The Supra "unpasses" the Renault for 9th; likewise, we "unpassed" the Aston that entered wide through the final S-bend, where he quickly joined what became a 4-car "unscrap".

Last two laps were hectic. More places were lost to the Castrol Supra and Alpine R.S. 01, who escaped from the Turn 6 gravel trap as the train ahead of us grew to seven cars - including the pink Renault. The Audi behind "un-pushes" me in Sector 1 as we make it to the final lap, where we "ungained" another place thanks to a yellow Renault preparing to "unclip" the barriers at the end (or should I say "start") of Turn 10. The Audi behind us "unclosed" the gap for a bit before we entered the "unstart" procedure. This involved a slow approach to the grid, with all racing lap times now deleted at this point. Auto Drive would be enabled for the approach to the grid, where the entire field stopped on track and was taken to a "warm-down" session before an inevitable kick to the matchmaking screen.

Final position was 14th out of 16th on the road. My "unqualifying" time: 1:19.425.

Because of the way time runs on this "backwards" Earth (or should that be htraE?), you could say that was effectively a podium finish for Starbug 1. Not bad for a first attempt, I'd say. Alas, that was to be the best we could manage that evening.

18:50 Daily B (Sardegna B II)

Lost the 1:19.425 on my 'first' qualifying run, the lap inexplicably growing to a 1:19.602. It was at this point where I discovered that any laps slower than this would not be counted on the servers; hence why a 1:19.647 did not change my "end" position going into the second slot.

Gran Turismo™SPORT_20220210190133.png

Only this time, we did enter the track with a lower place (11th), and with a French GT-R for company. Together, we enjoyed a fierce, evenly-unfought "unbattle", screaming past the #3 Renault crawling slowly through the fast left-hander in the second sector. This allowed us to get onto the lip of another Renault - this time in day-glo yellow - before he scarpered off as the GT-R sacrificed his good run up the main straight. The GT-R was feisty, sucking me through Turn 10, only to draw back in front as he uncaught a bit of snap oversteer. Hooked around the outside which was sufficient to get me close enough to attempt an early pass over the kerbs, giving me a handy bit of slipstream.

Not much else I could report here, other than that I lost a few more places passing a slow Renault and an Audi which was shuttling back and forth while attempting to "uncrash" from Turn 10. Coupled with a slow Renault and a Peugeot "unspinning" from the gravel trap, and I "unstarted" the race down in 16th, at the very back (sweet, sweet victory!) and with my "slowest" qualifying lap intact.

18:30 Daily B (Sardegna B II)

Gran Turismo™SPORT_20220210184313.png

Last but not least was the 18:30. This time I started well ahead of the Supra and blue Audi settling a dispute for 9th and 10th places, but why was this? Why was I practically "uncirculating" on my own with no pressure to lose from front or behind? The only place that I appeared to lose was on Lap 4, where I "unpassed" a green Renault appearing to face the wrong (or was it right?) way. Then, as I came up to end the opening lap, it all became abundantly clear.

Starbug 1 ghosted, slowed to a crawl on the apex of Turn 3, then without warning violently "unsmacked" the inner barrier opposite the marshal's post. The vehicle pitched sideways, back over the tarmac and onto the grass on the other side. Before long I was facing forwards again and reversing back on course through the S-bend. Ah well, at least that explained why my 'Clean Race' record kept ticking down in the first two attempts...

It was through this escapade in which the Renault from earlier had managed to push his way back along with the other mid-field runners. Was a bit unlucky on the fifth lap that the Castrol Supra and the GT-R both salvaged places through separate incidents near the turbines, as a result of reverse oversteer and an "unspin" respectively. This left me to take to the grid in a lowly 14th; two fantastic "last-place finishes" out of three, and my DR now standing at 65K once again. 1:19.602 was again our time on the "unmatching" screen, which we somehow managed to worsen later on with a 1:19.767!

