"Daily" Race Discussion

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Funny, all the talk about dirty driving up in the “high level” lobbies. The past few days I’ve done about 60 races on Big Willow with only A+ and A. Very rarely have I experienced this kind of dirty driving and forcing people off. Of course it happens but not much at all. In fact, without even attempting it seriously I’m already on a streak of 52 clean races.
I guess that's because over there you don't have South Americans with fake USA accounts that punt the leader on the final lap.
I raced this jerkoff 7 times today, and he ran into my car every time. He is A+/S, and he is screwed if I ever see him again. :irked:

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I have seen people getting reset from a single race at Monza, so a day is no problem. And that's people that has been SR99 for months.
Go check out the penalty thread if you don't believe me
Yes I believe quite possibly it could be very well being that one race I had where I got tangled in a fur ball at the first chicane getting bumped and shoved all around and same thing happened at the second one at the end of the race my S R rating was a capital B
I guess that's because over there you don't have South Americans with fake USA accounts that punt the leader on the final lap.
I raced this jerkoff 7 times today, and he ran into my car every time. He is A+/S, and he is screwed if I ever see him again. :irked:

That’s awful. Shame such people are still around. If that happened to yours truly I suppose the inner vigilante in me would definitely wake up.

Has anyone else experienced some disconnecting from the daily races today or in the past few hours by the way?
Tidgney, PLS make vid about corner rules / rights??? It would be great addition to your driving school vids.
Especially on the overlap needed to gain corner rights. :cheers:
He's free to do a video on this if he likes, but many of us understand that a fair percentage of GT Sport drivers would either not see his video or not care to follow any rules from any real sanctioning body regarding corner rights.
This is the kind of behaviour that just makes races toxic. Driving defensive is a legit tactic, people think in a race the lines should be the same as a hot lap. Getting revenge for a friend, is just an excuse for dirty driving
As others have said, placing your car on track in an effort to protect your preferred line is acceptable. But intentionally moving your car in front of another is blocking. That deserves the chrome horn.

It was the other driver that was toxic. He tried to force me off for two entire laps (not defensive driving, actively trying to push into the sand) and I kept it together and played nice waiting for a clean pass, but he eventually got me. I don't typically punt, but I should have gotten rid of him much sooner.
I have a rule, one bump is forgivable, but the next one is not. If someone tries to bump on a straight, it's clear that it's deliberate. At that point, they deserve more than the punishment I have for them.
I guess that's because over there you don't have South Americans with fake USA accounts that punt the leader on the final lap.
I raced this jerkoff 7 times today, and he ran into my car every time. He is A+/S, and he is screwed if I ever see him again. :irked:
I see an alphabet soup in front of his name. This doesn't do anyone else with that acronym any service. They will all get labeled as dirty. But, punt his ass to the dark side of the moon for us. :cheers:
Well i'll be honest my driving is iffy. Especially if i'm driving Group 3-4 high powered cars. For example I was doing a custom race at the Suzuka curcuit, 4-laps (12 cars). I went so fast that I messed up in these areas, i'll show pictures. The Suzuka course is overall an average track but I get frustrated when driving higher powered cars cause I run into the wall or run off the track (into the sand).
As mentioned by @Timm Sheehan, looking at replays from other faster & higher ranked drivers is a good way to learn some of the basics. That knowledge should then be used to practice with your driving style. If they don't work in harmony, you can adjust to better suit your style. I have multiple videos uploaded to the GT Sport servers, which allows for multiple views of the car on track & the info about braking & acceleration.

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Two more races tonight, one with a good result and one with a bad result.

Race 1 I start P9 and it was mostly a clean race by all. I got a run on someone on the pit straight and cut across the track to get to my line to get ahead of them, or so I thought. I just hit their front quarter panel with my rear quarter panel. It might have been a net-code issue because we don’t really slow down too much, and we kept going. There was a very laggy driver in the room so that might have been it. If it wasn’t a lag issue, it wasn’t too smart of a move on my part. Oops, my bad. I finish P5 with a good bit of confidence which I needed.

