Who? The same God that tells you to stone people to death? The same God that sends people to hell for wearing polyester? The same God that has allowed several genocides to occur? The same god that permits rape?
I don't see that as a moral God at all.
Under the law, yes it's "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth".
But the execution of the law was a temporary measure to again preserve the plan.
Or as it is referred to, "that which is perfect is come".
Quite frankly, at that time there was no other remedy available to accomplish the task.
Perhaps you do not understand the meaning of the term, "a little leaven, leavens the whole lump".
Even under the law the jews were sentenced by God, to go into captivity more than once under heathen nations for their sin, where they were enslaved and many executed, so it was not a double standard for them.
Obviously the law was not a final solution, nor was it meant to be.
The morality problem isn't with God, but with man.
The law merely facilitated the plan to fruition.
You must first change the heart of man before you can change anything.
As I've said before, it is very easy to render judgements now under the benefit of 2000 yrs. of Christian influence.
As I said before, your God is the same God as the one in the OT. The one that wiped out humanity with a flood.
Gen 6:
4 There were giants on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God lived with the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
5 The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination
andintention of all human thinking was only evil continually.
6 And the Lord regretted that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved at heart.
7 So the Lord said, I will destroy, blot out,
and wipe away mankind, whom I have created from the face of the ground—not only man, [but] the beasts and the creeping things and the birds of the air—for it grieves Me
and makes Me regretful that I have made them.
Your assessment on motive takes Monday morning quarterbacking to a whole new level.
Hmmm, sounds pretty hopeless.
So what is your more righteous solution Danoff?
BTW you might take note, you would not be here if not for the plan he chose.
Of couse all of this is an assumption for you.
The one that said rapists should marry their victims. The one that said stone the infidels. The one that said eating shellfish was a sin.
Again stopgap measures.
Your God is that God. Totally 100% bat-stuff insane with violence. Totally 100% immoral and drunk with power. Sure maybe he's toned down a bit, but you have to come to terms with the fact that all of those things were his crazy ideas. Ideas that caused incredible pain and suffering for no reason.
To the contrary, as I've already pointed out, it was for the greatest of reasons from which myself and countless others are beneficiaries.
Actually God was just stuck having to deal with 100% hard hearted mankind.
Nothing has changed in that respect.
So, accepting salvation means the OT no longer applies to you? Am I following you correctly?
Yes and no.
I am not under the levitical laws the Jews were charged with keeping.(Dietary,feasts, etc.)
I am still under respect and adherance to the ten commandments.
(Under the control and influence of the Holy Spirit one would not break them anyway.
In the event you were overtaken and broke them, you may escape hell, but the other consequences would likely be more severe).
These things are discussed in the new testament.
Accept Jesus, and you can do whatever the OT says not to do. Like murder.
No, God forbid.
Don't accept Jesus, and you're still going to hell for, say, eating shrimp, or wearing polyester?
It doesn't matter what you do or don't do, you cannot be found innocent and you have no pardon.
So yes according to the Bible you will end up in hell.
You're the one proclaiming to know exactly when/how/to whom the OT applies. You really want to talk about people assuming they're wiser than god?
My comment was in reply to his comments judging God's actions as injustices.
Being a mere mortal, I do not think it wise to judge God's actions as unjust.
Gotta say, I couldn't be happier about which side of that divide I'll be on.
That opinion might be a tad premature, but it's your choice.