DeadNutsEven - Where anyone can win!!

  • Thread starter Johnnypenso
The F2 replica FGT week could be fun, but it will need everyone to have the FGT that I made, Cote has it, maybe Ferrari has it too and you too JP. Will need access to borrow app too :(
..... I'm ok with getting together once a week with a few of us just for laughs and continuing what we're doing as long as it's ok with you guys to drop the results postings and the fancy target posts.

JP, I understand and agree with your post.
I hope we can keep our weekly Monday meeting, but let's keep it simple.:)
For example next week, how about same track, same target, same car or not.
JP I understand you might not be available, but if a few of us can make it, I will host.:cool:
In my book the results have always lead us in the wrong path, as a fun battle is really what we are about.:cheers:
With the new possibilities in modding, there is a few races that have the potential of beeing epic. Since our formula is PP proof, our imagination is the only limit to what we can do.💡
Sad to hear this haven't gotten the attention it deserves, it really is the best racing you can have and I wish i could join more often but I've just been too busy and the times isn't exactly perfect for me either. :P But I really hope you don't give up on the concept because it is truly great!
The parity concept will always live, it is now also used in the WRS.
We can also use it in any SIM, like Assetto Corsa,:bowdown::bowdown:
If GT5 loose to much momemtun.
Of course when GT6 comes to life it could be used there as well.:cheers:
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If no new fantastic built in game mode in GT6 catch us by surprise and take up all our time it feels pretty safe that this will come back sometime. :)
I like the group we have now, a full crowd is about 8, which is a nice number that doesn't produce lag or make things too hectic. I don't really think there is a need to draw in new people, I've never felt that what we have right now is lacking in any way.

While I enjoy the flashy banners & graphics, I don't feel like they've added anything per se. The people we have right now were not attracted by the lovely Maserati banner, but came for the racing, and have stayed.

The racing here as always run off of feedback from members, and I like it. I feel like the focus should be put onto what we have right now, and less on attracting new members.

I don't even feel the tire & speed restrictions are necessary, the last two races we've had, everyone has been on the same compound to the best of my knowledge. I think the skills are homogenizing; Iain's gotten quite noticeably better since his first outing, and every member we've had an issue with driving has vanished.

TL;DR: Basically, focus on what we have, and not what we're trying to be. DNE is a specific niche of drivers that has now, sadly, been overshadowed by WRS.
DNE is a specific niche of drivers that has now, sadly, been overshadowed by WRS.

What do you mean by overshadowed, to me imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, only shows it is a great concept, based on honesty and respect, that we have been the first group to use effectively.
What is a mistery to me is that it as not catched up with more groups and more people, once it has been demonstrated that it worked well.
I guess there is more people with something to prove than there is people just wanting to have fun in a friendly and respectfull environement playing GT5.
Iain's gotten quite noticeably better since his first outing

Thanks, this is because of DNE. I have you guys to thank for my advancement in skill.

I totally agree with you that the banners are nice, but not necessary and we have a sufficient number of people - Monday night had a low turnout, but that's not unusual, once every so often. If it were to be quiet every week then something wouldn't be right. 8 is more than sufficient because it does minimise lag as Ferrari has said.

As for the tire restrictions, I agree - they're not necessary when in conjunction with the top speed limit. I think it's hard to meet the target on SH (e.g.) and keep under the speed limit when on SM I'm hitting the target but so heavily engine limited that I can't keep up on the straights because my top speed is so detrimented. I think the dual tire compound works well, but not with the top speed together. So either or would be better, I think.

Just my two cents.
What do you mean by overshadowed, to me imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, only shows it is a great concept, based on honesty and respect, that we have been the first group to use effectively.

I think he means "overshadowed" because they are able to draw full grids every week due to the WRS association while DNE is essentially just a core group of 6-8 dedicated folks...
What do you mean by overshadowed, to me imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, only shows it is a great concept, based on honesty and respect, that we have been the first group to use effectively.