That, ladies and gentlemen, was how my first Daily Race experiences of 2022 went. A good warm-up for Saturday's Road to GT7 race, even if my performances in the Beetle were somewhat affected by the "time hole" phenomenon that was going on. And to those who have somehow put up with the nonsense I have just typed, have yourself a milkshake and a crispy bar! ;)
My plan for early 2022 was to hold off Daily Races and extra non-Championship events until a fresh start in GT7 came around. Now that it has been confirmed that DR/SR ratings will be transferred over between the two games, the personal pressure to hold onto my 60-65K DR tally to the very end of GT Sport's lifespan has evaporated. Now, I can enter Dailies for fun again as the transition looms nearer.

Sardegna B II is one of those circuits that can bite in a few places, but with practice can reward you with fast, flowing laps as well as plenty of opportunities for close and exciting battles. I don't remember racing well there at all in the past, but for a while I've been wanting to bring out my updated Red Dwarf-liveried Beetle since that has always appeared to have been a strong all-rounder in Sport Mode. The problem is that whenever I've tried to set a lap in the Beetle in qualifying, it always felt heavy and prone to snapping out at high revs, limiting my capacity to extract its full potential on a DualShock 4. Rearward brake bias and an aggressive driving style were needed to get my times well within 2 seconds of the fastest Renault R.S. 01s, but I was adamant to bring something other than a Renault for variety's sake. With this, the Beetle would be deployed for my first Sport Mode starts since the FIA Manufacturers finale last September.

19:30 Daily B (Sardegna B II)

Normally, I would start off by saying my initial qualifying time for the first lobby, my position relative to my fellow racers on the matchmaking screen, then occasionally list the number and variety of different models on the grid at the time. However, there were a few strange occurrences throughout the session which meant that regular write-ups of each individual race would not be possible this time.

The first thing that seemed a little off was that my DR rating had already dipped as soon as we began this triple-header. Even with my absence from Sport Mode races, it had already dropped by 1,312 points from 65,280 to 63,968. How come? I hadn't even touched the Dailies or extra championships up to this point...

We entered the lobby screen as usual. Normally, this is the part where we get to say hi to each other and do a little warm-up before the grid formation begins. But here, that didn't happen. Chat members already seemed frustrated with a pink Renault that apparently misbehaved on track for reasons I could not elaborate upon. Moments passed before a screen popped up. Credits, mileage points and Daily Workout distances were slashed from my totals before my very eyes.

View attachment 1113078

I was, according to the above screen, in 8th. A camera flash, applause... what's going on? Is the race already over? It seemed like it as it then abruptly cuts to another black screen. 8th. The results screen showed up. 8th? How was this even possible? Starbug 1 had somehow finished 15 seconds off the top Belgian Renault R.S.01, yet it hadn't done anything besides cruise through what I thought was that horrible first S-bend. In the background, I could see another Renault also cruising around, at least a few feet away from my front bumper. Then, as music cut through the wind noise and the results screen disappeared, it hit me.

This wasn't an ordinary lobby. Somehow, by entering this singular Beetle into this race, we had entered a time hole which brought us to a server on a parallel Earth where time always ran backwards. The race hadn't so much finished as it was waiting to be "unfinished." Revs rose, "FINISH" flashed across the screen. Loud music cut abruptly as I pulled away from the Renault, all while we "unpassed" cars stranded on the main straight. As the fifth lap went on, the gap between myself and the Renault "unclosed", allowing the Supra ahead of us a chance to drop behind the Renault for 7th. The first lap time - a 1:20 - vanished from the HUD as soon as I crossed the line. What is this race?

Next thing I knew, the Renault closed up our gap as the Aston Martin behind us "unserved" a 1.5-second penalty. More cars littered on the main straight - the pink Renault among them. He eventually picked up momentum and "unlost" a place along with his Italian counterpart, who was about to recover himself from the pit wall tyre stacks. My best lap of 1:19.857 had also disappeared by this time. The Supra "unpasses" the Renault for 9th; likewise, we "unpassed" the Aston that entered wide through the final S-bend, where he quickly joined what became a 4-car "unscrap".

Last two laps were hectic. More places were lost to the Castrol Supra and Alpine R.S. 01, who escaped from the Turn 6 gravel trap as the train ahead of us grew to seven cars - including the pink Renault. The Audi behind "un-pushes" me in Sector 1 as we make it to the final lap, where we "ungained" another place thanks to a yellow Renault preparing to "unclip" the barriers at the end (or should I say "start") of Turn 10. The Audi behind us "unclosed" the gap for a bit before we entered the "unstart" procedure. This involved a slow approach to the grid, with all racing lap times now deleted at this point. Auto Drive would be enabled for the approach to the grid, where the entire field stopped on track and was taken to a "warm-down" session before an inevitable kick to the matchmaking screen.

