DA's Super GT Series|PURE Spec 1.0|Last Round 4/14

I told you I had to take care of my kid, which was the only reason I was late. I have no reason to cheat. I don't even use the TF_110B account that often. And I don't use the Stealth GTR for anything but this series. So it never changes settings. The only thing I do when I come in the room of yours is change the tires between softs and mediums.

Its nothing directed towards you Seth. I just simply ask that people be on time for pp and weight check ins. Putting a harsh penalty on being late will ensure the people who are serious about the series will be there on time. Again, it's nothing against you or directed at you.
DA, I truly have to take my hat off to you with the recent decisions with in your league. The connection issue is a tough one to have to make the decision. As well, having a set of rules and sticking by them shows integrity. Good quality in a league coordinator.

Look forward to next Saturday. For precaution anyone Who can reset their modem an routers before starting the PS3 to ensure the cleanest connection possible. Little effort but truly worth it considering the time invested into practice and the race. Clear Cache and jump in room. As always be sure your the only one connected and using the Internet.
DA, I truly have to take my hat off to you with the recent decisions with in your league. The connection issue is a tough one to have to make the decision. As well, having a set of rules and sticking by them shows integrity. Good quality in a league coordinator.

Look forward to next Saturday. For precaution anyone Who can reset their modem an routers before starting the PS3 to ensure the cleanest connection possible. Little effort but truly worth it considering the time invested into practice and the race. Clear Cache and jump in room. As always be sure your the only one connected and using the Internet.

Good suggestions Owens. 👍 I'd like to also point out that you should make sure your network is not being utilized by other devices (make sure someone isn't downloading, playing online, etc. while you are racing). If at all possible, hook your modem directly into the PS3 (I do this and get NAT 1). If that isn't possible, disconnect the network cable from your pc, or shut the pc down while racing. You never know when Windows, or some app will decide it's time to download the latest, greatest update.
DA, I truly have to take my hat off to you with the recent decisions with in your league. The connection issue is a tough one to have to make the decision. As well, having a set of rules and sticking by them shows integrity. Good quality in a league coordinator.

Look forward to next Saturday. For precaution anyone Who can reset their modem an routers before starting the PS3 to ensure the cleanest connection possible. Little effort but truly worth it considering the time invested into practice and the race. Clear Cache and jump in room. As always be sure your the only one connected and using the Internet.

Thanks Owens.

Simple things like clearing caches can help. People need to remember that when they're racing, what you are doing on your screen may not be what others see.

For example: I just recently was practicing in my lounge and my laptop was in my room open and running. Other people said my car was acting crazy on track, skidding sideways, jerking around abnormaly. I turned my laptop off and it fixed the problem. From my perspective I couldn't tell a difference whether my laptop was on or off. This is why I say turning off other wireless devices in your house can help. And I consider smartphones a wireless device.
I never have the computer on when I race. I have it plugged into the router as well. FWIW, it says 'Very High' on my connection type a well. Verizon Cable FTW!
I never have the computer on when I race. I have it plugged into the router as well. FWIW, it says 'Very High' on my connection type a well. Verizon Cable FTW!

Oooh FOIS?
Honestly, I don't think it was just the non-US drivers last week (although I'm sure the bad proximity didn't help matters), I noticed it from room to room. I think it was just a tough weekend for the network.
Kinda sucks that we have to do everything possible on our end for a stable room all because Sony dropped the ball with dedicated servers :yuck:

Hopefully things will smooth out for the upcoming race.
Kinda sucks that we have to do everything possible on our end for a stable room all because Sony dropped the ball with dedicated servers :yuck:

Hopefully things will smooth out for the upcoming race.

Agreed. We shouldn't have to worry about room size, caches, nat1 or 2...it should be plug n play.
I got room up if anyone wants to practice yeah

Edit: room number is 1472 6681 3630 4563 5823
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Have had very little practice this week. Anyone feel like running tonight? Would probably be helpful to get some practice with the draft and braking zones while in the draft. I'll jump on tonight around 8:00 if anyone is interested.
Have had very little practice this week. Anyone feel like running tonight? Would probably be helpful to get some practice with the draft and braking zones while in the draft. I'll jump on tonight around 8:00 if anyone is interested.

Yeah im in mate should be quite late in bed tonight what time you coming on uk time tonight?
I should be on tonight also, but may be a little later. I haven't had much practice yet and really need to get some laps in.
Could you come abit earlier do you think i think i will be in bed by 2am lol?

I'm at work right now. By the time i get home, cook dinner and down a few adult beverages it is late. It has always been a challenge meeting folks from across the pond during the work week.
Have had very little practice this week. Anyone feel like running tonight? Would probably be helpful to get some practice with the draft and braking zones while in the draft. I'll jump on tonight around 8:00 if anyone is interested.

I can't tonight but I'll be able to later tomorrow night. Thursday nights are busy for me.
What times you guys getting round Monza?

Thinking i am about 2 seconds off the pace. Hitting low 44's. Could be driver error. Or it could be heavy car with little HP. Probably driver error :indiff:

Pretty sure guys will be running in the 42's.
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Thinking i am about 2 seconds off the pace. Hitting low 44's. Could be driver error. Or it could be heavy car with little HP. Probably driver error :indiff:

Pretty sure guys will be running in the 42's.

I haven't hit 43's yet solo. My problem is the second chicane. Can't hit it just right every lap.

Edit: I'll introduce the penalty system Friday which will be in effect for the rest of the season.
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I did some running in the main cars and this will no doubt be a NSX track. It's far and away a clear cut front runner. All the others seem pretty close though.

