DeadNutsEven - Where anyone can win!!

  • Thread starter Johnnypenso
I had one fun race this morning even though I was last :)
The Bianchi Abarth was a pleasure to drive, a bit low on acceleration and top speed, but still can do 1:37:073 on the last lap, another 2 or more laps maybe the Abarth would be able to make another pass.
I'll be there in 15 or so.

EDIT: We're going to have some top notch racing methinks. This combo is very good and Rome produces some great action. The visual element of vintage Euro cars in an historic Euro city can't be beat. The whole time I feel like I'm in a classic chase film. 👍 👍 Only question is, who's the hero and who's the baddie? :sly:

Guess we'll find out in 2
Hey guys, It's me again. Don't know if you guys remember me but I was supposed to race with you fellows a long time ago. Unfortunately I never did :(

I might not be able to make it to this next race either, but I definitely should have more time freed up pretty soon. So much damn work in the way of fun!

Good turn outs recently?
Couple of notes for tomorrow's race fellas. Rome is a tight track in places and mistakes that take you into the guardrail cost you a ton of time and will gather others with you and slow them down as well. So here are three things to keep in mind for tomorrows race:

The Esses
They look wide in the picture but when racing at speed you need to use all of the track to keep up momentum for the following straight. While it's GTP legal to attempt a pass into here, it will for sure be a slower way through the corner for you and your opponent compared to just following someone through and drafting them on the next straight. It also has a high probability of knocking one or both of you into the guardrail. So let's all try to keep our heads tomorrow and go through here single file until the end of the race at least.

Straight After The Esses​
Again, it looks rather wide here, but in Open Lobbies, a common trick here is to run up the middle of the road and move around slightly to prevent someone from passing. Let's not see any blocking on this straight and try to keep to one side or the other.

Final Corner​
There are basically two racing lines through here. #1 is the one I often use online, which involves starting the corner on the darker pavement on the inside, drifting just outside of it mid-corner and cutting back inside at the exit. #2 takes a wider entry and cuts to the inside at exit. This is the one I saw NC using in our practice runs.

Either one is fine, but what is not fine is to late brake and cut to the inside unless you see the person ahead of you losing control. Under GTP rules, once someone has turned into a corner they are allowed to take the racing line of their choice unimpeded by you, so unless you are alongside at entry, follow through. There is enough draft here that you can get a run up the front straight and pass someone to the flag.

Based on our practice runs there should be some great racing here, but this combination of track and car is all about momentum and you should be thinking of this the whole race if you want to achieve the best finishes you can.

Good luck tomorrow!!!!

Looks good. 👍 I'm still worried about the uphill chicane. Its one of the few corners in this game that still freaks me out every time I drive it. So I'm putting it out there that I will brake very early and cautiously through there, sorry everyone, I don't want to cause a bigger incident by scraping the wall. I'm looking at a 74-76mph entry speed through there, hopefully it is concurrent with everyone else's.

The Stratos I'm using is roughly 340PP, hitting about 106mph by the end of the straight on Comfort Soft tires. I will post my selection tomorrow.

And of course there's the 🤬 cobbled road that makes it so I can't hear anything around me. :banghead:
I always took a wide one on that last long sweeper as it allows better exit speed and I was able to get close to you JP, enough to allow me to draft on the main straight and make a very slow pass :lol: My line is like this, I usually at 81 to 82 mph on the on the right side on the uphill before the long left sweeper( final corner ), apply slight brake only, the speed should hover around 75 to 77+mph and gradually decreasing to allow the car to maintain the line ( just outside the white lines in the middle of the road ). Once halfway, aim at the inside apex at the end of the sweeper, slight lift of the throttle is all that is necessary, speed should stay above 70+mph and reaching around 74mph when close to the guard rail on exit

About the chicane, I can usually enter at around 80mph with my old rust bucket "Lada" and a good entry will usually yield 84mph exit speed on the up hill part, can't go any faster until the road gets more level ( not enough grunt :lol:)

