Disappointed - But Optimistic!

  • Thread starter Chad151515
They aren't huge gamebreaking issues. Just small annoying ones.

- my safegame are deleted from the game 15 hours gone
- the game crashed and all my custom FFB and controller Settings are gone (again some hours of testing gone, because i dont remember all the settings that i had )
- the HUGE FFB bug on the logitech wheel make the game nearly unplayable !!! the wheel is shaking like hell on 0°
- I had over 30 game crashed online and offline

+ there are a lot of other issues !!!

no gamebreaking issues ??? are you kidding ?

XBOX version.

"XBOX version." says it all! Hahaha ;)

Just kidding. Running PS4 with T300 and didn't experience any major issues. Mind you for the time being I'm mostly running time trials to get used to it and fine tune my FFB. Game is good, much better than I've expected. Hate bugs issues and day one patches but lets be honest - this is how it works these days so deal with it guys.
I still believe that it's publishers fault rather than developers...
Stop downplaying the issues it's hurting the credability of anything any wmd member will ever say...

You do realise WMD had nothing to do with the console game. I'm not defending them at all just trying point out their "i don't care because I've a PC so I'm fine" attitude.

SMS don't really care either because they have our money and as I have already said I bet we will see another crowd funding start soon for PCARS3.

Anyone with a PS4 should download the GT Sport Beta and have a look. I think it is shaping up to be pretty good and then you can kick this POS to the kerb ;-)
SMS don't really care either because they have our money and as I have already said I bet we will see another crowd funding start soon for PCARS3.
Whether SMS is greedy or deceitful or not, every time I've seen a game director be asked about their next title, they always say they already started working on it while the current game was being wrapped up.
Whether SMS is greedy or deceitful or not, every time I've seen a game director be asked about their next title, they always say they already started working on it while the current game was being wrapped up.

Shouldn't SMS untangle it before they start to wrap it? They never fixed PCARS1 why do you think this will be any different?
In this thread:

PCARS fans get pissy about people's (valid) complaints about problems SMS and Ian Bell can't seem to squash no matter what, and the frankly disgusting state the PS4 release was and still is in

Look, you can see my posts, and see that I supported SMS and PCARS 2 up until release. And for the most part, I've enjoyed my time with the game. When it gets things right, no other game can offer the amount of adrenaline found in motorsports, nor can boast the amount of motorsports history on display. But time and time again, bugs that have been found since SHIFT 2 Unleashed (!) are still not fixed. And moreover, said bugs swept under the rug by Ian and SMS.

I want to like PCARS 2, and I do. But this is pretty major and continuous shooting themselves in the foot that they do. It was obvious the PS4 version of the game was poorly QA'd considering what people have seen and posted, and not only that, SMS clearly did not want to lose the initial sales advantage given to them by the September release date, and shipped a game that is riddled with bugs on a specific version, while most other versions are fine, for the most part.

Just because my experience when it comes to bugs has been relatively pain free, doesn't mean it gives me the right to say other people's experiences have no meaning. This is a problem that SMS has had since the aforementioned SHIFT 2 Unleashed, and have been unable to quash, exacerbated by many lofty promises set by Ian Bell, some correct, others not, with the final cherry on top trying to beat the two established titans by pushing it out the door earlier. We can see now, with the obviously busted state the PS4 version is in, that gambit was a poor choice.
Shouldn't SMS untangle it before they start to wrap it? They never fixed PCARS1 why do you think this will be any different?
What's the old saying? Fool me once shame on me,fool me twice shame on you SMS.
Shouldn't SMS untangle it before they start to wrap it?
This is just swapping metaphors for the same thing. ;)

They never fixed PCARS1 why do you think this will be any different?
I already offered you my answer fifteen posts back. The only real reasons I didn't invest more time into PCARS1 were because the physics weren't quite good enough and the analog stick steering wasn't great. PCARS2 delivers on those two points, plus more.

Forgive me for being unable to personally relate to hammering on the game as if this embarrassing encore outweighs its strengths. It should not have been approved for release in this state, but I think it's still great. I dislike that it needs updates, but it will get updates. They probably won't fix everything, and that's okay by me.

