Take note, as per previously discussed, I went back and used a BMW Z4 03' and requalified it for Tsukuba, Suzuka East and Cape Ring South. This will be the standard car I will use to qualify for all events from now on, assuming of course I can fit it into the regs.
If you go HERE you'll find the links to the results for the various events run so far, which all include a list of cars qualified for the event. Now if you want to quickly choose a car for an event, you can go back to a previous event and choose a car you picked before, and adjust PP based on the PP adjustment made to the Z4 in qualifying for an event.
For example, the Z4 was at 440PP at Cape Ring and 425PP for Suzuka East. To quick choose a car for Cape Ring, you could take the same car you used at the previous race at Suzuka East, add 15PP and you should be very close to, if not dead on the target time.
At Road Course Indy, the Beemer is at 455PP, so you could add 15PP to your Cape Ring car, or 30PP to your Suzuka East car and you should be very close.
Hopefully this streamlines things a bit for those of you under the gun timewise in a given week.