The trick is to take from the outside, one side of the wheels on the outside of the right rumble strip ( risky here, get a hold of the steering), tap on the brakes ( usually from 90+mph ) then quick left to get close as possible to the left guard rail, then just keep as straight as possible and full on throttle :)
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I'm going to try to spend as much time in the lounge tomorrow as possible. I know I'm using the Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GTA 1600 '65 but ive spent no time with other cars on track.
I'm going to try to spend as much time in the lounge tomorrow as possible. I know I'm using the Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GTA 1600 '65 but ive spent no time with other cars on track.

I'm hopefully going to be done work by 5 or 6 tomorrow and if so I'll pop into the Lounge from time to time to see if anyone is there. Post here if you intend to go in and I'll keep an eye out for you and we can run some laps.
I'm hopefully going to be done work by 5 or 6 tomorrow and if so I'll pop into the Lounge from time to time to see if anyone is there. Post here if you intend to go in and I'll keep an eye out for you and we can run some laps.


so far...
sagarismic/Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GTA 1600 65’/Standard/341PP/Bolt-on(Ballast only)/CS/No ABS/101mph

I'll try to get in for extra practice during the late afternoon tomorrow.
Rido your inbox is full so I'm not sure if you got my message about putting the kart on share..please do as soon as you can...:)
Should be around as well in the late afternoon, early evening for some extra shenanigans...
BrandonW77/Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GTA 1600 65’/Standard/350PP/
Spec/CS/ABS/103 mph

Looks like we're gonna have a field of beautiful Alfa's and ugly hatchbacks. :lol: I'm still massively looking forward to it. 👍
Please don’t say my Bianchi ugly :grumpy: It has a heritage too:sly:

Its heritage isn’t ugly......... :guilty:

The GTI is the most beautiful car here... :crazy:

It’s a box on wheels? :dopey: To quote the Great Orangutan: ““I’m sorry, but having a DB9 on the drive and not driving it is a bit like having Keira Knightley in your bed and sleeping on the couch. If you’ve got even half a scrotum it’s not going to happen.” Wait, that didn't make sense......

I kid, I kid............but the Alfa is seriously beautiful! :drool:
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Just spent an hour in the lougne with the Alfa stock no tuning. I can hit the target time on sports hard at 355pp, and on comfort softs at 375pp. Goin to wal-mart real quick I'll be back on when I get back.
Heading into the lounge now... I'll be away intermittently, so if I don't respond, I'll get back to you when I return.
It’s a box on wheels? :dopey: To quote the Great Orangutan Lance Armstrong: ““I’m sorry, but having a DB9 on the drive and not driving it is a bit like having Keira Knightley in your bed and sleeping on the couch. If you’ve got even half a scrotum it’s not going to happen.” Wait, that didn't it makes sense......

Revised for accuracy:sly:

I'll be around in 15-20 minutes...
Good racing last night, not as tight a field as I expected but still some good, clean, heated competition. I wonder why the Alfa's seemed to dominate? The Alfa seemed to get a wicked draft if it was in the slipstream for more than a few seconds, like it was being pulled by a magnet. I noticed this even if I was the lead car of a two car pack, just having a car on my bumper reduced drag and noticeably increased my speed (107/108mph at end of front stretch instead of 103/104mph). I can't recall another car that has this type of slipstream effect.

Although the Kiera Knightley GTI seemed to keep up with the Alfa's just fine. 👍
I'd have to say last night was my favourite DeadNuts event ever, although there have been many good ones. Incredibly close racing, wins measured in 1/1000ths of a second, in one race positions 2-4 were 0.02 apart!!! This will definitely be on the sched again.

I don't know what is up with the Alfa's either but Brandon is right, it seemed to have an exaggerated draft effect, which was nice for a change:crazy:

I don't have a target quite ready for next week, might not be until tonight or tomorrow. Same with the results going up...

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