DA's Super GT Series|PURE Spec 1.0|Last Round 4/14

I think there will be a good bit of mistakes to capitalize on. It will be interesting to say the least. But hopefully no pushing or bumping people out the way. As long as the race isn't burdened by lag I think we can have a good time.

Slightly off-topic; here's a photo gallery of 2012 SuperGT's from pre-season testing

Great photos there mate!! love that Ferrari 458 and lambo

Edit: I should be opening room up very shortly if anyone wants to join ok?
Qualifying, in my opinion, is always important. But this week i feel it will be extremely important to qualify near the top. The passing zones just seem tight and limited.

Exactly the way I feel. Although I know I wont qualify well because I can't crank out hot laps at this track.

Toyotsupra, I would but I've got homework to finish first. I'll be practicing later tonight.
Exactly the way I feel. Although I know I wont qualify well because I can't crank out hot laps at this track.

Toyotsupra, I would but I've got homework to finish first. I'll be practicing later tonight.

It's ok mate im off to bed anyways got to be up quite early in the morning...
I'll probably be online soon, but on my other account. I think I found a better setup last night and got down to the 1:18 flats.
Well Z and Red seem to be able to get into the 17's. I think 18's and 19's will be good though, at least for the race.
Consistent mid to low 18's will win it. You can't run 17's for more than a few laps but you also can't push the tires too hard for too long and still make the pit window. I'm thinking the winner will need 18's or low 19's all the way upto the last 3-4 laps of the stint.
That's what I've been trying for. I think 18's for 3 laps, then 19's for 3 laps, then 20's and 21's and pit once it gets too high.
Circuito de Madrid is tomorrow guys. It's gonna be tight and sketchy. Here's some stuff;

-As you to can tell, the track boundaries are well defined with walls. I feel this shouldn't need said, but don't drive like a pinball in a pinball game.

-This is a narrow track leading into turn 1, so pay attention to cars coming down the front straight. Cars exiting pits should yield to the cars already on track.
-Obey the pit exit line.
-Dont enter the pits haphazardly. Just like Fuji, obey all boundaries and lines.

-As always, run the pace at no more than 60mph
-Everyone needs to be 3 car lengths apart
-Whoever the pole sitter is, do not attempt to bunch up the field by slowing up before the start/finish line. After exiting the chicane, accelerate to 60mph and begin the race as you cross the start/finish line. Its the rest of the fields job to be 3 car lengths apart, not yours.

-The track is tight and short, so don't force a.move where there isn't one. Don't make something out of nothing.
-Leaders, you may be lapping some cars today. If/When you do, be patient passing them. Remember they may be racing someone closely too. Don't ruin another driver's race.
-Lap cars, do NOT attempt to get out of the way of a faster car unless there is a blatantly obvious opportunity to do so. Run your race line as you normally would. It's the faster car's job to find their way around you. If they're lapping you, chances are they will get around you rather quickly.

-Just like every round before, once the race has finish, save your replay.
-After I've saved my replay, I'll be heading to my lounge so we can talk about the race. Text chat is too slow.
-If anyone has a dispute with another driver, I don't want to hear about it while we are in the open lobby or my lounge. I expect to be messaged through the psn network or via private messaging here on GTP.
-Bringing your dispute out into the open causes unneeded tension and drama...none of which I want to deal with.

I believe that sums it up guys. Good luck and see ya on track.
I just realized I didn't follow up on what day/time races will be. Nothing will change this season because Saturday is the only day I have any time. If/When there's another season, it'll be mid summer on a weeknight.

Edit: Got a message from Robbie this morning letting me know he can't finish out the season. So 0today we will only have 8. Hopefully everyone makes it lol
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I just realized I didn't follow up on what day/time races will be. Nothing will change this season because Saturday is the only day I have any time. If/When there's another season, it'll be mid summer on a weeknight.

This is a good series DA, don't stop now. I could help out next season. 👍

Edit: Got a message from Robbie this morning letting me know he can't finish out the season. So 0today we will only have 8. Hopefully everyone makes it lol

I'll be there, I finally pulled into the mid 1:19's lastnight.
Going to be signing on soon to practice.
Thanks Rode! I'll keep that in mind.