Eariler in the week we did some practice and found out it is very easy to get held up by a slower aggressive driver.
I'm thinking a 42.xxx will take the pole but if your in the 43's I think your in good shape. The draft will play the biggest part unless you have pit strategy issues.
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DA, have you decided on the number of laps? Are we sticking with 31? Need to know so i can figure out a pit strategy 👍

Best i can mustard is a 43.9xx. Have given up trying to tune the car as i don't see it getting any quicker. Hopefully i can find someones draft!
DA, have you decided on the number of laps? Are we sticking with 31? Need to know so i can figure out a pit strategy 👍

Best i can mustard is a 43.9xx. Have given up trying to tune the car as i don't see it getting any quicker. Hopefully i can find someones draft!

Owned by autocorrect…

I believe the distance will be 125km. I haven't done the math yet on how many laps it'll be. I don't want to drag it out any longer than I have to with the 5 lap trial race. Sorry about waiting til the day before race day to update things. It's been a busy week.
This track is easy, but there are parts that can trow you a wrench. I'm in the consistent 45's for race pace. I won't give away how fast I can go in ultimate pace though. I always run full downforce as well, so my top speed isn't as high as it could be. But that doesn't matter too much to me. Race pace is the key factor.
Ill post info on the race here soon but i want everyone to be online and in the race room at 3 pm EST tomorrow. The sooner we get the 5 lap trial race over and sorted out, the better.
Tomorrow's Italian GT has been reduced from 175km to 125km to compensate for the 5 lap trial race. This makes the race 22 laps plus 1 pace lap for a total of 23 laps.

Things I expect everyone to do to reduce chances of lag:
-clear your cache in the GT options menu
-turn off other wireless devices in your house and other devices using the internet. If it's possible to have your PS3 the only device using the internet, do so.

5 lap Trial Race Info:
-Be in the race room at 3:00p.m. EST. I'll be in my lounge from roughly 1:30 til a little before 3 at which time I'll leave my lounge to create the public lobby race room
-I expect everyone in this race. If you cannot participate I will not allow you to participate in the main event.
-Once everyone has arrived in the race room, we will have a 5 lap race
-No qualifying
-No pp/weight check ins either. We will simply enter the track and begin the race
-Please do NOT be overly aggressive. I'd like it if everyone didn't have any accidents so we all stay on track.
-If lag is an issue, overseas drivers are the first to be eliminated. Please remember this isn't something I want to do but may have to do. I'm wanting to run a lag-free series and minimize these issues so we can all do what we are here to do, which is race.
Overseas drivers will be asked to leave (I'll either ask you to leave or kick you out of the room. Either way, if you get booted, you at least know why.) based on these conditions:
-If your car is acting abnormally, jerking from side to side, etc., etc.,
-If lag is an overall problem, the overseas drivers will be eliminated starting with the last person to sign up (toyotsupra) and working our way up the sign up order.
-In the case that the lag is overwhelmingly bad, all non-U.S. drivers will be asked to leave.​

Italian 125km GT Info
Like I said, this race will be 23 laps total. I'm hoping to get qualifying started at 3:30p.m. EST and the main race going by 4p.m. EST.

-Starts at 3:30p.m. EST.
-Anyone not present for weight/pp check ins will NOT be allowed to race
-Lasts 15 minutes
-a 3-5 minute break will take place after qualifying while awr117(redrobin347) types in the grid order

-On the last turn, I expect EVERYONE to be 3 car lengths apart
-Pole sitter, don't slow up before the start. Drive at 60mph, the field will follow and form up themselves
-Pole sitter, you can accelerate when you cross the start/finish line
-As we did last time, don't accelerating when the car ahead of you does so.
-Penalties will be handed out for those who aren't doing as I stated above. This information is in the 2nd post already but for some reason people find these rules hard to follow.

-No passing before the first chicane
-Follow my rules listed on page 1
-Penalties will be handed out for people driving overly aggressive
-Penalties will also be handed out for people abusing runoff areas. I understand sometimes you can over drive and make a mistake and be forced to use a runoff area, but doing it 3 and 4 times per stint is abusing the track boundaries.
-Aside from my penalties, I will have short-cut penalties on.
-On the second chicane, keep 2 (two) tires on the black asphalt. No cutting it. Short-cut penalties should have this handled but my rules are, well, the rules.
-Be patient people. Don't drive like this is a 5 lap sprint, it's more the 4 times that! So don't be aggressive on lap 2 racing like it's lap 22.​

I'm formulating a proper penalty system as we speak and will post everything as soon as it's finished. I may not be finished tonight or even before the race tomorrow. We don't need the penalty system in order to race tomorrow but I'm giving a fair warning; penalties points-wise will be rather harsh and other penalties may affect overall race time deductions also which may have an effect on the finishing order.
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If you have shortcut penalties on it will penalize you if you have tires on the curbing. It's stupid and you should keep it off. People will get penalized for getting bumped into the green areas, even if someone accidentally goes in there and tries to drive back on track they'll be penalized. They're a hindrance, not a help. I don't think anyone in this series will try to maximize the areas to gain lap time. But even if you run wide or too deep, it'll be even worse. It almost eliminates passing as well.
If you have shortcut penalties on it will penalize you if you have tires on the curbing. It's stupid and you should keep it off. People will get penalized for getting bumped into the green areas, even if someone accidentally goes in there and tries to drive back on track they'll be penalized. They're a hindrance, not a help. I don't think anyone in this series will try to maximize the areas to gain lap time. But even if you run wide or too deep, it'll be even worse. It almost eliminates passing as well.

I've ran with penalties on and haven't had much of an issue. The key is don't put yourself in a situation where you could end up getting a penalty.