I don't expect anyone else to feel the same way. What I object to are the histrionics as if this is the new Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing.
What's the old saying? Fool me once shame on me,fool me twice shame on you SMS.
I honestly think SMS has no say in when the game will be published.
It's greedy publishers that set up release dates and Dev studios are trying to do best with given time, if late MASSIVE financial repercussions!
Every dev studio are artists and I doubt they like to release bug ridden products or listen to fans bitch about how bad their game is. Obviously they cannot say "oh we wanted more time but publisher wanted money" but from a very good source I know that's how it works these days...
This is just swapping metaphors for the same thing. ;)

I already offered you my answer fifteen posts back. The only real reasons I didn't invest more time into PCARS1 were because the physics weren't quite good enough and the analog stick steering wasn't great. PCARS2 delivers on those two points, plus more.

Forgive me for being unable to personally relate to hammering on the game as if this embarrassing encore outweighs its strengths. It should not have been approved for release in this state, but I think it's still great. I dislike that it needs updates, but it will get updates. They probably won't fix everything, and that's okay by me.

I don't expect anyone else to feel the same way. What I object to are the histrionics as if this is the new Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing.

Exactly what I meant. Bingo.
I'm not. I'm just fed up seeing thread after thread after thread after thread stating the exact same bugs. There are possibilities for endless discussion here yet instead of that, there are bucketloads of threads containing the exact same information.
So you're upset because people dont want to talk about the things you want to talk about, and you're sick and tired of that. Next time you're enjoying your perfectly functioning copy of PCARS2 and happen to glance at GTPlanet only to see another complaint thread and feel that annoyed feeling, know that that's how most of us feel when we play the 🤬 game. However annoyed you get by all these complaints about your precious game, we're getting 100x as annoyed with the performance of PCARS2.

Do you realize why there are so many complaint threads? Ever hear the old saying, "where there's smoke, there's fire".....

The point of forums are to have discussions in specifically stated threads with a common aspect. Not have thousands of threads with the same content.

Not to speak for Jake, but I'd think anyone could post their own thread for a reason, but general forum etiquette is to search for existing threads and add to them rather than creating new ones.
Not necessarily. Massive, monolithic, catch-all threads arent looked on too kindly on this site. For a game with this many bugs, 1 catch-all thread for bugs is not enough.
Not necessarily. Massive, monolithic, catch-all threads arent looked on too kindly on this site. For a game with this many bugs, 1 catch-all thread for bugs is not enough.
There's only a handful of complaint threads on the first page anyway, so it's not like it's cluttered or you can't find other content because of having to wade to hundreds of threads with the same topic. And it's perfectly fine to not read certain threads and not post in it. Or if people are really annoying there's always the ignore list.
So you're upset because people dont want to talk about the things you want to talk about, and you're sick and tired of that. Next time you're enjoying your perfectly functioning copy of PCARS2 and happen to glance at GTPlanet only to see another complaint thread and feel that annoyed feeling, know that that's how most of us feel when we play the 🤬 game. However annoyed you get by all these complaints about your precious game, we're getting 100x as annoyed with the performance of PCARS2.

Do you realize why there are so many complaint threads? Ever hear the old saying, "where there's smoke, there's fire".....

Not necessarily. Massive, monolithic, catch-all threads arent looked on too kindly on this site. For a game with this many bugs, 1 catch-all thread for bugs is not enough.

There's only a handful of complaint threads on the first page anyway, so it's not like it's cluttered or you can't find other content because of having to wade to hundreds of threads with the same topic. And it's perfectly fine to not read certain threads and not post in it. Or if people are really annoying there's always the ignore list.

