Really Big Announcement
The creative and analytical juices are always flowing being the scenes here at DeadNutsEven Racing. Recently we've had some input on various topics and decided to make some positive improvements in the way we set our target times.
The ultimate goal is to make things easier for you to choose cars each week, with less work on your part, by building a datebase of cars equal to each other.
What we're thinking of is to begin to set the target times utilizing a
standardized testing format with a very limited number of cars on our end, which I'll refer to as "
baseline" cars. We haven't finalized the details yet but here's a rough outline of how it might work. I'm going to use myself as the example for setting targets each week, but this can work with anyone in the group as you'll see later:
1. I choose one car, let's say an Audi, and it's tunable through adding parts and turbo chargers from 400-450 PP on CS or SH tires. So the Audi becomes my car for the 400-450PP range.
2. I draw up three rough limits of say 400PP on CS, 425PP on CS and 450PP on SH tires.
3 I go to a track, say Cape Ring North and set a time of 1:28 in the Audi at 450PP on SH tires.
4. Everyone else qualifies a car for that race hitting the target time.
Now we have a list of cars that are all equal. It might look like this:
Johnny Audi TT 450pp
Trackbound S2000 455pp
Cote Skyline GTR 475pp
Sag RX7448PP
Ferrari NSX (what else) 462PP
5. We track this on a spreadsheet.
6. A few weeks later we go to Trial Mountain, I take the same car out, the Audi, at 450PP on SH tires and do a 1:38 lap and that's the target.
The Really Cool Part is: If you want to enter the Trial Mountain race and you are pressed for time or just don't feel like qualifying a car, you just pull out the same car you already used that is a match for the Audi TT, run a few laps to verify how close you are to the time, make one PP adjustment if necessary and you are ready to race!!! You aren't required to choose the same car, it'll be your option, but the option will be there for you anytime you need it. We'll even track it on a spreadsheet for you, so you just have to click the mouse to find out what car you already used to match the Audi and how it was tuned.
It'll take a few weeks to build up the database but
we're hoping to get it to the point that once you've qualified 3 or 4 cars you should be able to enter just about any race, on any track, on any of the usual PP/tire combinations we tend to use. And we don't believe we are stuck with fixed PP levels either. If I choose to run the Audi at 435PP instead of 425 PP to set a Q time, I'll just add enough HP to get it to 435, you can do the same on your end, add 10PP through horsepower to whatever car(s) match up with the Audi and you're ready to go.
Another benefit is, once we've added some cars to the database, anyone can set a target time if requested, just by choosing a particular car for the Q run. In the example above, Ferrari might go to Road Course Indy with his 462PP NSX tune, and set a time of 1:40. The time would then be posted, saying Ferrari did it with the NSX, which is equivalent to my Audi at 450PP on SH and look on the spreadsheet to find your car that matches this as closely as possible.
Keep in mind,
this is just an option for you, it's not mandatory. If we use the Audi and Ferrari by some miracle chooses something other than an NSX and wants to run an MR2 instead he can do that, or any other car. If he does, we'll add the MR2 to the database, so now he'll have two cars to choose from if he is pressed for time or just not interested in qualifying a different car. Each time anyone chooses a car they haven't already qualified it gets added to the database. If there is someone in the group whose skills are close to yours, you can ask them to send you the tune or the car they used for a particular event and you can find something to run that way too.
We really believe this will streamline and simplify things.
There is no work on your part, we'll take care of all the logistics. All you'll have to do is qualify cars as normal and we'll take care of the rest. And again, it's just an option. If you want to run a different car every week, or the exact same car, the choice will always be yours!!!