Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
The scheme of mankind, fuelled by the deceiver. I trust in the Lord Jesus, who told us the end from the beginning, because He loves all of us, and favours those who understand what is going on in this fallen world.
This is all the beginning of sorrows. Your natural eyes only see what you desire them to see. Satan hates mankind, and is loving every bit of what he schemed for men to be blinded from salvation.
So again yes, your soul (where you get your conscious, absolute morality, and guilt of wrong doing) is what lives eternally, and right this moment, you know that you've handed it on a platter to satan, yet you don't even care, because he has convinced you that you came from an invisible explosion. No other logic, whether you disagree or not.

Have you ever stopped to wonder why your god loves us all? - Why does he want our love? - What is the point in his 6000 year experiment? (assuming as you say 'the end is nigh') - Why did he create all this for such a short period of time? - Why do satan and he fight over the control of our souls? - Why does he want us to jump through all these hoops to only offer us an afterlife of incomprehensible certainty. What is the point of it all? - What does it prove and who does it prove it to?

From an outside point of view, do these actions not strike you as childish games?
Really? So is it "death to all infidels" or love thy neighbor"? My copy isn't so clear on that, and I want to be sure whether to dust off the machete or the vibrator.

Thats an easy one.
"love thy neighbor"
However your interpretation of that is markedly askew.

Let me ask you something.
Just from a secular, common sense point of view, which one of those choices do you think makes the most sense and would be the most beneficial for mankind?
You're saying that dinosaurs were still around up until the 16th century? Please name any valid evidence you have that suggests they lived until then. Apart from a couple of sketchy sightings which could have easily been mistakes or fakes, there is absolutely nothing to suggest that dinosaurs lived up until when you claim they did. Think of the impact that would have on the world? Why don't we see them anymore? And just because the word "dinosaur" is in the English dictionary doesn't make it lose its original meaning. It still means "terrible lizard".

How can you ever be taken seriously if you're making claims like this?

What would it change? You going to give up your sins and turn to Christ because terrible lizards were still around up until a few centuries ago? Please man. We don't say how can man be taken seriously, we know man can't be taken seriously, because he wants his ego, power, money, fame and fortune, or he wants to know his Creator. No inbetweeners.

Have you ever stopped to wonder why your god loves us all? - Why does he want our love? - What is the point in his 6000 year experiment? (assuming as you say 'the end is nigh') - Why did he create all this for such a short period of time? - Why do satan and he fight over the control of our souls? - Why does he want us to jump through all these hoops to only offer us an afterlife of incomprehensible certainty. What is the point of it all? - What does it prove and who does it prove it to?

From an outside point of view, do these actions not strike you as childish games?

I have two sons, and I never stop to wonder why I love them. I would never ever give them up as a sacrifice for anything too. To understand that my Creator loved me so much, that He gave up His own Son, who willingly chose to dive in and rescue a fallen world, all because of love. I'm sorry to tell you, but a love like this, you will never understand in your present worldview.

How fitting for a Father to have a conversation with His Son and say, "Son, I've created all of this for you. Anything you see here in this universe, is yours for eternity. Only for the Son to say, "thank you Father, but I want that blue and white planet, down there in the slum of the universe. They are lost, hurting, and in pain. I want them, because they need Me". Father says "You can't just show up Son, because then they will see who you are, and be forced to be with you.
Son says, "Then I will shed my blood and tears for them, so they can understand how much I love them"

The fact that His suffering was slow and painful, humiliating and wicked, He shed His blood for me, and gave the world hope, and the greatest free gift, to re-unite with the Father.

As for satan, he is full of pride, "sound familiar", and unfortunately men rather be with satan. All good and well. It's a free choice, and no one is forced. Satan wants to destroy mankind.

God is giving us a chance the way He intended for us to live, without sin and suffering.
God loves using numbers. He created them. He created the 7 day week as well.
Look how He aligns the sun moon and stars, to give us signals, to warn us that He is at the door.