100% agree, you can unwatch a thread like it's not even there. Some people are upset because I chose to not use the threads they created. I felt this was a better way to get the point across. The more the better in my eyes. These issues need to be known.
Online Issues:

1. Framerate drops entering participants
2. Saving setups is a complete mess
3. No indication of laps pre-race
4. HUD layout customization is a mess
5. Random penalties and DQ's for crossing imaginary lines on tracks
6. Computer controlled rolling start incidents
7. Visual car damage does not get repaired after repairs are complete
8. No way to mute all for other drivers
9. Drivers with lower safety ranks can get into higher level lobbies when friends with others in the lobby regardless
10. Useless filters for finding game matches that make sense such as Safety rating


1. Menu locking every time you select an option or go to a different screen
2. HUD cannot be customized
3. Wheel users cannot navigate certain sets of menus on the screen without using the right analog stick on the controller in conjuction with their wheel

1. Graphics / Anti-aliasing is absolutely terrible
2. Sound levels are complete out of balance, way to quiet in comparison to the voice chat level
3. Sounds engineering is terrible in terms of range. There is nothing below 120hz in this game. My subwoofer doesn't respond at all in the this game. The mix is so thin.

Any much much more.... these are observations from online only. I haven't even played the career mode once I heard it makes the game way slower in the menus and the solution is to delete your progress.

it is incredible that anyone can say anything besides yes there are big problems. It would be nice if there was an official list of bugs that are acknowledged and be working on because otherwise we have to continue to start new threads, repeat posting, etc. so that it is very clear that the current state is unacceptable. Otherwise the risk is run that fixes will not happen because 'only a couple people' have this problem.
You do realise WMD had nothing to do with the console game. I'm not defending them at all just trying point out their "i don't care because I've a PC so I'm fine" attitude.

SMS don't really care either because they have our money and as I have already said I bet we will see another crowd funding start soon for PCARS3.

Anyone with a PS4 should download the GT Sport Beta and have a look. I think it is shaping up to be pretty good and then you can kick this POS to the kerb ;-)

No thanks, gtsport is a little simple for my tastes. Not enough cars, not enough real tracks, bad physics, no real endurance racing. Pc1 was pretty decent with several patches, imagine what Pc2 can be.
Online Issues:

1. Framerate drops entering participants
2. Saving setups is a complete mess
3. No indication of laps pre-race
4. HUD layout customization is a mess
5. Random penalties and DQ's for crossing imaginary lines on tracks
6. Computer controlled rolling start incidents
7. Visual car damage does not get repaired after repairs are complete
8. No way to mute all for other drivers
9. Drivers with lower safety ranks can get into higher level lobbies when friends with others in the lobby regardless
10. Useless filters for finding game matches that make sense such as Safety rating


1. Menu locking every time you select an option or go to a different screen
2. HUD cannot be customized
3. Wheel users cannot navigate certain sets of menus on the screen without using the right analog stick on the controller in conjuction with their wheel

1. Graphics / Anti-aliasing is absolutely terrible
2. Sound levels are complete out of balance, way to quiet in comparison to the voice chat level
3. Sounds engineering is terrible in terms of range. There is nothing below 120hz in this game. My subwoofer doesn't respond at all in the this game. The mix is so thin.

Any much much more.... these are observations from online only. I haven't even played the career mode once I heard it makes the game way slower in the menus and the solution is to delete your progress.

it is incredible that anyone can say anything besides yes there are big problems. It would be nice if there was an official list of bugs that are acknowledged and be working on because otherwise we have to continue to start new threads, repeat posting, etc. so that it is very clear that the current state is unacceptable. Otherwise the risk is run that fixes will not happen because 'only a couple people' have this problem.
#7 isn't unique to online. Even in offline practice sessions, visual damage is not repaired when you pit, or even if you Restart the Session. This is particularly annoying if you use cockpit view and have to deal with crumpled hoods and smashed windshields.

I'm had instances where restarting the session doesn't even fix mechanical issues, particularly engine damage and engine temperature.
I wanted to like this game so much. I really thought it was going to be the game every sim racer has been dreaming of (At least on PS4). Unfortunately it's not.

I am glad to hear that some people are happy with it, but I unfortunately am not. I have in fact given up on trying to play the game until an update or updates fix all the issues. I'm tired of constantly being slammed into from behind or even from the side by the AI (The AI in PC1 was close to perfect, this new AI is terrible), loading time on menu's are unbelievably long, and the graphics look like something from a pre-gen console.

