Damage and Free Roam

  • Thread starter Ram-Rod
United States
Well the idea of free roam mode was awsome ( need for speed put it into a game ). But need for speed forgot to show damage. So if Gran Turismo took the free roam mode and made car have damage that is visible i thought this game would be the best game ever. And i think if Gran Turismo put cars like Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and Porsches in the game it would be cool.
Question is, why are we going to free-roam. What's the point to it? NFSU2 let you free roam cause the races were scattered around. GT5 with free roam, that'd be pointless.
You can drive around any track, alone, with no time limit, isn't that enough?
It'd still be nice to have all the invisible walls taken out, to let you wander around all the access roads.
I don't care if they actually show damage, just simulating the effects of colisions would be fine. And I don't mind if they continue to leave it out entirely either.
First of all, Ferraris, Porsches, and Lamborghinis are way overtalked when it comes to Gran Turismo games. At least someone wasn't like "it's inexcusable not to have these car companies in," because when G4 TV "G4TV.com" had a caller talk about not being able to have Ferraris in GT4 because of a licensing issue, so it's nice that a mainstream gaming source understands what the hell is going on. Let that be said first and foremost. PD knows many people want the cars, but there's exclusive license deals, so nothing comes easy.

Now on to free roaming. Gran Turismo is a huge place, but it would be unnecessary and dumb to have free-roaming. Why so? Your job is to race your ass off. Would you race your Scuderia Ferrari around the highways of England just to make your way to te Silverstone Circuit? Would you drive your Vauxhall Astra Touring Car to Brands Hatch? Would you touge your ass around the mountains of Japan trying to make it to Sugo or Suzuka? No, no, no respectively. Why do we need to free roam around Gran Turismo? There is no "Gran Turismo City," so race tracks aren't readily available as in, say, "Need for Speed: Underground." While I haven't played an NFS:U game yet, I don't see free-roaming works. I explained this in another thread, so let me state my points again. Free roaming in GT- why? Free roaming in GT- how? Free roaming in GT- not going to work. You dig this young Texan?
My hole point of the free roam was to be able to drive any car you like anywere instead of a enclosed track.

Now onto the need for speed factor.
Remeber when you go to quick race.
It says free roam there. So you can just drive around. That was my point. Be able to drive around anywere without a destionation.
Regardless of some posts, I like the idea.

Have a few real world cities near some of the tracks....New York City, Tokyo, England.

I would like that. I feel bored sometimes driving on the course alone. I have yet to see a simulation let your drive around. IMO, it would make slogan "Real Driving Simulator" even more suitable for the game.

Driving around the cities with hopefully living cities in a car of your choice around experienceing what it's like to drive the car on the streets of a city.

I like the idea, although knowing PD, it won't happen. Unfornately, it seems not alot of companies have the same idea as us gamers which is a shame.
it won't happen :) And it shouldn't as this is a 'pure' racing game where races are done on the track or known tracks, even street tracks. NFSU is all about the 'street racing' scene and illegal street races which of course the free-roaming idea is fantastic. They are both aimed at different gamers. Can you imagine the bad AI coupled with a 'living city' theme? nah it'd take forever to try and implement and the theme just wouldn't mix.

Damage is the real one we should try for, this is something sorely missing yet implemented quite well in other racing titles. Let's hope PD will go the extra mile to implement it for the next one.
No invisible walls anymore 👍

So drive from track to track, form city to city, like the real WRC drivers whom have to drive from one stage to the next.
If this "free roam" thing is going to be in (????), we all need to learn the traffic rules of each country. We also need a DFPII with a horn, handles to operate the windshield wipers, (direction) indicators.

as this is a 'pure' racing game
no, this is a real driving simulator, not a pure racing game!!!!

McLaren F1GTR
it seems not alot of companies have the same idea as us gamers which is a shame.
Maybe, PD could enrol(l) a few gamers, from each country where the GT series are sold, to test the game before it is released!! Like in that movie where Tom Hanks was trapped as a child in an adults body and started to work in a toystore.
Mr Laocean
Question is, why are we going to free-roam. What's the point to it? NFSU2 let you free roam cause the races were scattered around. GT5 with free roam, that'd be pointless.
I can see it now ... Round 1 of the championship is at Suzuka and Round 2 is at La Sarthe, with a free-roam mode to get between events.

Road trip!

And as John said, Ferraris and lamobs and the like are way over-talked. And they probably won't happen any time soon.
I'd love free-roam, in a sense of you buy your parts by actually driving to the shop, for the wheels, for the oil change, for the car tune-ups. That would be good.
You can drive around any track, alone, with no time limit, isn't that enough?

You can already do so, time attack. Basically there is no limit in the time attack, you don't even need to do the time attack..just drive around. :dopey:

I'd love free-roam, in a sense of you buy your parts by actually driving to the shop, for the wheels, for the oil change, for the car tune-ups. That would be good.

Oh jeez, I'm going to drive from Tsukuba to Laguna Seca so I could get a new turbo. [enter sarcasm]
That damage is a cool idea, very cool idea... would stop all wallriding and such and add realism to the game... If you wipe in a 24 hour race, you then get the opportunity to pit in a nd fix the damage, or leave it...

Also, collisions, how many times have you come up next to and AI car and turned into him and he doesn't budge off his line, yet you spin off like a balarina??? There are games that have real collisions in them, where depending on where, how, how fast, etc you hit the guy, one of you will spin... And you take damage
Damage is kinda good idea..but won't happen..for sure it won't, casue its well known that people that hate some cars would go around trashing it and abusing it..so therefore PD doesn't want to take responsiblity of what happens..if they see it...Damage isn't going to happen.if it had Dmg..my firs thing is to trash so gay American cars and beat it up lol....i'm not really into American cars..and most of them are so damn ugly..i'm All on Japanese cars.and European cars..those are the best..American sucks period...no offense they do...