There is nothing to prove, or to prove to. Sin death and suffering must come to an end.
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What would it change? You going to give up your sins and turn to Christ because terrible lizards were still around up until a few centuries ago? Please man. We don't say how can man be taken seriously, we know man can't be taken seriously, because he wants his ego, power, money, fame and fortune, or he wants to know his Creator. No inbetweeners.
No...what? Your answers don't make any sense. I was pointing out that you'd given false information, and that I don't see why I would take you seriously if you claim such absurd things. Why are you talking about man being taken seriously anyway? I'm talking about you.
He did. You will see that even up to the 16th century, people still saw dinosaurs. Many drawings of people fighting with dragons etc. I'm sure I said this before, that dinosaur, only appeared in the English dictionary in the late 1800s.
Fittingly, before that, it meant terrible lizard. Go figure, that bad boy satan again.

You've made many ridiculous claims, but provide no evidence to back them up. Regardless, would you care to elaborate on the following?

Do you agree that with a worldwide flood, the salt content of the oceans would have been diluted, all the fresh water would be brackish?

How did all the fish, dolphins and whales survive? How did all the trees grow in the salty soil?

Where there just two wolves and two dingos, or was there two of each breed of dog?

How did Noah determine the sex of snails, in order to have one of each?

After the flood, how did Noah populate Asia with Asians, Africa with Africans, India with Indians?
How fitting for a Father to have a conversation with His Son and say, "Son, I've created all of this for you. Anything you see here in this universe, is yours for eternity. Only for the Son to say, "thank you Father, but I want that blue and white planet, down there in the slum of the universe. They are lost, hurting, and in pain. I want them, because they need Me". Father says "You can't just show up Son, because then they will see who you are, and be forced to be with you.
Son says, "Then I will shed my blood and tears for them, so they can understand how much I love them"

The fact that His suffering was slow and painful, humiliating and wicked, He shed His blood for me, and gave the world hope, and the greatest free gift, to re-unite with the Father.

As for satan, he is full of pride, "sound familiar", and unfortunately men rather be with satan. All good and well. It's a free choice, and no one is forced. Satan wants to destroy mankind.

Does all that not sound like the sort of convoluted tale man would make up to keep other men in line? A higher power, one with the ability to create the universe and all the life that fills it, would surely be above such trifling matters?

God is giving us a chance the way He intended for us to live, without sin and suffering.
God loves using numbers. He created them. He created the 7 day week as well.
Look how He aligns the sun moon and stars, to give us signals, to warn us that He is at the door.

The Babylonians may take umbrage with that particular statement. As well as the 'resting on the 7th day' trend that christians cherry-picked 400 or so years later for their own religion.
You've made many ridiculous claims, but provide no evidence to back them up. Regardless, would you care to elaborate on the following?

Do you agree that with a worldwide flood, the salt content of the oceans would have been diluted, all the fresh water would be brackish?

How did all the fish, dolphins and whales survive? How did all the trees grow in the salty soil?

Where there just two wolves and two dingos, or was there two of each breed of dog?

How did Noah determine the sex of snails, in order to have one of each?

After the flood, how did Noah populate Asia with Asians, Africa with Africans, India with Indians?

How do you even know there were oceans before the flood?
How do you even know if the water was salty or not?
There were two kinds, so feline kind, and canine.
Noah didn't determine such things. God commanded Noah, including the snails.
There were 4 pairs of human beings that could reproduce babies at will, considering that they lived to be more than 600 years old. Work out how many children they could have, if they had one every two years, also considering twins or triplets. Off course God changed that years later, else imagine the over population.
The conditions then were much better than what we have today i.e. sun, uv, ozone, air etc.
The bible says that water surrounded the earth, which quite possibly blocked out uv, until it eventually got destroyed some years after the flood.

Does all that not sound like the sort of convoluted tale man would make up to keep other men in line? A higher power, one with the ability to create the universe and all the life that fills it, would surely be above such trifling matters?

The Babylonians may take umbrage with that particular statement. As well as the 'resting on the 7th day' trend that christians cherry-picked 400 or so years later for their own religion.

No it does not. Give up your sin and turn to Christ, as only then you will know the truth. Until then, lets be honest, men lead your life for you. You wait for his next move, discovery, invention and scheme.
God created the Babylonians, whom were guided by the fallen angels.

Funny enough, @DCP reminds me more of a Jehovah's Witness than a Christian...

