Did You See Anything Good Today? [Read First Post]

  • Thread starter GilesGuthrie
Considering only 20 are reportedly existing I'd only have to assume a ton.

Audi A4(white) - It's nothing too special but I love this model and much more the RS4. I don't see too many anyways

BMW Z8(silver) - It's an ok looking car only 3rd i've seen in my life

Saturn Sky(silver)
Thanks all. To answer the questions in order:

Bubble Bunny - 'big' Ferraris are never worth huge amounts. I was told $150,000 at the maximum, making it less than any F430 I see. But it's so much more special that...

Boz Mon:
Me: Hello, I was driving by and I noticed your Ferrari. Would you mind if I have a look?
Her: Sure, it's my husband's. Go ahead and go into the garage and look at it.
Me: Would you mind if I take some photographs of it?
Her: (pause) Well, I guess that would be all right, take a few photographs. Just don't let my husband see them!
Me: Ha ha.

(a few minutes later she came outside)

Her: It's a 1963, if you were interested.
Me: 1963, yeah?
Her: And only fifty were built.
Me: Yeah, I think I knew about this car. How long has he had it?
Her: A long time. He found it at a garage in Seattle.
Me: Well thank you so much for letting me look at it!
Her: Sure. If my husband was here he would probably take it out for you.
Me: Well thank you so much anyway!
Her: You're welcome.

The entire exchange, more or less.

*McLaren*: I posted a thread on F-chat, and made a post in my local spotters' thread about it. The owner was an older gentleman, so I'd bet he's not an F-chat member. F-chat did mention that around 40, not around 20 as I had mentioned, are known to exist. Ballpark figures were thrown around in a previous thread (17 and 25, so I presumed about 20) but someone with access to a registry made a correction: 29 US (!!!!), 11 Europe.

Wow...never quite seen a Ferrari garage like that.

You took the words out of my mouth. Especially for such a rare Ferrari.

Thanks all for the reputation and the kind words, but the real treat was seeing the car. Certainly a candidate for my personal Car Sighting of the Year 2007.
Neat spot, Doug. 👍





These are from yesterday. I'll post what I saw today err...tomorrow, too tired right now.
Best thing I saw today was... That Hyundai Coupe MkII belonging to the Gym-teacher from previous year. I can't spot worth a damn - or Israel just doesn't have interesting cars.
Wish I saw so many nice cars like you do, Doug. I mean the best I could muster here in California is a Z8...:ouch:
Wish I saw so many nice cars like you do, Doug. I mean the best I could muster here in California is a Z8...:ouch:

It's not easy - they don't just come out, you know! I have to seek them out, and as such I'd say I spend a good one to three hours daily looking for cars. But, it's fun - I can put the windows down (in my new car!), listen to music, text my friends, etc. You'll notice that the best spotters in this thread actively seek out cars - that's the best way to really see the best cars. But you've got to be willing to give some time to it!
I really have no choice I rely on a parent to get me around (by car). So when I see nice cars it's on the way from point A to point B.
That explains that then - when you do get a car just take the short ride up to Palo Alto - you will see cars that trump my sightings every minute of every day.
Relativley interesting cars just kinda appear here on LI, its wierd, because when I do have a camera, they all go and hide... :(
I have to seek them out, and as such I'd say I spend a good one to three hours daily looking for cars.

Wow, 1-3h a day? I wish i had that much spare time/gas. I just drive from point A to point B and i bring along a camera in case i see anything good. Never devoted actual time to finding cars
Wow, 1-3h a day? I wish i had that much spare time/gas. I just drive from point A to point B and i bring along a camera in case i see anything good. Never devoted actual time to finding cars

:lol: It's summer! I have nothing but spare time. Actually I'm working part-time now but not so it conflicts with my car spotting. In fact that was one of my criteria for job searching. Truly.
I have a route on my way home from school that goes through two upscaled mall parking lots. I take a drive through every day. Once the weather gets nicer I will go back to walking most places and I'll be able to go all over.
That explains that then - when you do get a car just take the short ride up to Palo Alto - you will see cars that trump my sightings every minute of every day.

I've been to Palo Alto a couple of times, and to be honest with you i've seen rarer cars in Alameda than i have in Palo Alto, but thats probably because I wasn't trying to look for cars when i went.
Drive around with your camera at an easy to reach place. Also go to known rich areas.
If you've got enough time you might even start seeing trends when certain people are out and about. People that wealthy often have a lot of time on their hands and go to nice shops and expensive restaurants and such. Maybe cruise through rich neighborhoods (country clubs are nice) and you might spot a garage open with something shiny in it.

