Did You See Anything Good Today? [Read First Post]

  • Thread starter GilesGuthrie
I saw a rather spiffing Audi R8 on the way home from work today. Much lower and wider than I thought it was, and altogether more amazing. I have decided that I want one.
I saw a rather spiffing Audi R8 on the way home from work today. Much lower and wider than I thought it was, and altogether more amazing. I have decided that I want one.
This one?
First off. What model of Bentley Turbo is this? It has bonnet scoops and a badge behind the front wheelarch. It's not an R or an RT or even an RL. Any ideas?

Looks like a Turbo RT to me... why would you say it's not?

Joey D
It had a historic plate though.

Remember, if the replicar is based on a historic chassis, it gets historic plates. That's why all those replica Porsche 356s based on 1960s Beetles are on historic plates. Even though the body is all-new, it's still a 1960s Beetle in VIN terms. Same deal here. I concur that it's a replicar.
Looks like a Turbo RT to me... why would you say it's not?

Doesn't have the bonnet scoops. But hang on...

Turbo RT Mulliner

That's the one! So that's what it is and only 1 of 17 RHD versions in the world!
Remember, if the replicar is based on a historic chassis, it gets historic plates. That's why all those replica Porsche 356s based on 1960s Beetles are on historic plates. Even though the body is all-new, it's still a 1960s Beetle in VIN terms. Same deal here. I concur that it's a replicar.

Touche!..is that even the correct use of that word, I don't know I just think it sounds cool :lol:. But ya I see what you mean.
As some of you know, I'm out the DYSAGT picture for a while as I've done my back in pretty badly. In order to maintain my sanity, I'm going to add all my older car spots to my photobucket (see sig.) and if any interesting that you haven't seen before ones pop up I'll post them here if that's ok with you guys.

Hey, speaking of wich... well, first, Im sorry to hear youre hurt man, take good care, ok?

Now, on to what I was saying: I recently went trough my files and found a LOOOOOT of your pictures, remember when we used to chat on MSN a lot and you gave me all of them? well I have about 50 mbs worht of your pics (:

if you want them I'll giev them to you or something, there are some k-cars, a bunch of euro Rs and a really cool b/w pic of a Skyline in a tunnel... you might remember (:

want them?

and everyone else, I'll check the thread later and answer everyone, I know Serge posted old cars and I want to see them, but I have been up to my waist in work, went yesterday to a hot rod shop where they had a 39 Lincoln Zephyr with a Ferrari 456 engine in it and a Chopped top hemi 'Cuda, and OMG a Merc 300 SL gull wing in restoration (: and the day before I went to shoot a 59 Renault Floride; Friday I'm going to shoot a 1931 Chrysler Roadster de Luxe, 100 point resto (:

So yeah, I hate my job. I'll post some pictures of all that soon.
Of course I remember the msn chats! Actually I ran across all those pics on my old PC and I have stuck everything on an external HDD. Now, from my position on floor with the laptop, I'm going through them all and sorting the chaff from the wheat. There are some 5,000+ photos to go through all filed in a way that is messier than my living room. So, I'm gonna be busy for a while! Can't wait to see your pics...
Ooooooooooooooooooooh dear what an amazing day of shooting. On my way to work, I've been giving myself a little extra time for photography, and today it paid off. New STi. All I have to say is white cars are a pain, which was later confirmed with my spot of the night.



Mundaaaaaaaaaaane. What a boring piece of work. I bet it goes like stink, but it totally fails in the looks department. It is miles ahead of the regular Impreza, but still nothing like an STi should be.


Sooo then tonight I decide to go up the street to see what I can find, considering last time I was down that way I missed out on a Granturismo, Murcielago Roadie and Vanquish. I figured that if there was any Mediterranean team playing Euro Cup, the ballers must be out in Little Italy smoking stogies and watching some footbol.

So out I go, first up is the same Maserati Granturismo as my camera conked out on last time. I'm trying new things with this so let's see how it goes over...



Then a quick shot of an AMV8. This shot encompasses the annoyance of shooting at night. The first nuisance is the fake, orange tungsten light that is impossible to manipulate to anything nice. The key is use whatever kind of outside light you can - storefronts, traffic hadlights etc. The second problem is using my ghetto tripod, all of my shots are from the exact same 18 inches off the ground.


I then line up to shoot this nice BMW with huuge LE37s covered in a swank Laguna Seca blue paint. This thing was giving me the most trouble in terms of colour, it didn't come out close to that sweet creamy blue; the orange streetlights completely ruined it all. As I was shooting, the owner came out to talk to me. We exchanged phone numbers so that I could get e-mails/my flickr page as he was interested in seeing shots of his own car (obviously). He seemed like a cool dude, and said "I've always wanted someone to get photos of my car" which can mean he wants the pics I got tonight, or get some more laer on (I'm hoping). Anyways, I'm not happy with the shots of his cars, so maybe he'll see the rest of my stuff and pursue more shots. Here's to my first encounter/interest with an owner!



