Well starting to get a feel for what the FFB is conveying in each country having completed first career rally and back at Greece I get it.
Greece is the rally that takes the most FFB out of all pf them, Greece has the mega bumps and the dust which I imagine would be a bit like sand, your car will lock into the burms and tram-line and bog in the dust gravel, makes sense totally. I'd would say set FFB on Greece, it will feel its heaviest there.
Monte Carlo is trying to tell you its slippy..very slippy, you will pretty much float on top of the ice and wet, its not nice its a technical rally with not much chance for let up.. yes it will feel alien after Greece but its pretty much feels as it should.. hey we've all driven on icy roads right in real life? Its fun but any feeling of connection with the road is not there as your connected to ice!
Those 2 rallies are the polar opposites, even to the point that to be fair you could indeed run higher forces for Monte and lower forces for Greece.
From there you have Germany, like Monte but with no ice so feeling is there but it's not going to feel like driving on a gravel dust track like Greece.
Finland and Wales are stand out for me, perfect stages just utterly incredible to drive, but you have the feeling of Greece but with the give of the slippy mud and dirt, its just nirvana.
Sweden, well its Monte but with the bumpy FFB of Greece...its a wonderful test with possibly the best environment to drive in.
What they are trying to convey here is incredible, the different feels of each rally are to be applauded IMO. Clearly Monte and to feel very floaty, its ice on smooth tarmac, its not nice feeling but then its not in real life. Germany they had to describe that its not a bumpy gravel road, its a lot of tarmac. It works for me. Worst case is just set SAT at different levels per rally.
But yes.... this is gaming gold for me, frankly I've never played a driving game quite like this, its simply for me the best driving game I've ever played and will be a go to game for a long time to come.
Its very clever and very subtle in places the little nuances of each stage and rally, its incredible to play, as soon as you stop trying to make Monte and Germany feel like how say Greece feels then your free to just get on with it...
Hey at least we aren't having to mess about with FFB settings per car!!