DiRT Rally 2.0 General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
Got the PS4 version so I can have some leaderboard battles with a mate, but on my standard PS4 the graphics are incredibly blurry. Almost looks cell-shaded.
Really? So dirt 4 / dirt rally 1.0 graphics are better? I saw many videos and lights and details seem to be better than old dirt
Really? So dirt 4 / dirt rally 1.0 graphics are better? I saw many videos and lights and details seem to be better than old dirt

From memory, I'd say they were - though it's been a while since I played either.

My guess is they've upped the environmental effects and to keep the frame rate up at 60 they've had to turn down the textures.
Anyone else think it's ridiculous that they deliberately left content out at launch so they could charge us for it down the track?

Not really. I'm not even convinced that they did,announcing dlc is not the same as having it developed and holding it back. But also, putting their dlc plans out there for everyone to see I think is a good thing. I think it insures support both now and in the future. No point in developing and trying to sell dlc if players see that you are not even supporting what is already released. I look at it as a gun to their head to be honest.
The graphics are lovely on PS4 Pro/4K TV. Certainly a step up from the original. As for being better/worse than Dirt 4, I dont know because I dont own that game.
The graphics are lovely on PS4 Pro/4K TV. Certainly a step up from the original. As for being better/worse than Dirt 4, I dont know because I dont own that game.

That's good to hear. It would be nice if they gave PS4 players alittle more control over the graphics, but that may be a restriction based on the hardware, I don't know, Very happy with the pc graphics once I turned motion blur and all that chromatic aberration type stuff off.
Not really. I'm not even convinced that they did,announcing dlc is not the same as having it developed and holding it back. But also, putting their dlc plans out there for everyone to see I think is a good thing. I think it insures support both now and in the future. No point in developing and trying to sell dlc if players see that you are not even supporting what is already released. I look at it as a gun to their head to be honest.
You mean to tell me couldn't have Monte Carlo rally (which will be re-work of existing from DR1) ready by 26 Feb, but they can have it ready exactly one month later to sell as DLC?

I find it hard to believe that that doesn't constitute holding content back...
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You mean to tell me couldn't have Monte Carlo rally (which will be re-work of existing from DR1) ready by 26 Feb, but they can have it ready exactly one month later to sell as DLC?

I find it hard to believe that that doesn't constitute holding content back...

I mean it doesn't matter to me. They revealed exactly what was going to be in the game at release and exactly what they will be releasing as dlc and I was happy to pay their asking price. Rally is a niche genre and I appreciate the fact that are willing to take a risk in making the game at all and at as high quality as it is. Just take a look at the Steam forums if you want to see how fickle and entitled their target audience is and how easy it can all go sideways for them.
I mean it doesn't matter to me. They revealed exactly what was going to be in the game at release and exactly what they will be releasing as dlc and I was happy to pay their asking price. Rally is a niche genre and I appreciate the fact that are willing to take a risk in making the game at all and at as high quality as it is. Just take a look at the Steam forums if you want to see how fickle and entitled their target audience is and how easy it can all go sideways for them.

All I can say is thank God the game play is fantastic. Force feedback needs to be turned right up (on DS4) but otherwise its a rally fan could ask for.

I can empathise with some of the reports of hazy textures on regular PS4 though, would be interested to see a back to back comparison with the PS4 Pro. Might be time for an upgrade...
All I can say is thank God the game play is fantastic. Force feedback needs to be turned right up (on DS4) but otherwise its a rally fan could ask for.

I can empathise with some of the reports of hazy textures on regular PS4 though, would be interested to see a back to back comparison with the PS4 Pro. Might be time for an upgrade...
There will be a lot of videos on youtube comparing dirt 4 / dirt rally 1.0 versus this new game... I m really meditating to buy this new game. I came from dirt rally 1.0
There will be a lot of videos on youtube comparing dirt 4 / dirt rally 1.0 versus this new game... I m really meditating to buy this new game. I came from dirt rally 1.0

Take your time, I just refunded it.
I tried and tried to get my wheel to feel somewhat acceptable, dove deep into the ffb files, Fanatec CP, in game settings I did it all. The best word I can think of is mud, it just feels muddy, unnatural amounts of dampening while lacking subtle shocks and feedback.

I will say it looks very good, I experienced no blurring or hazy textures.
Take your time, I just refunded it.
I tried and tried to get my wheel to feel somewhat acceptable, dove deep into the ffb files, Fanatec CP, in game settings I did it all. The best word I can think of is mud, it just feels muddy, unnatural amounts of dampening while lacking subtle shocks and feedback.