I do have faith that they will fix most if not all of these issues, as they made PC1 into one of the best games ever (IMHO). However, I shouldn't have to wait months for a game I paid $70.00 for to work correctly. I agree with many, it should not have been released in this state.

I do have to say that they did get a lot right, but it doesn't matter if all the things they didn't get right ruin the things they did.
I decided that I'd go through the career mode, starting from the bottom.

The first series is a kart-style four race series. I was having a blast, with the AI level set to 70 with the default aggression... then I got to the last race. It was a track in the snow :banghead:

Before I bought the game my attitude was 'snow racing looks cool and I appreciate the inclusion, but I'll avoid it'. I was so frustrated during practicing and qualifying that I just set the AI to 0 just to complete the race, which was a shame because up until then I was having a blast and had some great battles with the AI.

I'm not interested at all in racing in the snow, so its a bummer that you're forced to take part in snow racing to advance the career. I'm hoping its a rare occurrence during the career.
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I'm not interested at all in racing in the snow, so its a bummer that you're forced to take part in snow racing to advance the career. I'm hoping its a rare occurrence during the career.
From what I've heard it also happens in the GT3 career. And it will be addressed in a future patch (not sure if the next).
I think the most difficult issue to fix is the Graphic... It seems for PS4 they needed to reach minimum compromise of processing. New things like Livetrack (that I would prefer not to exist) seems to consume great part of the processing unit. They had to get rid of many things such audio tracks (no more sounds when the car bumped the floor, No more public noise in the boxes, and so on). All the other bugs seem easy to fix... But graphics issues are completely different. For me, an middle aged man, graphics are not luxury. I can't simply anticipate the breaking points.
I think the most difficult issue to fix is the Graphic... It seems for PS4 they needed to reach minimum compromise of processing. New things like Livetrack (that I would prefer not to exist) seems to consume great part of the processing unit. They had to get rid of many things such audio tracks (no more sounds when the car bumped the floor, No more public noise in the boxes, and so on). All the other bugs seem easy to fix... But graphics issues are completely different. For me, an middle aged man, graphics are not luxury. I can't simply anticipate the breaking points.
I understand they had to bring the og PS4 graphics down a little but no way should it look this bad on PS4 Pro. The AF is also awful with puddles just appearing out of nowhere when we really should be able to see them on the roqd before you get to them.
I decided that I'd go through the career mode, starting from the bottom.

The first series is a kart-style four race series. I was having a blast, with the AI level set to 70 with the default aggression... then I got to the last race. It was a track in the snow :banghead:

Before I bought the game my attitude was 'snow racing looks cool and I appreciate the inclusion, but I'll avoid it'. I was so frustrated during practicing and qualifying that I just set the AI to 0 just to complete the race, which was a shame because up until then I was having a blast and had some great battles with the AI.

I'm not interested at all in racing in the snow, so its a bummer that you're forced to take part in snow racing to advance the career. I'm hoping its a rare occurrence during the career.

Was that race 4/4 you spoke of the very Ruapuna Park Club with what looked like some white dust on the track? Just a wild guess.
For me I started on Formula Rookie and when I reached race 4/4 up came the very Ruapuna Park Club as the track in the Asia championship and I could never get past the first straight past the pit exit, far more the corner as poor Formula Rookie skidded every which way. Poor thing, I felt sorry for him and and embarrassed for myself. After many tries including changing all tyres I gave up. So there I stand until whatever patches are released for PS4 to continue.
Online Issues:

1. Framerate drops entering participants
2. Saving setups is a complete mess
3. No indication of laps pre-race
4. HUD layout customization is a mess
5. Random penalties and DQ's for crossing imaginary lines on tracks
6. Computer controlled rolling start incidents
7. Visual car damage does not get repaired after repairs are complete
8. No way to mute all for other drivers
9. Drivers with lower safety ranks can get into higher level lobbies when friends with others in the lobby regardless
10. Useless filters for finding game matches that make sense such as Safety rating


1. Menu locking every time you select an option or go to a different screen
2. HUD cannot be customized
3. Wheel users cannot navigate certain sets of menus on the screen without using the right analog stick on the controller in conjuction with their wheel

1. Graphics / Anti-aliasing is absolutely terrible
2. Sound levels are complete out of balance, way to quiet in comparison to the voice chat level
3. Sounds engineering is terrible in terms of range. There is nothing below 120hz in this game. My subwoofer doesn't respond at all in the this game. The mix is so thin.