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Race 2 I start P12. Get up to P10 by the tight left-hander before the final corners. An E ranked driver sends it up my inside and uses me as a brake and I need to back off to let another driver by to keep the race flowing. Unfortunately, I mash the go pedal to quickly and run wide then spin out and drop to P18 which was dead last at the time. And I get a 1.5 second hitting the barrier penalty to add insult to injury. I can’t keep the car on the track with the dirty tires and fall further behind. I almost quit but I kept going. I almost get lapped but avoided that when the leader pits. Thanks to some possible network disconnects or rage quits I get back up to P15. I mange to gain a whopping 49 DR points despite the result of the second race.

I might jump on tomorrow if I have time as I need to do my final packing/shopping for stuff I need for a family camping trip starting Saturday. So, I won’t be able to race next week but that’s fine by me as I need a week away from the game. Plus, the races don’t interest me anyway, so I won’t be disappointed with missing anything.
I guess that's because over there you don't have South Americans with fake USA accounts that punt the leader on the final lap.
I raced this jerkoff 7 times today, and he ran into my car every time. He is A+/S, and he is screwed if I ever see him again. :irked:

I’ve never seen that guy before. He’d better hope I never see him again.
He's free to do a video on this if he likes, but many of us understand that a fair percentage of GT Sport drivers would either not see his video or not care to follow any rules from any real sanctioning body regarding corner rights.


I have a rule, one bump is forgivable, but the next one is not. If someone tries to bump on a straight, it's clear that it's deliberate. At that point, they deserve more than the punishment I have for them.

I just would love to send that vid to Kie25 and BasicOllie :lol: Ok, must say, that both of these streamers usually drive clean, but still have no clue how much you need overlap to own the apex. :cheers:

For the other part, when racing from the back, it´s easy to see how drivers in front of you behaves. And adjust your overtake so that the possibility of the punt is minimized :lol::lol:
I rarely retaliate, but sometimes do if someone try to push me off the track when passing on the straight.

I think that whole racing from the back creates some of this dirtiness, people trying to earn those DR points and some higher rated player comes to steal the points.
Still have mixed feelings of the starting back on alt, but at the moment its only way to enjoy the game for me.
Emea A+ lobbys are mostly really dirty and gives no joy of racing for me.
He's free to do a video on this if he likes, but many of us understand that a fair percentage of GT Sport drivers would either not see his video or not care to follow any rules from any real sanctioning body regarding corner rights.

As others have said, placing your car on track in an effort to protect your preferred line is acceptable. But intentionally moving your car in front of another is blocking. That deserves the chrome horn.

I have a rule, one bump is forgivable, but the next one is not. If someone tries to bump on a straight, it's clear that it's deliberate. At that point, they deserve more than the punishment I have for them.

I see an alphabet soup in front of his name. This doesn't do anyone else with that acronym any service. They will all get labeled as dirty. But, punt his ass to the dark side of the moon for us. :cheers:

As mentioned by @Timm Sheehan, looking at replays from other faster & higher ranked drivers is a good way to learn some of the basics. That knowledge should then be used to practice with your driving style. If they don't work in harmony, you can adjust to better suit your style. I have multiple videos uploaded to the GT Sport servers, which allows for multiple views of the car on track & the info about braking & acceleration.

My caveat to this is use the online races and TT laps if you can find them (and you can). These laps/races display all of the racing data so you can see where the racer brakes, where they go back to the power, which gear they are using, and other information which can be used.
Good morning, I've got a lobby room set up as daily race A , Gr.4, 7 laps, in the Americas area...
" daily race a"

Well since nobody showed up in my Lobby I'm guessing shutting it down it was a nice experiment to try thank you anyway
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I had arguably the best race for this year because this race really put my defensive skills to the test having to deal with 2 A+ drivers behind me and the three of us were satisfied after the race and we were just talking about how we kept it close and they applaud my defensive driving. It also validated my sentiments on racing with the OGR drivers as they'll keep it clean in terms of battling for positions (this is for my fellow Asia-Oceania folks out there).

Great way to get my 140th win for this one and because of that I'm pretty much done for the week unless I may go for a few more sessions during the weekend.