What ever makes you happy in this short life.
There were 4 pairs of human beings that could reproduce babies at will, considering that they lived to be more than 600 years old. Work out how many children they could have, if they had one every two years, also considering twins or triplets. Off course God changed that years later, else imagine the over population.
That doesn't answer how all the different human races were formed when all the people that were left after the flood were all implied to be Middle Easterners.
All of that is irrelevant.
It is a given that due to the imperfect nature inherent in mankind, deaths and injuries will result.

The ends also cannot also retrospectively render the means unjustified. Works both ways.

Therefore you willfully take part in a system that causes death and injury and you cannot guarantee the next death or deaths caused will not be at your hand.
Yet you believe you are justified in doing so.

See above.

That being the case how can you legitimately judge God for executing judgement on a debased, out of hand situation to save mankind from complete destruction.

Because the ends do not justify the means, as previously explained. Also, god should know that.

In the same way when God decided to give us autonomy, he assumed the risk just like you do everytime you drive.
And like you, he has to be prepared to deal with the consequences, albeit again on a higher level.

If I hit someone when I drive, I have committed an injustice.

To the contrary, by your comments and actions you appear to operate under the same principle here that he does.
The only difference is perhaps you haven't encountered a consequence of catastrophic proportions in your driving, like God did with our autonomy.

Injustice is not a consequence of driving (I've already explained that in great detail). I drove to work this morning and committed no injustice. I robbed no one of their life or property. If I do hit another car sometime in the future, I do not intend to attempt to justify that action by the fact that I wanted to drive.
There were 4 pairs of human beings that could reproduce babies at will, considering that they lived to be more than 600 years old.


It is messed up when you serve satan unknowingly yes.
As an Athiest, I serve nobody. Satan exists just as much as this god you speak of: they don't.
God hates sin. He had to destroy it to complete the plan of salvation.
With a mass murder, got it. Killing people with full intent is murder, I don't care who or what you are.
Don't blame God for your sins, instead, turn to Him to remove them from you.
How preachy of you.
His He's the Boss, and he makes the rules. You can follow his fired General Manager if you choose to though.
Fixed that for you. And he is not the boss of me, I am the boss of me. That's what is so great about being a non-believer, is that I can live my life freely with with no worry some all mighty invisible bearded guy in the sky will send me to the eternal fire pit for some pity little thing like wearing mixed fabric. You guys just love to pick out all the good stuff from your so called book of truth, but seeing images like this:


disgusts me. You can't just pick and choose what suits you, and if you followed the thing to the T, you'd end up in prison or a mental institution.
How do you even know there were oceans before the flood?
How do you even know if the water was salty or not?

Because we know from legends that a great flood occured at some point when there were humans around to record it. We know that the initially-freshwater oceans were salt by then.

There were two kinds, so feline kind, and canine.

So there was one type of feline and one type of canine? Where did all the sub-species come from? If God could magic those up after the flood then what was the point anyway?

There were 4 pairs of human beings that could reproduce babies at will, considering that they lived to be more than 600 years old. Work out how many children they could have, if they had one every two years, also considering twins or triplets. Off course God changed that years later, else imagine the over population.

So why have we never ever found a skeleton over 80-ish years old? And there was no disease, presumably, despite there being descriptions of them in the Bible?

The conditions then were much better than what we have today i.e. sun, uv, ozone, air etc.

Source required.

The bible says that water surrounded the earth, which quite possibly blocked out uv, until it eventually got destroyed some years after the flood.

What do you take that passage to mean, exactly?

Give up your sin and turn to Christ, as only then you will know the truth. Until then, lets be honest, men lead your life for you.

Utter bollocks. Your life is also led by men. Men who wrote books and stories from several thousands of years ago, men who altered them for their own needs, men who re-translated them for their own politicking. And, now, a man who stands before you each week and claims that it's all true and that you should give him your money.

The truth is out there but it isn't where you think it is.
Go figure, people are still making pictures of dragons even today. Guess they're still around.

I can just imagine the DCPs of the future telling us that Pokemon roamed the Earth back in the 2000s.