Final position was 14th out of 16th on the road. My "unqualifying" time: 1:19.425.

Because of the way time runs on this "backwards" Earth (or should that be htraE?), you could say that was effectively a podium finish for Starbug 1. Not bad for a first attempt, I'd say. Alas, that was to be the best we could manage that evening.

18:50 Daily B (Sardegna B II)

Lost the 1:19.425 on my 'first' qualifying run, the lap inexplicably growing to a 1:19.602. It was at this point where I discovered that any laps slower than this would not be counted on the servers; hence why a 1:19.647 did not change my "end" position going into the second slot.

View attachment 1113077

Only this time, we did enter the track with a lower place (11th), and with a French GT-R for company. Together, we enjoyed a fierce, evenly-unfought "unbattle", screaming past the #3 Renault crawling slowly through the fast left-hander in the second sector. This allowed us to get onto the lip of another Renault - this time in day-glo yellow - before he scarpered off as the GT-R sacrificed his good run up the main straight. The GT-R was feisty, sucking me through Turn 10, only to draw back in front as he uncaught a bit of snap oversteer. Hooked around the outside which was sufficient to get me close enough to attempt an early pass over the kerbs, giving me a handy bit of slipstream.

Not much else I could report here, other than that I lost a few more places passing a slow Renault and an Audi which was shuttling back and forth while attempting to "uncrash" from Turn 10. Coupled with a slow Renault and a Peugeot "unspinning" from the gravel trap, and I "unstarted" the race down in 16th, at the very back (sweet, sweet victory!) and with my "slowest" qualifying lap intact.

18:30 Daily B (Sardegna B II)

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Last but not least was the 18:30. This time I started well ahead of the Supra and blue Audi settling a dispute for 9th and 10th places, but why was this? Why was I practically "uncirculating" on my own with no pressure to lose from front or behind? The only place that I appeared to lose was on Lap 4, where I "unpassed" a green Renault appearing to face the wrong (or was it right?) way. Then, as I came up to end the opening lap, it all became abundantly clear.

Starbug 1 ghosted, slowed to a crawl on the apex of Turn 3, then without warning violently "unsmacked" the inner barrier opposite the marshal's post. The vehicle pitched sideways, back over the tarmac and onto the grass on the other side. Before long I was facing forwards again and reversing back on course through the S-bend. Ah well, at least that explained why my 'Clean Race' record kept ticking down in the first two attempts...

It was through this escapade in which the Renault from earlier had managed to push his way back along with the other mid-field runners. Was a bit unlucky on the fifth lap that the Castrol Supra and the GT-R both salvaged places through separate incidents near the turbines, as a result of reverse oversteer and an "unspin" respectively. This left me to take to the grid in a lowly 14th; two fantastic "last-place finishes" out of three, and my DR now standing at 65K once again. 1:19.602 was again our time on the "unmatching" screen, which we somehow managed to worsen later on with a 1:19.767!

That, ladies and gentlemen, was how my first Daily Race experiences of 2022 went. A good warm-up for Saturday's Road to GT7 race, even if my performances in the Beetle were somewhat affected by the "time hole" phenomenon that was going on. And to those who have somehow put up with the nonsense I have just typed, have yourself a milkshake and a crispy bar! ;)
I'm trying to figure out what the best car to use is, one that has smooth braking while also having the most power/speed. I know about corners/exiting speed. Should I use the player's ghost, if so how can I access it?
I'm trying to figure out what the best car to use is, one that has smooth braking while also having the most power/speed. I know about corners/exiting speed. Should I use the player's ghost, if so how can I access it?
Go to the Daily Race and go to the Qualifying Rankings section. Look at top 10 times and note the cars. Sometimes it's all the same car, sometimes there's 2 or 3 different ones. Select one and choose 'Download replay'. Then go into the qualifying session. Up in the top left there is "Replay settings" and there you can load the replay you downloaded. Then under ghost settings (again in the top left) you can set it so that the loaded ghost is visible. You can also add a time offset, putting the ghost car a couple of tenths in front of you will help.
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@Worst_Driver Sorry that A race was so messed up.
I had a bone to pick with the pole-sitter, as you may have noticed by my pre-race threats.
Here's what he did in the previous race.
On the last lap I beat him good at turns 1 & 2. His response was to brake-check me.

