Dakar 18 (PS4, XOne, PC) - Release date September 25 2018

  • Thread starter er185es
Attempted a Treasure Hunt today and it seems virtually impossible to find anything. Assume objects are near houses and populated areas if I can find them, but it’s akin to finding needles in a massive haystack. And the trophy stats for this tell me it’s borderline futile. Any tips by chance?
Attempted a Treasure Hunt today and it seems virtually impossible to find anything. Assume objects are near houses and populated areas if I can find them, but it’s akin to finding needles in a massive haystack. And the trophy stats for this tell me it’s borderline futile. Any tips by chance?
I want to remember there is some small sound effect for when you're somewhat near one of those objects but, yeah, IT'S VERY DAMN ANNOYING.
Attempted a Treasure Hunt today and it seems virtually impossible to find anything. Assume objects are near houses and populated areas if I can find them, but it’s akin to finding needles in a massive haystack. And the trophy stats for this tell me it’s borderline futile. Any tips by chance?
Those trophy stats are a bit misleading, I found everything but some of the trophies were glitched (That has supposedly been fixed in the latest update).

The map gets you in the right area then you can use Google/YouTube to pick out landmarks but it's mostly just walking around until you find the tiny crates. One stage took about 40 minutes on foot for me to find everything (The one in the canyon).
Those trophy stats are a bit misleading, I found everything but some of the trophies were glitched (That has supposedly been fixed in the latest update).

The map gets you in the right area then you can use Google/YouTube to pick out landmarks but it's mostly just walking around until you find the tiny crates. One stage took about 40 minutes on foot for me to find everything (The one in the canyon).

Gotcha. I found a YT video and didn’t think to check the in-game map. So that at least gets me in the neighborhood. I was just randomly driving around thinking ‘seriously’?
Those trophy stats are a bit misleading, I found everything but some of the trophies were glitched (That has supposedly been fixed in the latest update).

The map gets you in the right area then you can use Google/YouTube to pick out landmarks but it's mostly just walking around until you find the tiny crates. One stage took about 40 minutes on foot for me to find everything (The one in the canyon).

I think the whole mode is glitched. Today I started the first stage by following the video below. I started with SxS, got to the water/fuel container and no treasure. As a matter of fact I couldn’t even get out of the vehicle because the controls in this game are still a mess between the wheel and the controller.

Also, the map doesn’t really help, it only gives an extreme general idea where the treasure is located. Before I watched the video I was smack on top of the treasure icon and in reality was nowhere near it.

So then I thought maybe treasures unlock after you complete the main Dakar, so I loaded one of my saves and hit the dunes. Got to the container in the town, struggled with the controls to get out of the vehicle and I picked up the treasure. Finally. Took me an hour and a half.

The fun doesn’t end there though. In the video the guy finds the second treasure relatively easily. I got to the exact spot and nothing.

This would be a fun mode if they fixed the glitches or gave you a fighting chance with a better map. I mean, once you even get to the location it’s a whole other thing to search on foot.

Barely runs on a PS4 pro after what,A 40gb patch.My Alienware would just catch fire.
But thanks anyway.
That's a Suzuki right?
You can play with a GTX 750 Ti at medium quality and MAX draw distance at 60fps, never a problem.
Ok getting the hang of the Treasure Hunt and cleared the first three stages. It’s actually fun if you’re into this kind of thing. Being someone who got every last collectible in GTAV and LA Noire this is my kind of mode.

And what a testament to just how enormous the maps really are. It’s actually really amazing.

Also, think I figured out some of the control issues. If I have anything pressed on my wheel (including the pedals) it locks out the controller. I think. Still, some of the buttons don’t work when on foot. Can’t remove the helmet, and it’s funny to have to press the gas pedal to make the character run. Strange.
So far I’ve cleared stage 5 in Treasure Hunt but then the game crashed on stage 6. Restarted the stage and by the time I found Lake Titicaca I had about 10 minutes of light left. Ugh. And when it’s dark, it’s dark. DiRT 2.0 has nothing compared to nighttime in Dakar 18.
After about 4 game crashes I cleared the Peru treasure hunt. This mode takes some real tenacity. More difficult than the main Dakar in my opinion..

