DA's Super GT Series|PURE Spec 1.0|Last Round 4/14

I wasn't putting into question the distance. I was showing you that I got left behind because I think the top two guys jumped the start. At least I thought they did because I was under the assumption we were to go at the start/finish line? You can tell me I was wrong or right, it'll clear things up for the next race. Plus you made the rule that no one can pass until after the first chicane.

Yeah, no passing before the first turn. I didn't want to get next to you. I wasn't ready for you to brake where you did. Plus I wasn't going to break my own rule lol.

My rule is go when you notice the person ahead of you accelerate. The pole sitter is in control of when/where the race starts.

Edit: dammit. Just realized I left out redrobin's Lexus in the individual pics...
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It's hard to tell where the start / finish line is at Monza. The pole sitter took off at around the entrance to pit lane which is a good 300 yards from the start / finish. I think they noticed and lifted off the throttle. Either way, when the guy in front takes off....GO!
Yeah, I took off at the second white line not realizing that was the wrong one so I jumped on the brake to let everyone catch back up and started again at the line.

Fun race, but I made too many mistakes that race to win. I honestly shouldn't have been close. Toyota's mistake on strategy is all that keep me in it (similar strategy to Seth's). Red, you almost pulled one out the hat with a 1-stopper. One lap too long of a race for ya.
I had to gamble that race. I had no other option. Was worth a shot 👍

It was a good run though. Wish I wouldn't have fudged up in the beginning...but oh well. I'm aiming for a good run at Suzuka. Managing tires will pay off at this race....
There was some R/C talk tonight. Thought I'd share these I had made for a guy. 1/5 Scale Pulling Tractor Rear Wheels


There was some R/C talk tonight. Thought I'd share these I had made for a guy. 1/5 Scale Pulling Tractor Rear Wheels

I'd like to see the Pulling Tractor...

Edit: I take someone is a machinist/engineer
I'd like to see the Pulling Tractor...

Edit: I take someone is a machinist/engineer

Machinist/Fabricator - now run CNC shop

I haven't seen the tractor myself. LoL there is talk of designing and machining a chassis that could be sold. As of now nothing out there in kit form.
Machinist/Fabricator - now run CNC shop

I haven't seen the tractor myself. LoL there is talk of designing and machining a chassis that could be sold. As of now nothing out there in kit form.

I can't wait til I have access to CNC machines. Oh the upgrades different things would get...
I ran some laps today and found I can do 6 laps on softs with an absolute max of 7 if I'm careful. What's everyone else getting? I feel like a stint of mediums may help if they last long enough...but haven't tested how many laps they last yet.
5 or 6 laps for me as well. Mediums last around 8 I think. Speaking of Suzuka- the new regs Honda HSV SuperGT's were doing private testing there. The Raybrig HSV010 did a lap record of 1:48.624! The previous best was 1:49.842 by the Honda NSX in 2007!

Wow. Sub 50's. That's insane. How do the Nissan's run there?
A Nissan driver tweeted that "lap records will be broken" this year. With only 540hp. I think they're allowed more downforce this year. The rear wing looks a bit different. I have a link for more pictures here- https://picasaweb.google.com/105730599925842870164/2012SUPERGT This was a Privated test for Honda as Suzuka is owned by them. So no Nissan's or Lexus'. But they'll race there later this year so we'll see how they do. I know we can't read Japanese, but this link here http://www.as-books.jp/book-view/sample-view/bookNum/774/ click to page 4, and you'll see the V-shaped mounting of the rear wing.
That ARTA HSV looks mighty nice. I look forward to whenever we get the new cars in GT (5 or 6). Those cars look like they could make lots of downforce. I'll say though, I miss the NSX.

Never knew Honda owned Suzuka. New one to me.
Yup. 540hp and they can do 48's at Suzuka? They definitely make more downforce than what GT5 has them at. But that's 2008 cars. They weren't as fast then, but if this time is anything to go by, it's a second faster than anything they've done. And it's still early in the season. They may get faster as the year progresses. I think they'll be doing low 1:47's when they go to qualify at Suzuka later. They're faster than LMP2's!
Nice pics Z. I imagine we'll see lots of nice pics at La Sarthe seeing that it'll be evening/dark. I'm pumped for the next two races.

Edit: Faster than lmp2's? That's nuts! Those cars have to be making killer downforce. Wonder what the weight regs are...
They're still at 1100kg in GT500. LMP2 is 900kg and about 500hp. So yeah, they make crazy downforce, and they don't even have the front winglets like -2008.
Work has been busy this week and i haven't felt like practicing much. Tried last night but was having some serious connection issues. Not sure of the number of laps i can reach before having to pit. Assuming it will be between 6 - 7. I'll have to find time to get some practice in.
Work has been busy this week and i haven't felt like practicing much. Tried last night but was having some serious connection issues. Not sure of the number of laps i can reach before having to pit. Assuming it will be between 6 - 7. I'll have to find time to get some practice in.

Friday night around 8 sound good? I'm looking to get some good practice in. My set up needs some tuning I believe...as well as my driving.
Friday night around 8 sound good? I'm looking to get some good practice in. My set up needs some tuning I believe...as well as my driving.

What time is that in uk?
Hi guys! I hope you're having a nice championship going! 👍

At the moment, I dedicate my (modest) GT5 time to some serious testing to prepare a series thing I'm working on..

I was just going to pop my head in and ask how things are working out, and if the car specs is up to par with your expectations?

Hi guys! I hope you're having a nice championship going! 👍

At the moment, I dedicate my (modest) GT5 time to some serious testing to prepare a series thing I'm working on..

I was just going to pop my head in and ask how things are working out, and if the car specs is up to par with your expectations?


Everything is working great. Although the NSX's are on top right now, things will change in the latter half of the season. Also this weekend will even things out I believe.

I also have an idea for a series also but I wont mess with that til May.