Well, after that, I just saw red. :mad:
For the next 3 races, I inflicted violence upon him, with extreme prejudice. 👍

No problem, I doubted that he did something. I know that guy. He can be very dirty at times. But in another race after hitting me and doing a dirty manoeuver he slowed down to gave me the position back. Certainly a hard guy to follow. But on average he’s not too bad.
I decided not to so any daily races for my own sanity. With the DR/SR carrying over, I want to save as much as possible as I don't think climbing the ranks will be easy if the online racing is like it has been in the past few months. Especially with an influx of new players who will probably lack proper racing etiquette. Not like anyone has been following it for months now.
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I'm not understanding how the top runners are able to turn in to the first turn perfectly with their 2 outside wheels on the grass in Sardegna. If I try, the car just goes straight. Best I can do is a 1:19:664 while staying on the track.
Last night I didn't want to tempt fate again and have to abandon another race halfway, so I just jumped into Sardegna for some hot laps to improve my Q time. After 11 laps, I'd managed to knock 1.6s off my time, down to a 1:21.2, which I was thrilled with! Until I had a look at the leaderboard and I'd only managed to jump one place, switching positions with @OJBrit and still 0.5s off my K-score time. Either the McLaren isn't capable of achieving that or I just don't get the flow of this circuit!

Anyone had any luck with the 650S here?
I'm not understanding how the top runners are able to turn in to the first turn perfectly with their 2 outside wheels on the grass in Sardegna. If I try, the car just goes straight. Best I can do is a 1:19:664 while staying on the track.
And exactly this is what I have experienced too often when I used a ghost of the top 10 (DR A+ and S) drivers. some lines they take are impossible to replicate. At interlagos, I followed one of the top 10 Supra GT3, and being right behind him in any other car than an supra or VT1 (Toyota) I got a track violating penalty in the first right-hander after the start/finish straight.
From the first day of online racing I had the feeling, that the cars behave differently the better your DR becomes.
I think that is the same issue, that @Chris30 described as he mentioned the first guy kept going farther away. It looks or feels like something is off.

But ... now to gt7, nobody, really nobody is hyped to see the trial mountain again. I be honest, a little tear run down my face. I have driven this track more than all others combined. My only friend, who was also interested in car racing and me had split screen races there, whenever we met. I haven't seen her for more than a year now, cause I moved away, talking on the phone becomes rarer, you know how it is. Trial Mountain will take me back to a time, when everything felt better.
And the flow on this track and Deep Forest is beautiful. Deep Forest was a track, I think the only one, where backwards was as good as forwards.
I'm not understanding how the top runners are able to turn in to the first turn perfectly with their 2 outside wheels on the grass in Sardegna. If I try, the car just goes straight. Best I can do is a 1:19:664 while staying on the track.
That’s a great time. Spent an hour trying to beat my 19.88 yesterday and couldn’t. Turn 1 is where I’m losing the most time. The RCZ is poor there but I can’t match it around the rest of the track with any other car. The Renault is a nightmare for me.
One other that springs to mind is that this week's Daily Races will be the last in GT Sport, and only the last two rounds of "Road to GT7" will run in GT Sport.
Funnily enough by this time on a Friday Kudos Prime would normally have next weeks Daily Races listed - this week.......Nothing!!
I’ve tried this. Doesn’t really work when they are so much quicker than you. The ghost is too far ahead.
maybe someone else more familiar can chip in but I seem to remember an option (?) so that the ghost car waits for you after a certain gap. I definitely remember something like this playing against a top 10 ghost car.
maybe someone else more familiar can chip in but I seem to remember an option (?) so that the ghost car waits for you after a certain gap. I definitely remember something like this playing against a top 10 ghost car.
I didn’t know this. That’s a great option that I’ve possibly overlooked.