Dragons still around? Of course. I learned a "Thu'um"or "shout" and any time I want to, I can command a dragon to let me ride on it.
How do you even know there were oceans before the flood?
How do you even know if the water was salty or not?
There were two kinds, so feline kind, and canine.
Noah didn't determine such things. God commanded Noah, including the snails.
There were 4 pairs of human beings that could reproduce babies at will, considering that they lived to be more than 600 years old. Work out how many children they could have, if they had one every two years, also considering twins or triplets. Off course God changed that years later, else imagine the over population.
The conditions then were much better than what we have today i.e. sun, uv, ozone, air etc.
The bible says that water surrounded the earth, which quite possibly blocked out uv, until it eventually got destroyed some years after the flood.

There was that guy that parted the red sea, I think it was Conan. That was a good 30 years before Noah. As such, there were oceans before the flood.

Feline are cats, not dogs.

Only 4 pairs? Plenty of inbreeding down the line then. Now I'm not saying that all christians have birth defects, but lots of them do wear glasses compared to say, muslims, and the current royal commission into institutional child abuse seems to indicate that christian institutions abuse more children than muslims. Perhaps it's genetic?

Mohammed was known for floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee. Definitely less violent than your God.
And the vikings built better boats, much faster than Noah, and they had less trees to work with.

In hindsight, Odin looks more honest, peaceful and environmentally aware than your god.
You are a child of God the Father, whether your like it or not
Citation required

but it's your choice if you want to become homeless forever.
Citation required

You are made up of a mind, body and soul,
Citation required on the third of those

and you are created in Gods image. Yep, you are also 3 in 1.
Citation required

The mind and body dies, yet the soul is eternal,
Citation required

if you choose to believe in the scriptures.
I don't.

Now please stop just making statement and start to back up some of your claims
Only 4 pairs? Plenty of inbreeding down the line then. Now I'm not saying that all christians have birth defects, but lots of them do wear glasses compared to say, muslims, and the current royal commission into institutional child abuse seems to indicate that christian institutions abuse more children than muslims. Perhaps it's genetic?
I assume you have a link to support your specific conclusion? (not a generic link to the report)
He said, if you can find 5 righteous men, He won't destroy the city. Guess what. He found NO righteous men.
Sodom reminds me of Hollywood. Giving into marriages, fornication, lies, deceit, lust etc. Blaspheme is hectic.
They never use any other gods name in their acting, yet the one they are not supposed to use, they do.
I know what he is supposed to have said, that's not the point.

The point is that he murdered everyone in the city, now do you believe that was a proportionate response? Did they deserve to die?

He did. You will see that even up to the 16th century, people still saw dinosaurs. Many drawings of people fighting with dragons etc. I'm sure I said this before, that dinosaur, only appeared in the English dictionary in the late 1800s.
Fittingly, before that, it meant terrible lizard. Go figure, that bad boy satan again.
Umm you know, evidence please.
I assume you have a link to support your specific conclusion? (not a generic link to the report)

It's common sense Johnny. Muslims don't generally hang out at christian institutions. As such, they don't often get abused there. Children, on the other hand, it's not like they have a choice.

Should we blame the parents, or the church?
It's common sense Johnny. Muslims don't generally hang out at christian institutions. As such, they don't often get abused there. Children, on the other hand, it's not like they have a choice.

Should we blame the parents, or the church?
You stated it as a fact not a common sense conclusion. Awaiting the link.
You stated it as a fact not a common sense conclusion. Awaiting the link.

Comprehension is obviously not your forte. Do you wear glasses? Paying particular attention to phrases such as "seems to indicate", can you please provide a link to where I stated it as fact?

Wait, is a christian really asking for evidence in a thread where christians are unable to provide evidence to support their ludicrous claims and/or beliefs?
And what does that have to do with living by the Bible?

Well since it is among the last instructions from God to man in the Bible, I would have to say quite a bit.
Have you ever stopped to wonder why your god loves us all? - Why does he want our love? - What is the point in his 6000 year experiment? (assuming as you say 'the end is nigh') - Why did he create all this for such a short period of time? - Why do satan and he fight over the control of our souls? - Why does he want us to jump through all these hoops to only offer us an afterlife of incomprehensible certainty. What is the point of it all? - What does it prove and who does it prove it to?

From an outside point of view, do these actions not strike you as childish games?