Pardon my constant posting in this thread, it seems I’m the only person playing this game..

On the subject of controls, for those with a T300 and TH8A combo (@Scaff is one), how do you have your system plugged in? The reason I ask is the TM website says for Dakar 18 the TH8A should be plugged directly into the console. I’ve got mine plugged in to the wheel base and things work, but the on-foot controls are never right.

So today I plugged the shifter into my PS4’s charging stand’s USB port, and while the H-shifter worked, the vehicle wouldn’t move. I could change gears, the engine revs, but I was stuck in position.

I feel that if I could only unravel the mystery behind the controls, this game would be so much better and less frustrating at times. There has to be a solution somewhere..
Pardon my constant posting in this thread, it seems I’m the only person playing this game..

On the subject of controls, for those with a T300 and TH8A combo (@Scaff is one), how do you have your system plugged in? The reason I ask is the TM website says for Dakar 18 the TH8A should be plugged directly into the console. I’ve got mine plugged in to the wheel base and things work, but the on-foot controls are never right.

So today I plugged the shifter into my PS4’s charging stand’s USB port, and while the H-shifter worked, the vehicle wouldn’t move. I could change gears, the engine revs, but I was stuck in position.

I feel that if I could only unravel the mystery behind the controls, this game would be so much better and less frustrating at times. There has to be a solution somewhere..

Try resetting your controls to default after making changes like that. Dev suggestion, not mine.
Try resetting your controls to default after making changes like that. Dev suggestion, not mine.

Yeah, I reread my question on Reddit from months ago and that’s what they said. I’ll try it again. I just forget to plug the shifter into the console when playing this. In actuality, the only games that need the shifter plugged into the wheel are from Kyloton, and VR4 is the only game I own that needs the H-pattern plugged into the wheel. And I haven’t played it for a month. Problem solved.
Treasure Hunt does not take tenacity, just luck. I've seen guys literally find things in seconds. I try the same hunt and I need like 40 minutes because the goddamn thing was in an alleyway and it was barely visible at all!
Another treasure hunt adventure. Got to the Uyuni salt flats just in time for darkness to fall. Found two chests and now it’s pitch black. Impossible to find anything. Anyone know if it cycles back to daylight? Been letting the game run for an hour and no hint of sunrise yet. I’m gonna keep it running, but I’m thinking once it’s night, it’s night for good. :boggled:
Another treasure hunt adventure. Got to the Uyuni salt flats just in time for darkness to fall. Found two chests and now it’s pitch black. Impossible to find anything. Anyone know if it cycles back to daylight? Been letting the game run for an hour and no hint of sunrise yet. I’m gonna keep it running, but I’m thinking once it’s night, it’s night for good. :boggled:
The game uses Unreal Engine 3 or 4, it has day-night cycles but they're quite long (it's like 3-4 real hours to do a full in-game day).
The game uses Unreal Engine 3 or 4, it has day-night cycles but they're quite long (it's like 3-4 real hours to do a full in-game day).

Sun is finally coming up, 3.5 hours into the stage. Definitely takes longer than GTA V. I think it went full dark around 1.5 hours in, so maybe a full day takes 4 hours. Guessing. I think this treasure hunt stage starts around dawn, but it’s difficult to tell with the rain.
Sun is finally coming up, 3.5 hours into the stage. Definitely takes longer than GTA V. I think it went full dark around 1.5 hours in, so maybe a full day takes 4 hours. Guessing. I think this treasure hunt stage starts around dawn, but it’s difficult to tell with the rain.
TBH I wish GTA V, The Crew and similar games had day-night cycles that long. It lets you appreciate the transitions a lot more.

PS: Anyone remember that you could play Burnout Paradise in real time (the in-game time was THE SAME as your time)? Easily one of the coolest features I've ever seen.
Next treasure hunt saga. This one was kind of epic. I forget the stage # but it’s the one that starts at Uyuni. Maybe #7 or 8?

The first attempt got me expelled for entering a ‘forbidden’ zone. It was kind of spooky in the pouring rain since the road was wide and fast and descended into some deep valleys. It was like entering the end of the earth when I got the warning. And by the time I got the alert it was too late to turn around. The end.

