Disappointed - But Optimistic!

  • Thread starter Chad151515
PS4 it seems is not very high on SMS list as long as they get the PC version spot on, get the dedicated servers working great as well as amazing feedback then it seems a job well done. Pats on the back all round with Ian posting videos of the said PC version in the PS4 threads telling us were all wrong.
If it was to do so, why was it initially called "Disappointed" then changed to "Disappointed - But Optimistic?" If you really wanted a discussion on that topic, I'd say it would be best to state it as such. Giving it that title just gave off that it was like every single of the many threads stating bugs and clearly it generated some misunderstanding and I'm pretty fed up of those threads.

Who's making excuses? I'm just saying that I can live with small issues knowing they'll get fixed.
You know they'll get fixed! You you mind showing me we're it says they'll be fixed! Or are you assuming they'll get fixed? You know like landmines that are still in PCars 1. Yeah they fixed that didn't they.
You know they'll get fixed! You you mind showing me we're it says they'll be fixed! Or are you assuming they'll get fixed? You know like landmines that are still in PCars 1. Yeah they fixed that didn't they.
I'm not even going to bother responding to a reply with a tone like that.
I'm not even going to bother responding to a reply with a tone like that.

Tone was a bit harsh but he's isn't wrong. PCARS 1 had some bugs even at the end but still was fantastic.

What you and a few others are missing is that we are simply stating that game has many bugs and this game isn't even close to done. Originally I posted disappointed because I am. I paid 60 bucks for a game that wasn't even tested on PS4. I later changed it to optimistic because after discussing it within the thread I realized that yes there are bugs but this game has unlimited potential. I don't think going after people for mentioning the faults is the best thing. If these things aren't mentioned and we act like this game is perfect it will never get fixed. I underatand your passionate about this game and very positive. So am I, hence why I want these bugs fixed and hence why I'm making the mistakes known. Lastly if you don't like a thread you can simply just unwatch it. Not trying to come off harsh but people have the right to state their opinions. That's the point of a forum.
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What you and a few others are missing is that we are simply stating that game has many bugs and this game isn't even close to done.
And there are many threads dedicated to that.

game that wasn't even tested on PS4
I'm going to need a citation on that.

I don't think going after people for mentioning the faults is the best thing.
I'm not. I'm just fed up seeing thread after thread after thread after thread stating the exact same bugs. There are possibilities for endless discussion here yet instead of that, there are bucketloads of threads containing the exact same information.

If these things aren't mentioned
But they are. In the many other threads.

people have the right to state their opinions
They do. Which is why I'm pointing out the endless supply of previously created threads instead of adding to the bucket of threads and reducing their usefulness.

That's the point of a forum.
The point of forums are to have discussions in specifically stated threads with a common aspect. Not have thousands of threads with the same content.
It's a lot easier to be flawless, or nearly so, when you have one fifth of the game and 5 times or more of the budget.

And? Those who are at the top, get to be at the top for a reason.

Maybe they don't get sucked in by their own hype? Maybe they don't bite off more than they can chew? Maybe they have talented staff? Or most likely, maybe they are in control of their own release dates, publishing, testing and have every reason to command patience and respect from the gaming industry by their reputation and previous performances to have 5 times more budget and set themselves realistic content targets?

NB: cynical tongue-in-cheek. NB2: only experience GT1 thru 4. I hear GT6 was a disappointment.
And there are many threads dedicated to that.

I'm going to need a citation on that.

I'm not. I'm just fed up seeing thread after thread after thread after thread stating the exact same bugs. There are possibilities for endless discussion here yet instead of that, there are bucketloads of threads containing the exact same information.

But they are. In the many other threads.

They do. Which is why I'm pointing out the endless supply of previously created threads instead of adding to the bucket of threads and reducing their usefulness.

The point of forums are to have discussions in specifically stated threads with a common aspect. Not have thousands of threads with the same content.

Holy multi-quote Batman.
I'm not even going to bother responding to a reply with a tone like that.

Would you please respond to a nicer tone asking the same question then?

Why do you think you know SMS will fix all these bugs when PCARS 1 still had day one bugs in it 12 months later when they stopped support for it? The two main ones were invisible walls and crashing back to the PS4 menu.