Theyyyyun I saw this bad boy parked down the street, so out comes the tripod and more photos!!! Oh the joy. Too bad it was the worst colour combo possible on an Audi R8 - white with silver siding. Whatevs, this car attracted sooo much attention. You should seen it, every single Volkswagen that drove by slammed on the brakes and took a gander.




Trying out some b/w, which I haven't ever really gone for before. Maybe this'll be a coverup when colours go way off.


Anyways, there's the photos tonight! Next time I'll go out with a little more natural light and a better tripod so I can get some more serious photos. I'll be waiting for the call from Mr. E46 and hopefully it'll go somewhere. Thanks!

-edit- looking at the first e46 shot - I'm not at all satisfied. I'll work on it a little more if I can - 2Fast 2Furious is on TV:inspiration? I don't think so......
Jeebus, how much post-production did you apply to that Subie pic? ;) I swear it looks like a GT5 shot.
Great, great photos exigeracer! I love the 1st STi shots and all the R8 shots are brill too. This is becoming not merely a car-spotting thread but also a photography thread too - I'm going to have to up my game!

EDIT: What's up with the stick on bumpers on the R8?!


Just proving the 'collector plate does not a real one make', here's a replica 427 Cobra on collector plates.

Here's a real 997 GT3 tho:

For the first time ever I considered putting someone else's photo on my background. Granted I didn't do it, but I considered it. Great pix great spots & best wishes!

Thanks! What makes that one good in my eyes is how the car contrasts between the Accord and Jetta, both in colour and stature. Dumb luck.

Laguna Seca Blue. :drool:

Yeah no kidding. I edited in another version of the across-the-street shot. More yellows that look way better than before and also the blues match really good between the two.

Jeebus, how much post-production did you apply to that Subie pic? ;) I swear it looks like a GT5 shot.

I'm not going to ever deny that I use postpro in my photography. I don't rely on it, in fact that last STi shot of the bunch is only a little more yellow and a little darker than the original. Try as hard as you can for the look when you're peeking through the lens, but there are things that even the best digital camera can't pull off.

Great, great photos exigeracer! I love the 1st STi shots and all the R8 shots are brill too. This is becoming not merely a car-spotting thread but also a photography thread too - I'm going to have to up my game!

Thanks you too. I don't really photograph cars for spotting purposes anymore, it's mostly just to improve my photography, which is still getting better (and just opened things to a lot more potential with this night stuff). When you asked before why I get such a high nice car to nice photo ratio, I forgot to answer. If it's not a good shot, I simply won't post it. I'm not going to produce and present something I'm not happy with. For instance, that AMV8 shot right up there wouldn't have made the cut if it weren't for the fact that I know a lot of people on GTP love the look of the car. I think it's a pretty weak image.

EDIT: What's up with the stick on bumpers on the R8?!

Canada has the equivalent of 3mph crash testing, whereas their American counterparts only need 5mph. You should see the TT (both last gen and the current one). Audi seems to pull it off - remember those early black nubs on the first 996 Turbos? They were hiiiiiiiid.
Mundaaaaaaaaaaane. What a boring piece of work. I bet it goes like stink, but it totally fails in the looks department. It is miles ahead of the regular Impreza, but still nothing like an STi should be.

I think the STi looks fantastic. The front looks better than the other STi model, and white looks good on it! :drool: As for the other shots...... :scared: DAYUM! If you could make money by making this type pictures, you would make a fortune! :D Hope you get the owner of the E46 to take more picture of his car. ;) The second Gran Turismo shot and the last R8 shot looks really good. 👍
Great, great photos exigeracer! I love the 1st STi shots and all the R8 shots are brill too. This is becoming not merely a car-spotting thread but also a photography thread too - I'm going to have to up my game!

exigeracer, your photography and post production editing is increasingly getting more and more interesting, and very professional, especially when one considers the lack of any real set-up and controlled lighting. 👍

I am particularly impressed with the following shot

It almost looks like a detailed air brushed painting... brilliant work!

I then line up to shoot this nice BMW with huuge LE37s covered in a swank Laguna Seca blue paint. This thing was giving me the most trouble in terms of colour, it didn't come out close to that sweet creamy blue; the orange streetlights completely ruined it all. As I was shooting, the owner came out to talk to me. We exchanged phone numbers so that I could get e-mails/my flickr page as he was interested in seeing shots of his own car (obviously). He seemed like a cool dude, and said "I've always wanted someone to get photos of my car" which can mean he wants the pics I got tonight, or get some more laer on (I'm hoping). Anyways, I'm not happy with the shots of his cars, so maybe he'll see the rest of my stuff and pursue more shots. Here's to my first encounter/interest with an owner!
I really hope this leads to something and most importantly more referrals. Honestly, I can see you having a very successful career, or at the very least a serious and rewarding endeavor, should you be able to make the time for it. 👍

Anyways, there's the photos tonight! Next time I'll go out with a little more natural light and a better tripod so I can get some more serious photos. I'll be waiting for the call from Mr. E46 and hopefully it'll go somewhere. Thanks!
Although I agree with you that your shots of his car do not exactly stand out, nor accurately represent your true talent, but he would still be a fool not to call and at least see about sponsoring you for an actual photoshoot of his car.

