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- Australia
I'm going to gift a one up for my number one dissenter (prisonermonkeys), and be decidedly contrary on this point (I'm often accused of doing it wantonly).I'm having a rough time, lately. I have a counselor now, but I'm all over the place.
I had a great weekend playing games with my little cousin. Now that it's time to catch up, and Monday's around the corner, I feel like garbage.
I'm tired of trying. I've put so much effort in lately and I feel like I've gotten nothing out of it. My life will never be as good as I was told it could be.
It's taking all my strength not to blow up and let all of my insecurities out. Even on GTP I feel like I have no value. I have nothing to contribute. I just want to feel like part of a community but I don't. I'm struggling to find any source of self esteem anymore.
Your kind is all too rare, in the world at large, and on here. Anyone that prioritises thought process over end thought has a massive upside in my book - and that's one thing I see in you. That you haven't bought your ideals "off the rack", only to find yourself a slave to the stereotypes evident in the package bought. That you don't decide your position first, looking over your shoulder at what the "cool kids" are all doing, then tunnel vision your way through the would-be evidence. Nope, you're up for the convincing, and that's the way it should be. Just make sure that you are willing to be convinced by the most important search for truth of them all......... the question of your worthiness. We don't have to be perfect. In fact, perfect is boring. We just have to be worth it. Worth the time and effort of others.
Are you?....
You are.