This is what I'm basing it off of, at least:

I follow a GT5 player on YouTube, who did a segment on GTP's Podcast. He had a new-ish GTP account at the time, and I saw his name on the "Currently Viewing Thread" section. I was thinking how cool it would be if one of the more "famous" GT5 players was in our league and posting videos. Time passed, WRS adopted this format, and now I'm seeing the YouTuber posting WRS videos, using the DNE format, whereas it could have been us.

People looking for intense racing skip over this league in favor of the WRS because its more widely known and accepted. Since it seems we're looking to increase turnout, having the biggest GT5 league in the world adopt our format then in turn takes away from our possible membership. I'm not bitter because of this in the slightest, I understand that it is a huge compliment to the format, but it saddens me a little seeing DNE getting passed up. It can be equated to a national business chain taking over the small businesses in the area.

EDIT: Tree'd by NC. Who summed it up better than I did.
Meh, it's just GT5 on the decline. I doubt DNE could've pickuped people who now race with WRS, they are a fairly stable group I think.

My guess is that WRS will ditch this format once GT6 is out and attendance is up. What to do until then - I'm not sure.

Personally, I'm sorry that I kinda disappeared, by my current schedule is kinda tight, especially on Monday.
I miss one week and it's armageddon at parity racing? :P

I personally don;t think that things are bad at all at this point. GT5 is on the way out, and we still have a reasonably sized group of mature individuals that race regularly together. In the "old" days of parity racing, there were times when we had only 3 or 4 racers showing up and it was still good racing. Now, we regularly get 6 or 7 at least almost every week. Not bad at all, I'd say.
For what it's worth, I don't mind repeating targets, that was what we originally did (one week vintage cars, one week modern cars), and I never had a problem with it.
For what it's worth, I don't mind repeating targets, that was what we originally did (one week vintage cars, one week modern cars), and I never had a problem with it.

I think this is probably the best direction to go. The reason I didn't show up Monday was because I hadn't had time to get a car qualified. I could have jumped on an hour before and slopped one together real quick but when I did that in the past I suddenly found an extra second or two during pre-race practice, had to keep adding ballast and removing power and chasing the target time and never felt confident I was legal. I didn't want to rush in with a semi-legal car just so I could participate, so I just sat it out.

Sure, some people have plenty of time to sit around testing/tuning a multitude of cars, but not all of us do. It takes me 1-2 hours to sift through cars until I find one I feel could be legal and to practice to make sure I've found all the extra time on the track. The themes were fun but that made certain we had to find a new car every week.

To make things more accessible I think you need a more stable formula, something where we can all have 2 or 3 cars that we know we can get legal in 15-20 minutes of tuning/practice. People that have more time can feel free to use all kinds of cars, but some kind of common baseline would make it easier for people to just grab a car and show up. Maybe that's how it's supposed to be and I'm just doing it wrong, but the task of finding/tuning a new car every week has become a bit daunting, at least for me.

Just my USD $0.02. :)
With all that said, a lot of good points, is everybody in for the April 8?

What Cote is referring to is repeating this week's race on Monday April 8. For now we can run with that and figure out where to go after that, probably another repeat event, or the cars from a previous event on another track to make it easy to qualify.


Monday April 8, 8PM EST


Q cars:
BMW Z4, 425 PP, Fully tuned, top speed 197 km/h / 122 mph

** Tire Wear OFF **
Top speed limit entering first corner: 205 km/h / 127 mph

Note: This is a dual compound race on Sports Hard and Medium Tires for non-4wd cars.

If you cannot stay below the Max Speed on SH Tires, you must switch to SM.
Car selection is open to all non-4wd cars.
Hybrids welcome so long as they meet the target:)

Heat 1: 4 laps, fastest first
Heat 2 and 3, 7 laps, reverse grid
Heat 4, 9 laps, reverse grid.