Doug, what times of day do you usually go out? I'd figure just after noon would be a good time to spot cars while their owners are chilling at the lunch place.
Man, some of you have it easy.

In Dallas, if you want to catch the rare cars, you have go into the heart of Plano, or the highway between Ft. Worth and Dallas.
That explains that then - when you do get a car just take the short ride up to Palo Alto - you will see cars that trump my sightings every minute of every day.

Yeah I did go to there once before, there or Saratoga and wow. I was taken back at how easy it was to see a 6-digit valued car parked on the side of the street.
First time seeing one of these, it passed by me and I turned around and followed it into a car wash, then asked the dude if I could snap some pics on my cell phone.

Man that thing is beautiful in real life.
OK, these were from yesterday (5/16/07).


I'm probably the only one in this thread still taking pictures of Cayennes, haha.



Two XK's...





And this next one's for you Doug...!


What makes this shot even better is you can see the DB9 I just posted above in the background (circled). I didn't notice this until I opened the picture up on my computer.


And anyone know where his plate is from...?

Doug, what times of day do you usually go out? I'd figure just after noon would be a good time to spot cars while their owners are chilling at the lunch place.

On a beautiful Saturday where I have nothing to do, the ideal times are:

7:00pm-dark (which is around 8:15pm)

However truth be told on a beatiful Saturday any time after 11am is fair game. The times I mainly go out are 12:15pm-1:30pm and 7pm-dark, however sometimes I can't get out that frequently, and sometimes you get lucky at an off-peak time; today I spotted that DB7 V12 at 4:30pm, and it was cloudy. You never really know, but the above times are the ideal.

Maybe cruise through rich neighborhoods (country clubs are nice) and you might spot a garage open with something shiny in it.

As odd as this idea may sound, I've gotten several spots this way:



However, you're mostly going to see cars at shopping centers and on the road, plain and simple. Rich commercial areas coupled with correct timing will always yield good spots. Yes - I do have it lucky, as I live very near the wealthiest mall and shopping area, so it's not much of a commute, meaning this hobby doesn't require too much time. I probably wouldn't do it, or I wouldn't do it as much, if it wasn't so opportune.

Perfect Balance - great spot.

Hey tabs - the plate on the 5-series is German - good spots! Although I strongly strongly dislike you for seeing a Vanquish. Until I see a Vanquish that is.

I'd +rep you but I think we both know there's no point.

EDIT - by the way - I think that white with a black top is the best color I've seen on the Continental GTC, except maybe that light blue. Thanks for that spot.
Although I strongly strongly dislike you for seeing a Vanquish. Until I see a Vanquish that is.


I find it a bit odd how you still haven't spotted one, given the kinds of cars you constantly run into. Weird.
I've seen a Vanquish(white) once before awhile ago... of course I have no photographic evidence to prove this.

I find it a bit odd how you still haven't spotted one, given the kinds of cars you constantly run into. Weird.

In fact, possibly the most interesting thing about my car sightings is that a Vanquish has eluded me all this time.

I took my very first car photo, my first 'spot,' if you will, two years ago on Tuesday. It was a 360 Challenge Stradale. Since then I've seen dozens of crazy automobiles, with a lovely two-year anniversary present being the 330 America of the other day. However, to this day, I'm without a couple of things I really presumed I'd see by now. The Aston-Martin Vanquish is first and foremost on my list of cars I absolutely must see, followed closely by the Dodge Viper SRT-10 Coupe, a vehicle which has been out for some time. The Gallardo Spyder was obviously lacking until last month, but I'm still troubled by the fact that I've seen just one. And while the Ferrari 599 GTB is still brand new, I really thought I would've seen one by now. Based on my track record of seeing supercars after release I have no idea why, but I guess I was hoping, more than anything. Also, we have a Ferrari Enzo and a Bugatti Veyron in the area, and I would, of course, love to make either my 'first spot' of one of those vehicles.

I've seen some vehicles I honestly never believed I would see on the road in my lifetime: a Bentley Azure Mulliner (in fact, two of them), a Dodge Viper GTS-ACR, a Ferrari Dino, of course the Ferrari 330 America from yesterday, a Ferrari Daytona Spider, a Ferrari 575 Superamerica, and a Lamborghini Countach come to mind. So it's troubling that I can't lay down the three vehicles highlighted in bold up above (the Porsche 911 GT2 was a fourth vehicle that had eluded me, until April 21, the same day I saw the G Spyder). Perhaps I can consider it a summer goal - or at least two of the three. We'll see what happens.