I'm sorry, but I can't think of anything more boring than drag racing. Sure, it's a sport, and I can see how it could be implemented by fine-tuning your settings. Doesn't mean I have to like it. People like me who just want to get behind the wheel and race and not have to worry about adjusting the differential or gear ratios will find drag racing an absolute chore, especially when there's already a handful of licence tests that require the self-same thing. We could tolerate maybe one or two rounds simply for the sake of having the sport represented within the game, but anything further would just kill any degree of fun. Maybe if it were an aside from the main game, a part of it but not downright essential to complete the game 100%, it would have a place, but to be truly honest I'd rather watch paint dry, grass grow or a five-day test cricket match before I watched drag racing, much less participated in it.