Let me make myself perfectly clear here.

In my original idea, free roam you can turn on and off. So if you dont want it, turn it off, if you do, turn it on.

Now onto Damage, if you dont want damage TURN IT OFF, and if you do TURN IT ON.

Now are we clear?
I think free-roaming is a great idea. Just being able to take your fantasy car and drive it round as you would if you had it in real life. Just imagine, you could obey all the road laws, use turn signals, beep your horn, stop at traffic lights and when it all gets a bit much you can plant your foot and have a head on collision with another car. Just having the freedom of simulating not only real racing, but real driving aswell. To take it a bit more extreme, how about you drive your race vehicle on the back of a truck, exit your car like on Grand Theft Auto and jump in the truck to drive to your race... **** that would make the game seem too much longer wouldnt it? Oh well.

It just like on Grand Theft Auto, it is all very well having the missions and so forth, but after a while you just feel like cruising the street and causing a bit of meyhem.

Yea, ok so PD will doubtfully include this in their GT series, as they're so determined on making a real driving simulator, that theyre sacrificing gameplay and having fun for graphics and physics engines. I had the game for a few weeks and sold it... dont get me wrong I was a huge fan of the GT series and played GT GT2 and GT3 to the end, but a fourth game which looks and feels too similar to the previous games, its just not worth it.

Free roaming could allow you to drive to different tuners and PD could even strategically place some specialised tuning shops, that if you were able to find them, were able to purchase some parts that would otherwise not be at the other stores. Yea ok, a bit of NFSU coming through the seams, but you have to admit... putting NOS and Hydraulics aside, EA Games have some pretty good concepts under their belt... free roaming for example.

If only PD listened! :indiff:
Gran Turismo will probley never have the feature of being able to get out of your car.

This is Gran Turismo.. not GTA. However that is a good idea. But your right. GT is the Real Driving Simulator. With this feature it would make GT the Real Driving Simulator. And sales would go sky high too.
You know, if you want damage, supercars, free roam, check out Test Drive Unlimited.

That game pretty much covers most of what people want in this thread in the next GT.
The one way I could really feasibly see PD putting Free Roam in is if they allowed you to drive about that virtual city that the player seems to live in. Something like the size of one of the cities in GTA: San Andreas, probably smaller...but you would have the option of either using the map to select destinations and go there instantly, or driving to the car dealers, or driving to the shop to buy parts...if you wanted to go to a specific racing hall or event, then you drive to the onramp for the highway, and the game would load a menu asking to which track or hall you wanted to travel to. Having a virtual city to drive about in might be a cool inclusion in the context of photomode as well...but yes, improved AI and all that jazz would be needed if other cars were to drive about.

It's a good idea in my opinion, but one I don't see happening for this next installment.

No Damage. GT1-4 has been fine without it,I rathe have more cars and tracks :dopey:
Free Roaming? No. This game is helluvalot better than those NFSU-Crap games.

That they even dare to call NFSU a game. Just a big waste of money and time. That game is so stupid,I can't stop laughing at it.
I also feel that free roam would be great in GT world.......driving to buy new cars, new parts, to the car wash, airport, home etc.....
Robin 2223
I also feel that free roam would be great in GT world.......driving to buy new cars, new parts, to the car wash, airport, home etc.....

Nope. That sucks big time. Do it like in GT2,with car towns and so on
Nope. That sucks big time. Do it like in GT2,with car towns and so on
Yo, its his opinion.

Don't say that it sucks big time.

Personally, I like that idea too.
Not all Free-Roaming games are like NFSU2.
That's 1 game and didn't even bring free-roaming into the gaming world. All it did was help bring out CaRPGs.

As far as I know, newer games are expanding CaRPGs, one which is Test Drive: Unlimited... :sly:
McLaren F1GTR
Yo, its his opinion.

Don't say that it sucks big time.

Personally, I like that idea too.
Not all Free-Roaming games are like NFSU2.
That's 1 game and didn't even bring free-roaming into the gaming world. All it did was help bring out CaRPGs.

As far as I know, newer games are expanding CaRPGs, one which is Test Drive: Unlimited... :sly:

That's my opinion. :sly:

Now if you could put your car in the trailer,and fly or drive to the race track,load everything out. Setup the car and so on,and check in in the info center,then I would say: HELL YES! :dopey: :sly: :)
No Damage. GT1-4 has been fine without it,I rathe have more cars and tracks :dopey:
Free Roaming? No. This game is helluvalot better than those NFSU-Crap games.

That they even dare to call NFSU a game. Just a big waste of money and time. That game is so stupid,I can't stop laughing at it.


I said in my original idea..

If you dont want free roam TURN IT OFF, and if you do, TURN IT ON.

Same goes for damage.
What if the online lobby was an actual environment where people could just cruise. Like the main strip or somethin'. players would be able to "freeroam" a city with other players(us) being the trafic. Back in ps1 days I always wanted them to cross "Driver & GT" A game baised on that principle would be the shiznit
Hmmm, i like that idea. But how can we be traffic. I do like the idea, but GT is a racing game not the NFS Games.
I think being able to drive your exotics around in simulated city or country road conditions would be awesome.....like taking an E type for a 20 mile leisure ride, or pulling up to a hotel with your F1...