#1 it's a huge lag and not only framedrops.
#3 can **** up your race if you missed it when initially joining! Always add too much fuel just in case.
#7 so annoying coz I race in cockpit/helmet.==> online and offline.
#8 prepare to go deaf.
#9 AFAIK it's only when you get invited! And that's a nice feature not a nasty bug! ==> I drive in some league racing and all of us are clean drivers! We setup a highly rated lobby and invite each other, so that, if anyone external wanna join, he's a really clean guy.
#10 Definitely! Would be nice to see filters by cars, tracks, safety rating, skill rating, ping, etc... Even assetto corsa got this one better!
#11 I can add only 20 lobbies are visible; half of them are races that already started; other quarter are not accessible to me due to rating; only a small handful is accessible.

#1 I complained about that too much and got flamed! Told my honest opinion that I really see AC to have better graphics (even if ****ing useless trees are 2D).
#2 I use AC at midvolume on my HyperX headphones and it blows my ears! On Pc2, I go full volume and barely hear the car! Something is wrong.
I understand they had to bring the og PS4 graphics down a little but no way should it look this bad on PS4 Pro. The AF is also awful with puddles just appearing out of nowhere when we really should be able to see them on the roqd before you get to them.

I'm using the PS4 Pro and think the graphics are excellent! I'm not sure why we have a different view on that. Yesterday I was lapping Bannochbrae in the Merc 300 SL and it was so good I just didn't want to stop for work.e

I'm very happy with the game, but the big problem for me is the sound - or rather lack of it - it's so quiet I have to turn my sound system right up and even at maximum volume I can't get the audio as good as it was in PC1. The lack of audio signal also means I can't get my tactile transducers (Buttkickers etc) to work - I know this is a minority thing, but PC1 had class leading tactile effects (it was fantastically good) - having got used to the extra immersion provided by these effects since GT5 days, to play a game without them is such a massive backward step and an immersion killer - I really hope they fix the audio asap.

@Chad151515 regarding running a League - I feel your pain man, but I have a few suggestions that might make it easier. I also run a league, but I run with default setups and at the moment am running with tyre wear and fuel usage set to off and no pit stops - and so far very few problems. There is a problem with rolling starts, but we have switched to standing starts. Maybe run a simplified race series for a while until some of the problems get fixed - i.e. find a few cars that can be raced well on default setups and run a bare bones meeting. I've had a lot of enjoyment from my races so far.
I'm using the PS4 Pro and think the graphics are excellent! I'm not sure why we have a different view on that. Yesterday I was lapping Bannochbrae in the Merc 300 SL and it was so good I just didn't want to stop for work.

Have you had a look at the free GT Sport demo? It shows how just poor the graphics are in PC2.

PC2 by comparison are grainy, seemingly lacking AA, very low fps and gets frequent slowdowns especially when you get the telemetry up you can visually see the drop in fps. They're glitchy, flickery, pixelated - pixelated close-up bonnets of your own car look like something out of the 90's. The particle effects for water/dust are of terrible low quality. Some of the cars even have borders around them like they are cut-outs by a 5yo. Really poor effort all round.

GT Sport is in a different league. The graphics seem really high res, very well shaded. There's no pixelation, no slowdown at all. Looks like 60fps at all times. Motion blur on everything in motion. Sun glinting really brightly off the shiny parts. The dust actually looks like dust - really fine detail.

Take a look at the tarmac on PC2 for e.g. it looks grainy and pixelated at all times. On GTS is looks smooth and well, like tarmac at speed, until you slow down, then you can see more of the surface detail. As you'd expect.
Have you had a look at the free GT Sport demo? It shows how just poor the graphics are in PC2.

