- 1,579
Laguna Seca is definetly a track you have to see to truly believe. It's flatout amazing.
I also snapped this picture of the Saleen as well. I should probably mention that this car was directly behind the grandstand completely alone. My dad and I stood there for a few seconds before an older gentleman walked up and opened it up and turned the lights on, then walked away. Not sure what that was all about.
Yep, you can see it right there: S281 above "Extreme" above "640". The 640 is not on Saleen's website, but being the tuning company they are, I'm sure they'd have been accomodating to whatever the owner wanted. Did you get to hear it or see it in action?
A few days ago, I quickly shot from the hip and managed to hit myself in both eyes with a single misfire. This was seriously embarrassing for me, since my ego does not handle being wrong very well. I take pride in being reasonably knowledgeable, and while my short-term memory has always been suspect, I have always been able to do well with subjects I truly enjoy. As much of a dark corner of the web this forum may be, I still feel it's important to justify my words. So, speechy-speech over with....
CasioYou can't get a 1.8 A8.
I don't think you can get a 720i either, I think the lowest was 725.
M5PowerOn my game? The vehicle you posted is a 1996 A4. It's simply mis-labelled in the title; anyone who clicks that link can see that. Hell, this is one of the pictures in the ad:
My link =
Thinking back on things, and looking at old A8/A6 photos, I think I confused the A6 for an A8. The 1.8T was hard to mistake, though:
The car in question (assumed to be a A6 1.8T) was seen in Ireland, 1998, owned by the owner of the b&b I was staying at. No pictures, sorry, but that was not my habit back then (not until 2003). And who really considers a 1.8L front-drive midsize sedan special anyway?
M5PowerI'm certain there's no S230, and I'm mostly certain there's no 720i. So yes, I'd like to see you track those down, too.
I'm always on my game.![]()
ToronadoYou haven't been able to get an S-Class with a 2.3 liter engine since 1968. And there was never a BMW 720.
I think we should take another look at what I originally wrote:
I knew about front-drive A6's and A8's, having seen them in England years ago. Even A8 1.8T's, if you can believe it.
There are also 720i's and S230's out there. Should I track them down, too?
Yes, it's for posers. If it had anything to do with econmy, they'd have gotten diesels (which most in Europe do these days).
Notice that I mentioned "England" and "Europe". Both of you live in the US as I do, so perhaps you just missed that part. Also notice that at no point do I claim that the S230 had a 2.xx liter engine. The car truly does exist:
Right from the horse's mouth. It has a 3.2L V6, but it's still called the S230. It was seen in Finland, 2000, along with E230's used as taxis. Again, no picures since I was jetlagged and still at the airport. And who cares about taxis?
ЯebЯuMI've seen 720i's here... they're not that common, tbh.
Thank you! But I still had trouble with this one. I actually spent two hours looking for proof online. I could find traces of its existence (parts available, etc.), but no photos or reviews. I can only say that I rode in it in Russia, 1993, just after the takeover, and it was the E23 7-Series. What little I found is below:
A whole conversation; search "720i" to see the rest of the discussion.
M5PowerCCXI DIDNT EVEN SEE THAT ASTON!!!!!!!I thought that may have been the case.
It takes some practice before you pick the silver Aston out of a crowd of silver Corvettes. Living in an area where nice cars are scarce, I've quickly adapted my vision to see Italian.