I know, but this isn't my computer. It's my sister's. Mine currently has laryngitis and has been sent away for surgeries, so in the meantime I have to use either my dad's or my sister's. While my dad's computer has Google Earth, he needs it for his work and I don't want to download anything onto my sister's computer, it's not mine, even if it once was and she's currently away in Switzerland.
Alright, entry is closed. A bit disappointed with the entry numbers, but what the hell.
3-2-1 voting like last time. If anyone thinks that we should come down to 2-1, or up to 4-3-2-1, make it known.
Peterram430 (Aintree):
Do You Race (Hungaroring):
Lucky to be in, however we need entries.
Touring Mars (La Sarthe):
Touring Mars (Knockhill):
The Cracker (Mallory Park):
Zed300 (Mont Tremblant):
As before, don't base it on the design of the image-only the track layout, and whether it would be appealing for BE and MM/replacement to add to the calendar.
5 posts of votes come up with this:
Touring Moon-17
DYR-1 TheCracker-9 zed300-2
Congratulations TM!
LONG! The circuit needs to be longer than any existing F1 circuit, the less laps required the better. 7km is the current longest. Go out and make it longer.
I have no idea what the specific rules are, so if this doesn't fit within them, then its just here for show.
I whipped this up a while ago, while getting some influence from current F1 circuits. I'm calling it Melbourne International Raceway, because I live in Melbourne, and would like to see an alternative to Albert Park's Street Circuit.