I will say it looks very good, I experienced no blurring or hazy textures.
Are you playing on std ps4 or pc? There is a big difference on graphics comparing pc and ps4 (as i could see on videos). Ok.. so i will continue playing dirt rally 1.0 and 4
Are you playing on std ps4 or pc? There is a big difference on graphics comparing pc and ps4 (as i could see on videos). Ok.. so i will continue playing dirt rally 1.0 and 4

It's miles better than Dirt 4 and the new locations alone make it a worthwhile upgrade from Dirt Rally, especially since Monte Carlo, Sweden and Germany will be added as DLC.

I can't comment on wheel settings though as I use DS4
Are you playing on std ps4 or pc? There is a big difference on graphics comparing pc and ps4 (as i could see on videos). Ok.. so i will continue playing dirt rally 1.0 and 4

Don't let me deter you, you may love it I just did not. Perhaps a FFB update will bring me back in line.
How is the handling compared to DR1? Is it more forgiving than DR1? It was unrealistically harder than it should in some surfaces in DR1. I hope the handling is fixed a little.
Hi it's me and my whining about the wheel synchronization.

I set Soft lock to OFF and Saturation to 60. Now the wheels of all the cars I tested tonight resembled the physical rotation for my G29.

Happy puppy!

Codemasters could have added some helptext in the UI though.

I never fully understood the issue. Your wheel doesn't sync with the in game one?
If your wheel is set to 900 degrees in your profiler and you use 60 saturation in game with soft lock off that will give you 540 degrees no matter what car you drive.
How is the handling compared to DR1? Is it more forgiving than DR1? It was unrealistically harder than it should in some surfaces in DR1. I hope the handling is fixed a little.

The physics are better, which makes weight transfer easier and the car behavior more predictable. So it is kind of easier, but still just as unforgivable as DR1 when you make a mistake.
Coming back to graphics (on PC): I Spent some time comparing DiRT 4 and DR2.0, and I'd say that DR2.0 has more road surface and trackside detail, however it defaults to bokeh shots of your car at the start of the stage and then VERY heavy motion blur. DR2.0 also seems to make far away objects a bit cartoony in appearance, whereas up close everything looks very good.

So while I had no problem leaving DiRT 4 on the preset graphics and just driving, I found it essential to remove blur on DR2.0. But once I did the graphical quality of the nearby objects was clearly better. But it is a compromise of high detail nearby and visibly lower detail off into the distance, so I can see how some people would dislike that compromise.
I never fully understood the issue. Your wheel doesn't sync with the in game one?
If your wheel is set to 900 degrees in your profiler and you use 60 saturation in game with soft lock off that will give you 540 degrees no matter what car you drive.

That was indeed the issue with Softlock set to ON. I am not sure what softlock should do. But having 900 degrees with saturation to 60 seems perfect for the cars I tested. And that was not the case with softlock set to on. I cannot remember having such issues in DR1. There it just worked out of the box for me.

Loving the game now really!

Still hope for road details in the FFB
Coming back to graphics (on PC): I Spent some time comparing DiRT 4 and DR2.0, and I'd say that DR2.0 has more road surface and trackside detail, however it defaults to bokeh shots of your car at the start of the stage and then VERY heavy motion blur. DR2.0 also seems to make far away objects a bit cartoony in appearance, whereas up close everything looks very good.

So while I had no problem leaving DiRT 4 on the preset graphics and just driving, I found it essential to remove blur on DR2.0. But once I did the graphical quality of the nearby objects was clearly better. But it is a compromise of high detail nearby and visibly lower detail off into the distance, so I can see how some people would dislike that compromise.

Yeah, I would love to be able to turn off the depth of field effect you see at stage starts and in the service park.
That was indeed the issue with Softlock set to ON. I am not sure what softlock should do. But having 900 degrees with saturation to 60 seems perfect for the cars I tested. And that was not the case with softlock set to on. I cannot remember having such issues in DR1. There it just worked out of the box for me.

Loving the game now really!

Still hope for road details in the FFB

Softlock automatically sets the lock of each car to the correct one for the specific car. R5's will use 540, Grp A 720, some older cars 900 etc.
This requires that you set your wheel to 900 in your driver and have Steering Saturation set at 100.
Softlock automatically sets the lock of each car to the correct one for the specific car. R5's will use 540, Grp A 720, some older cars 900 etc.
This requires that you set your wheel to 900 in your driver and have Steering Saturation set at 100.

I did that and found that for some cars it was too twitchy and others to floaty. With this fixed 540 degrees it is better for me.

Thanks for explaining!
Really? So dirt 4 / dirt rally 1.0 graphics are better? I saw many videos and lights and details seem to be better than old dirt

Here are a couple (Michigan and Spain) of DIRT4 shots from a base PS4. I don't have DR2.0 so I can't compare right now.

DiRT 4_20190216204406.png
DiRT 4_20190216205926.png
DiRT 4_20190217203705.png
DiRT 4_20190217204101.png
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Currently rated 1 star on PSN.

Evidently those first few buyers had no idea what they were in for...