You got an open spot? I think I could do 3 today

Yes. Pick a car, know the specs and read the 2nd post and know the pp and weight check in process.
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Damn :( 2 races in a row I'm sorry guys my nets been out most of the day here, been raining real hard since last night and it finally let up. Ill be there for next week, What track did we end up deciding on since daytona was removed?
Damn :( 2 races in a row I'm sorry guys my nets been out most of the day here, been raining real hard since last night and it finally let up. Ill be there for next week, What track did we end up deciding on since daytona was removed?

Round 9: Monterey 150km GT
-Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca
-43 laps @ 3.605km/lap

I tried to give Z a battle in points. But it just wasn't meant to be. The T1 cars are just too much to hang with over a course of a season.
Round 9: Monterey 150km GT
-Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca
-43 laps @ 3.605km/lap

I tried to give Z a battle in points. But it just wasn't meant to be. The T1 cars are just too much to hang with over a course of a season.

Very true. I was foolish picking that GTR and thinking I could make it a top finisher. LoL

I was always faster in the NSX when tested. Those soft tires really level the handling out and causes the PURE specs to get goofy. They was really stellar in JGTS 1 using Hards.
Very true. I was foolish picking that GTR and thinking I could make it a top finisher. LoL

I was always faster in the NSX when tested. Those soft tires really level the handling out and causes the PURE specs to get goofy. They was really stellar in JGTS 1 using Hards.

I'm not a fan of softs. Season 2 will be different. I'm really liking the idea of a 2 compound rule between mediums and hards

Actually, when I made the schedule I did not know how these cars would compare throughout the season. So, live and learn.
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7 out of 8 races have resulted in T1 wins. For whatever reason, Circuit de La Sarthe turned out to be a T2 course. We ran a preseason race at Trial Mountain which also favored T2. There have been some close races between the T1's and T2's and others where the T1's just ran away with it. So far the courses which should favor T2's haven't.

Been fun though and have met some great people.
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I'm not a fan of softs. Season 2 will be different. I'm really liking the idea of a 2 compound rule between mediums and hards

Actually, when I made the schedule I did not know how these cars would compare throughout the season. So, live and learn.

Yea no one at fault. I would of thought the specs would of been fine with any tire. However you guys have shown that isn't the case when using softs.
Yea no one at fault. I would of thought the specs would of been fine with any tire. However you guys have shown that isn't the case when using softs.

Well I guess others can use my series as an example. Although, I'm curious as to what would happen if we stuck Z in a GTR or SC...lol
Well I guess others can use my series as an example. Although, I'm curious as to what would happen if we stuck Z in a GTR or SC...lol

He's good, no question about that. But i think everyone has seen what the NSX and Supra can do in a straight line speed. The GTR and SC are helpless. Throw on soft tires and suddenly the weakness of the NSX which should be turns is not much of weakness anymore. I do feel my car may be a bit better later in stints. But at that point its a bit late.

But trust me, in no way am i looking over the drivers. I'm well aware they play a factor : )
I think you just have to understand the cars. The NSX is an outright fast car. You can't say it a straightaway only car because it has the best rotation of any car in the series. And that ability to rotate the car is what makes it fast in the corners. But, its not good in all types of corners. It has a huge weakness on slicker tracks like La Sarthe or tracks with a lot of elevation change like Trial Mountain. It however, owns on flat and fast tracks.

The GTR, is no doubt down on straightway speed, but it is so easy to drive fast its just ridiculous. GTR's do well on all types of tracks with the exception of the fast flat ones (for obvious reasons). The GTR's are the only premium cars that can match a standard Takada Dome, and it only gained 30 kilos. However, the loss to the GTR's engine mod is a big deal. That car responds really well to the engine work.

The Lexus is very well rounded, its given a liberal amount of hp but, I'm not sure why it was given weight. In an open spec the SC is just slower all around, I just don't understand the reason for the weight. I think the turbo and the horsepower figure is pretty good though. I noticed that I could drive these cars pretty hard and they consistently lapped fast. Not quite as easy as the GTR, but the straight line advantage might give the SC and edge over the GTR on most tracks.

The Supra is a great car in this spec. You get the best of both worlds in that car, stable and fast on the straights. In open spec, the car is... ehh... not so good. I also found the car to be really good on tires (likely due to the light weight).

The Nismo Z is a car stuck in the middle and is searching for an identity. It wants to be a high speed straight car with the monster torque but, the extra weight and low hp output makes sure its only average in that department. And as far as handling goes, its a little twitchy and is not as quick to rotate as the NSX but, not as easy to drive hard as the GTR and SC430's.