PACRS 2 has crashing back to the main menu and although I have not encounter any invisible walls there seems to be some very large invisible bumps on some tracks. Game one wasn't fixed, I therefoer assume game two won't either. So why are you confident?
PACRS 2 has crashing back to the main menu and although I have not encounter any invisible walls there seems to be some very large invisible bumps on some tracks. Game one wasn't fixed, I therefoer assume game two won't either. So why are you confident?

Oh yes, the landmine as we used to call it in our PC1 league given it detonated your car, still exists. I hit one today! :( See bug thread.
Oh yes, the landmine as we used to call it in our PC1 league given it detonated your car, still exists. I hit one today! :( See bug thread.
Yes, I am aware that some people have reported hitting them. I only stated I had not hit one...... yet ;-) Regardless, I am not confident they will be fixed. SMS claimed that in game one they couldn't even find the bug let alone fix it. Such dedication and expertise has now led us to this mess now :-(
It's always a matter of time, usually when you're leading and about to win - as exactly happened to me!

Couldn't find the bug? Give over. There's testing software, schema's, formula, scripts and just checking where the player was on the track when they disconnected or clearing all evidence of them from the race instead of leaving behind a ghost. They didn't even try, did they?
I'm not even going to bother responding to a reply with a tone like that.
Tone? Come on now. How can you actually respond with tone. Like your sitting beside me in conversation? Look the game is a totally a cluster 🤬. If you can tell us it will get fixed, shall I point you in the direction of PCars 1 to see what was fixed? I've spent about $160 on 2 games that we're, we'll a complete 🤬 joke. Other than that and a bunch of bugs again, my tone is actually quite calm. Trust me I want this game to be good or I wouldn't have forked out $125. I'm sick of the 🤬 from developers. There is some tone.:gtpflag:
You need to step away from the internet and take a break for a little while. Or just leave all together. You're obviously not happy here.
You need to worry about what I post? How's all those leagues you signed up for, never mind.Yeah speaking of staying off the net. I'm not happy here. Says who? Yeah I should jump around and sprinkle fairy dust and see if it helps the game and makes all of the bugs go away.You don't have to read my posts.
Oooooooo trying to ruffle my feathers are we and get personal? I really don't care dude. Just stop being so immature and have a modicum of respect for your fellow man.
You need to step away from the internet and take a break for a little while. Or just leave all together. You're obviously not happy here.

Also he/she could realise the "all these things that affect me and are important to me" may not have the same impact or significance to others.

Instead of being all shouty perhaps figure out something to do that doesn't cause such angry and when it arrives see if the first patch provides greater hope...

I posted this thread to state my issues. I have that right.

And people have the right to respond with opinions you may not like. C'est la vie
Also he/she could realise the "all these things that affect me and are important to me" may not have the same impact or significance to others.

Instead of being all shouty perhaps figure out something to do that doesn't cause such angry and when it arrives see if the first patch provides greater hope...

And people have the right to respond with opinions you may not like. C'est la vie

100% but telling me over and over again there's another thread is annoying. I created my own thread for a reason. If you don't like it you can unwatch it. Not you particularly.

@jake2013guy you can just unwatch this thread and it's like it doesn't exist.
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@jake2013guy you can just unwatch this thread and it's like it doesn't exist.

Not to speak for Jake, but I'd think anyone could post their own thread for a reason, but general forum etiquette is to search for existing threads and add to them rather than creating new ones.

Not saying you don't have unique feedback worthy of a thread (I think personally it was the title of your thread that caused issue not the content...) but I can see where Jake is coming from.

Which of course doesn't mean the thread needs derailment, just report to mods if it should be merged ;)
Not to speak for Jake, but I'd think anyone could post their own thread for a reason, but general forum etiquette is to search for existing threads and add to them rather than creating new ones.

Not saying you don't have unique feedback worthy of a thread (I think personally it was the title of your thread that caused issue not the content...) but I can see where Jake is coming from.

Which of course doesn't mean the thread needs derailment, just report to mods if it should be merged ;)

Copy that sir.

We had our first Multi Class race tonight and it went smoothly. Only a few drivers experienced bugs. Seems it's a hit or miss with luck.
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Why do you think you know SMS will fix all these bugs when PCARS 1 still had day one bugs in it 12 months later when they stopped support for it? The two main ones were invisible walls and crashing back to the PS4 menu.

