And yet murder rates across South Africa are 20% lower than they were a decade ago.Let's assume you're right. If that's the case, then you cannot claim that violence is better or worse today - so your statement that it is worse is not only false but knowingly so. That's what we call "a lie".
However, you're not right. Violent crime is tracked and the rates of violent crime (including, but not limited to, murder, rape, armed robbery, mugging and assault) are trending down in nearly every country on Earth and have been for over 20 years. The exceptions are countries with very low levels of violent crime and small populations where each crime causes a significant impact on crime statistics (Bhutan, for example) or countries with extremely high levels of violent crime (Mexico), which are a bit erratic.
So just like your early statement that animals are never gay, the concept that violence is worse now than ever is fundamentally false. You should be questioning who's feeding you this rubbish...
The scheme of mankind, fuelled by the deceiver. I trust in the Lord Jesus, who told us the end from the beginning, because He loves all of us, and favours those who understand what is going on in this fallen world.
This is all the beginning of sorrows. Your natural eyes only see what you desire them to see. Satan hates mankind, and is loving every bit of what he schemed for men to be blinded from salvation.
So again yes, your soul (where you get your conscious, absolute morality, and guilt of wrong doing) is what lives eternally, and right this moment, you know that you've handed it on a platter to satan, yet you don't even care, because he has convinced you that you came from an invisible explosion. No other logic, whether you disagree or not.
So therefore the bible is just based on your faith to believe in something without proof?
Citation required. Please check the Homosexuality Discussion Thread for that, and you'll see that it's the other way round.
There are no contradictions. When you find one, with your natural eyes, go and find the rebuttal, and read it with your heart. It's only you and those you follow, that will tell you there are contradictions. You follow the path of men, so it's quite obvious you will say the bible is contradicting itself. You love drowning in your sin, so obviously everything else will seem wrong to you.
1. First one is when Jesus is chatting to Satan, I'm not Satan. Second one is close as he is referring to the first of the Ten Commandments
2. So it only applies to Children now?
3. Holy Ghost, well that requires interpretation.
4. Flat out contradicts the matching Ten Commandment from the OT.
5. Yep OK with that one.
6 - 10. Also good but is that the correct translation as once again we have kill (NIV has it as Murder)
So yes I'm quite happy with some of these, a few require interpretation, one is having a chat with Satan and one it a total contraindication, and none of it is a single combined list. All (apart from the contradiction) refer back to the OT
Which once again, shows that the NT doesn't replace OT laws at all (as Matthew also confirms), with the sole exception that you can now pop to the pub on the Sabbath without getting stoned to death (just don't get too drunk).
You are a child of God the Father, whether your like it or not, but it's your choice if you want to become homeless forever.
You are made up of a mind, body and soul, and you are created in Gods image. Yep, you are also 3 in 1.
The mind and body dies, yet the soul is eternal, if you choose to believe in the scriptures.
ISIS couldn't care any less about Islam though
In 1990 there were 3 Islamic terrorist groups. Today their are 49. How many crusaders are there, killing and being killed for god, today?
Okay, I'll send down a human version of myself to drive for your sins instead.
The irony, don't believe in God and His inherent word, yet still fulfil His prophecy...
Worshiping a "god" that committed mass murder is ok?
Then we turn this mass murder into children's stories and even build a theme park for it?
You realize how messed up that is?
It is messed up when you serve satan unknowingly yes.
God hates sin. He had to destroy it to complete the plan of salvation. Has God done any destroying since the Cross, or is man doing it, even till today?
Don't blame God for your sins, instead, turn to Him to remove them from you.
His the Boss, and he makes the rules. You can follow his fired General Manager if you choose to though.
Umm the OT would disagree quite a bit.
The flood wiped out everyone on Earth (bar Noah, his family and an ark full of animals with 0.08 ft2 a piece) and Sodom and Gomorrah didn't fair to well.
He said, if you can find 5 righteous men, He won't destroy the city. Guess what. He found NO righteous men.
Sodom reminds me of Hollywood. Giving into marriages, fornication, lies, deceit, lust etc. Blaspheme is hectic.
They never use any other gods name in their acting, yet the one they are not supposed to use, they do.
Why didn't Noah save the dinosaurs?
He did. You will see that even up to the 16th century, people still saw dinosaurs. Many drawings of people fighting with dragons etc. I'm sure I said this before, that dinosaur, only appeared in the English dictionary in the late 1800s.
Fittingly, before that, it meant terrible lizard. Go figure, that bad boy satan again.