For the record, I will happily take any car for the final two races if there's a question on whether the car is too dominant.
Z Crazy
For the record, I will happily take any car for the final two races if there's a question on whether the car is too dominant.

I didn't mean that Z. I'm just being a smartass
Great racing last night guys really enjoyed it:) BTW i had fastest race lap 👍
Nah, stick with the NSX. I know it sounds like i am complaining, but i am not. Just trying to start a healthy discussion to see what others thoughts are with the cars.

I'm looking forward to Laguna Seca. I love the flow of the track. So far have managed high 19's. The Lexus is feeling good in practice.
Sorry I came across like that, I was just saying I would if everyone felt it was unfair. I not disagreeing with the fact the NSX's are the fastest car at most tracks, hell its the only car with the engine in the right place. I'm just saying the speed comes with a caveat, repeatability. As the other NSX drivers can probably attest to, that thing is tough to keep going the right way. Over a stint the NSX could be the fastest car but likely will not because of its knife edge balancing act.

I've been testing a few cars today at Laguna and this is what I've found.

GTR:The GTR is in its element here. My fast laps are low 20's and the car felt dialed with a setup from Madrid. In reviewing laps on the data option in practice mode I found the GTR was much closer on top speed here and was unparalleled in repeatable fast laps.

SC430:The SC430 went very well here, however it seemed to be particularly tough on the front tires. Ran a few 19.5's in it, but most were in the 20.4xx range.

NSX:Haven't made it down to the 19's yet but it definitely can do it. Jekyll and Hyde are both present and accounted for as the car threatens to bite you through the entire run. But looks to be fairly good on tires.

Softs - 1:19.5
Hards - 1:23.2

Softs - 1:20.0
Hards - 1:23.1

Soft - 1:20.3
Hards - 1:23.4

I added in the Hard tire times to chime in on whether they assist one car or another. In my personal findings I don't believe the softs assist the NSX, but note the NSX take far longer to get the hards up to temp, 2-3 laps opposed to 1-2 laps in most other cars and the time reflect it (about 1 second slower until up to temp). IMO, the SC430 gains the most on softs at Laguna due to the balance of the car, understeering. The softs help band aid the problem.
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I think you just have to understand the cars. The NSX is an outright fast car. You can't say it a straightaway only car because it has the best rotation of any car in the series. And that ability to rotate the car is what makes it fast in the corners. But, its not good in all types of corners. It has a huge weakness on slicker tracks like La Sarthe or tracks with a lot of elevation change like Trial Mountain. It however, owns on flat and fast tracks.

The GTR, is no doubt down on straightway speed, but it is so easy to drive fast its just ridiculous. GTR's do well on all types of tracks with the exception of the fast flat ones (for obvious reasons). The GTR's are the only premium cars that can match a standard Takada Dome, and it only gained 30 kilos. However, the loss to the GTR's engine mod is a big deal. That car responds really well to the engine work.

The Lexus is very well rounded, its given a liberal amount of hp but, I'm not sure why it was given weight. In an open spec the SC is just slower all around, I just don't understand the reason for the weight. I think the turbo and the horsepower figure is pretty good though. I noticed that I could drive these cars pretty hard and they consistently lapped fast. Not quite as easy as the GTR, but the straight line advantage might give the SC and edge over the GTR on most tracks.

The Supra is a great car in this spec. You get the best of both worlds in that car, stable and fast on the straights. In open spec, the car is... ehh... not so good. I also found the car to be really good on tires (likely due to the light weight).

The Nismo Z is a car stuck in the middle and is searching for an identity. It wants to be a high speed straight car with the monster torque but, the extra weight and low hp output makes sure its only average in that department. And as far as handling goes, its a little twitchy and is not as quick to rotate as the NSX but, not as easy to drive hard as the GTR and SC430's.

For the record, I will happily take any car for the final two races if there's a question on whether the car is too dominant.

You're just good and you make the NSX look even better.
I drive an NSX because I like Hondas. Sometimes I regret my decision though since it's not easy to drive. At times I wish I was in a GTR because you really can push them hard. I'm just not consistent with anything lately.
I'm not disappointed with my pick. The Lexus has been a fun car on certain tracks. Slowing it down though for some turns can be a headache. It feels like a boat at times lol