Second attempt was another struggle trying to find the treasure location, and of course it got dark before I even got there. Wound up trashing the truck, got it stuck, and abandoned it along with the crew. :lol:

So I hoofed it in the Bolivian mountains with nothing but a cap heading. You’d think you could get at least a flashlight, or maybe a torch, but who else takes 4 hours to complete a single Treasure Hunt than me. After about 3 hours I found what appeared to be a moonlit silhouette of the Tupiza Rocks in the dark. It was unbelievable. So to celebrate I took a break and let the game run for 30 minutes. The sun finally came up and I got the treasures after a half hour of running around in what seemed like circles and figure eights.

I will upload some pictures, but they really did a nice job with the look and feel of the locations. Can’t keep saying enough the weather and lighting are awesome considering the immensity of the game world. It makes a 4 hour treasure hunt well worth the time. I don’t play a ton of games, but for a competitive racing game it’s one of the best.
Stage 9 Treasure Hunt has me stumped. Can’t get to the location after a half dozen attempts. Too stormy, too mountainous, and I keep getting funneled into the same dead end valleys. Maybe running the the main Dakar stage will refresh my memory. Who knows.

In the meantime here I am dejectedly waiting for the sun to rise at Tupiza Rocks on stage 8. (Notice the elapsed time. And I haven’t even started searching for the chests yet!)

Finally found the Stage 9 treasure location and the three chests. But no trophy for finding all artifacts from Bolivia. :confused:

Unless there’s an extra hidden one somewhere something’s not right. And there’s no way I’m going to find the locations in Stages 8 & 9 ever again (or very easily). Bummer.

Worrying. Maybe try again. Don't worry about finding those places. You need to follow the general stage route and avoid shortcutting into mountains and ravines. Shouldn't take more than 20 or 25 minutes to get to the treasure locations.
Worrying. Maybe try again. Don't worry about finding those places. You need to follow the general stage route and avoid shortcutting into mountains and ravines. Shouldn't take more than 20 or 25 minutes to get to the treasure locations.

Read there was another update coming, but maybe only for PC right now.

Beneath all of the bugs and glitches is a really great game and I’ve learned to live and work around most. If I had to compare it to a real life car it would be an Alfa Romeo (from what I’ve heard). :)
Breezed through Treasure Hunts 10 & 11 today. Got through an hour of driving aimlessly in 12 and had to retire. Another tough one. The distance and the obstacles are enormous.
@cjr3559 Are you doing all 14 treasure hunts with the same driver profile?

Also, check YouTube. Like "dakar 18 treasure hunt stage 12". Most stages have a couple videos and they usually show you the key forks in the road to take to get to the destination efficiently.
@cjr3559 Are you doing all 14 treasure hunts with the same driver profile?

Yes. Thought I should use the same profile that won the Dakar. Was concerned using different profiles would mess up the trophies. Didn’t really matter.

Also, check YouTube. Like "dakar 18 treasure hunt stage 12". Most stages have a couple videos and they usually show you the key forks in the road to take to get to the destination efficiently.

That’s how I’ve managed so far on the tougher ones. There’s a guy that’s done all 14 but his videos are abridged which is ok I guess. I still want to have *some* challenge. :)
Almost done with Treasure Hunt. Finished monster Stage 12 in over 4 hours (in-game time). Took me 90 minutes to find the location. And of course I only had less than 15 minutes of dim light to find anything, so naturally I had the game sit for another 90 minutes before sunrise. Then it was another 45 minutes of running in circles to find the chests.

Hope I never have to find that location ever again. Brutal.
Completed Treasure Hunt. Mercifully stage 13 was a cinch after stage 12. The distance to the treasure location is almost comical. You don’t even need to drive if you don’t want.

Stage 14 was a little odd. I searched without using help from videos and got stumped for a moment after finding what I thought was the location. After moving on to some nearby areas where I found a cool football stadium (and can play car football if you wish), I ultimately cheated and referred to a video anyway. The treasures wound up being where I searched in the first place. As god as my witness they weren’t there the first time until I trekked back. Strange. :confused: :odd:

That takes care of that minus the two trophies that didn’t unlock. ‘The Bolivian’ is still glitched and ‘Dakar 18 Explorer’ is stuck until The Bolivian unlocks I guess.