PACRS 2 has crashing back to the main menu and although I have not encounter any invisible walls there seems to be some very large invisible bumps on some tracks. Game one wasn't fixed, I therefoer assume game two won't either. So why are you confident?
If SMS got PCARS2 up to an equivalent state, I'd expect it to be more than good enough for me after my experience with PCARS1. I'm aware of what the first game was like at launch, but I didn't play it myself until after the final 10.0 patch. Some day one bugs lingered, but not really anything I couldn't get over. In 60 hours of play I saw one landmine launch an AI kart, and not completely at random, but after it hopped a curb onto two wheels and dug in.

As a preventative measure against landmines or erratic AI or whatever, I simply played with damage disabled so I could at least get back into the race. I prefer damage off anyway.

If PCARS1 version 10.0 wasn't satisfactory for you or others, then I suppose PCARS2 probably never will be either. The big things for me are the ice/snow physics and setup-related issues, which have got to be top priorities for SMS. I'm confident they will be resolved because of how PCARS1 turned out.
It's a lot easier to be flawless, or nearly so, when you have one fifth of the game and 5 times or more of the budget.
And single-platform. And first-party, so able to get patches out a lot quicker.

But given trackrecord, even that won't be flawless. And it's okay.
Tone? Come on now. How can you actually respond with tone. Like your sitting beside me in conversation? Look the game is a totally a cluster 🤬. If you can tell us it will get fixed, shall I point you in the direction of PCars 1 to see what was fixed? I've spent about $160 on 2 games that we're, we'll a complete 🤬 joke. Other than that and a bunch of bugs again, my tone is actually quite calm. Trust me I want this game to be good or I wouldn't have forked out $125. I'm sick of the 🤬 from developers. There is some tone.:gtpflag:

You do realise that we are in absolute agreement about this game and are experiencing exactly the same issues.
I´ve read all the comments on this thread the last couple of minutes and my 2 Cents are that most of us just Need to calm down a bit. All those rants are a bit over the top I think in most cases.

I am a car and motorsports fanatic But i remember that PC2 is just a game after all. A game that Needs improvements but appreciation as well.

Yes, without any shadow of doubt the game has flaws. Quite a number of them. I could add things that haven´t been said here or elsewhere but thjats not the Point. I´m sure that the "we want everything right now" attitude of Video game customers has something to do with it. I don´t want to sound all baby Jesus Let´s all cherish what we have have with a bit of patience despite asking ourselves where the heck the patch went, despite being announed some time ago.

I am ready to be lynched but I think sometimes People are also to hasty calling this and that a bug. For example explaining anything negative about the cars behaviour. As 05XR8 Said, we are not all Walter röhrl, cars don´t drive on magnetic tracks, cars áre lively, vigorous and often times very hard to drive. Especially those in the game. Just saying. I am not judging anyone personally.
I´ve read all the comments on this thread the last couple of minutes and my 2 Cents are that most of us just Need to calm down a bit. All those rants are a bit over the top I think in most cases.

I am a car and motorsports fanatic But i remember that PC2 is just a game after all. A game that Needs improvements but appreciation as well.

Yes, without any shadow of doubt the game has flaws. Quite a number of them. I could add things that haven´t been said here or elsewhere but thjats not the Point. I´m sure that the "we want everything right now" attitude of Video game customers has something to do with it. I don´t want to sound all baby Jesus Let´s all cherish what we have have with a bit of patience despite asking ourselves where the heck the patch went, despite being announed some time ago.

I am ready to be lynched but I think sometimes People are also to hasty calling this and that a bug. For example explaining anything negative about the cars behaviour. As 05XR8 Said, we are not all Walter röhrl, cars don´t drive on magnetic tracks, cars áre lively, vigorous and often times very hard to drive. Especially those in the game. Just saying. I am not judging anyone personally.

Lets put some fine detail to your comments here. What you said is quite reasonable *if* this was an all new game but it isn't. Same game, different box with a few extras as the first version. Therefore we expect a better product or at least a product that is not as bad as the first one especially since we all paid full price for what has turned out to be a Beta version that still needs a lot of testing and refinement.

What is really irking me is that SMS obviously released this knowing there were flaws in it so they could generate sales before GT Sport launched.

I also believe people are entitled to their right of free speech and to voice how disgruntled they are with a paid for product and whether it is a game or not is irrelevant. It is still hard earned money forked out for something that does not work as well as it should.

What is extra annoying is that SMS never finished PCARS1 as it still had day one bugs in it at the end of their 12 month support period. So telling us to be grateful for what we have and be patient certainly does not cut it with me. Based on SMS's track record some of these bugs may never get fixed. So where does your patience get you then? I'm still waiting for the invisible walls in PCARS1 to be fixed and lo and behold it is still in this game.

