While there are many specific symptoms of a maladaptive daydreamer, someone with this disorder will not necessarily have all of them.
Often maladaptive daydreams are prompted by 'triggers' (stimuli which produce an emotional response) which may include conversational topics, sensory stimuli, or physical experiences. Maladaptive daydreamers may also experience trouble completing routine tasks or going to sleep, due to their desire to continue daydreaming. Oftentimes while maladaptive daydreamers are daydreaming, they will whisper, talk, make facial expressions, or do some sort of repetitive movement, such as pacing.
Maladaptive daydreamers can spend hours simply daydreaming. They may have elaborate fantasies within their minds, often comparable to a complete novel or movie. Many have more than one fantasy in their mind, each with its own characters, setting, plots, etc. Maladaptive daydreamers may become emotionally attached to their characters as well, though they know the characters are not real