Donkey Of The Month Awards

I have a better one... Sheffield Wednesday vs. Millwall... Millwall think they've scored a goal, but the referee doesn't quite agree...

Taxi for Millwall!

(no sound)

Incidentally, not only did this change the whole match, it actually sent Millwall and Brighton down!
Yes please forget all the goals he's scored in the last 3 seasons and now all of a sudden he's crap because he has a dry spell for a few months. Also I totally like your totally objective unbiassed opinion which isn't totally blinkered.

Donkey of THE MONTH- he's had a bad spell this month! it's not donkey of the last 3 seasons
Lampard has only been bad because he's been playing for England in the last few months, not Chelsea.

but he's been bad all the same-making him a canditate for donkey of the month
:lol: Smallhorses, Famine and RouWa, those are absolutely brilliant!

The Taxi video is so funny - and the look on the Millwall player's face when he realises that the game is still going is priceless...
New August nomination goes to Andre Ooijer of Blackburn for his debut performance against Chelski today. :dunce:

Firstly for having more vowels than consonants in a 6 letter word! :P
Gave away the penalty to give Chelski the lead, and was at fault for their second goal too. Excellent debut...👎

I'm sure Ben "Skullcrusher" Thatcher is in with a shout too! :lol:
Even after giving away the penalt he was still tryiong to hug the chelsea player in the box. Not clever.
I nominate Newcastle United, who keep trying to buy themselves out of trouble, but just end up with a 9 figure injured list... £10 million Obafemi Martins lasted just an hour into his debut before joining £17 million Michael Owen in the treatment room...
Haha, I found that hilarious. Roeder is kind of doing what Souness did, making 'panic buys' (as they call them on Sky Sports News). Martins is another one, just like Luque and Boumsong.
I nominate Newcastle United, who keep trying to buy themselves out of trouble, but just end up with a 9 figure injured list... £10 million Obafemi Martins lasted just an hour into his debut before joining £17 million Michael Owen in the treatment room...

It's not as bad as first thought and he should be back for the matches after the international break. Linke

I'm sorry but Ben Thatcher wins this unless we see something even worse than that.
We're 5 days into the next Donkey nomination month, and we need a result for 2006-2007 season inaugural Donkey Month of August.
Who's it to be TM? Who do we get to laugh at for the rest of the season for being first? Jonathan Woodgate's performance from last year will take some living up to! :dunce:

A first nomination for September goes to Andorra. The Entire Team. :yuck:
Ok, they're a small nation and haven't got a great many people to choose from, but selecting a team on the basis of who can perform the best "dying swan" impersonation rather than footballing skills just has to be laughed at! :lol:
Thanks for the reminder and the nomination, SH :)👍


This month's DOTM has to be Ben Thatcher, pictured above (left).... as if having a surname like that was not bad enough, he has shown true DOTM capabilities by going that extra yard to make himself unpopular...:ouch:
It seems only fair to leave open the possibility of redemption, and recognise when a donkey has changed it's, erm, spots... stripes? Whatever... so I'm glad to announce the first 'Golden Donkey of Redemption' Award - an official badge of honour that signals that a player (a previous winner of the DOTM Award in this thread) has served there sentence, and through recent proof to the contrary, they should no longer be considered a donkey - and this 1st GDORA goes to... Peter Crouch - 11 goals in 14 internationals is pretty good going in my book, and hence the GDORA is well deserved. Any future nominations will be gladly accepted and carefully considered :crazy:👍


Well I've been on vacation for most of September and have missed a lot of the football while I've been away, but I can't believe there are no nominations for this month, and it's nearly over. :eek:

So I'll nominate this month's Donkey! He's bound to win, since it appears he has no competition! Steve Harper of Newcastle United, for being beaten by Xabi Alonso's screamer from inside his own half! D'oh! :dunce:

Unless there is some terrible performances today, Harper might be the first player to win by default - although there is something strangely appropriate about someone winning the Donkey of the Month award by accident...

Ok, so since this year's Donkey team already has a goalkeeper (by default), I'll refrain from nominating Paul Robinson for this absolute howler, and instead nominate the Golden boy of Gormlessness himself:-
Gary Neville for scoring the softest own goal you're ever likely to see! :ouch: :dunce:

Looks like October will be a Donkeydom contest after all! :)
Indeed! I've got to say, Joey Barton is a strong contender this month - I don't know about Paul Robinson, some of my mates completely blame him for the own goal, but I don't... Gary Neville could have played it to the side of the goal atleast... I love the end of that video - Borat watching the ball trundle into the net in slow motion :lol:
That own goal was a fluke, Robinson couldn't have predicted the ball was going to bobble like that, Gary couldn't have either. I'd nominate Barton.