Good morning, I've got a lobby room set up as daily race A , Gr.4, 7 laps, in the Americas area...
" daily race a"

Well since nobody showed up in my Lobby I'm guessing shutting it down it was a nice experiment to try thank you anyway
Hey give am heads up next time and I will happily join.
I guess that's because over there you don't have South Americans with fake USA accounts that punt the leader on the final lap.
I raced this jerkoff 7 times today, and he ran into my car every time. He is A+/S, and he is screwed if I ever see him again. :irked:

Here’s why this move is so bad.
You are clearly ahead, you move to the inside off the racing line to defend the next turn. Our mentally challenged friend then goes into the desert on the inside, just to get that front bumper inside for the punt.
For my standards playing like this ruins the game for everyone.
Even let’s say there was barely a cars width on that inside for him (there wasn’t but let’s say…) entering that turn from there is so compromised as to be ridiculous. If there were room there, all you would do is drive around his outside quite easily since he would have to slow so much not to run wide.
The problem is, in GTS what happens when you take the inside and then run the other guy off into the desert, nothing happens…
The very thing the etiquette video says is wrong doesn’t even get penalized it gets what -5 sr? Lol
That’s how people like him keep A plus on NA.
Last night I ran the Mustang and the VW GTI VGT. The VW is fast but it needs to be short shifted. I like that VW here.
I was in the top lobbies at the time and shared a couple races search tag tpc.
You can see all the cars crashing as I go from last to top ten each race lol.
Driving like that player does-he’s a complete Mariokarter.
I watched him last night a guy got his inside on the straight into turn 1. Most people in that case move out towards the racing line side by side to go through turn one.
Our thousand IQ friend squeezed his opponent to track inside not letting him move towards racing line. It’s just another arcade dirty idiot maneuver.
People can say well in EMEA it’s clean at the top, but NA is a completely ruthless cutthroat stab you in the back bloodbath in the top lobbies on dailies.
I have found kind of a sweet spot though just running from last on b race.
I almost qualified last night on the chance our dirt monkey friend would enter again but changed my mind.
I don’t want to fight those idiots anymore. A fair fight ok, but not a Mariokrap mess.
For myself, when I CLEARLY AND EARLY TAKE A DEFENSIVE LINE WELL BEFORE corner entry and some gamer doesn’t respect my defense and goes Mariokart inside divebombing arcade idiot then it’s on and I also will play arcade style, and that’s it.
I got passed twice last night round the outside of turn two by Renault drivers and fairplay to them, they took what I gave them (outside line) took advantage of my compromised entry and went long way round-amongst good racers it’s common to have this situation, but amongst far too many on NA the very act of moving inside early and fairly defending is seen as a dirty block by these entitled children-I can only assume they are this way because their mother is doing their laundry and making them meatloaf and cleaning the dishes for them.

All that said racing was mostly fun last night the VW was mooooving.
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I guess that's because over there you don't have South Americans with fake USA accounts <... snip ...>
I can detect the fake USA accounts. In chat you ask "Who won the 1928 World Series?"

  • If they answer: "NY Yankees" then they googled it and you should be suspicious.
  • If they answer: I don't give a rats a$$ about your old man sports... then they are USA legit.
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I just would love to send that vid to Kie25 and BasicOllie :lol: Ok, must say, that both of these streamers usually drive clean, but still have no clue how much you need overlap to own the apex. :cheers:

For the other part, when racing from the back, it´s easy to see how drivers in front of you behaves. And adjust your overtake so that the possibility of the punt is minimized :lol::lol:
I rarely retaliate, but sometimes do if someone try to push me off the track when passing on the straight.

I think that whole racing from the back creates some of this dirtiness, people trying to earn those DR points and some higher rated player comes to steal the points.
Still have mixed feelings of the starting back on alt, but at the moment its only way to enjoy the game for me.
Emea A+ lobbys are mostly really dirty and gives no joy of racing for me.
I've seen both of those drivers & plenty of other people have posted videos where their streams reveal them to be human. They make mistakes like the rest of us, but lose some respect from viewers when they rant about people driving a certain way & then do exactly what they ranted about. If you want to stand on your soapbox, don't step off it then try to hop back on. And the driving from the back issue is a whole different point to me. I take more pride in trying to improve my lap times & getting the best starting position. If I am that much better than the rest of the grid, so be it. At least I get to avoid cheddar-heads who want to win so badly that they crash into other drivers. A fair, hard fought race (even if I don't win) is more enjoyable to me than coming from the back. In fact, my favorite daily race in the game happened at Big Willow almost 1 year ago