Even though this was not directed to me, I would like to comment on it.

Considering the phrase "a house divided against itself cannot stand", no I don't see it as a game.
If it is, its pretty high stakes.

Whether or not Satan started the rebellion before or after we came along I'm not sure and I don't know that it matters much, since we are caught in the middle of it anyway and have to deal with it, regardless.

Why does he love us and want us to love him is an age old question.
I'm not sure its even answerable.
I'm not sure it needs to be, since it is what it is.

As far as hoop jumping there is only one major hoop he wants us to jump.
Accept and receive his provision for us through his son Jesus Christ.
By doing so you can be allied with his kingdom and become a part of it.
At the appointed time, the season of grace will end, and Satan and all those associated with him will be
isolated unto a place of punishment.

What does it prove and who does it prove it too?
Wow, good question.
I think it proves to all, how patient and long suffering he can be towards those that he loves and to what lengths he will go to save that which was lost.
And fair and just in that if you so choose, you can determine your own fate apart from him and he will allow you to do so.

If he has created us to be a part of what he has planned and will institute(no grief, no suffering, no sorrow, no pain, no death) I don't think I will be disappointed.

The ends also cannot also retrospectively render the means unjustified. Works both ways.

Either way expresses the same justification for the event.
The end justifying the means or vice versa.

The fact remains, deaths and injuries will be incurred.
The only way you can avoid the risk is not drive.

Because the ends do not justify the means, as previously explained. Also, god should know that.

Then you cannot drive.
Because once you do, you have already taken action to the contrary.
You are saying that your driving(the means) justifies any unfavorable consequences, or injustice.(the end)
The only way to avoid that is not to drive.

If I hit someone when I drive, I have committed an injustice.

Precisely my point.
When you decided to drive, you assumed the risk of injustice as justifiable.

Injustice is not a consequence of driving (I've already explained that in great detail).

Not in every instance.
If an injustice does result however, you can tell that to the guy you hit, I'm sure he will appreciate it.
However the risk of injustice is inherent in deciding to drive.
Therefore you are pre justifying any result, including injustice once you drive.
The reason that is true is due to the fact you cannot gaurantee that your driving will not result in an injustice.
Again the only way to avoid that is not to drive.

I drove to work this morning and committed no injustice. I robbed no one of their life or property.

Yes in this example your justification to drive did not result in an injustice.
All is right with the world.

If I do hit another car sometime in the future, I do not intend to attempt to justify that action by the fact that I wanted to drive.

You don't have to, once you got in the car and drove you already justified it.
Thats the point Danoff.
The scheme of mankind, fuelled by the deceiver.
That's who's feeding you nonsense about violence being worse than ever and no animals being gay? Weird.
I trust in the Lord Jesus, who told us the end from the beginning, because He loves all of us, and favours those who understand what is going on in this fallen world.
And you get all that from a book translated by men from an anthology created by men of tomes written by men, purporting to be the word of God but which you have already admitted to being incapable of telling if it is actually the word of Satan pretending to be God and deceiving you into believing the wrong thing...
your soul (where you get your conscious, absolute morality, and guilt of wrong doing)
No, morality comes from logic - which means I'm not even part of the process.
and right this moment, you know that you've handed it on a platter to satan, yet you don't even care, because
... I don't believe in Satan. You may as well tell me I've handed my soul (whatever that is) to Arngeir of High Hrothgar.

However you do. Since you cannot tell whether the Bible is the word of God or a deception from Satan, you may well be delivering your soul to Satan completely unwittingly on the promise of a reward. Pity you're not allowed to question it, really.
Comprehension is obviously not your forte. Do you wear glasses? Paying particular attention to phrases such as "seems to indicate", can you please provide a link to where I stated it as fact?

Wait, is a christian really asking for evidence in a thread where christians are unable to provide evidence to support their ludicrous claims and/or beliefs?
Comprehension is obviously not your forte. Do you wear glasses? Paying particular attention to phrases such as "seems to indicate", can you please provide a link to where I stated it as fact?

Wait, is a christian really asking for evidence in a thread where christians are unable to provide evidence to support their ludicrous claims and/or beliefs?
Then provide a link to the areas of the report that "seem" to indicate your conclusions.

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