The secret to find out that Sweeden is actually one of the most fun rallies, and probably the fastest average speed wise.
Open biased diff on the rear if RWD, very open on the front/ relatively close on the rear if 4WD; max ride height, neutral springs/damping; front biased brakes/ very low braking strength, as blocking wheels in this rally equals going off the road with ease;, and finally a mid-long gearbox ratio that will do wonders combined with swift throttle use at very low engine revolutions as you flow through these snowy fields keeping a 90KM-110KM average speed, which is the capital thing to do in this rally.
Use a setup close to that explained above in both games dr1 and 2. Maximize your skill with the throttle with very very swift inputs and keeping the engine low rev, but without lifting it. Throttle must be applied all the time except those times you took a corner a bit faster than recommended, but for the most part throughout those relative "straights", don't lift the throttle and keep it pressed sightly. Also, combine throttle with brake at all times, another capital technic to achieve faster average speeds flow on this stages.
Hope that helps. Continue to use neutral spring settings on dr2 regardless these extra bumps we find in it; just max out ride height.
Also, for those who keep it at dr1 like true champions, DR1 magnetic suck in can be avoided like 80% of the times by lifting the throttle the moment you see you are going to touch one of them, as well as counter steering. You sightly enter them but you car won't get sucked