I died!
I was scouting out the barns west of Zeleno and a zombie spotted me as I auto-stood (he was nowhere in sight so I have no idea how he did it), I went in the barn so he couldn't run. I shot him, waited for a good few minutes for other zombies to come, but they didn't and I couldn't hear any. I cautiously exited the barn and crouch walked to the exit... Guess what? Two zombies came from nowhere and knocked me out with a single swipe. I bled to death as they feasted on my corpse.
To be fair, as gutted as I am, it was no huge loss. I had Ibo's huge backpack which was probably the best thing I had, an M1911 with one spare magazine, three STANAG mags (I was really hoping to find an M16 or something in a deer stand, but I never did), map, compass, binos, watch and all the rest of it.
Oh well, now I can relax a little. Being as kitted up as I was was making me extremely paranoid, starting out is probably the most fun part of the game because the rest is a super serious fight to survive but you can take more risks if all you have to lose is the stuff you'll start with anyway.
Where shall we meet up? Kamenka, Komarovo and Balota seem to be common spawn points but I wouldn't mind starting on the east coast next time. I don't mind though.
Edit: I've started again, spawned west of Kamenka again. Shot a boar and examined the body, it said 'his name is unknown, and he died from unknown causes' or something. Quite. I found a dead survivor so I have a pack full of Makarov magazines, a spare water bottle and two tins of food, so that was a really good find. I've also already killed three zombies and was fired upon by a survivor, I ran into the forest and hid behind a tree to see him looking north when I was west. He only had a Makarov so I wasn't too worried, and carried on heading west, deeper into the forest. I said on the side channel 'whoever that is shooting in kamenka, meet me east of the building on the road leading north out of the town' so hopefully that threw him off the scent. I then headed north east, back to the road to Pavlovo, and checked out a deer stand... I found an M1014 and some slugs, a hunting knife and two STANAG magazines. from there I headed to another deer stand I'd spotted and found a DMR mag and M203 smoke round, so I left them both. I decided to leave it there to wait for you guys as I'm not too far and hopefully the stand will respawn some loot when I rejoin, hopefully I'll be able to grab something useful for whoever I join up with.
Well that was more interesting than usual... I found an AK in the deer stand nearest Kamenka, checked a few buildings in Kamenka (one had two dead survivors in it) then to meet Ibo on the coast between Kamenka and Komarovo. Shortly after we met (after I made Ibo jump by pointing the AK at him as soon as he rounded the corner) the server said it was restarting in 30 seconds so I thought 'might as well kill a few zombies then' and opened fire on them. The AK is much louder than I thought, because we nearly got swarmed and killed in that brief time. Then after the restart we checked out a petrol station in Kamenka, but we accidentally attracted zombies so I had to use the AK again. We came away from that fight ok, I nearly went down but sustained nothing worse than a broken bone. We went north to the same deer stand as before and looted it, then started heading to the next one when we spotted a survivor running and scanning the tree line where the stand was. We wanted the loot more than we wanted to avoid a fight, so I told Ibo to stay back while I got in close with my AK. I used bushes to cover my run up to close the distance, but when I slowly crept around the bush the guy was just standing there looking at me. I stood up and he didn't shoot me, but then he turned to point his gun at me (which just meant he was looking at me, not that he was going to shoot) and I emptied all 17 rounds of that magazine into him... He shot me back as he went down but it didn't even make me bleed, so maybe it was lag, or maybe he had tried to shoot me but I killed him first. He had nothing of value, nor did the stand, so I felt bad but that's just how it goes.
We carried on to Pavlovo, to another deer stand, and found an AKM and an AKS-74U, which is a pretty good haul. Ibo was talking to me on Steam (the Arma II beta has to be launched outside of Steam) so I alt-tabbed out to reply. Alt tabbing back in, my gun went off. It's lucky I didn't hit Ibo with the bullet, but it attracted all the zombies in the area, and there was an abnormally large amount around this stand. There's usually maybe 3 or 4, this time it was more like 7 or 8. So I managed to empty the entire magazine, that I'd only just found, to defend myself and Ibo who was presumably tabbed out himself. The zombie attacking him didn't seem to be responding to the bullets, though, so maybe it was just lag. We got away ok and logged off... Not a moment too soon if you ask me.