Note that I've changed the races from 5 to 4, dropped a warm up race and added some laps to the last one. We'll try it for a couple of weeks and see how it goes.
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:)I'm taking off for the weekend again guys...see you on Monday...have a great weekend!!:)
I will be at the lounge around 10h00, if some DNE dudes are available and willing.

11h00, been there an hour, apparently no DNE dudes were available and willing, leaving the lounge now, post here if any activity is possible in the afternoon. :-)
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Kinda bummed to be reading whats going on here, I've gotten super busy with everything at work and life (expecting my first child) but schools winding down and I thought I'd try and squeeze back in here with you guys again. Hope things don't change much
I'm going to try to make it. Still haven't found time to get a car qualified but I should have a couple hours before race time to get one dialed in.
Some of the best racing ever tonight in my opinion. Every position it seemed like, was fought over from start to finish. Well done. I'll figure out tomorrow what we're doing next week, probably going with the repeat them for now, but from a different target.

I figured out my problem with saves. When I was copying them to the PC I was only copying the "SAVEDATA" folder and not the "PS3" folder that it came in. So I made a new save, deleted the SAVEDATA from the new "PS3" folder and threw in the older "SAVEDATA: and voila!! ....30 hybrids. :):):)

On the way home today (3 straight hours of boring 4 lane highway, last two hours as flatter than the Canadian prairies) I was thinking I'd have some time to throw together an RX-8/787B Motor combo, with the RX-8 detuned to about 95/100 grip to make it the same as most cars and the motor detuned to about 250 HP. Have to save that one for next week!!!!!
I was thinking I'd have some time to throw together an RX-8/787B Motor combo, with the RX-8 detuned to about 95/100 grip to make it the same as most cars and the motor detuned to about 250 HP. Have to save that one for next week!!!!!

Why not just put in the Asparadrink GT300 motor? You'd have to do a lot less limiting that way, and it sounds almost identical. :lol: The Atenza TC chassis is also a perfect match for the RX8, and the wheels fit cleanly under the arches. :)

Glad you figured out your game-save too. 👍
On the way home today (3 straight hours of boring 4 lane highway, last two hours as flatter than the Canadian prairies) I was thinking I'd have some time to throw together an RX-8/787B Motor combo, with the RX-8 detuned to about 95/100 grip to make it the same as most cars and the motor detuned to about 250 HP. Have to save that one for next week!!!!!

I'd like to see the 787B motor in the premium RX-7 as well as the RX-8... That is, if you don't have anything better to do. 💡
Why not just put in the Asparadrink GT300 motor? You'd have to do a lot less limiting that way, and it sounds almost identical. :lol: The Atenza TC chassis is also a perfect match for the RX8, and the wheels fit cleanly under the arches. :)

Glad you figured out your game-save too. 👍

The only limiting I need to do is entering "1" in the engine multiplier Hopefully that does it:)

I'd like to see the 787B motor in the premium RX-7 as well as the RX-8... That is, if you don't have anything better to do. 💡

What power level? Easy to do, just limited to base power in increments of 1/4. I did make one fooling around last week...let me see what it is...

EDIT: It's 422hp so that's a mulitplier of 1/2. 1/4 should get me to 211 and all the usual upgrades are available so it should be tunable well into the 300 hp range. I'll put this one on share. It looks to be bone stock except for the tranny. If you leave the stock gearbox on it, don't even open the custom because you lose the stock one, you'll get a 9 speed transmission. First 6 are the usual track gears the other, 7 for larger tracks and 8 and 9 for Lemans or top speed runs. Just the sound of it firing up when you get into the car is enough to make you cry. :)

I think for next week we'll revive the original event, the 1:07 at Tsukuba on SH and SM tires. We will have a top speed which I'll work out and post, hopefully tonight. Note also the original event was done on 2.09 physics. I'll test it out tonight and see where we end up.
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