Hey give am heads up next time and I will happily join.
It works sometimes, just remember we are scattered all across the globe in different time zones.
Ok will do and thanks

Now on to a slightly different subject I've been thinking about the dirty drivers and an interesting troubling question comes to mind do these dirty drivers drive like this in real life within limits I mean do they obey the laws or do they just drive with little regard like speeding and driving on shoulders to pass slower cars, etc... and on the flip side do they get road rage because someone cuts them off and tries to retaliate?
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I agree completely, but I think a lot of people confuse blocking with driving defensively. In my eyes blocking is weaving on a straight to stop a faster driver, where as driving defensively is taking the inside line through corners etc. Not sure what everyone else thinks and would be happy to corrected!
That would be blocking but so is moving after you have chosen a line and react to the other drivers move, such as a move in the braking zone. You are correct in the best defence there would be to hold the inside line and prevent a cut back on the apex.
Two runs at Willow Springs last night on the Asia/Pacific server.

First run was in the RS.01, and I tried some Q laps but was a long way off my Q time on the EMEA server (12.5XX vs. 11.8XX) and they were very messy laps. Regardless, I decided to jump into the race and see how I got on. Starting 8th, I was sandwiched between an RS.01 ahead and a GTR behind. Going into T3, I was battling with the GTR and had taken the outside line to get into the inside line for the all-important T4. The guy driving the GTR had other plans and punted me into the sand! I found myself DFL, 21s behind the leader at the end of lap 1! Over the next four laps, I kept things clean and tidy - except for one twitchy moment exiting T4 - and made up a few places with people going off ahead, finishing P10.

Unimpressed with the way the RS.01 was so vulnerable in close-quarters racing when someone decides to get dirty, I chose to swap to the Mustang. I tried some Q laps and managed to get to within 0.5XX of my RS.01 time, so wasn't expecting much, but was a bit more confident in the stability and reliability in the race.

Starting P9, I had the same GTR behind me again, so was cautious running into T3/4 again, as we had the same close quarters battle going on. This time however, we were hot on the tail of another GTR and I had the inside line on T3. I positioned my car fairly but aggressively and kept pushing him to make a mistake. Running into T5 he out braked himself and went sliding off into the dust. He quit shortly afterwards... The rest of the race was a fairly solid effort, clean and consistent laps, with an A+ Beetle who started last tucked in behind me. Final lap and the Beetle was 0.6s behind me, sitting 5th and 6th after getting past a couple of cars who were battling in the previous laps. We had a great battle and I had to pull out my defending skills and make sure I hit every apex and kept him behind until the very end, finishing 0.1s behind me!

Didn't have much time for any other racing but really enjoyed these two races (one moreover than the other, for obvious reasons!).

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Ok will do and thanks

Now on to a slightly different subject I've been thinking about the dirty drivers and an interesting troubling question comes to mind do these dirty drivers drive like this in real life within limits I mean do they obey the laws or do they just drive with little regard like speeding and driving on shoulders to pass slower cars, etc... and on the flip side do they get road rage because someone cuts them off and tries to retaliate?
Most of them are not old enough to drive...
Been running a few Race C's this week, because Race A in the top split was nasty dirty and not fun, even when starting top-3 with a good QT.

With a bad QT (I am still off a bit in Gr2 pace...) starting from 10-13th at 45k DR in Race C... so much fun.

I think that Gr2 are the hardest cars to drive in the game. Hardest to race, anyway, and hard to get 10/10 speed out of. Such a great challenge...

I had some of the best racing battles I've ever had in the last few, save for one really deliberately dirty S American crashing the party. But 6th-10th, nose to tail, and clean as possible, just a riot and so rewarding. When there are 4 cars in a row, and all drivers are being respectful and hitting their marks, there is nothing like it.

That track is so fun, one of my favorites, and the combo with Gr2 cars works better than I thought it would. Still haven't sorted out whether it's best to pit after 4-6 laps, or if it matters.

But, I'm exhausted after just one race... it's such a workout to race those cars!

Nudged my DR up to a new all-time high, and had a great time racing last night. Couldn't stop. I hope others are having as much fun with it.