I bet any day now they will announce another crowd funding so they can start on PCARS3 and forget about this one just like they did last time.
Lets put some fine detail to your comments here. What you said is quite reasonable *if* this was an all new game but it isn't. Same game, different box with a few extras as the first version. Therefore we expect a better product or at least a product that is not as bad as the first one especially since we all paid full price for what has turned out to be a Beta version that still needs a lot of testing and refinement.

What is really irking me is that SMS obviously released this knowing there were flaws in it so they could generate sales before GT Sport launched.

I also believe people are entitled to their right of free speech and to voice how disgruntled they are with a paid for product and whether it is a game or not is irrelevant. It is still hard earned money forked out for something that does not work as well as it should.

What is extra annoying is that SMS never finished PCARS1 as it still had day one bugs in it at the end of their 12 month support period. So telling us to be grateful for what we have and be patient certainly does not cut it with me. Based on SMS's track record some of these bugs may never get fixed. So where does your patience get you then? I'm still waiting for the invisible walls in PCARS1 to be fixed and lo and behold it is still in this game.

I bet any day now they will announce another crowd funding so they can start on PCARS3 and forget about this one just like they did last time.

I share your concerns about the Money. The game is expensive and costly DLC annyos me as well. But thats a different Topic entirely.
I can also just hope that the bugs will be fixed. All I wanted to express is that the Game is incredibly entertaining and fun despite the issues and not a rage fest all the time. I am on PS4 btw.

The scond Expression I wanted to make is that given the crowd size and the day 1 patch, the certainty of a patch is high. I for example didn´t find any gamebreakers or mood Killers in PC1, altough i just bought it this year.
Yes, without any shadow of doubt the game has flaws. Quite a number of them. I could add things that haven´t been said here or elsewhere but thjats not the Point. I´m sure that the "we want everything right now" attitude of Video game customers has something to do with it. I don´t want to sound all baby Jesus Let´s all cherish what we have have with a bit of patience despite asking ourselves where the heck the patch went, despite being announed some time ago.

You would not be saying any of those things if you have played the game with 5% engine volume like I have to. You would be jumping up the wall as well. And no it doesn't have anything to do with 'everything right now' attitude- it has more to do with SMS spending its time outsourcing the console testing (again) to a body of people who have no idea what they are doing (again). They jumped the gun to beat Turn 10 and Polyphony while Ian Bell was saying 'we will not have a repeat of PC1 on console'. Yeah, right.

Never again SMS.
Postponing the release would be absolute suicide. Because later on, people will state "LOOK AT THE BUGS OMG!" Yes, there are bugs but we haven't even had a non-day 1 patch yet. Solely going by the length of time, I'd say these issues will be ironed out. They aren't huge gamebreaking issues. Just small annoying ones.

I stopped reading beyond this qoute because I'm getting sick of the downplaying on the issues...

I'm also starting to get the scepticism of wmd communication prior to release...

Look I can understand you don't have to many issues but some of us do. And all you give as advice is... There is nothing wrong and the small issues will iron things out...

I've lost over 400points on my liscence due to ****** netcode.... when you start capping community events with this score I geuss it's become a very gamebreaking feature....

The loadtimes are getting to be ridiculously long... Geuss the solution: delete your savefiles......... Can you see the irony in that? Deleting your SAVEfiles....

On the patchcost: I'm a customer I don't care about the patchcost... I paid 100€ for a full game nit a full beta their first patch should be with sony/microsoft yesterday or even the week before that...

Stop downplaying the issues it's hurting the credability of anything any wmd member will ever say...

Edit: ow yeah that stellar communication sms is 'known' for. Ever since the praising turned into demands.for quick patches things got just as quiet as every other gaming company...
So I don't think that argument will hold...
They aren't huge gamebreaking issues. Just small annoying ones.

- my safegame are deleted from the game 15 hours gone
- the game crashed and all my custom FFB and controller Settings are gone (again some hours of testing gone, because i dont remember all the settings that i had )
- the HUGE FFB bug on the logitech wheel make the game nearly unplayable !!! the wheel is shaking like hell on 0°
- I had over 30 game crashed online and offline

+ there are a lot of other issues !!!

no gamebreaking issues ??? are you kidding ?

XBOX version.

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