PC2 by comparison are grainy, seemingly lacking AA, very low fps and gets frequent slowdowns especially when you get the telemetry up you can visually see the drop in fps. They're glitchy, flickery, pixelated - pixelated close-up bonnets of your own car look like something out of the 90's. The particle effects for water/dust are of terrible low quality. Some of the cars even have borders around them like they are cut-outs by a 5yo. Really poor effort all round.

GT Sport is in a different league. The graphics seem really high res, very well shaded. There's no pixelation, no slowdown at all. Looks like 60fps at all times. Motion blur on everything in motion. Sun glinting really brightly off the shiny parts. The dust actually looks like dust - really fine detail.

Take a look at the tarmac on PC2 for e.g. it looks grainy and pixelated at all times. On GTS is looks smooth and well, like tarmac at speed, until you slow down, then you can see more of the surface detail. As you'd expect.

I haven't noticed those things - I'm using a PS4 Pro with a 50 inch plasma screen and it looks superb to me - especially at Rouen Les Essarts and Bannochbrae. What I've seen of GTS so far the interiors look too dark (which was also a problem on GT6) and the contrast looks exaggerated. I'm perfectly happy with the graphics on PC2 and don't recognise the complaints that I have read as they don't match with what I am seeing. I'm very happy with the game despite the poor audio. Maybe it's just me, but I think it looks great!
I'm using the PS4 Pro and think the graphics are excellent! I'm not sure why we have a different view on that. Yesterday I was lapping Bannochbrae in the Merc 300 SL and it was so good I just didn't want to stop for work.e

I'm very happy with the game, but the big problem for me is the sound - or rather lack of it - it's so quiet I have to turn my sound system right up and even at maximum volume I can't get the audio as good as it was in PC1. The lack of audio signal also means I can't get my tactile transducers (Buttkickers etc) to work - I know this is a minority thing, but PC1 had class leading tactile effects (it was fantastically good) - having got used to the extra immersion provided by these effects since GT5 days, to play a game without them is such a massive backward step and an immersion killer - I really hope they fix the audio asap.

@Chad151515 regarding running a League - I feel your pain man, but I have a few suggestions that might make it easier. I also run a league, but I run with default setups and at the moment am running with tyre wear and fuel usage set to off and no pit stops - and so far very few problems. There is a problem with rolling starts, but we have switched to standing starts. Maybe run a simplified race series for a while until some of the problems get fixed - i.e. find a few cars that can be raced well on default setups and run a bare bones meeting. I've had a lot of enjoyment from my races so far.

Theres a way around the setups so I figured out how to beat the bugs. Right now we are running with no mechanical failures and damage off depending on the car and track combo. We ran 6 heats, 1 B main, and 1 A main in our RallyCross league yesterday with zero issues. Was a blast for sure. I usually send my setups out to my drivers so they all have a fair shot.
I'm using the PS4 Pro and think the graphics are excellent! I'm not sure why we have a different view on that. Yesterday I was lapping Bannochbrae in the Merc 300 SL and it was so good I just didn't want to stop for work.e

I'm very happy with the game, but the big problem for me is the sound - or rather lack of it - it's so quiet I have to turn my sound system right up and even at maximum volume I can't get the audio as good as it was in PC1. The lack of audio signal also means I can't get my tactile transducers (Buttkickers etc) to work - I know this is a minority thing, but PC1 had class leading tactile effects (it was fantastically good) - having got used to the extra immersion provided by these effects since GT5 days, to play a game without them is such a massive backward step and an immersion killer - I really hope they fix the audio asap.

The track Bannochbrae looks great, The biggest issues graphically are the lack of detail on other cars and the severe LOD changes/pop in, the anisotropic filtering not showing any detail on track and barely showing puddles until really close and alot of tracks suffer really badly from jaggies like this pic i took and below that lack of details and awful AA on cars right infront...



Nothing in PCars 1 looked that bad.
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