Keep up the great work!

PS... I have never once used a picture of a car for a desktop/wallpaper, and in fact have used the same photos from NASA's Hubble space telescope for many years now... but some of your recent work has tempted me. Really great stuff there! :)👍
I'm not going to ever deny that I use postpro in my photography. I don't rely on it, in fact that last STi shot of the bunch is only a little more yellow and a little darker than the original. Try as hard as you can for the look when you're peeking through the lens, but there are things that even the best digital camera can't pull off.
I didn’t mean that as a diss at all – the “GT5 shot” remark was a compliment. I love photography that has a slightly artsy-surreal bent to it (I have a lot of HDR desktops, for example). As far as I’m concerned, you could stupidly easily pass for a professional.
On the way to day 2 of the chiropractor...

Aston DB9

599 GTB


Mitsu EIV - But on further inspection I think it's a lookalike

Mitsu GTO

Nissan GTR - Another new one I haven't seen before
Awesome pictures. The black and white Audi is incredible - the white really stands out against the gray cars around it.

Also, you spotted an RS4, it seems to me:

Thanks for the compliments everyone. I'll keep taking pictures if you're this nice to me :)

exigeracer, your photography and post production editing is increasingly getting more and more interesting, and very professional, especially when one considers the lack of any real set-up and controlled lighting. 👍

I am particularly impressed with the following shot

It almost looks like a detailed air brushed painting... brilliant work!

You know what, I liked the way the image turned out, but It's kind of disappointing because that's not the way the Maserati as a car comes off as. Somehow the picture lost the beauty of the car completely. The lines that go over the shoulder didn't come through at all...

I didn’t mean that as a diss at all – the “GT5 shot” remark was a compliment. I love photography that has a slightly artsy-surreal bent to it (I have a lot of HDR desktops, for example). As far as I’m concerned, you could stupidly easily pass for a professional.

No worries ;)

It's a weird phenomenon, when you take a photo, and blow out the values so it's total HDResque just to see what it looks like, but then slide things back to normal. It's now hard to get something without overdoing it because everything looks flat and grey compared to the extreme values used at first. I guess it's a matter of control.

Fantastic shots, eliseexigeracer. 👍

B-) Thanks!

I'm still waiting for the time I stumble across a Lotus to photograph (I did see a nice Arctic Silver Elise yesterday, but it was zipping by in traffic.

Awesome pictures. The black and white Audi is incredible - the white really stands out against the gray cars around it.

Also, you spotted an RS4, it seems to me:


Hah thanks. Audi RS4s are everywhere. I wasn't going to bother shooting one when I know I'll have the chance to do so today or tomorrow or the day after...

Again, thanks y'all. It makes me feel special :). Work today, no time for shooting tonight. Maybe I'll get something tomorrow night, Friday nights are probably pretty good for photography.

Rue - great spots. I've been to Vietnam, and your photos remind me of the streets there, but instead of hundreds of bicycles crowding the streets, it's hundreds of cars, with the odd Ferrari :D I like that fist DB9 shot in particular.
Rue - great spots. I've been to Vietnam, and your photos remind me of the streets there, but instead of hundreds of bicycles crowding the streets, it's hundreds of cars, with the odd Ferrari :D I like that fist DB9 shot in particular.

Yeah, hardly any bikes here. In fact you'd be hard pressed to see one unless it's someone delivering small gas bottles to restaurants. Suits me just fine!
Anybody got an idea what this TESTCAR could be ? Porsche ? AMG Mercedes ?

EDIT : Probably a Porsche Panamera thx @ opendriver19a
It IS a Porsche Panamera thx @ McLaren ;)

Story : I was driving home from the clinic on the Autobahn and saw a car arriving behind me and I couldn't identify it - sth that rarely happens so it got my attention quickly - it overtook me and I saw it was a testcar. I switched to fifth gear and tried to follow it, my STi could keep up because of some traffic and I took those shots at about 160-220 km/h, sorry for bad quality - well mobile phone cam - as the driver realized I was talking photos he immediately left the Autobahn ( at the last moment possible, it was quite an maneuver - bam - hard brake and right into the exit at the last metres ) so I couldn't get a shot from the front : well it looked like a fat F360 Modena if I remember correctly.

Ok, the licence plate shows either "LB" or "LG" . LB would be Ludwigsburg = Affalterbach = AMG

LG would could mean VW - but that is quite a distance from here, so I guess it is an AMG Mercedes ? Any ideas ?